Loki paced his chambers. ~Laufey's son. Being a frost giant wasn't bad enough. No he had to be the king of the monster's son. And an unwanted son at that. Abandoned, suffering, left to die.~ Loki wiped angry tears from his face. A knock tore Loki's attention from his thoughts. A guard entered. "My prince. Queen Frigga requested your presence in the All-Father's bed chambers." Loki cleared his throat. "I will be there shortly."

The All-Father was in Odinsleep with the Queen constantly at his bedside. Frigga worried that Odin wouldn't wake this time. He had put off the Odinsleep for too long. By law, Queen Frigga was to rule Asgard in Odin's absence. She found she could not leave her beloved's side. Doing what she could to help and heal him. Loki walks into the room as the window closes on Asgard. "Mother? Asgard needs you to rule-" "My husband needs me Loki. I cannot stray from him at this time." Loki put a hand on her shoulder. "I know this is hard, I never get used to seeing him like this."

Frigga covered Loki's hand with her own "I wanted to tell you from the beginning, but Odin did not want you to feel different. I told him there should be no secrets in a family. And we are your family Loki. You may not have been born from us or share our blood, but you are our son, just as Thor is." Loki looked shocked. "How did you-?" Frigga kindly smiles. "I was raised by witches Loki. I have my ways."

"I felt different regardless. Mocked for not being as strong as Thor. Ridiculed for my womanly magic. It all makes sense now. Why Odin favored Thor." "I am truly sorry dear. I have told Odin that he should change Asgard's views on magic since he himself wields it, yet no one thinks differently about him. Having seidir doesn't mean you are not strong. I taught you all that I know to help you realize that your strength lies elsewhere. You must take the throne my son. Perhaps you can show Asgard that. I am unable to rule and with Thor banished, the line of succession falls to you."

Mixed emotions coursed through Loki as he walked away from the Queen. As he neared the door, it swung open revealing several einherjar. One guard took a knee in front of Loki and offered Gungnir. Loki carefully grabbed the staff, weighing it in his hands. It was like a double-edged sword. On one hand, it seemed light, lethal and deadly. On the other hand, it was heavy with the burden of the throne. "Make us proud."

Loki had spent most of the next day in a meeting with the royal council arguing about what to do about preventing another war with Jotunheim, their rightful king being in Odinsleep, and of course about Thor and his banishment. It was early evening when the meeting was called to an end with the promise to pick up where they left off tomorrow. Loki sat on the throne feeling exhausted and wishing for things to go back to normal. He was just about to leave for the day to get supper and go to bed when Sif and the Warriors Three entered. "All-Father! We wish to speak with you urgently."

They stood at the door for several moments, seemingly shocked to see Loki before walking in and bowing before him. It was Fandral who recovered enough to speak. "It's true that Odin has fallen into the Odinsleep?" Loki was a second away from making some sarcastic joke about having killed the king, but remembering who he was talking to, he figured they would think he was serious.

"Yes Fandral, Odin sleeps. We fear he may not awaken. What have you come here for?" It was Sif who answered. "We ask that you end Prince Thor's banishment and allow him to come back home." Loki growled internally. "I cannot end Thor's banishment. No matter how much I may wish to." "Why not? Afraid that if he comes back, Asgard will want him as king in Odin's stead?"

"Thor was banished by Odin for a reason. My first command cannot be to undo the All-Father's last order because you want your friend back." "So allow us to retrieve him." Loki was beginning to get upset, but he reminded himself to stay diplomatic. He was king now. "No. Thor is safe where he is for now. No one is to leave Asgard in the meantime." The three men turned to leave, but Sif would not back down. "You have always been jealous of him. You are pathetic. You will let Thor suffer! Your own brother, because you wish to rule!"

"I WISH TO AVOID A WAR! A WAR THAT THOR STARTED! Thor broke our unsteady treaty with Jotunheim and that is why he has been banished! And he will remain that way until he has learned whatever it is that Odin wishes him to learn. You should know better than anyone that Odin would not leave his precious golden son without a way to return. Now leave before I have you all thrown in the dungeons!"

The four friends leave the throne room, all equally frustrated with Loki. "We must find Thor and bring him back." Hogun says, looking determined. "That would be defying our king and therefore treason." Fandral responds. "Loki is up to something. Why else would he refuse to bring Thor home?" Volstagg gets between the two men talking.

"Both of you shut up! Heimdall could be watching us." As soon as the words left Volstagg's mouth, a guard came in to inform them that the Gatekeeper wanted to see them. They reluctantly made their way to the Bifrost bridge tower. "You would defy the commands of Loki, our king? Break every oath you have taken as warriors and commit treason to bring Thor back?"

As he spoke, the four hung their heads in shame. Sif lifted her head defiantly. "Yes." "Good." Heimdall starts to leave. "So you'll help us?" He walks towards the rainbow bridge. "I am bound by honor to our king. I cannot open the bridge to you."