The next morning Harry woke with an aching body. He could feel dry blood on his body, in his clothes and on the mattress. He looked at his torso and saw only blood and ribs sticking out and he could bet his back was the same. His uncle had went a little bit too far. He took a joint and started smoking. A half an hour later his aunt came to his room.

"Clean this up, boy, then you can go in the shower. Don't be too long, if you want to get to that school of yours," she informed him and went away.

Wait, what day is it today, after looking in his small calendar, he realised it was the day Hogwarts Express leaves.

He as quick as he could with all his bruises, cleaned the floor from the blood and went into the bathroom. This wasn't the first time he cleaned up after his beating. In fact, almost after every time he cleaned. Petunia didn't want to be close to it.

He went in the shower and was ready in three minutes. All the cuts and bruises stung and it was painfull, but he did it. He quickly throwed everything in his trunk and with all the power he had left carried it downstairs. He really did want to get away from the Dursleys.

Harry wuickly made them breakfast and ran upstairs. He took out his wand, cloak and the photo album along with bag with all his alcohol, ciggarettes, weed, drug stock. There were only a little bit of weed and alcohol so he decided he would need to find a dealer somewhere in Hogsmade. He smoked one last ciggarette while they were eating and ran downstairs.

"I don't care that you are hurt. If you don't hurry up, I'm not gonna drive you there." Vernon shouted

"Yes, Uncle Vernon." Harry responded politely just so he wouldn't have to spent more time than necassary with his loving relatives.

They dropped him off three hours before the train leaves so he took his trunk and found a bench somewhere on the Platform 9 3/4 where noone could see him. The Platform was quiet for now. There wasn't anyone there yet. People would start arriving only two hours later. He took out his ciggarettes and his half empty whiskey bottle. He smoked until the train arrived. He quickly found a compartment at the furthest place possible and immediately locked the doors. Harry placed Glamout Charm on himself. He had learnt it on the second year when Vernon had started to be more cruel than ever. Nobody had noticed them ever and he was glad. No one needs to know how pathetic I am. Can't even stand up to a muggle.

He took out his DADA book and started reading the first chapters. They didn't have summer assigments. Everyone inlcuding professors wanted to celabrate and no one wanted to think about learning. No matter how hard tried focusing on the book, his taughts drifted to his friends. Ex-friends now. The only reason they wanted to be his friends were because of his fame as the boy-who-lived. They didn't care for him.

Some time after the train started moving a group of friends went by probably looking for a place to sit. Harry recognised them. They were Slytherins. Draco, Blaize and Nott. Seeing only one person in the compartment they decided to sit there.

"Potter, Is it alright if we sit here?" Malfoy asked. Even though they weren't enemies anymore, the thaught of them being friends was wierd, but Harry didn't mind them. "Sure, why not." The boys entered and an akward silence filled the compartment. Malfoy had enough. "So why aren't you with your friends, Potter?" the blond boy asked.

"Well..people change, I guess," Harry didn't care what people would think about this. He just wanted to get his education and get away from anyone.

Harry continued reading his book while the three slytherins started discussing the new professors and what the school year is going to be like.

It wasn't long when the ever mind-blowing castle - Hogwarts - appeared.

And so another year began.