Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Reptile! Haha!

I haven't updated this one in awhile, so I figured why not? I got some free time. So here we are.

Let's get to the responses, shall we:

Chance Green G King: Glad you find this story interesting. Also, yes, Drake's face is the same as the cover. And yeah, Rhombulus is a moron... *snickers* triple stupid, heh, that's funny.

Glavis165: Well here's another one for ya.

Omnisaurus: Thank you. It wasn't easy, but I couldn't leave Drake hanging for too long.

Ok, now that that's out of the way, let's get this show on the road!

I don't own anything except for my oc.


Drake's POV...

Even though the high commission and Queen Moon left, I didn't come down from the tree right away. I didn't want to risk getting caught, so I stayed up in the tree for what I assume to be hours. I don't have a watch, so I wouldn't know.

After hours of being in a tree, I worked up the nerve to finally leave my hiding spot. I descended to the ground as slow as I could while I constantly checked my surroundings to make sure I wouldn't get jumped by any of the bozos that were chasing me.

Once I got back on the ground, I wasn't sure what else to do. I mean, I'm basically lost! But I knew I couldn't stay out here for long, so I did the only I could do... walk, or should I say slither, in a random direction. Yeah it's stupid, but what would you do?



I've been slithering through the forest for what felt like... I don't know. Hours? Maybe? I don't care, I don't know how to keep track without a damn clock.

Ugh... This. Sucks. Ass. But it's honestly a miracle I hadn't ran into more trouble yet. That's really the only thing I can't complain about. But that's besides the point.

I had never thought that my life could get any worse, but lo-and-behold! I get transported to another dimension of all things! Not to mention I'm now a snake monster! Great, just freaking great!

It's no use complaining to myself. I just have to keep pushing on until I get the hell out this forest.

Speak of the devil.

I finally reached a clearing, and up ahead was a castle. A rather spooky and edgy looking castle in fact. It had pointed towers with white flags on top, a gargoyle above the large doors, and plants growing out of some of the crevices. I wasn't sure if I should approach the castle or not, given what happened with the Butterfly royals and the high commission back in the forest. But given my limited options, I didn't really know what else to do. With little choices, I slithered with caution towards the large wooden doors. Before I could knock on the door, I felt something sharp poking at my back, and heard a deep voice that sounded like it kind of had a Russian accent to it.

"Halt! State name and business!" He demanded.

I raised my hands and turned around to face this guy, and what I saw left me shocked.

Standing behind him was a large frog-like monster with webbed hands and feet, webbed ears that look like bat wings, swamp green skin, yellow eyes, spiked shoulder pads, and a dark green vest with what looks like an eye with a yellow iris, green sclera, and black bat wings. Oh, and he's pointing a spear at me.

Well that's just- WAIT A MINUTE!

"Who and what the hell are you?" I asked in shock.

The frog monster's yellow eyes widened in either surprise or shock. I don't know. I'm getting tired of these random confrontations already.

"A serpentorian? But how?" He said.

"Yeah yeah, I've already been through that with a bunch of yahoos hours ago, and let me tell you something; I didn't used to look like one of your damn snake monsters! I used to be a human!" I exclaimed in frustration.

"Wait, what?"

"Don't ask. All I know is that I was sucked through a portal and woke up in the forest like this. Now I believe I asked you a question; who and what the hell are you?" I asked, wanting an answer from him.

The frog monster lowered his spear and began to explain himself. "O-oh! Um, my name is Yvgeny Bulgolyubov. But most people call me Buff Frog. I am top henchman of lord Ludo Avarius, the one who owns this castle." Said Buff Frog.

Now maybe I can get some answers from this Ludo guy. If not, maybe from frog-man here.

"Ok. Well then, Yvgeny, I have questions that need answered, and I would assume that this Ludo guy would know a thing or two. So would you please take me to him?" I said, trying my best at being polite. I'm not exactly a 'people person.'

The frog monster seemed to be in thought for a second. Contemplating on his decision, leaving me in mild suspense. But I didn't wait for long to hear his answer.

"Very well. I'll take you to Ludo. But no trickery!" He warned.

"Just as long as no one crosses me, then everything should be fine, Yvgeny." I said.

"I assure you that there'll be no trouble. And please, call me Buff Frog." Said Buff Frog as he walked up towards the door and stood next to me.

"But isn't your name Yvgeny?" I asked.

"Yes, but I'm more often referred to as Buff Frog."

The frog monster known as Buff Frog knocked on the large door, loud enough for whoever was inside to hear. Then one of the double doors opened slightly enough for a pair of eyestalks peer outside.

"Lobster Claws, tell Ludo that we have a guest." Said Buff Frog, gesturing towards me.

The eyestalks moved over towards me, and the pupils became pinpricks once they got a good look at me. Ah geez, they know what a serpentorian is too?

The eyestalks retracted back inside, and the door closed as what sounded like running was heard, muffled by the double doors. A moment later, the sound of someone running was heard again, and the door opened fully to reveal a lobster monster of some kind. Huh. Guess he's called Lobster Claws for an obvious reason.

"Right this way." Said the monster called Lobster Claws.

As we made our way inside, Buff Frog led me towards a throne where I saw what I assumed was Ludo, who had monsters on either side of him, and he... did not look at all intimidating to me whatsoever. I mean, seriously. He's the size of a five year old! Plus he's sitting on a tower of pillows on the throne. He looked like a kappa bird thing with dark green robes, yellow eyes, a skull with weird antlers on it, and a staff with an eye and wings on top. The same as the symbol on Buff Frogs vest.

I didn't say anything yet, and neither did he. He was staring at me with a cold uncaring gaze mixed with interest. But interest in what exactly?

"So, you must be the serpentorian that arrived at my doorstep." Ludo said with his scratchy voice.

You know what, I'm not even gonna react to that unless I think it's necessary. It's getting old.

"Yes, I am, and I was hoping you could answer some questions for me." I said.

"Ugh, fine." Ludo said completely annoyed.

Only a few seconds, and I already don't like this guy.

"Well, first things first; I've never been to your world before, I used to be human- don't ask because I don't have an answer for it, I already know that magic exists in this world from when I ran into the magic high commission and Queen Butterfly. But there are some things about this world I don't know about. So I'm gonna ask you some questions, and I expect an honest answer. So how does your world work? What are the people like? Do you have food? Is there a way back to earth? If not, do you have a map that I can use as well as supplies?" I elaborated.

Ludo rubbed his head like he was getting a headache before answering. "Our world revolves around magic, or least mewmans, demons, and pony heads rely on it while monsters don't get squat. I don't have time to explain the rest of the details, nor do I care. I'm not sure how the people are. All I know is that everyone here hates monsters. Yes, we have food. Yes there's a way to get to earth. But if you still want a map and supplies, you'll need to do something for me." He smirked at the last part.

"Yeeeeeah, no. I think I'll just go back to earth. So how do I get back there?"

"Ugh, fine. Buff Frog! Open a portal!" Ludo ordered.

Buff Frog nodded and brought out a pair scissors. He opened the blades as he lowered them, brought them upwards like he was cutting open the air like paper, and a portal appeared.

Before I could even get too close to the portal, Ludo called out. "Wait! Stop! Close the portal!"

Buff Frog immediately closed the portal, cutting off my only way back home.

Ok, now I'm mad!

"Hey! What gives, asshole?!" I exclaimed in anger.

The monsters in the room gasped in surprise. I guess they never heard someone cuss out their leader.

"Oh shut the hell up! I don't care who he is!" I exclaimed.

"As much as I want to berate you for talking to me that way, I have a much better idea in mind. Which is the reason why I told Buff Frog to close the portal." Ludo explained, smiling evilly at the last part.

My eyes narrowed as I continued to scowl at the tiny bird faced bozo in anger. "It better be a good explanation, bird brain." I said as I crossed my arms.

He jumped off his tower of cushions and approached me. He's got to be the least threatening guy I've ever met.

"Well, for starters; do you have family or anything important you need to get back to?" He asked me.

"No. I'm an orphan and I'm homeless." I answered.

"Well then, think about this for second. I can offer you food, shelter, and a way to travel to earth." Ludo explained. "All you have to do is listen to my offer before you decide."

That... honestly sounded like a good deal. BUT, I wasn't just going to jump on this guy's band wagon without laying down a couple of ground rules of own first. I'll hear this guy out first before deciding.

"Ok, I'll hear you out." I said.

"Excellent! You see-... sorry, what was your name?" Ludo asked.


"You see, Drake, my number one goal is to wield an artifact of great power. The magic wand of the Butterfly family. But, it's been proven to be much more of a challenge since the current wielder of the wand, princess Star Butterfly, has been sent to earth to practice her magic, and is currently staying with a human boy who can apparently fight." He explained.

"What the hell does this have to do with me?" I demanded.

"I want you to help me steal the wand. With a serpentorian on my side, I can easily pluck the wand from princess Butterfly's royal hands, and I'll be the one to wield it!"


"And what?"

"What do you mean 'what?' What do you plan on doing once you've got it?" I questioned.

"It's an object of absolute magic power! I can do anything with it! Any further detail is none of business!" He said firmly.

Ok, I'm obviously not going to get anything else out of him unless I threaten his life. I can easily tell that he has ill intentions in mind, which is a huge and obvious red flag. But as much as I wanted to go back to earth, I didn't want to keep living in a tent out in the woods. With that thought in mind, I reluctantly agreed.

"Ugh, I'm gonna regret this I just know it." I muttered to myself. "Fine. I'll do it." I said.

"YES! HAHA!" Ludo exclaimed with his fists in the air.

"But on one condition." I said while raising a clawed pointer finger.

"Huh?" Ludo said in confusion.

"I get to travel to earth anytime I want to."

"What?! No way!" Ludo said angrily.

"Then you don't get any kind of help from me." Ok, I have zero clue as to what serpentorians are capable of, but something tells that they're a big deal just from seeing others reactions about them. So basically, if this Ludo guy is desperate enough to steal this wand, he'll have no choice but to comply with my terms.

Ludo scowled and growled in frustration as he facepalmed. "Ugh! Fine! You can have Your earth traveling privilege!"

"Looks like we're in business then." I said smugly, knowing I was able to get him to crack this easily. If it means I can have food, shelter, and able to travel to earth, I'll take it. I'm basically killing three birds with one stone.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Just be ready for your first assignment tomorrow. Buff Frog! Show Drake to his new room! I have plans for that royal pain in the butt tomorrow!" Said Ludo.

Buff Frog ushered me out of the throne room and led me down a corridor. As he did, I began to think to myself. It wasn't anything important, just what I would need to do tomorrow. But then, something clicked.

Wait... Star Butterfly?... Moon Butterfly? Wouldn't that mean-?


... Oh crud... this won't end well.


Ok, sorry that this update took so long. But I was feeling a little uninspired with the story for awhile, but mainly because I was focused on Rodan Reborn. Which is currently my most popular story.

Sorry if it's a little short, but it's the best I could come up with.

And before anyone jumps to conclusions, I just want to let you all know that Drakes alliance with Ludo is temporary. Just letting you know. Will Drake get into a conflict with Star and Marco? Yes. But that's all I'm gonna say so there's no spoilers.

Anyways, stay tuned, and stay safe. Reptile out.