A/N- Kenny and Elena coming up after this one!

There was a question that had been burning inside Eve for a while. It was a cloudy afternoon in the house she shared with Villanelle. Another night coming in after hours at the computer. She smiled as she shut the door and her girlfriend lightly pinned her up against the door.

" Good Evening you" Villanelle purrs kissing her on the mouth.

"Evening, dinner on?" She asks.


"Shepard's pie?"

"Of course" Villanelle replies.

It's on the sofa, when they're both tucking into Shepard's pie that Eve looks at her. As in really stares. "Yes?" Her partner chimes. But she's too lost in her thoughts to notice. Eve's eyes travel from Villanelle's toned gym body, to the house Stilettos that she wore in the house just for the sake of it. To the youthful blonde dye job that made her look like a sophisticated party girl. She could hear the laughter of young drunk people outside and felt a pang of guilt.

"Villanelle what are you doing? Are we boring? Am I boring?" Eve blurts out.

"I'm the exciting part of you. That's why I stick to you like glue" Villanelle rhymes.

"I'm...not trying to be funny" Eve declares digging her fork into a carrot. She wanted her girlfriend to be serious, just this once.

"Look at what we do everyday" She asks.

"I mean take away my job, take away your free-lancing. What are we? What am I? Some middle aged stress-baker that's going through a mid life crisis? Is this really what you like on a Friday night Villanelle? You could be anywhere. On a cruise with an admirer, staying at the Nyaksuka hotel in Japan. Going on beautiful hikes in Colombia with an Amal Clooney look-a-like? All I give you is hand-made gifts on your birthday and dry ass Shepard's pie at the end of the week. What do I do for you that some young stud or butch dyke can't?" She asked.

"Ha! who said she had to be butch? You're just Eve. That's good enough" Villanelle said beginning to kiss her on the forehead.

"That's sweet. But do you wanna go rock-climbing or something?" Eve suggested.

Villanelle twanged her pink elastic band against her wrist, before putting her new hair-do into a loose scraggly bun. "Boring is fun. Too much excitement is...too much" She explains.

"That's bull-shit. You're in your Twenties" Eve chuckled.

"As a child I was in and out of foster care, while my father "handled business" Villanelle confessed. Eve stayed silent as her girlfriend rarely talked about her child-hood. If ever. "Business. That's what he would say. Then when I was sporadically out, my father would take me back into the house but take me to blood-rush sport. Like, Bungee jumping, Ice running, and sky-diving.

He has connections that way. Later on he took me to combat training to do sambo. Sambo is the national sport of Russia. All throughout my late teens I was fucking male and female instructors, teachers, police cadets, you name it, I fucked it. Party drugs did nothing for me. I was pretty much a wild animal before I met Konstantin. He refined my skills. But you tamed me. That's nice too. You can't be wild a hundred percent of the time can you?"

Eve smiled and grabbed her hand in gratitude. "I can pin you to the sofa and ride you like secretariat if you'll let me" she whispers huskily.

"No" Villanelle refuses. "I've bought dessert, and it will be fun to watch you eat it. Like I do EVERY week" She shares. As she strokes her girlfriend's neck before collecting their plates.