The Dark Lord was defeated once and for all. He was never coming back. But the irony was that if you take something you have to give something. That's why Sirius, Cendric and many more people including Harrys parents had died. It was a disasterous war which left many people dead, injured or alone. One of these people was Harry Potter. Of course he wasn't dead or injured, not physicaly, but he was alone. Sirius was dead, Remus too, his friends had each other and anyone else had a family or someone. Well I have the Dursleys at least, Harry taught sarcastically.

Dumbledore had told him that he needed to return to them for one last summer. That was because apperantly even though Voldemort was dead, the few faithful, not dead Death Eaters wanted to kill Harry for what he had done to their Lord. He knew he wouldn't be able to change Dumbledores mind so didn't even try. To be honest, he was tired. So fucking tired of everything - of all the fighting, the killing, everything. He had lost so many people and had killed someone. Even though it was Voldemort, he still wasn't ready and never would be ready to kill someone. He didn't understant how anyone could be so happy, when there was so much to be sad about. So while everyone was in the Great Hall celebrating the victory, Harry was upstairs in the Gryffindor Tower packing his trunk to leave for the Dursleys.

The next morning he was up early and went to the Great Hall for the last normal meal he would get for the rest of the summer. Although he didn't know if he could stomach anything after yesterdays fight. Most of the people in the castle were sleeping of hangovers of the previous days celebration.

When he entered the Great Hall there were only three people there. There was an Auror sleeping on one of the tables, Dumbledore and Snape.

The Headmaster looked well slept and he suddenly realised why these were the only two people up, because he remembered that he gad seen Dumbledore with half an empty Firewhisky bottle last night. Snape was a potions master he probably had some tipe of hangover potion, which they both

probably had used. Dumbledore as usual had a spark in his eyes and a smile on his face. Snape too looked like the usual self not a hint of joy on his face, because of the Dark Lords defeat. As soon as Dumbledore saw Harry he conjured another chair and put it next to Snapes.

"Good morning, Harry. Yes, this really is a great morning," he half replied to himself, half said. He sounded as cheerful as ever.

"Um, yeah, good morning, sir" he hadn't slept well thanks to all the nightmaires that still hinted him and he probably looked awfull. For just a split second Snapes facewent surprised and Harry taught that Snape noticed that.

Harry took a toast and poured himself some coffee and as soon as some Aurors started enterong the Hall he put on his boy-who-lived-only-to-defeat-voldemort, golden boys mask that everyone were expecting.