Jedi Talent Show

Chapter 8

The next morning, Anakin and Ahsoka stood in the hall outside one of the training rooms, ignoring the other students chatting and laughing around them. The little golden plaque on the wall read 'WINDU & SKYWALKER, KENOBI'.

Anakin let out a sigh. Ahoska looked up at him in surprise.

"Master, why are you disappointed? You won!" she said, adding under her breath, "…again."

"But I didn't really win. It was a tie. And look, my name is still second!" As he said the words, Anakin could practically hear Obi-Wan chastising him for complaining.

"Hmm," Ahsoka considered for a moment, "but think of it this way, Master. Your name is second, but it's in front of Master Obi-Wan's this time."

"That's right, it is," Anakin smiled slowly. Sometimes Ahsoka understood him better than anybody. He rested a hand on her shoulder and they stood together, admiring the plaque together for a moment longer.

"Maybe next year I'll team up with you and Barriss. I heard this great song on the holonet the other day," Anakin said offhandedly.

Ahsoka's horrified expression was priceless. "Master, no!"

The End!

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! Please review!