"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to grab you, I guess I forgot to warn you not to touch me without me knowing that you're about to do so, I guess I also assumed that you already knew about that thanks to Inspector Kenmochi"

"I'm sorry Superintendent Akechi I should have warned you that for the most part they haven't been around Inspector Kenmochi when he's having bad days and they also weren't really around him during his early healing days either"

"I see"

The sleeping lesson was learned when later that night when he had gone to sleep he had a nightmare regarding his time as a slave and being tortured and one of the officers woke him up and was instead faced with a gun, now then this time this was completely on them because of the fact that they forgot to assume that he would react that ways since not all officers who suffered from something horrific did

"Okay, either you didn't learn the lesson of waking up officers from nightmares or you forgot and simply assumed I wouldn't react violently"

"I forgot and assumed you wouldn't react violently"

(Sighs) "I'm just glad I modified my gun safety for instances such as this"

Li then speaks up

"Agreed, though I guess either you or I should have also warned them not to wake you up from a nightmare"

"True enough, I made an assumption and so did you I guess"

They went back to sleep and then the next day Akechi received a text from the boss

*Akechi, you, Kenmochi and Kindaichi need to follow up on a potential Takato lead in Hong Kong once things clear up a little after that monsoon*

Akechi groans out loud and when everyone looked at him all he did was hold up his phone and everyone understood that he must have received an e-mail or a text that aggravated him and then he spoke up in Japanese

"Kindaichi, Kenmochi, and depending on if you have the chance Li, we have a Takato lead to follow up here apparently"

"Really?, he really popped up here after a monsoon?"

"No idea, boss simply said he wanted us to check it out after things clear up a little after the monsoon we just had"

"You know, that guy is getting super annoying, between his pattern change where he actually goes after us himself whenever he has the opportunity, the fact that we sometimes don't even catch him and his overall method of killing I am getting really tired of not having him behind bars"

"We'll get him, some day, some how we'll get him"

"In the meantime we've got work and investigating to do...Akechi how do you want to do things considering the fact that you don't have your special braces right now?"

"We'll figure it out as we go"

And so the investigation in regards to finding and catching Takato Yoichi continued. It would take another fifteen years before he was finally captured and by then Akechi and Kenmochi had retired and been killed in the line of duty respectively with Kenmochi being retired and Akechi having been the one who died in the line of duty. Kindaichi by that point had reached the highest point in his career and was pretty much desk bound and doing paperwork constantly. During those fifteen years Akechi had eventually asked Interpol to tell his American friends that he was actually alive, that took place two weeks after he, Kindaichi, and Kenmochi returned to Japan, and Akechi and Kindaichi also gained a closer relationship with Interpol during that time as well. Akechi's special braces were modified several times and spread around the world in the twelve years before his actual death in the line of duty, with Akechi being the main guinea pig for each modification. As for the group that Kenmochi and Akechi had to hide from by having their graves still around despite them being alive, the last of the group were captured five years after the majority had been sentenced in Japan and Hong Kong respectively and while most were sent back to Britain to serve out life sentences four were given the death penalty, two in Hong Kong and two in Japan and those sentences were carried out swiftly, as for the remaining members they were sentenced to life sentences in Britain while Japan and Hong Kong deferred to Britain for punishment primarily due to the fact that most of the group were much older by then. After Takato was captured and put in prison Kindaichi would continue being an officer for another five years before retiring himself and by that time Kenmochi had died from an aggressive form of lung cancer, during that time both of them finally got some answers from Takato regarding why he had been blocking Kindaichi from investigating Akechi's and Kenmochi's supposed murder, Takato had done it not only because he knew not getting answers would aggravate Kindaichi, but also as a means of protecting him as well since Takato had a feeling the one's behind the officer's apparent deaths were dangerous and he wanted to continue the game between himself and Kindaichi for as long as he could, they also found out that was as far as he got in regards to his involvement in their apparent deaths, he didn't plan anything and didn't participate in any plans to kill the two officers. As for Kindaichi and Miyuki they had gotten married a year after Akechi was back full time in the field except in certain circumstances, and naturally Akechi, Kenmochi and Li were there and were considered honorary uncles to their two kids. As for Li, he too would die in the line of duty only six months after Akechi had been killed, but during his time before that he helped Japan several times and actually finally managed to have Kindaichi able to bring his weapon to Hong Kong just like he could bring his weapon to Japan by having the Hong Kong government make a special agreement with the Japanese government allowing Hong Kong officers to legally have their guns in Japan whenever they were there and Japanese officers legally allowed to have their guns whenever they were in Hong Kong. Admittedly this was partially because two years after Hong Kong found out about Akechi it was being noticed that more Japanese officers had business in Hong Kong and vice versa so it made sense to have such an agreement between the two governments, and because of those circumstances Kindaichi couldn't argue with Li anymore regarding the uneven playing field between the two of them