A/N: Gundam belongs to Sunrise and Bandai. But this story is mine

Lord of Memory: Well I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter, I will show the cast the Reaper Invasion soon enough

World: Our Reality

After the mess that was everybody being at each others throats, the Writer manage to keep it under control. Because he wouldn't want blood in his theater, they were all seated at their designated areas

"So what are we going to be reacting now?" Kai asked the Writer

"Something that has happened recently and is in a middle of a civil war" Rob said "Many writers refrain from writing of our world because of the consequences"

"What do thing is happening in Rob's world?" Emma asked

"I don't know and we are going to find out" Char said

The screen lights up showing the area that this is taking place Ukraine, Kiev the camera zooms into the city seeing it, with roads blocked flags flying about with the Ukrainian National Flag and the European Union Flag, they now see protesters fighting police officers. Throwing rocks dug from the pavement

"Oh my god" Fraw and Mirai gasped "What's happening here?!"

"I will let the screen explain it" Rob said

February, 2014

Ukraine, Kiev

Thousands of Ukrainian protesters fighting police officers, setting up defenses. Bringing injured to make shift triage centers, this has been going on for a week. After the Euromaidan Protest of 2013, with the people wanting to move to the European Union but the president wanting to side with Russia

"Here we are behind the protesters' barricades, that they set up two days ago and holding of the police" A reporter said

With this going on Nato is not doing anything to anger the Russian Giant, with the annexation of Crimea at the beginning of the year. Many protesters were peacefully at first but then harsh government crack downs lead to confrontations by both sides

The cast was either ecstatic, shocked, worried or just plain stoic at the events going on in Ukraine. This just shows that the governments need the people's support

"This happened in your world?" Bright asked the writer and he just nodded

"It's a revolution in the 21st century many people said it's impossible for that to happen" Rob said "But oh boy fucko it happened and with the shit in the middle east and China becoming to rival the US it's a clusterfuck"

The cast were shocked that the writer could be so angry

"Sorry it's just so many things are happening in the world" Rob said "And most of them are human nature"

The screen now shows protesters trying to drag people away but get shot from sniper fire, when the shots can be heard the protesters tried to protect themselves with the shield that they have but that is not effective enough to stop a fast bullet

"It appears to be that the police are using snipers to pick off the protesters" the reporter said

"They are shooting at us, we don't have guns" A Ukrainian protesters said

When the camera moved to see the people coming back it shows the people shot dead or fatally wounded to the triage center, most of the fatally wounded died while being moved

"They died heroes" Another protester said

The protesters took over a building controlled by the government, and when they took it over the police tried to take it back and a frice battle took place but in the end they just burned the building from the inside

"Hmm we should learn somethings about them?" Gihren said

"What about?" Kycilia questioned her brother

Gihren was about to say something but the writer smacked Gihren to hard he almost fell unconscious

"Don't get any bright ideas Hitler 2.0" Rob said "You don't need to learn anything from them because that is how revolutions start and end"

"Why wouldn't we get ideas from them?" Dozle asked the writer

"It's because unlike your world my world is not a united earth government so the revolution was successful because of the political pressure" Rob said

They now see the end of the revolution, calm streets the roads cleared but the sense of dread was still in the air. Many protesters were injured but some were killed either shot or beaten to dead, the bodies of the protesters laid parallel with their pictures and belongings on the persons. The Ukrainian flag draped over the dead body, these people would be remembered by the Ukrainian people but not the world. And with the Ukrainian Revolution over but the Civil War has just begun, the Ukraine Armed Forces need volunteers to fight in the east after the army lost a couple of battles there by the rebels.

When will Nato assist militarily it's everybody's guess because this is a proxy war between Russia and America, everyone knew this is either the continuation of the Cold War or a new start to a Cold War 2

"How could the world just stand back and watch this!" Kamille said in anger "They should help them!"

"Calm down Kamille I'm sure that Rob would explain to us" Fa said

"Everything is not black or white Kamille, if the US support the Ukrainians officially that would mean the end of my world" Rob said "And Kamille have you heard the term of politics?"

"No.." Kamile murmured under his breath

"Well the US and Russia has nuclear weapons that can fuck the world over 10 times and if China in the mix it means the world would restart" Rob said

"So why don't you go to space?" Char and Haman asked

"DON'T YOU THINK WE TRIED, WE DON'T HAVE THE RESOURCES OR THE MONEY TO SENT PEOPLE TO SPACE MUCH LESS SET UP COLONIES" Rob yelled angrily "My world has people wanting to further their own careers then help humanity, alright time to bring in more people probably people I would like having here"

A portal opened again with several people popping out Judau, Leina, Jerrid, Seabook, Chan, Rosamia, Cecily, Banagher, Marida and Mineva

When Mineva looked up to see Char and Banagher she felt safe in the room filled with unknown people

"Well I guess I'm going to introduce these new people, well most of you would know some of them" Rob said "We have Judau and Leina Ashta, Jerrid Messa, Seabook Arno, Cecily Fairchild, Rosamia Badam, Chan Agi, Banagher Links, Marida Cruz and Princess Mineva Zabi"

When Rob said the last name, the Zabis from the one year war era notably Dozle walked up to his grown up daughter. Teared up then hugged her Mineva confused at the big man hugging her

"It's me Mineva, I'm your father" Dozle said

Now it's Mineva's turn to cry she has finally met her father. When this was happening Jerrid tried to punch Kamille but stopped by Rob, because they wouldn't want to bleed on the floor of the theater. Rosamia jumped onto Kamille, Chan sat with the White Base crew, Banagher, Mineva and Marida sat with each other. Judau and his sister sat with the White Base crew, Seabook and Cecily sat together, then back to Jerrid. Rob threw him at the Titans

"Now behave or I will hang you by your balls Jerrid" Rob said threateningly

A/N: And done with the next chapter it might take some time but it will show up. If you don't know it yet I have another fanfiction set in the Gundam UC timeline, called Gundam Fighter Ace Pilot

Next World: Start of the Human-Covenant War