Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, kind King Tom and beloved Queen Sabine were loved by all. And even though they loved their subjects in return, they yearned for the love of something else: a child of their own.

Countless times they had tried, but each time was a failure until, at long last the queen showed signs of being blessed! Everyone in the kingdom and beyond rejoiced at this news.

9 months later, as the sun began to rise, Queen Sabine had given birth to a beautiful, healthy, and happy baby girl they named Marinette, meaning "the one who rises".

Yes, they named her after the rising sun as she brought happiness, joy, and sunshine into their lives. She had her mother's midnight blue hair and her father's bluebell.

Once she and Queen Sabine were strong enough, the proud parents held a christening party for all to come, including a baby prince from a nearby kingdom. The prince, Adrien, was only a few months older than Marinette, but everyone knew they would become friends. In fact, as a way to unite the kingdoms, King Tom decreed that when the two were old enough, they would be married. Sadly, Prince Adrien's parents disappeared a month ago and it was his governess, Baroness Natalee, who took care of him and any political decisions.

Another guest arrived. An old Chinese man wearing red robes and walked on a cane came in. In his hand was a tiny box, a gift for the princess. Next to him was his kwami, a tiny floating humanoid named Wayzz. As a younger man, he was given the power of protection as he was the Guardian of the Miraculous'. He was to guard these enchanted jewels and give them to any who deserved it, such as knights or royalty, and he sensed in both children potential.

At Adrien's birth, he gave the prince the Ring of Destruction with a black cat kwami named Plagg. Now with Marinette's betrothal to him, the guardian could not think of a more perfect gift than the power of creation.

"Master Fu! Wayzz! We are honored you that you accepted our invitation. Welcome to our kingdom," King Tom greeted.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. But it is we who are honored, for there is no greater joy than the birth of a child," Master Fu said.

"If you would allow us, we have a gift to give to the princess," Wayzz said.

Queen Sabine showed them to the cradle where their beautiful daughter lay. As soon as she saw them, she began to coo and hold out her tiny arms.

"Dear Princess Marinette, please accept my gift to you," Master Fu said. He opened the box to reveal a pair of red and black spotted earrings. And from them, a little ladybug kwami.

"Greetings, little princess. My name is Tikki, the kwami of Creation," Tikki greeted. The Earrings of Creation were put on the baby, making her Tikki's new owner.

"Tikki! What's up, sugar cube?" Plagg greeted his old friend.

"Good to see you too, Plagg. And don't call me that," Tikki greeted dryly.

"Oh come on! You're not still mad at me, are you?" he asked, "It's been hundreds of years now!"

"I'm not the one who flooded Atlantis or caused the destruction of Pompei!" she pointed out.

"Kwami's!" Master Fu scolded.

The two stopped fighting and remembered where they were.

"Your Majesties, please forgive our rude behavior for this is not the way of a kwami," the two apologized.

"All is forgiven," King Tom said.

"Excellent. Now, Tikki, please present your gift to Princess Marinette," Master Fu instructed.