I don't own Marvel or any of the characters


Hope you enjoy!

Nikolas was a well sought after pleasure slave. He had grey eyes that had specks of gold in them. In the right environment, his eyes could change from a forest green to an electric blue.

Nik also had long red hair which on his home world of Vanaheimr (he used the word 'home' very loosely as it had been anything but) he had learned to hate, yet was a blessing on Asgard. It had been one of the reasons why most came to him on cold lonely nights.

Everyone from Asgard had golden hair and bronze skin so it was rare and almost exotic to have fiery red hair and skin as pale as the moon. It had taken him nearly four centuries to get where he was now.

Though it didn't seem like a very long time to anyone else on Asgard, to Nik it felt like forever if one took into account all he had gone through. He had been a slave since he first learned to walk and talk. In Vanaheimr, anyone born with red hair was made a slave.

Being a pleasure slave may not seem very glamorous, but he was treated slightly better than regular slaves. He got to accept or refuse anyone who wanted his services and he also got to keep almost half of his wages for himself.

He could buy silks from the market and had access to food and medicine that the other slaves only dreamed of. All in all, being sent to Asgard was the best thing to ever happened to Nikolas.

At the young age of one thousand four hundred and fifty seven years old, Nik had been living on Asgard for about eight hundred years and he had never seen the two princes before.

He had met Odin All-Father the day he was sent to Asgard, but he had never even caught a glimpse of the rest of the royal family. Nikolas knew the All-Mother had come to Asgard from Vanaheimr as he had and that was all he knew of her. As for Asgard's princes, he had heard very little.

The eldest was named Thor, who was the face of Asgard herself. The perfect Asgardian with his long golden hair, bronze skin over a muscular physique. The other prince was the polar opposite.

Loki was his name and he was tall and thin. Muscular in his own way. With dark hair and pale skin. He preferred to use brain rather than brawn. Nikolas had no interest in knowing more about them.

Nobels were usually selfish lovers, royals especially. Besides he had heard from the female whores that the princes were only interested in women so there was no need to know anything else about the two men.

One night after a particularly rough client had left him bloody and sore, Nikolas had stumbled out of his room to find food and clean clothes and bed sheets.

~I'm never dealing with that asshole again~ As Nik gathered his dirty laundry to make his way to the washroom, he roughly collided with a solid figure. Sending Nik falling painfully on his ass.

"Fuck! Watch where you're going!" As the words left his mouth, Nik felt a cold shiver go down his spine. Everything seem to suddenly go silent. Nikolas looked up to find a group of men standing before him.

~Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Please don't hurt. I can't take anymore tonight.~ The one he bumped into was a tall and very muscular blonde. "You should watch where you are going slave!" A smaller blonde behind the first spoke.

"You are in the presence of both of Asgard's princes. Show some respect whore!" "Fandral shut up!" The first blonde hissed. Nik's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Oh Fuck!" He whispered to himself. He carefully picked himself up and proceeded to kneel with a hiss of pain. He could feel the blood and semen leaking out and staining his pants as he did so.

"I-I am so sor-sorry your highness! I will of course accept any punishment you see fit." He stayed on his knees, head down, not daring to get up. He was shivering all over though he wasn't cold.

~Stupid fucking idiot! Of course you had to crash into the prince. Just your luck! Why does this shit always happen to me? He's probably gonna have the skin whipped from my back. Fuck!~

Nik gasped and jumped when he felt a big strong hand touch his shoulder. Tears came to his eyes from the pain his action had caused. "Are you alright?" A soft masculine voice said. Nik gulped.

"I await my punishment sir." With his head down, Nik missed the sad smile from the blonde prince. "I'm not going to punish you for a mere accident." "I've been punished for less."

Nikolas whispered to himself. Though the long empty hallway made the words echo loud enough for the whole group to hear. "You are very kind my prince. Is there anything I may assist you and your friends with?"

~please don't want to play with me! I'm too sore. I couldn't possibly handle anything else.~ "Yes. I would like to know if you are alright and if I could help you?" Nik got off his knees and gave the eldest prince a small smile.

"I am fine your highness. You shouldn't concern yourself with someone like me. Though if you are looking for the ladies, they are down the hall and to the left."

With that said, Nik slowly bends down, biting his lip in pain and picks up his laundry. "If you are done with me your highness, I would really like to get these cleaned and some food before bed."

"Of course!" Thor puts his arm out and the group parts making a path through. As Nik walked by, he felt eyes on his back. He looked back and saw a pair of green eyes watching him from behind long dark hair. Nik jerks his head forward, wincing.

~Great! Now I have the attention of both princes. Shit!~