Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Hermione took a deep breath then exhaled slowly as she was looking at Remus. "It's me," She said then kissed his forehead. "So, you might need an explanation of how we defeated Voldemort." Hermione said with confidence.

And so she told a tale of the Her and her two best friends going off on an adventure. She spoke of bandits, dragons, and even horrible nightmares. She became brave enough to tell him when she got caught by Bellatrix Lestrange. She looked at her arm which read "Mudblood." She sighed. She jumped when she heard a familiar face.

"How's, how's he doing?" Ron asked who was standing behind her.

"He's doing okay I guess. I've been telling him about our adventures." She smiled weakly at him. "How are you doing?" She whispered.

Ron sighed. "As good as I'll ever be." He shrugged his shoulders. Hermione jumped out of her seat and hugged Ron tightly.

"I'm so sorry," she muttered against his eyes.

"I know, I just wanted to uh check up on you." He paused to look at Remus then back at her. "I'll be with my family if you need anything." He said then rushed towards the opposite direction.

"Her-mi-one," muttered Remus." Hermione suddenly felt light her legs were wobbly.

"I'm here," she whispered then squeezed his hand. "I'm here," she then sat on the chair and smiled weakly. "Do you, err." She rubbed the back of her head. "Did you understand everything I said?"

Remus nodded and smiled at her. They were so happy together that Hermione stayed the entire night. They talked for a long period of time and eventually she crawled onto Remus's bed and slept side by side next to each other.

-The End-

Would love to know what your thoughts on the end! :)

-Let me know if any of you would like to do a one off of their wedding