Once Upon A Shard

Damn Him!-Inner thoughts/sounds

I AM HERE!-All might Speak/Shouting

KILL THEM!-Insane Speak

AN: It is highly recommended to READ MHA before checking out this story. I will be spoiling some major things for just anime watchers. You can read MHA for free on . Go check it out. With that out of the way, this story will be mostly OC and Izuku centric. Expect sporadic updates, as I am still in school and lazy, but also be aware that this is my first story. I've been on fanfiction for years but have never made an account till now. So I hope you can forgive me. I will be buffing everyone in my story, as I have made some pretty crazy OC's and it will make the story flow better. OOC everyone. Without further adieu, welcome to my first story. Hope you enjoy. -

Chapter 1: Who are you? Bastard.

In a town in Japan under a certain police station, there is a base of the Japanese mafia called the Yakuza. Inside this base we come to the room our hero is sleeping in. The heart monitor beeps slowly, as the occupant of the bed sleeps peacefully.

"How is he Doctor?" the infamous Yakuza boss Chisaki asked the Doctor next to him.

The Doctor slowly replied, "Not good sir, it seems the experiments have fractured his mental state," he said in a nervous tone. "What do you mean?" Chisaki asked. "I mean the boy, or should I say boys now, has developed multiple personality disorder. Even more strange, it seems each quirk we spliced into him took to one of the personalities."

Chisaki's eyes widened. He then smiled evilly. "Good. Run the tests again Dr Suzuko." "But sir!" the Doctor stated, "If we do that, the boy could easily go into critical condition! He would not only be in tremendous pain, but he could di-" "I don't care," Chisaki interrupted coldly. Suzuko grit his teeth in anger. "Very well" he said disdainfully.

The building shook.

"What the hell was that!?" Chisaki asked, frustrated. "I don't know sir!" The doctor said in shock. "I think an explosion rocked the building!" "Hold on" Chisaki said "I'll go take care of it." Chisaki rushed away.

The Doctor stood there in the dark hospital room. He looked to his left towards the boy on the bed. "I never wanted this to happen to you. I'm sorry." He suddenly grit his teeth. "I'll make it right. I promise!"

The Doctor moved the glass sliding door and moved towards the sleeping boy. The Doctor picked him up and slung him over his shoulder. He quickly swiped his ID on the scanner to the iron door unlocking the door. He rushed out into the hallways under the police office. Navigating the corridors until he was almost to the top of the complex.

The building shook again, this time much much louder, and much much closer. The doctor suddenly heard the sound of flames rushing towards him. He looked to his right and saw Black-purple flames rushing down the hallway. The Doctor slammed against the wall dropping the child and falling to the ground.

What the hell? He thought. How in the fuck did this fire burn me? I'm a dragon! The Doctor rolled onto his feet and looked back. He widened his eyes in awe. He was shocked. The hallway where he once was, was nothing but a pile of molten slag. As he focused on the hallway, he noticed how hot it was. Which was to say, unbearably hot. Clack, clack, clack. The doctors danger sense flared up, he felt like death itself was looking right at him.

He looked down the hallway and saw the man responsible for the fire. He had black dress shoes as well as black dress pants on his lower body. On his torso he was wearing a plain black shirt and a grey hoodie with chain designs on the front, back and arms. His hood was up, concealing his features the only thing the doctor could see was his neon orange eyes peeking through the hood.

The other and, most notable thing about him was a white haired little girl with a horn growing out of her forehead clutched in his chest quietly sobbing. The figure seemed to whisper to her and she calmed down, if only a little bit.

"You know," He started, "I'm probably going to regret this, but if you walk away now, and promise to give that kid to somewhere where he'll be safe, I'll let you walk away."

The Doctor grew angry "Let me walk away? I'll kill you!"

He quickly shed enough scales to cover the boy behind him and sprinted toward the figure. The figure sighed, "Good grief" As the Doctor got closer to him, he whispered to the little girl and put her behind him, then put his hands up manipulating the flames to create a hand of fire. He wills the fire hand to grab both Eri and the boy and drops them on a nearby roof. The figure sighs. "Now that the casualties are out of the way…"

He turns his attention back to the doctor. "Since we are gonna be fighting, I might as well tell you my name." The doctor was less than 10 feet away now. Both his and the Doctors powers were rising.

"I'm Vendetta." He said calmly as the rest of the Yakuza base was enveloped in flames.

The doctor screamed in rage and pain as he was enveloped by the flames. He crashed against the wall and slumped to the ground. "Well that's that" said Vendetta as he slowly turned around. "Well if we're telling our names," Vendettas eyes widened and he whipped around. The doctor slowly rose out of the flames with bright red scales covering his entire body and his hair sticking up.

"I'm Suzuko" Suzuko suddenly rushed forward and planted a right haymaker into Vendetta's stomach. Vendetta's eyes widened as he coughed blood and flew backwards into a wall of an apartment complex.

His hood fell off, revealing his features. He had black hair with purple streaks in it as well as neon orange eyes. He had two scars, one long x scar on his neck and a long gagged line from his chin to his nose ridge. He had a very handsome face, without the snarl of anger and the long scar he could even be considered "Hot".

Vendetta got back up on shaky legs and scowled at Suzuko, his flames gathered in his hands and he whispered, "Izumai." He drew his arms back as far as he could and clapped his hands. When he clapped, he sent a combination of blistering air and all consuming flame on a path of destruction.

Suzuko grit his teeth and crossed his arms as he flew backwards but righted himself in the air with his wings just as the flame hit him. He braced himself and used his scales to lessen the flame, but damn if the fire wasn't hot as hell.

Suzuko took heavy breaths as he studied Vendetta. "Looks like i might have to kick it up a notch". He thought as he switched from fire to electricity.

Vendetta watched in curiosity as Suzuko swayed from side to side, as if he was dancing. He realized the energy build up too late.

"Lightning dragons Thunder Palace!" He screamed with fever as lighting struck the earth around him in speratick bursts.

The only thing that saved Vendetta was his quick reaction time. "KAMUI!" He screamed. As lightning was striking around him his fire roared up to match it and started to absorb the lightning.

What?! Thought Suzuko as he witnessed his lightning being corrupted by the fire. He noticed the fire climbing towards him much too late.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Suzuko screamed as his body was consumed by the fire. As he fell to the ground in a burnt heap, Vendetta sighed, "Such pride."

He made a flame avatar that took Suzuko to the hospital as he moved up to the children on the roof. "Are you alright?" He asked softly as the black haired boy looked at him in fear. The white haired girl looked at the black haired boy as she saw the boy powering himself up and grew scared.

"I won't hurt you, I promise." "How do we know?" Vendetta looked on in surprise, it sounded like multiple people were talking at once. "After all, you just beat up the doctor that took care of me!"

The white haired girl looked at Vendetta and ran into his arms. He picked her up and looked to the black haired kid. Vendetta ran a hand through her locks and whispered comforting words to her. "Hey listen, he attacked me first ok?" The boy still looked at him dirty but didn't say anything. "Now that that's out of the way" Vendetta started "What's your name?

"Toyoaki/Yamagishi/Totonari/Raijin/Garu/Shino" They all said at the same time. Vendetta sweat dropped "Umm… I'm just gonna call you… Ruju. That okay with you kid? The black haired boy(s)? tilted his head side to side, seemingly thinking "We like it" he seemingly decided. "Good" Vendetta said "Anyway… I came here to rescue you guys and that's what i'm gonna do. So… i'm sorry." "Sorry for wh-" He didn't get to finish as Vendetta knocked them both out with a chop to the neck. "What to do with you two." He pondered to himself "What a pain."