Kit or Fawn?


D/C: I own nothing.


"Yin-Kurama Speaking."

"Yang-Kurama Speaking."

'Naruto and Shikamaru's mental link to each other and to their respective Kurama's. Or the emphasize something.'


It was for the best for the village.

It was for the best for the Clan.

No matter the consequences, Shikaku and Yoshino were going to live through the consequences of their choices. After all, there was no turning back and there was no time to second guess anything.


Yoshino did everything she could to stop the bleeding and helping Kushina through the birthing process. All the while mentally cursing for the man attacking them while on an outing. The attack caused Kushina to go into premature labor and that was just the start of their troubles. Yoshino had Shikamaru in her care that day and didn't know who take care of at that moment.

Things only got worse when Kushina's seal began to weak massively and in that moment of weakness… chaos reigned over the village. Their respective husbands arrived just in time to save them from getting killed from the masked man, but they were too late from preventing the Nine-Tailed Fox from escaping.

"Shikaku, take Shikamaru! I have to stay." Yoshino ordered, handing her infant son over to Shikaku. Shikaku wanted to yell, scream, anything to get her to come with him. But he knew that Kushina needs his wife's medical attention as the redhead is still in labor and it was far too dangerous to take them to the hospital… Dammit, the village needs someone to be in the forefront while Minato does whatever to jail the tailed beast. Against his better judgment, Shikaku took his son from Yoshino's grasp and gently pressed his lips against her temple. For all he knew, this could be their last night seeing each other alive. "Protect him."

"I love you." Shikaku murmured into Yoshino's hair, he moved away so that he could face Minato who is whispering to Kushina. "Minato…"

"Protect the village, Shikaku." Minato tightly gripped Kushina to himself, holding onto her hand as she attempted to get through the contractions. "Lead them, I'll take care of the beast."

"Don't do anything troublesome."


The village watched on in amazement as the Fourth Hokage summoned a massive Toad to go up against the Nine-Tailed Fox. Shikaku was doing everything in his power to lead his clansmen and the shinobi around him to protect the village. All the while trying to figure out what to do with his ever napping infant son. Every time he found someone to take Shikamaru to safety, they were quickly taken out due to the continuous destruction of the village or needed elsewhere.

It was a horrible time for this to happen, it was midday of Market Day, civilians and shinobi alike doing the shopping and not at all expecting this to happen at all. Right now everyone is scattered around trying to get to safety or help people get to safety. It was complete chaos as people were getting killed off before they could make it to the shelters or avoid getting killed in general.

Everything was just going up in shi-


Shikaku turned around to see a severely wounded Minato Namikaze. He quickly helped him so that he wouldn't keel over due to his injuries. "Minato!"

"Sh-Shikamaru… Kushina is not strong enough to contain the Nine-Tails once more… and Naruto is still at a risk…"

Shikaku eyes widened as he put together what exactly not only the Hokage but also his teammate and close friend is asking of him. "Yoshino?"

"She told me to ask you first, she supports whatever you decide to do…"

Shikaku looked down at his infant son who is nearly a replica of himself, to realize Shikamaru is wide awake. Looking into his son's eyes he made a promise to him to always love him, no matter the outcome of that night. "I love you, little fawn."

Shikamaru's nose scrunched up when his father kissed his nose, but he promptly closed his eyes and fell back asleep once more. Shikaku handed his son over to Minato, mentally praying his son won't wake up anytime soon to realize he's no longer in his father's embrace. This is by far one of the hardest decisions the Nara had ever done in his entire life by far...

Shikaku's heart tightened as he watched Minato secured Shikamaru with his cloak before he disappeared completely. Not skipping a beat, the Nara Head ran off to continue with the rescue efforts with the hope he made the right decision. Not only for the village but for his entire family.

To be continued…

Takes place at least a week or so before Naruto's birthdate.