It had been 3 months. 3 months, since the court of Vanaheim had visited, 3 months since he had last spoken to the princess. Loki smacked himself internally; 3 months were nothing in the eyes of a god, but for some reason, these 3 months had felt like an eternity. He had written her. Sent her a few new book titles, expressed his wish for her well-being and to see her again. No answer. Odin hadn't heard of Vanaheim since then either, but Heimdall had assured him, no acts of rebellion had been happening. They were sitting in the royal quarters, Thor looking out into the distance, still mourning the mortal, Odin was watching over nothing or everything and his mother was reading a book. The book Leiyah had recommended. The book he wished he had told her; he had finished only a day after her departure. His pride was one of his biggest flaws.

Thor sighed, and turned. Odin turned, "You must forget about her."

"How can I?"

Loki rolled his eyes, from all the women in the 9 realms he could have fallen in love with he had chosen a mortal. A rather plain mortal, if anyone had asked him.

"She could have never been by your side here. By the time you would have been ready for the throne, she would have been old and weak. Human lives are fleeting. And you can't leave Asgard."

"I don't even know if I want to be king anymore."

Odin sighed. Thor continued, "Loki, despite everything, understands ruling more than I do."

Frigga looked up, "Now. There is no reason to be talking about this right now." Loki felt the sliver of unease creeping up on him. He had wanted a throne. Still desired one. But it was changing. He didn't really know who he was completely or what he wanted.

Thor sat down next to Loki, watching him. "May I help you, brother?"

"Something is off about you."

"I don't know what you mean."

Thor shifted, "You have been quieter the last few months. More secluded."

Loki huffed, "I have been secluded since coming back here. I doubt anyone cared or wished me in their presence."

Frigga gasped, "Loki!"

He looked down, "I apologize mother. I feel a bit irritated lately."

She gave him a loving smile and returned to the book.

A knock sounded and a servant came in. "Apologies for the interruption. A letter and package have arrived for Prince Loki."

The raven- haired prince looked up, another servant bringing in the mentioned. They left and Loki went to open the letter, he recognized the handwriting, the flow of words.

My dear prince.

I must apologize for my late answer. Certain things have kept me occupied. I can't write about them, for fear of this letter never finding you. If it does, know that I have thought of you everyday and all the plans we have not been able to do. How have you been? Are there any good books you have read? What have you been doing? We are well here. Winter is coming in, much sooner than earlier seasons. I have received the list of books and have read most of them now. The last three I was not able to find in our library. Enclosed, I have a few books, I noticed missing in your library. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed reading the ones you have recommended. Your taste is truly exquisite. I wish my letter were longer, but there are many things happening here. Some I do not understand. I wish I could hear your voice again. Maybe soon I will. My father has been making plans to return to Asgard and I will make him bring me along, if that is something that would please you.

Do write back.



He smiled, and opened the package; 4 new books were enclosed. None he had ever heard of. He read over the letter again and looked up to Odin.

"Is Arvid planning trip back to Asgard?"

Odin looked at him, examining him, "How do you know?"

No reason to lie, "The Princess has written me."

Thor asked, "What? Why?"

"We have bonded over our love of books. Hence the new books."

Odin swallowed once, "He has made inquiries to return. In a month or so, he wishes to return."

"Has something happened?"

"He would not say. Saying some letters and informants might not make it here." Loki looked over the letter, noticing similar meaning. He nodded, Frigga watching him, he tried to calm his features. He turned to a servant, "Bring me a piece of paper and a pen, please." The servant was startled for a second but did as he was told.

My dear princess,

How glad I am to finally receive a letter from you. I am happy you are well; winter has not yet reached us. It has been getting colder though. I must confess, I have read the book you recommended to me and I devoured it. It indeed kept me up most nights. Thank you for the enclosed books, I can't wait to read them. I am well. I miss you too, and all the things we weren't able to do. Maybe, if you do return, we can do them. I would love to see you again. Your presence was a bright light. Of course, I would love for you to return. If you do return, I would love to show you another one of my hiding spaces in the castle.

I hope, your return, does not come with bad news. I would not wish you to be upset.



He looked at the books one more time, and noticed, that they were slightly used. He opened one that looked the most used and saw written on the front Princess Leiyah. Those were some of her own books. He looked back to the servant and scribbled down 4 book titles, "Bring those to me, with packing materials."

He scribbled another note, "Enclosed the 3 books, you could not find, and one more I have loved since childhood." He packaged it all up and sat it down. His mother was watching him.

"Have you been writing to the princess?"

"Only once. This is the first letter I have received back."

"Is she nice? Thor hasn't talked about her."

Loki looked over at Thor who seemed to be very interested in his tunic. "She is. Very intelligent, she has a way with words. She is also very eager to know new things, hence the books."

Frigga smiled, "Thor, you didn't say. She seemed nice. I am sorry, I did not get to spend any time with her. Maybe if she returns."

Loki nodded, wanting to leave and send everything off, but not wanting to look too eager as his mother was still watching him. Thor nodded slightly and stood, "Brother, I have some things to do. Care to accompany me? We can send off the letter."

Loki did not know, what Thor was playing at, but he stood. Once out of reach he asked, "What is it that you need to do?"

"Nothing, I just didn't want mother asking me more questions about princess Leiyan."

He scoffed, "It is Leiyah. If you tried to get to know her, you would remember her."

Thor grinned, "Is that adoration I hear in your voice, brother?"

Loki rolled his eyes only, not deigning a reply.

"She was beautiful brother. I could not blame you."

"Thor, you have no idea, once more, what you are talking about."

Thor laughed, "Well if she returns, I am guessing you wouldn't mind spending more time with her?"

"Not at all. She seems a little too smart for you anyways. Why? Are you planning on slipping away again?"

"I need to check down on Earth once, see how the others are coming along. If there are any new threats I should know about."

"Does father know?"

"No. He wouldn't approve."

"You are going to see her, aren't you?"

"I might. I want to see if she is safe."

"I don't know a lot about Midgardian women, but from what I remember, I doubt she will wait on you forever. And father is right; she will grow old faster than you expect."

"Enough, Loki! I wish to no longer speak of it."

"Very well. Excuse me then." He made a line for his quarters.

A month had passed and Asgard was awaiting the return of Vanaheim and it's king and princess. The trumpets sounded, the drums, and the doors opened. Arvid walked in the front, his daughter beside him, an array of servants behind them, carrying boxes. Leiyah looked up, catching Loki's eyes and winked. She had on her crown, her hair in a long braid, wearing an emerald dress and a golden cloak.

"Welcome," Odin thundered, "my good friend. Let us skip formalities and head straight to the festivities." Arvid nodded, bowing low. With a wave of his hand, his servants brought the boxes away. He nodded to his daughter, who smiled and walked over to the Allmother and Loki.

"Allmother," she bowed, "an honor to finally be able to talk to you." She bowed again, "My prince."

Frigga smiled, her warm, open smile; "How nice to finally meet you as well. I heard you and Loki have bonded over books. He has given me one, about haunted gods, from Vanaheim. It was brilliant." Leiyahs eyes flashed shortly.

"I am glad you enjoyed it, Allmother. I have enjoyed the Asgardian books prince Loki has sent over immensely."

Frigga smiled at Loki, who had not yet said a word, "He has always loved to read." She paused for a moment, "I will go say hello to your father." She left with a hand on Loki's arm.

Leiyah looked at the prince, "Hello, my prince." He grinned, "Hello, princess."

She smiled, remembering the soft tremor of his voice, the mischief laced in the words, the soft purr. "Have you missed me?"

Loki swallowed, "Yes."

"I have missed you as well. Who knew your presence could be so… memorable."

"You might be the first to say so."

She laughed, "I doubt that. I guess everywhere you go, you leave a memorable impression."

Something inside him tugged. "Are you ready to eat?"

"Oh, I actually had one of our servants bring along a dinner for us two. It can be prepared wherever. We could go to my chambers."

Something possessed Loki to say, "Or we could go to mine. It is a little further away from the commotion. Might be quieter."

"Very well. I also have no idea, if my old chambers are the ones, I will be using this time."

He laughed, "Neither do I." He led her out the hall. In passing he told a servant to be making up the princess' chambers closer to his. Up the stairs, the noise quieted. He opened his door, motioning the guard to wait further down the hall.

"Welcome. Make yourself comfortable." She looked around his rooms, a huge sitting area, with couches, shelfs full of books, a desk and a sitting table. There was an opening to the balcony in a small adjacent room. A golden bow, where a door might have once been, led to his bedroom. A door led to the bathing chamber. The colors were dark wood, gold and emerald, colors she had come to associate with Loki. Her servant knocked on the door and started preparing for the meal.

"It is a beautiful room."

He smiled and handed her a glass of wine. She was looking at his books, recognizing the ones she had sent, and others from Vanaheim. Others from Asgard. The green bound book was sitting propped up, on its own shelf.

"Quite a collection, my prince."

"Please, call me Loki. I think we are past formalities."

Leiyah smiled. "Very well Loki." His name sounded like a prayer coming from her lips and he shivered.

"Are you cold? Should we start a fire?"

"No, I am fine. Are you though, princess?"

"If you insist on me calling you Loki, then you should call me by my name, oh prince."

He laughed, "Very well, Leiyah." This made her grin. Her servant left and she gestured to sit down.

She straightened, "Now. This is one of my favorite dishes. It consists of vegetables, nuts and grain- based products. You take whichever ones you want into one of these prebaked- flour pockets, then you will put this sauce over it, stick if with this little handle into the heat- oven and wait."

Loki looked at the array of bowls, "It all looks delicious. Make me one, the way you would eat it."

"Alright." She picked up a few things out of the bowls, arranged them, some ingredients only going on certain places, she poured the sauce over the two she had been making, and put it in the oven. "Now we wait." She looked him up and down, in his armor. "Aren't you uncomfortable? You can change if you wish. No need for formalities, right? This will take a few minutes."

The armor wasn't actually uncomfortable, but Loki agreed, wishing to be more relaxed. He returned a few minutes later, while Leiyah was pulling out the pockets. It smelled divine. He sat back down, and she grinned, "Now you look comfortable." He agreed, watched her pick up fork and knife and cut into it. He did the same and bit into it. His senses were overflowing. Not ever had he had something like this.

"This is divine. Truly."

She smiled, "I hoped you would like it." She started assembling another one, "Should I make another one for you?"

He shook his head and her face fell, "You make this one, and I will try to make one as well and we could split it."

That made Leiyah's eyes sparkle, "I would like that." Loki looked at a few bowls, asked what some of the ingredients were and assembled one. They placed them in the oven, when someone knocked. "Loki? Are you in there?" It was Frigga.

Loki wiped his mouth and stood to open the door. "Come in mother."

She looked at the table and at the princess, "I was wondering where you had gone Loki. Did you wish to entertain the princess alone?"

Leiyah stood, "Oh that was all me, Allmother. I brought this, to show prince Loki one of my favorite dishes from Vanaheim. Would you like to join us?"

Loki agreed, "You must try this, mother. It is wonderful." Frigga hesitated but then sat down, between the two.

Loki spoke to the princess, "Make her the one you made me."

The princess grinned and assembled. She took all three out at the same time and gave one to the Allmother, while she split the other two and handed two halves to Loki.

"Try it, mother." He watched her as she took a bite. A smile graced her mouth, "This is very good. We should have this more often."

Loki bit into the one Leiyah had made and groaned, "How have we never heard of this?"

Leiyah smiled, "As I said to you once before, prince. Vanaheim has many secrets." Loki laughed; a sound Frigga had not heard from her son in a long time. Frigga finished hers and stood again, "As lovely as this was, I must return. Enjoy your dinner. Why don't you show her the library tomorrow Loki?"

He smiled, "I will. Good evening."

Frigga left and Leiyah giggled, "We could finally look for books from Alfheim."

"Have you read my mind, princess?"

She laughed again. "Do you like my dress?"

He looked at her again, those eyes halting him for a moment, but he made himself look at her dress. The gold and emerald looked wonderful on her. "A beautiful dress. For a beautiful goddess."

She turned a slight shade of pink, "I thought you would appreciate the colors."

"I do. They are some of the best colors in the 9 realms."

"You must have been to almost all of them."

"Well I have been to Asgard, Midgard, Jotunheim and Svartalfheim. Vanaheim, nobody knows where it is, except for you of course. Alfheim, has never made any problems, and it is also harder to get there, without permission."

"I have only been to Alfheim and Asgard. I would love to visit Svartalfheim and Midgard. Even Jotunheim. My father has been to Niflheim before. He said it was dreadfully cold."

"I imagine. But why would anyone want to live in a place called Niflheim. Sounds like a disease."

She laughed loudly at that, which in turn, made the god of mischief grin.