Chapter 3: The First Time

I struggled to sleep that night, plagued by nightmares of Billy dying in his sleep and Max going missing. The excitement I'd had in anticipation of my evening with Brian had all but dissipated. I was uneasy and incredibly stressed; it seemed I could never catch a break.

When I jolted awake for the third time at eight in the morning, I wasn't even going to attempt to fall back asleep again and decided to take a shower instead, hoping somehow, I could wash it all away.

"You're up early," my mom says as I walk into the kitchen, tightening my pink bathrobe closed. She's buttering up some toast and I inhale the delicious scent of bacon and fried eggs. "Take a seat, I'll just be a minute."

The sight of her looking happy and healthy brought me so much joy and immediately a weight had lifted off my shoulders, maybe this time she would come back to being herself. I had to believe that, no matter how many times I had been disappointed.

Taking a seat at our dining table, she sets down my breakfast in front of me. Her green eyes are glowing and she appears to have gained some weight. "Thanks mom."

"Tea or coffee?" she asks as she walks away.

"Coffee, I didn't sleep well last night."

She shoots me a look of concern. "How come, honey?"

"Just…" I pause, something inside of me not wanting to share what had happened last night. "I have a date tonight, sort of."

"My little girl is all grown up!" She exclaims excitedly as she potters around the kitchen. "Who is the lucky fella?"

"Um, his name is Brain." I stare down at my food, playing at it with my fork.

"Is he cute?"

I blush. "Yes."

"Is he older?"

"No, he's sixteen; we're in the same Math class."

"Well, sometimes dating someone your own age is a good thing. You're both at the same stage in your lives and can relate to each other in ways that can be difficult to with an older person." She heads back over to me and takes a seat. "Where is he taking you?"

I figure telling her about a ride in his car is not a good idea. "We're... going to the cinema."

"Okay, that's good." she nods thoughtfully. "Come straight home though, okay? Your curfew is at ten."

"Mom, seriously?" I roll my eyes. "I haven't had a curfew in like, two years. You can trust me."

"Of course I trust you, honey." She smiles warmly. "It's him I don't trust."

We make small talk as we eat our breakfast and I've almost forgotten about last night until she brings the Hargrove's up, asking me how I'm getting on. I insist that I'm enjoying the job and that Max is like a little sister to me, but I deliberately leave Billy out of the equation.

I didn't quite understand why I was protecting him; after all, I was pretty open with my mom on her good days. But she was strict when it came to boys, always has been and with Billy being older and so rebellious, I had a feeling she'd be calling Susan up to complain. My mom could be a little overprotective at times.

After all, I did have a curfew tonight. Jeez.

Finishing up, I excuse myself and head up to my room. I flop onto my king sized bed and stare at the golden butterfly lampshade hanging from the ceiling, finding solace inside these pale pink walls.

The sunshine creeps in through the window, peeking out from the grey clouds and it makes me long for summer again.

But my thoughts keep drifting to Billy so I force myself to get dressed and clean my room.

He was fine. Surely.



By two o'clock I can't take it anymore and fish out Susan's note with their phone number scribbled on it and head for the hallway downstairs, picking up the phone. I dial the number and with bated breath, wait for someone to pick up.


"Max! it's me, Eve."

"Hey!" I can hear the smile in her voice.

"Hey! Listen, I don't mean to disturb you but I couldn't stop worrying last night… is Billy okay?"

She lowers her voice to a whisper. "Looks fine to me, still a dick."

I sag with relief. "Thank God! I was just… afraid that maybe I should've taken him to hospital. But he's okay, that's good to hear."

"I wouldn't worry-" she's cut off and I can hear Billy in the background. Their words are muffled but I can tell he's annoyed. "No, Billy! Stop!" she yells.

More scuffling is heard before he speaks, his voice crystal clear. "Is that you Sinclair?"

"It's Eve. Max's babysitter," I say, a knot forming in my stomach. "I just called to check in on you guys after… last night."

"How incredibly thoughtful of you, Eve."

"Yeah, um, I'm glad you… you're both okay. I'll see you."

"You bet, darlin'."

I quickly hang up before he says anything else and I stare at the phone with wide eyes, my cheeks burning.

It's 8 o'clock and I'm sitting at my vanity, applying a pink lip. I'm wearing my favourite yellow dress and smell strongly of Opium by Yves Saint Laurent – thanks to my mom.

I'm nervous and hot and I've had to apply deodorant three times just as a precaution. I definitely didn't want Brian to get a smell of armpit off me. That was the last thing I needed.

My mom's out with my aunt Phoebe and I thank my lucky stars she's not around to judge either me or Brian. I loved my mom, but she was very blunt and sometimes quite hurtful. Not to mention overprotective. She was difficult when it came to dating. Not to mention how awkward the talk had been.

Honking sounding outside alerts me to Brian's arrival. I take a deep breath.

Breathe, Eve. Breathe.

The moment I'd waited so long for was finally here.

I skip down the stairs and let myself out, rushing over to his white mustang, a nervous smile on my face.

"Hey," I greet him as I enter the car, shutting the door behind me.

He's wearing a beige shirt and his black hair is slicked back. His cologne is intoxicating and his smile dazzling. "You look stunning tonight, Eve." He reaches out, runs his fingers through my wavy hair. "I've never seen you with your hair down. Suits you."

"Thanks." I blush, finding it hard to think with him being so close.

"I've been thinking about this all week, you and me. Alone," he whispers, his hand moving from my hair to cup my cheek. "Your pretty face."

His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips and having never been kissed before, I giggle nervously.

I actually freaking giggle!

He blinks, the moment ruined. "Ready for a little joyride?"

I nod. Disappointed he hasn't kissed me, knowing it was my fault.

We drive for a while, Hawkins Pop Radio 8.612 playing tunes in the background. We cruise around the town and up back roads I'd never seen before. The ride so smooth, almost as smooth as Brian. By next year he would be the King of Hawkins High.

I'd never had a boyfriend before or even held a boy's hand. I wasn't like Annie; so full of life and confidence. It had taken me a while to build my confidence, to understand who I was and what I wanted. I'd shy away from boys and their advances.

I think part of me was afraid of letting someone in. Romantically.

Ever since dad had left us... life had never been the same.

Brian pulls up outside a red brick house and I turn to him. "Where are we?"

"My place, babe." He smirks and switches off the ignition. "I figured since my 'rents were outta town, you might feel more comfortable indoors."

"Oh," is all I can muster, my heart rate picking up.

His place.

Did he expect me to sleep with him?

Did I want to?

I follow him out of the car and as we walk into the house, I realise how weak my knees have gone, every step almost a struggle. Inside the hallway it's warm and smells of exotic incense. Amber wallpaper and gold picture frames encasing photos of a very happy family adorn the walls. Brain is an only child.

He leads me into the front room and gestures towards the brown leather sofa. "Take a seat, I'll be right back."

I sit down and wait for him, my hands shaky and a layer of sweat forming on my upper lip. I'm more nervous than excited, which surprises me, but it was probably like this for every girl on her first romantic outing.

Brian returns with two bottles of beer, handing me one. "Don't tell me you don't drink?"

"Sometimes," I say, accepting the drink.

He sits down next to me, throwing his arm over the backrest. "Relax, babe. I don't bite."

"I'm fine..."

"You've always been so clean cut, Eve. some even calling you a loser." I flinch at the word and he chuckles. "Don't get offended, I don't see you like that, obviously. I find you quite captivating."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "You don't have to say that Brian, I get it, I am kind of a loser. But I'm happy the way I am, less drama."

"I'm not just saying it, I mean it." He scoots closer. "And you're really pretty Eve, even prettier than Natalie and Jenny, but you hide behind your books and your invisible clothing, nobody even notices, but I do. You notice me too right?"

"Y-Yeah, I do," I admit, my voice small as butterflies assault my stomach.

"For how long have you noticed me?" he asks, watching me intently.

I take another swig out of the bottle. "A while... you?"

"A long time, babe." He cups my cheek in his hand. "I don't take it you've been with a lot of guys before, right?"

"No." I bite my lip, his close proximity driving me crazy.

He leans in, his forehead touching mine. "Would I be your first?"

I nod, his intoxicating smell flooding my senses now and with hardly any time to react, he slams his lips to mine and kisses me hungrily. His hand slides down my neck to my chest, lingering there and I tense, everything happening so fast. He presses his tongue to my lips, demanding access and I part them, his tongue delving into my mouth, sliding against mine.

His lips tasted of mint and as I became accustomed to his kisses, I managed to find a rhythm with him, our tongues dancing together. My arms reach up and tangle behind his neck, pulling him closer to me and the bottle in my hand falls to the floor, neither of us reacting.

He gently pushes me onto my back and climbs on top of me, devouring my mouth, his hand closing around my breast. I moan in response, my fingers combing through his silky black hair and i part my legs for him to settle between them.

"I'm so hot for you, babe," he whispers, trailing kisses down my neck, sucking the skin softly.

Hazy eyed, I stare up at the ceiling unseeing, consumed completely by my lust for Brian. His fingers and lips on my skin were driving me crazy and a fire was burning between my thighs. I could've spent forever in this moment.

A knock on the door brings us back to reality.

"Just ignore it," he whispers against my collarbone, trailing his kisses southwards, but the knocking continues. "God dammit!"

He pushes himself up off me and storms out of the room. I sit up, listening as he unlocks the door and greets his visitor. My lips swollen.

"Tommy? what's up?"

Fuck. Not Tommy of all people.

"Hey amigo, I need a place to crash tonight. Sister's thrown me out and I can't find my fucking keys."

A pause.

"Are you gonna let me in or what?"

"Uh... it's not a great time, Tommy. I've got a chick over."

He whistles. "Gotta hand it to you man, ladies love you. Promise you won't even know I'm there."

"Okay, we're down here so... maybe head up to the spare room for now?" Brian suggests, his voice wavering.

"In the living room? Nice to switch things up, eh." Tommy laughs as he enters. The door clicking shut behind him. "Catch you later man, appreciate it."

Brian re-enters the room as Tommy's footsteps are heard making their way up the stairs. He rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry, I couldn't turn him down. He's a friend, y'know?"

I nod and stand up, not quite feeling it any more with Tommy around. "It's fine, do you mind taking me back home?"

He jams his hands in his pockets, his neck turning red. "You don't wanna... continue?"

"It's not the same with him being here. I'm sorry, Brian." I cross my arms, suddenly feeling vulnerable. A naked feeling I can't quite describe.

"Fine." He sighs and turns on his heel. "Tommy, be back in five!"

"Kay!" Tommy calls back.

I follow him into the hallway and wait for him to shrug his blue bomber jacket on. As we're leaving, I turn to shut the door behind us and catch Tommy's eyes. He's standing on the landing upstairs, watching me with a grin on his face.

Shutting the door quickly, I silently curse myself for allowing him to see me. Now everyone in Hawkins would know about tonight.

Monday morning passes by achingly slowly, Wayne and Annie were both late and I hadn't bumped into them between classes. I got through my lessons with my head down, avoiding eye contact with as many people as I possibly could in fear of them having already heard through the grapevine about last night.

It wasn't that I was ashamed, being with Brian wasn't something any of the girls at Hawkins High would want to keep quiet about, but it was the newfound attention that I was terrified of. I was a closeted introvert.

Not only that, but I was also dreading seeing Billy again. Talking on the phone had been embarrassing enough, I didn't know what I was going to say if he approached me. Billy was so intimidating.

It was after Physics while I was rifling through my locker when I saw him again, leaning against the locker next to mine.

Startled, I almost dropped my books. "Jesus!"

He grins, chewing on gum. "Wrong guy, darlin."

Clad in a leather jacket and blue shirt unbuttoned at the top, I can't help but sneak a glance at his muscular chest. Undoubtedly sexy, I force myself not to think of him like that. He was not a nice guy. He was not a friend. "You've... recovered I see."

"All thanks to you." He winks. "I was wondering if you'd maybe do me a favour?"

Oh crap. "Depends..."

"See I really need to pass Biology this year and you're a smart girl, I was wondering if you'd help a guy out? Might not be the same grade but I'm sure you'd have no trouble understanding."


He hushes me, pressing his finger to my lips. "Before you say anything, I promise you I will be a perfect student." Leaning forward, he lowers his voice to a husky whisper. "And I could teach you a few things, you know, sweet girl like you."

A warmth spreads through my body which I ignore, the minty smell of his gum lingering in the air. "Sorry Billy but I really can't, I haven't got the time. My mom's not... well and on weekends I'm looking after Max."

He clenches his jaw. "You making shit up now? Just say it straight if you're not interested."

"I'm not!" I exclaim, taken aback by his bluntness. I reach for his arm but drop my hand before it connects, realising what I was about to do. "I have a lot to do. Homework, dinner, laundry... I'm sorry."

"Ooh what do we have here?" A familiar voice booms behind me and Tommy appears next to us, grinning from ear to ear. "Moving on so fast? Eve? Brian said you were a little shy last night."

I can feel the blood rushing to my face. "Seriously Tommy, stop."

Billy lifts a perfectly arched eyebrow. "Brian?"

"Yeah, her and Brian Crowe got it on last night at his place. Didn't think she'd be his type but here we are." He throws an arm over Billy's shoulders. "Don't tell me she's yours too, Cali boy."

He shrugs him off and shoots me a look of disgust. "Naw, man. Just wanted to let her know how much of a slut I think she is, can't have Max around that."

I open my mouth to retaliate, but I can't find the words, his insult rendering me speechless. For some reason unknown to me, he has hurt me deeply, so much in fact that I can feel tears stinging my eyes. Fortunately, he doesn't notice as he's already storming off with Tommy in toe.

It was probably the first time a girl had turned him down and that was why he was so angry, or maybe it was the fact that I had made time for someone else. Either way, I wasn't going to let it get to me.

Let it go, Eve. He's not worth it.

And I will the tears away.

Later that night, myself, Annie and Wayne are having a few beers in Rita Grady's garden. Rita is one of Hawkins' resident party girl. Her parents are always out of town and she's been with every guy at high school. Wayne's brother Kev is friendly with her and got us into her place tonight. Annie had jumped at the chance, dragging me along much to my disinterest.

We're sitting on the grass, passing a bottle of Jack around when Kev approaches us. "You owe me one," he mutters to Wayne as he hands him a freshly rolled joint.

"Nice! Hand it over," Annie demands, holding out her hand.

"Eh, no. I sorted us out with all of this, I'm taking the first drag."

She fishes a lighter out from her back pocket. "But you don't have one of these, do you?"

His eyes roll all the way into the back of his head. "Jesus fucking Christ! How do you always have the upper hand?" he moans, handing it over to her.

"It's just how I roll, dweeb." She winks, bringing it to her red lips and lighting it up. "Really fucking needed this, today sucks. Can't fucking believe my car broke down again, there's no way my dad's gonna pay to repair it, I'm gonna have to get a job."

"Sounds awful, Ann, imagine you working. We can't have that, can we?" he teases.

"You could babysit Max," I say, unable to forget what Billy had said to me earlier, despite being tipsy. "I'm way too much of a slut."

"He's a fucking douchebag, Evie. Seriously, he's even going after Steve Harrington, can you believe that? He thinks he's the new king of Hawkins High or something. Fucking hate him," Wayne sneers.

Annie lets out a puff of smoke, the smell of marijuana invading my nostrils. "He is a douchebag, a major douchebag. But I'd still fuck him. Have you seen his ass?"

I roll my eyes. "That's it? That's all you've got to say? Jee, thanks Ann."

"I did say he's a douchebag, but I'm also being honest with you guys, I'd jump his bones in a second." She passes the joint to Wayne and scoots over, throwing her arm around my shoulders. "You should've taken him up on his offer, bet he has more game than Brian, what a disappointment that night with him was. You're supposed to be talking about how good he is in bed right now, not some stupid shit Billy said."

"I know right," Wayne agrees. "But I guess Billy is like a year older than us so more experience y'know, plus he's lived in Cali so bonus points. Brian has never stepped foot outta Hawkins."

My mind drifts off, replaying the memory of Brian's lips on mine. He tasted sweet enough to eat and I wanted so badly to experience that again. I was having a hard time actually processing the fact that I had finally kissed him after months of crushing on him, it was surreal.

He hadn't turned up at school today which I found odd, but he had been pretty embarrassed about Tommy's interruption and I figured he wanted to stay away from the gossip this morning.

But despite the fact that I'd had my first kiss, I still couldn't stop thinking about Billy.

"Evie?" Annie says, holding the joint out to me. I reject her offer and she shrugs. "I ain't complaining."

"Pass it!" Wayne demands.

I giggle, taking another swig from the bottle of jack, my vision starting to spin. Kev and his friends turn on the radio from where they're lounging in the far end of the garden, Here I Go Again by Whitesnake blasting from the speakers. I nod my head to beat, finally feeling the buzz of the alcohol.

"What time is it?" I ask.

Wayne glances down at his watch. "Exactly nine thirty."

"Can you believe my mom gave me a curfew last night? I wonder if it still stands tonight." I roll my eyes. "She said she didn't trust Brian."

Annie lets out a cackle. "That's hilarious when you consider the fact that you spend your weekends at the Hargrove's."

"Honestly, she'd freak if she knew about Billy."

"Guys!" Wayne hisses, stiffening.

Annie and I both pause.

"What the fuck, Wayne?"

"Shut up, Ann! Listen!"

We keep silent and in the distance we hear it. Billy's Camaro.

"Speak of the devil," I mutter, reaching for the bottle again. I'd need to be drunk to deal with him. "Can we call it a night?"

"We only have one ride outta here," Wayne points out, his eyelids heavy. "And Kev ain't leavin' until Kev feels like leavin'."

We hear the Camaro's engine grow closer until it falls silent out the front. Rita jumps up and runs into the house, a huge grin on her face. She was probably dying for a ride with Billy, pun intended.

We watch as Billy saunters out, clad in his leather jacket and a white t-shirt. His mullet glossy under the night lights, the curls perfectly defined. Tommy and Carol followed closely behind; it seemed they tagged along everywhere he went.

A roar from Kev and the rest of the gang sounds as the trio make their way toward them. I breathe a sigh of relief, glad they hadn't noticed us sitting under the tree, the shadow completely concealing us.

As the hour passes, I can't help my eyes from drifting over to the gang in the corner, my gaze settling on Billy as he lounges on the grass, propped up on his elbow. He's chatting to Rita and I watch as she bats her eyelashes at him, twirling a strand of hair around her finger, a hint of cleavage as she leans closer to him, giving him an eyeful.

He was probably going to bed her later. But somehow I was the slut.

It was really starting to piss me off.

"You ok, Evie?" Annie asks, running a hand over my head.

"No, I'm annoyed. Look at them, look at her." I pout, crossing my arms. "She's so fucking easy but I'm what he considers a slut, that's such bullshit."

Annie grins. "Me thinks someone's had too much to drink, what do you say Wayne, do we take her home?"

"Kev's not going anywhere," he replies from where he's lying on the grass, arms tucked behind his head, eyes closed. "I'm not askin' him, he'll just give me shit later."

"I'll ask him then, it's no biggie. Plus I think Kev likes me." She pushes herself up off the ground, dusting off her jeans. "Be right back."

I watch as she approaches the group, her straight blonde hair blowing lightly in the cold night breeze. Kev's face lighting up upon seeing her. I watch Rita as she ignores Annie's interruption and scoots closer to Billy, her fingers in his hair. He says something to her and she giggles, but the moment is ruined by Tommy throwing an empty beer can their way.

"I wish she'd hurry up," I whine, rising to my feet and wobbling slightly. I was drunk as a skunk. "It's so cold and I'm so freakin' tired."

I move to stand up and Wayne opens an eye. "Sit your ass back down, I'm not babysitting you tonight."

"But it's been like ten minutes!"

"So? She'll be back, I'm sure she's just trying to seduce Kev into leaving."

I ignore Wayne's reasoning and head towards the group, the garden spinning before me, feeling slightly nauseous. After a half bottle of jack, my dignity was out the window. Everyone's head turning upon my arrival.

I ignore their prying eyes. Especially Billy's.

"Annie?" I rub my goosebump-covered arms, my teeth beginning to chatter. It was so stupid of me to wear a t-shirt in this weather.

"Damn, you look like shit!" Tommy says, staring at me.

"Evie, we're leaving in ten," Annie says, turning to me. She grabs my arm. "C'mon lets get you inside, you're freezing up."

"Why'd you take so long?" I ask her as we enter the house and into the kitchen. I slump into a dining chair, my mouth dry.

She heads for the sink and fills up a glass of water. Placing it in front of me, she begins walking back outside. "Drink, we won't be long."

I begin to speak but she's already gone. Through the glass double doors I can see she's running back towards Kev. She was such a flirt.

Rising to my feet, I walk towards cabinets and rummage through them, my stomach growling with hunger. If I didn't eat anything soon, I was going to end up vomiting in Kev's car or worse, at my place, only to get a lecture from my mom.

Spotting a bag of chips, I stand on my tippy toes and stretch my arm as far as it can reach and manage to snatch it with the tips of my fingers.

When I turn around, he's standing there, watching me intently.

"What? Wanna insult me again, Billy?"

"What are you doing here?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at me.

"I don't have to answer that question," I say, ripping open the bag of chips.

"You're fucking wasted." He moves closer, scanning my face. "Who took you here?"

"Seriously? Why do you care? I'm just some slut to you."

He clenches his jaw. "You lied to me."

"I didn't!"

"Yes, you did!" He hisses, stepping forward, backing me up against the counter. "You think I'm fucking stupid or something?"

"No. I told you the truth! I was with Brian on Sunday, yes, but that's different..." I trail off, not knowing how to explain that situation.

"How so? Enlighten me." He cocks his head to the side, listening. His eyelashes black against the pale blue of his eyes.

"I like him, okay? It was planned, completely different to a study buddy."

I see a flash of something in his eyes but I can't pinpoint what it is. "You like that douchebag? Didn't think you'd stoop so low."

"Billy, I'm not... I need to go. Can you get outta my way please?"

He leans in, placing his hands on either side of me on the countertops. So close that I can smell cigarette smoke on his breath. "Did I hurt your feelings, Eve?"

I'm surprised he remembers my name and my heart leaps, enjoying the way it rolls of his tongue. "Yeah, you did. After Saturday night I expected a thank you. You know what I did for you right? Dragged your ass outta the Byers house all the way home, worried about you the next day, called you, and you say that about me? After all of that? And not only that, but you know damn well what a slut is and I am not one. I am not that stupid fucking bimbo that you fucked on my first night of babysitting Max. I'm not-"

"Stop. Talking," he says, gripping my chin between his fingers. "I'm taking you home, okay? Your buddy came over, told us you needed a ride."

I frown, his face coming in and out of focus. "But... they need a ride too."

"I've only got room for you darlin'." He smirks, his tongue sliding over his bottom lip.

"Billy," I start, leaning back, trying to put some space between us. I could barely breathe. "Can you move."

"Only if you accept my offer, can't turn me down again, Eve or would you?"

"I feel sick," I say, the nausea creeping up on me. The thought of Jack Daniels making it worse. I wouldn't be drinking that again any time soon.

"Is that a yes?"

Behind Billy, I watch Annie through the glass doors. She's still flirting with Kev. Would she mind if I left? I had a funny feeling we'd still be here an hour later and Wayne wasn't going to persuade his big brother.

I needed to get home before my mom started worrying and I didn't want to deal with her while I was this drunk, especially on a Monday night.

Billy's offer sounded too good right now.


He smiles, slowly backing away from me. "Good girl, follow me."

As we both head for the hallway, the back doors open. It's Rita.

"Billy?" She questions, hurt evident in her voice. "Where are you going?"

He turns to her. "Home. Sorry babe, I'll call you.

"With her?" She exclaims, her eyes wide. "What the hell, Billy? I thought... I thought you were having a good time... with me."

Striding over to her, he strokes her cheek with the back of his hand. "I had the best time with you. I'm just returning a favour, that's all. See you tomorrow, yeah?"

Despite the hurt, she nods, a small smile on her lips.

As we begin to walk, I stumble, nearly falling against the wall. He grips my arm, steadying me and a wave of nausea washes over me. I groan. He places his hand at the small of my back and guides me through the hallway, out the front door towards his infamous Camaro.

"Here." He shrugs off his leather jacket and throws it over my shoulders. "Don't want you getting pneumonia. Heard it fucking sucks."

"T-Thanks," I mumble, my teeth chattering again. It smells of leather and cigarette smoke and Billy Hargrove.

"Watch your head," he says as he helps me into the passenger seat. To my surprise he buckles me in and I stare at him, eyes wide. "I drive fast."

Billy P.O.V

Billy regretted ever saying those cruel words to her. It was wicked of him and she didn't deserve it. But he was a jealous creature and the thought of the sweet babysitter with another guy made his blood boil. Brian fucking Crowe.

It was stupid, he knew that, after all, she wasn't his to claim. Hell, he'd only interacted with her twice. But he could see her now; really see her and her kindness that Saturday night had reminded him of his late mother. He missed being cared for, missed having someone looking after him and in Eve he found that.

But there was a problem. She was a loser. Billy wasn't.

He wanted her but he didn't want to be seen with her.

And Billy couldn't risk his reputation.

It was the only thing holding him together.