Disclaimer- I don't own Arrow

[Parking Lot]

Adam Hunt: You remind Grell I put him on the bench, I can take him off. I will turn him into a cautionary tale.

Man: Yes, Mr. Hunt.

"Asshole!" Laurel yelled.

Hunt: And this attorney Laurel Lance...you said she wasn't gonna be a problem anymore. I told you to fix that situation. [They stop walking. Hunt walks towards him] Why are you still here?

"If he tries anything, I'll put him in cuffs." Quinten said.

[The man leaves] [They resume walking to the car when the lights go out and ARROW appears taking out the guards and threatening Hunt's life]

Bodyguard 1: [Whoosh] Unh!

"Oh boy here we go." Tommy said in excitement.

Bodyguard 2: [To Hunt] Get in the car! [He fires into the ceiling]

Arrow: Hey. You missed.

Slade gave a snort at that one.

Bodyguard 2: Unh! [Whoosh] Unh! [Whoosh]

Hunt: [Whoosh. Car door glass smashes] Unh! [He pulled out of the car] What? What? Just... just tell me what you want.

"Holy shit!" Thea screamed.

"Damn." Laurel said.

"Awesome!" Tommy screamed.

Arrow: You're gonna transfer $40 million into Starling City bank account 1141 by 10 P.M. tomorrow night.

Hunt: Or what?

Arrow: Or I'm gonna take it, and you won't like how.

Hunt: If I see you again, you're dead!

"Damn vigilantes." Quinten said.

[Hunt Multinational] - Hunt gives his statement to the police about his encounter with ARROW. He tells them to back at his office by 10PM to take "The Hooded-Guy" down.

Hunt: He was wearing a hood, a green hood, and he had a bow and arrow. [The detectives look at each other] What, you don't believe me? [He turns to pick up an object from his desk and shows them a green arrow] That maniac put two of my men in the hospital.

[Detective Hilton takes the arrow]

Detective Lance: Well, thanks for your statement. We'll put out an APB on... (he looks at the arrow then back at Hunt) Robin Hood?

Tommy snickered at that before Oliver looked at him. He stopped and pretended that he didn't hear anything.

Hunt: Hey, pal. [He walks towards him] I'm not some grocer who got taken for his register. I go to the front of the line. Now he said he would be back here by 10 P.M. Make sure you're here first. You can coordinate with Mr. Drakon, my new head of security.

"I don't like him. I already can tell I'm going to kill him." Oliver said ignoring the glares.

Detective Lance: All right. Well, uh, thanks for your time. [They leave]

Detective Hilton: It looks like Queen was telling the truth.

Detective Lance: Yeah. Well, there's a first time for everything. This hooded guy comes looking for trouble, he'll find it.

[Outside the Queen Mansion] Oliver is leaves to go to his party. He opens the car door to find Diggle waiting for him inside, ready to accompany him to the party.

Diggle: Put on your seat belt, sir. Wouldn't want you to miss your party.

Dig and Oliver looked at each other and Dig could tell that he would be ditched just by the look on Oliver's face.

[Oliver gets in and smiles in disbelief] [Oliver's Welcome Home Party]. Oliver arrives at the party. As he descends the stairs he brings out his phone and checks his timer: 9.07PM (53 mins left for Adam Hunt to deliver). Tommy sees him and ushers him in.

Tommy: [He signals for the music to end] Everybody, hey! Man-of-the-hour! [crowd cheers] Whoo! And, ladies, please give this man a proper homecoming.

[Music plays as Oliver approaches and climbs on center stage]

Oliver: Thank you very much, everybody!

Tommy: Ollie, Ollie, Ollie, Ollie. [gives him a shot]

Oliver: [to the crowd] I missed Tequila! [The crowd cheers]

Laurel looked at Oliver with a question in mind.

"How are you able to just go from killing people to being a playboy?"

"I have been put through so much in five years that the playboy is just a memory that I put on so people don't question anything."

[Hunt Multinational] - 9.25PM. Hunts' guards get ready and load their clips into their automatic weapons. Techno music is heard from outside.

Hunt: What the hell's going on out there?

Drakon: It's across the street. Party for the guy that got rescued off that island...Oliver Queen.

[Oliver's Welcome Home Party] - Oliver and Tommy check out girls. Diggle stands the background.

Tommy: Hey. Does he wipe for you, too? Now by my rough estimate, you have not had sex in 1,839 days. As your wingman, I highly recommend Carmen Golden.

Oliver: Which one is she?

Tommy: The one who looks like the chick from "Twilight."

Oliver: What's "Twilight"?

Tommy: You're so better off not knowing. (Oliver sees Thea buying drugs)

Thea put her hands on her face and groaned as everyone looked at her.

Oliver: Back in a minute. (Diggle follows him. Oliver grabs Thea aside)

Thea: Ollie, hey! This party is sick.

Oliver: Who let you in here?

Thea: I believe it was somebody who said, "Right this way, Miss Queen."

Oliver: Well, you shouldn't be here.

Thea: Uh, I'm not 12 anymore.

Oliver: No. You're 17.

Thea: Ollie, I-I love you, but you can't come back here and judge me, especially for being just like you.

"Thea maybe I don't want you to be me. I had to be put through hell to change. I had to lose people I cared about, I had to kill people I cared about." He looked at Slade, "So when I say I don't want you to be like me, I'm trying to prevent you from being in a hell like I was."

Oliver: I know that it couldn't have been easy for you when I was-away.

Thea: Away? (she chuckles) No. You died. My brother and my father died. I went to your funerals.

Oliver: I know.

Thea: No, you don't. Mom had Walter, and I had no one. You guys all act like it's cool, let's forget about the last 5 years. Well, I can't. For me, it's kind of permanently in there, so I'm sorry if I turned out some major disappointment, but this—me, is the best I could do with what I had to work with. Let's bounce.

Girl: You have the fun dip?

Thea: 's right-No. I... I must have dropped it.

[Oliver throws the drug in the trash. He proceeds to leave when he bumps into Laurel]

"I just got pick pocketed by my own brother!" Thea said out of anger.

"I agree with that." Lance said.

Oliver: Oh! Oh. You're here.

Laurel: Tommy. He made the point that we have too many years between us to leave things the way we left them. Is there someplace quieter that we could go?

Oliver: Yeah. [Observatory Floor]

Laurel: I'm sorry about saying that you should have been the one who died. That was wrong.

Oliver: If I could trade places with her, I would.

Laurel: About Sarah... there's something that I've been afraid to ask, but I need to know.

Oliver: Ok.

Laurel: When she died...did she suffer?

Oliver: [Flashback] No. Sarah! [she screams and is ripped away by the ocean] [Present Day] No.

"Thank you." Laurel said, being very grateful at being lied to.

Laurel: I think about her every day.

Oliver: Me, too.

Laurel: I guess we still have one thing in common then. I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but...If you need someone to talk to about what happened to you, I'm here. [Oliver's cell phone vibrates. He checks his phone. 10.00PM - Account balance $0] Something wrong?

Oliver: I asked somebody to do something. They didn't do it. Laurel...you always saw the best in me. Right now, that's what you're doing, looking at me, and you're wondering if that island changed me somehow, if it made me a better person. It didn't. Stay away from me. Otherwise...I'm just gonna hurt you again, but this time, it'll be worse. Gotta roll. [He walks back from her] I got 5 years of debauchery to catch up on.

Laurel: [Hurt. She walks towards him angered] You know what, Oliver? You're wrong. That island did change you. At least now you're honest. [she leaves]

"Why would you do that?" Laurel asked.

"To protect you, I needed you to stay away from me so you won't get hurt."

[Service Hallway]

Diggle: Something I can help you with, sir?

Oliver: [turns around] I just wanted a second to myself.

Diggle: I would believe you, Mr. Queen, if you weren't so full of crap. Party's this way. [Motions to the door]

Oliver: It's locked. [Diggle goes to check and Oliver puts him in a sleeper hold and immobilizes him]

"Oh, for the love of God!" Dig said putting his head in his hands.

Everyone in the room laughed at that while Tommy and Oliver fist bumped.

[Hunt Multinational]

Drakon: You two cover the elevator. Hang back and be ready. Stay in the corners and stay alert. [Lock latches] It's past 10:00. He's never getting in here.

Detective Hilton: All's clear.

Detective Lance: Yeah.

[Fight Scene]

Hunt: You missed.

"You missed?" Thea said confused.

"How the hell did you miss?!" Tommy asked.

"Ollie, we saw how good you are with a bow, so how did you miss from four feet away?" Laurel asked.

He didn't say anything as he examined the scene, he noticed the arrow had a light on it and he smirked.

Arrow: Really?

Hunt: He's here!

Detective Lance: All units, converge! All units, converge!

Arrow: Aigh! Detective

Lance: Go right, go right. On me.

Officer: Lay down your weapons, or we will open fire! I repeat, lay down your weapons.

[Oliver jumps out the window and ziplines to the adjacent building]

"What in the world?" Moira asked concerned.

"Why can't you just stay still when you're being arrested?" Lance groaned.

Detective Hilton: Tell me you saw that.

Detective Lance: Ok. Let's go. Move. Cut it. Search the building roof to basement. Find him! Starling City police! The party's over, kids. [Booing] Oh, Mr. Merlyn. Imagine my shock at finding you here. Did you roofie anyone special tonight, huh?

Tommy looked at the detective with an annoyed look on his face.

"I've done some bad things in my life, but I would never do that. I don't know what I have done to you, detective, but the fact that you'd accuse me of that just proves that you don't like me." Tommy said, which stunned the detective.

Oliver: Detective! It's a private party.

Detective Lance: Yeah? Well, there was an incident at Adam Hunt's building tonight. You know anything about that?

Oliver: Who's Adam Hunt? Detective Lance: He's a millionaire bottom feeder, and I'm kind of surprised you aren't friends.

Oliver: I've been out of town for...a while.

Detective Lance: Yeah. Well, he just got attacked by the guy with the hood, the guy that saved your ass the other day.

Oliver: The hood guy. You didn't find him? I'm gonna offer a reward. Hey, everybody. $2 million to anybody that can find a nut bar in a green hood. [The crowd cheers]

Detective Lance: Did you even try to save her?

Detective Hilton: Ok. Let's go, partner.

Detective Lance: Did you even try to save my daughter?

"Dad!" Laurel said.

Detective Hilton: Sarah wouldn't want this.

Detective Lance: It's not–

Detective Hilton: Partner, let's go. (low voice) It's all right. Let's go.

Oliver: It's way too quiet in here! This is a party! Tommy: Some coincidence, I mean, you asking to have your party here, and Hunt getting robbed right next door and by the same guy who rescued us at the warehouse.

Oliver: If I were you, Tommy, I'd just be glad you're alive.

"What the hell Oliver?!" Tommy screamed.

"What?" Oliver said.

"Why would you say that?!"

"You want to know? Okay, Hong Kong. Do I need to say any more?"

Tommy came to the realization about what he said and decided to confront him later. Everyone else looked at them confused.

Tommy: What-h-happened to you on that island?

Oliver: A lot

Hunt: What the hell are you talking about? $40 million doesn't just up and vanish! Untraceable?! It is $40 million! Find it! How did he do it?

[Life Raft]

Robert: There's not enough for all of us. Save your strength. You can survive this, make it home, make it better, right my wrongs, but you got to live through this first. You hear me, Ollie? You hear me, son?

Oliver: Just rest, dad.

"Thea, close your eyes." Oliver said.

"Why?" She asked.

[Robert pulls out a gun and shot Gus]

Oliver: Dad?!

Oliver puts his hand over her eyes but she could tell what was going to happen.

Robert: Survive. [proceeds to put the gun to his head and pulls the trigger]

Oliver: No!

Everyone was shocked about what they said. The Queen family had looks of dread and tears on their faces. Oliver just looked off into nothing as everyone looked at him wondering how bad that must have felt.

[Present Day]

Laurel: If hypothetically $50,000 magically appeared in your bank account, it might be best for you not to speak about it...to anyone... Ever. God bless you, too. I just got a very grateful phone call from one of our clients against Adam Hunt.

Johanna: Me, too. Heh. It looks like Starling City has a guardian angel. By the way, your cute friend's here.

Tommy: You left the party pretty quick last night, even after I made sure the bar was stocked with Pinot Noir.

Laurel: It wasn't really my scene.

Tommy: I thought maybe you and Oliver went mano-a-mano again. I saw you two head out.

Laurel: There's nothing between Oliver and I, not anymore.

Tommy: Here I thought the only thing between you and Oliver was us.

Laurel: I wouldn't exactly characterize us as an "us," Tommy.

Tommy: Then what would you call it? Laurel: A lapse. Tommy: That's quite a few lapses... your place, my place, my place again.

Laurel: Oh, come on, Merlyn. We both know that you're not a one-girl type of guy.

Tommy: Depends on the girl.

Laurel: I have to go back to work.

Tommy: Dinah Laurel Lance always trying to save the world.

Laurel: Hey. If I don't try and save it, who will?

Oliver (V.O.): She says the island changed me. She has no idea how much. There are many more names on the list, those who rule my city through intimidation and fear. Every last one of them will wish I had died on that island.

Moira: The police failed to identify the men I hired to kidnap Oliver, and they never will. No. There are other ways of finding out what my son knows.

All hell broke loose after hearing that.