A villain stood before Eraserhead, as usual. The other was giving him trouble, staying out of his line of sight- a smart move. While trying to remain on guard, the pro couldn't help but wonder just what kind of quirk he was up against. This was bad, and the fact was he couldn't keep it up, every time he blinked the quirk would come back.

He'd called for back up some time ago and briefly, before dodging a well-aimed punch, wondered when they'd get here as more showed up. He was having flashbacks to USJ. That wasn't good, and neither was being surrounded by villains. Again.

He made sure to stay as far back as possible, utilizing his capture weapon when need be. Despite his clothes being torn from fighting and the throbbing pain in his skull, It was going better than he'd hoped. Until it wasn't.

Everything in his body screamed in agony as his body was encased- no time to use his quirk. No time to react, and he's thinking this is it. Oh well, at least he died doing his job.

It wasn't until he was faced with a bright sunny day, from having it be nighttime, that makes him feel… wrong. What happened? Where'd those villains go? He used his capture weapon to go to the roof of the building he was next to. At the top, it made him more confused.

No damage, no anything. Everything was just a bit off. Out of habit, he rubbed the bandaid on his right hand, covering his ring finger. He hadn't had time to grab the specialized hiding piece for his soul ring.

Idly he wondered if he would be able to somehow procure one without anyone seeing the ink on his finger. No time right now, though.

Something caught his eye a few blocks from where he was, an explosion- collapsing building. He took off, figuring he should help and ask for answers to his burning questions. He used his support gear, the capture weapon, to go from rooftop to rooftop to get there.

Only to stop in horror as he saw All Might saving people. Not Toshinori, All Might.

That's when he knew that something was very wrong. He was confused and unsure of what to do, what the fuck? It took him a little longer than he'd like to admit to force himself to go down and get answers. Oh, God… That means he has to talk to the annoying hero.

Seeing as there were still people to evacuate, he focused on that- keeping his goggles on. There would be time later, maybe, to ask his questions. He probably looked worse than usual, the adrenaline had dipped off just enough to feel the exhaustion in his bones. But, regardless of the time period, he had a job to do.

"Thank you, but you should not be here!" Came the response from All Might and, although nobody could see because of his visor, Aizawa looked at him with almost rage while keeping the rest of his face neutral.

"Really? I'm just as much of a hero as you and I don't see you escorting these people to safety." He retorted, eyeing the state of dress the #1 hero was in, If he's correct, the young age uniform. He must have just come back from America. Shit. "You just take down the villain and I'll make sure the people get to safety."

He didn't wait for All Might to agree and just went on with his work. He never quite liked All Might, but he didn't mind Toshinori. Maybe once this fiasco is done, he could talk to Toshinori.

It took some time but, eventually, the job was done and All Might was being gushed over for helping others- as expected from everyone. He stayed off to the side, watching and waiting. He supposed he could go to Nezu, but he didn't want to risk too much. At least he could pinpoint an age range by All Might's hero uniform.

"Ah, there you are. I wanted to thank you again." All Might came up to him and Eraserhead didn't like that- he was followed by media of course. All asking questions, to which he made no move to speak. Thankfully his capture weapon, goggles and hair his a lot of his face- and his clothes were all torn up.

"I'll speak with you later, hotshot." He muttered and took off, using the weapon to get on the roof and head in the direction of UA. Not his favorite option but he couldn't stand the cameras and young All Might. He wondered if he could even get in the damn place- probably not without setting off alarms.

He was still going to try, perhaps call Nezu from a payphone. But even then it would sound suspicious, he really didn't want to do this in the daylight. He lifted his goggles to put in some eye drops, his head was still aching from USJ.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Came the loud voice, startling Shota and causing him to slam down his goggles and use his quirk. He lashed out with the capture weapon only to calm ever so slightly seeing All Might. He noted the soul ring cover that the young hero wore on his finger, at least they existed whenever he was.

"I have questions." He made no move to stop his erasure or let Toshinori go. "What year is it?"

"Uh.. 2XXX?" The man said weakly. "Why can't I move?"

"Fuck." Shota groaned and undid the capture weapon and closed his eyes, as he thought. Still, it was a punch to the gut. "God damn. How do I get back?"

"Uh… I don't.. Know? What are you talking about?" All Might asks, head tilting. His smile was less forced and more concerned- but it was there. "I'd like to help."

"Of course you would… Okay.. I'm going to sound fucking insane but hear me out." Aizawa points to the blonde, god his eyes hurt. But he'll tough it through, he watches All Might almost flinch. He remembered Toshinori telling him his scowling is scary, so he must be doing that.

"I'll… try my best." Came the softer, yet somehow still loud, response.

"I was hit with a time travel quirk and I went from 2XYY to now. I know, it must sound crazy but it's true. I need to get back. I don't know how I'd prove it to you without like… ruining the future." That last part was muttered almost defeated. God, this was stupid! But it was rational, he supposed. How else was he supposed to get back? "Wait, what's the date? And time?"

"Uh… October 29th? 3 pm." All Might replied, looking more confused. "Why? What does it have to do with- WAIT! Where are you going?!"

"To prove what I'm saying!" Shota had taken off in the direction of downtown. He heard something faint but also the sound of hurried footsteps following. "Come on! I know you're faster than that!"

It took a little bit but Shota was panting when they got there, and All Might barely broke a sweat. God, he was old.


"In 14 minutes and 30 seconds, that cat cafe will open for the first time and inside will be 5 cats. An orange tabby who's a girl named Bella, a black cat who's a boy named Kage , a grey and white cat who's also a boy named Zeus, A girl pure grey cat named Iris and an asshole Sphynx named Dai." Shota rattled off, then looked to his companion who looked confused. "If I'm right it means I'm from the future, right?"

"There's no fucking way you know all of that." Toshinori, not All Might, said and Shota snorted.

"I've never heard you cuss before." He muttered softly. But it turns out, when those 14 minutes were up, Shota was right. He looked smugly at Toshinori. "Told you so, Yagi-san."

"Well... Shit."