Hello everyone! I hope you liked my first story! I had so much fun showing you some of my work. This next one is a Cinderella tale. It isn't as exciting as Sleeping Ladybug as Hawkmoth is not in this one, but Gabriel is and he is his usual charming, happy, energetic self haha. I should actually tell you now I got this idea from this really cool fanart done by a super amazing person who I would love to give full credit to! I didn't want to go on without thanking the artist for the inspiration. And I didn't know if I would get in trouble for not crediting the artist for the inspiration for this story. Better to be safe than sorry. Still new here too. The ballroom scene is based from the fanart, so you will have to wait awhile. Anyways, I do not own Cinderella or Miraculous. All credit goes to those genius people. Now then! On to Cinderette!

Once Upon A Time...

In a small kingdom, there lived a young girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Her parents were the village bakers and was beloved by all for not just her family's baked goods, but for her beauty and kind heart.

Everywhere she went, she made a friend, whether they were human or animal. With her midnight blue hair and bluebell eyes, everyone came to the bakery to see her.

Whenever Marinette helped her parents bake, her animal friends (some mice, birds, and a dog) would help her. And every night, her mother would tell her stories that her mother told her about an old Chinese man named Master Fu who could sense the good in people and help them should they ever need it.

"Do you think I'll ever meet Master Fu, Mama?" she asked one night,

"Perhaps. But he will only come if you have a good and kind heart. If you do, my love, then he will reward you with a special gift," Mama told her.

"Promise us you will never forget to have courage and to always be kind," Papa said, "Never let the bright light in your heart be dimmed by those who are unkind."

"I promise!" she said.

The simple life made Marinette so happy. She had wonderful parents, helpful animal friends, a best friend named Alya, and so much love.

But, that happiness was taken when a terrible sickness struck the kingdom. Many of the villagers became very sick, including Marinette's parents. Doctors did everything they could, but nothing helped. The sickness soon took lives, leaving Marinette an orphan. Things became worse as money became scarce. With no money to buy food for herself or ingredients to bake, Marinette had no choice except to sell the family bakery. Alya wished she and her mother could take her in, but there was no room as it was for Alya, her parents, big sister, and her little twin sisters.

The only people who could take her in was the Bourgeois family. Lord Andre Bourgeois and his daughter, Chloe Bourgeois, were very rich with a nice big manor, but the family was very disliked by everyone in the village. Being a noble family with ties to the royal family let Chloe get away with whatever she wanted! Instead of asking politely for something, she demanded. If someone told her "no", she would threaten to tell her father until she got her way.

And Lord Bourgeois always let her be rude, demanding, and mean because in his eyes, they were better than everyone.

The reason why they wanted to take Marinette into their care was because their live-in maid had quit and they needed a new one. Marinette would scrub the floors and stairs, tend the fires, feed the animals, cook the meals, wash, mend, and put away their clothes, help Chloe get dressed, shine their shoes, dust the house, run errands into town, make the beds, and so much more everyday from dusk till dawn. When it was time for bed at last, she would climb all the way up to her attic tower where her room was.

Sometimes though, when it got very cold up there, Marinette and her animal friends would sleep by the dying kitchen fire to stay warm.

"Don't worry, guys. Some day, we'll buy back Mama's and Papa's bakery and never have to worry about money ever again," she assured them and fell asleep.

The next morning, the suns rays woke her up and found herself covered in cinders from the fireplace. She quickly cleaned herself up as best as she could before getting to work on preparing breakfast. Cooking the meals was always her favorite chore as it reminded her of happier times.

Chloe and her father walked into the dining room just as she was setting the table.

"Good morning, Chloe. Good morning, Your Lordship," she greeted, "Breakfast is in its way. Here is the paper and mail for you, sir, with a postcard from Lady Bourgeois."

"Oh! Give that to me!" Chloe demanded and snatched the card from her hand, "Mommy says New York is fabulous! The latest fashion designs are incredible and will be sending me some later!"

While they talked, Marinette went into the kitchen and came back out with coffee, muffins, eggs, bacon, pancakes, and her family's famous croissants. But when she was pouring their coffee, Chloe pointed at her and began to laugh.

"Looked in a mirror lately? Your face is covered in ash from the fireplace!" she laughed, "How ridiculous. How utterly ridiculous."

"Clean yourself up at once, Marinette!" Lord Bourgeois ordered, "I should throw you out into the streets where I found you in! But, because I am such a nice man and we need a maid, I will not."

"Thank you, my lord. It won't happen again, I swear," Marinette promised.

"Hm..." Chloe thought out loud, "Cinders...Marinette...That's it! From this day foreword, you shall be known as Cinderette!"

"What a perfect name! You're so clever, darling!" he said.

The two laughed as Marinette made her way to the kitchen to clean herself up. As she looked at herself in the water jar's reflection, she began sobbing over the abuse and mistreatment she had to endure from those two. But she made a promise to her parents to never let people like Chloe get to her. Marinette would keep working hard until she could get her family bakery back.

I think that's a good place to stop for today. I've had a very busy day and will have a busy day tomorrow, but I will post a chapter or two tomorrow. Poor Marinette. She now has to endure that horrible nickname now! Now you are probably wondering where Tikki is. Don't worry. She will show up in a later chapter. Patience, my friends.