Terror At 35,000 feet

By Taijutsudemonslayer

Barbara Gordon/Poison Ivy

Barbara Gordon was happy to be returning home to Gotham after a three week vacation in Japan, her muscles ached and throbbed from exertion. The red haired crimefighter leaned back in her seat, sighing deeply.

"Long day?" an all too familiar voice asked. Barbara's eyes opened quickly and she sat up.

"Poison Ivy, what are you doing here?" Barbara growled as she peered at the other redhead over her glasses.

"Dear Barbara, you act as if all I think about is crime." Ivy says, flashing Barbara a perfect smile, which despite herself made Barbara blush. Seeing this draws a soft laugh out of Ivy.

Ivy's laughter shatters the serious mood and Barb laughs right along with her.

"Excuse me Miss, could I have your dinner order?" a sweet sounding voice asked, Barbara opened her eyes and saw a statuesque African-American woman wearing a flight attendant's uniform.

"Lobster bisque and steak please and water." Barbara said smiling.

"Of course, thank you Miss." the attendant said before turning to Poison Ivy.

"And for you Miss?" the Attendant asked sweetly.

"A Caesar salad and red wine please." Ivy answered with her own dazzling smile.

"Coming right up." she said before walking away,

Suddenly, Ivy got a devilishly clever idea, slowly she eased her well-manicured right hand over onto Barbara's left leg, the unexpected move prompted Barbara to turn and look at Ivy, surprise etched on her face, as well as maybe a little fear.