Alrain: So the beginning is more a bit about the past of Izuku's training.

Chapter 2: What happened before.

In the 1st chapter of Barrier Master with Izuku revealing to be a spy working for the Leader of the League of Villains what did he do before he infiltrated UA to spy on Class A Students and their Quirks, and if anyone had a useful Quirk for him to steal and use for himself and take it for himself as well, added with some members that he could perhaps sway to their side.

Years Ago. (Unknown Location: Training Room.)

[Quirk: Potential Searcher.]

[Class Worth: X-Rank.]

It is as the name suggests of what the Quirk is truly capable of as the Quirk allows All for One to search people with great potential, the Quirk relies on sight and it isn't very specific of how truly one powerful is. But combinations with other Quirks allowed the limits to be broken and the sight more clear, it allows All for One to see the color and see which type of Quirk suits your body and how far you go and it can even specifically focus on on the Potential alone.

A terrifying Quirk to have and the last person that should have this Quirk is All for One and he had it and he was in a white room wearing his usual black business suit, the room was white for a few spots as most of the room was colored with red and guts of people intestines, bodies of young children beyond recognizable and some still recognizable but missing either a limb or a eye and such.

All for One and 2 of his loyal scientists were in the room both showing not to be affected by the carnage except for the 2nd scientist who tried not to hurl at the sight, not one of the subjects survived against the creature Supreme Noumu as the goal had been set to survive and escape from Supreme Noumu or either to survive at least 10 minutes from his attempts to kill them. He was too fast and all of them died and not even a single one survived from the chase, the monster was simply too fast but also expecting way too much of children.

"Out of all the 12 subjects, none of them survived the minimum of surviving against you," the test may have been simple to attack and survive against him while he used a single Quirk to kill them, no potential among any of them and neither was any of them alive due to how the state of their bodies was. The professor standing beside All for One looked impassive but in his mind, he wanted to be gone as quickly as possible, the sight alone made him want to hurl but if the weakness was shown in front of All for One meant things worse then death.

"..Nhg!" groaned a body gaining the attention of the 2 people in the room and the body made after a few seconds sound again leaving the Professor flabbergasted that someone was still alive, his Quirk had predicted that no one would survive based on the injuries he had seen and the loss of limbs, yet he forgot the fact that the will of a human that wanted to achieve something so bad to the point of obsession wasn't to count in his head. Here was the prime example of sheer determination and will to continue despite backed down in a corner, he seemed to be alive and even if he was not very aware nor full conscious about everything.

He had only one eye wide open and the white around the sclera and iris was like glass with great cracks in it, the iris was twitching and his hand turned into a fist that trembled showing that he was barely holding on. The Professor who was also a doctor knew what the injuries Izuku had who had a hard time breathing rushed over to Izuku and ordered a few guards to come in, they came and began rushing him to the medical department and calls were made with the best people the Professor/Doctor had to immediately come.

The Professor/Doctor had no name and was simply an orphan taking in by All for One and he wasn't loyal too All for One, he had faced the cruelty of the world on an early hand and had a righteous heart, working for All for One was simply doing the same as those who did horrible things to him and his parents...he didn't call them his parents, he didn't even get a name so he was called Professor or Doctor most of his life. But working years here and the years of how All for One worked made him sick and only a few survived left to train and traumatized, so much they would not consider rebelling against All for One but trust on him was won, the boy Izuku, if he remembered well, wasn't allowed to die since he was a key and a suffering soul like him to defeat this monster. He would've rather not have Izuku live and simply let him rest in peace, it was cruel for him to do this and make him live and use him to defeat the monster...but he had no choice as his limit was almost broken.

They arrived at the medical bay where all his assistants were rushing equipment and preparing them for the Doctor could begin right away, the team was skillful as they had treated patients like Izuku but as skillful as they are they could not prevent his body from giving in, the body sustained a lot of damage but in the eyes of the team it was a minimal wound as he had only lost half his face, left arm was gone, part of his left leg, and some crushed ribs.

"Sir, at this rate he might not even make it," spoke one of the assistants monitoring Izuku's vital rates in a calm tone, it was like he was used to it but tears rolling down his head from his sweat said he wasn't used to it, death was something he got never used to especially when it came to children who were like them tricked by their naivety.

The Doctor knew this and even if sometimes one survived it didn't mean that they were always able to save the victim, but he had a way that made the last 2 survive so he was going to use this too. "Kid, listen to me and don't question me just answer with your eyes, I can read them,"

Izuku didn't reply but his eye moved to the face of the Doctor who nodded that he knew that he was listening to him.

"Remember your resentment towards that monster," began the Doctor. "You wanted to become a Hero...but now all you want to do is destroy him, you have a family that is cured but will be held as hostage without them knowing it,"

Izuku's eyes seemed to be looking even more intense at the mention of his mom, but he continued to listen to the words of the Doctor.

"A monster like him can't be allowed to live due to his Quirk he can't die the normal way, I can see it in your eyes that you will be one of the many keys to defeating him," continued the Doctor as he instructed his assistants to focus healing on other parts with mere hand gestures. "He can't be allowed to roam this planet anymore, soon more victims like you will come and never see their beloved ones again, he will not feel any empathy nor will he ever but one thing is known death is too good for him,"

Izuku answered that he was agreeing with a slow wink that took him a lot of effort.

"Use that Anger of yours as a fuel to make everything more clear of what you want to do these years when this is over, you hear me? You are going to survive this and there isn't any other choice for you then to survive at all costs, you are smart so use that to your advantage and against him, keep a close eye on him, observe him, think of 100 plans to counter all those Quirks he has, become on of his personal guards, keep your anger in check," continued the Doctor and looked at the machines to see that Izuku's vital rates dropped down slower, continuing with his speech he nodded to his assistants to use the special painkillers where Izuku could only hear him. "Listen to me because I am going to give you the biggest task of your life as you will become stronger to aid All Might to defeat him, become his personal guard, learn how to act, forget who you are, hide that anger inside of you and never let it outside once. You will have to do things to prove your loyalty but no path is without sacrifice or hardships,"

"...Ng!" Izuku accepted this job.

To Izuku his mom was far more important than his own dreams as he recalled her words that she spoke to him that she was sorry, it wasn't the words he wanted to hear but he now knew the different meanings behind it too. His mom blamed herself for not giving him a Quirk even if she possessed one and laid the blame on herself, no, if someone had to be saying sorry than it was him for dragging his mother into this mess he created.

He promised this in his life.

A few hours later he had survived the operation and was given a few days of rest and the Doctor took it upon himself to explain how he should abandon any idea of trying to save his mother, he halted Izuku from shouting and explained it thoroughly of how All for One moved very quickly especially one that survived. While he had been unconscious the time he was trying to survive and hold on his mother went through something, her memories were being erased, her whole history would be changed personally by him, replacing her memories with other ones to make it even harder for Inko to ever remember or feel nostalgia.

Friends, family, or neighbors would be done too since he has in a way accessible to many places and the information that came with it, bribing would be used, Quirks as well, and not only that would be used but sometimes some accidents would happen that can be passed off as normal or unfortunate.

Not only that but she was also put on a curse that he could kill her in an instant and locate in an area with no clue for him to know, no Computers used nor any other devices or strange activity, heavy security of purchases, and not only that the computers and devices in the building were linked so he can keep an eye. Once out of the room they are there are going to be eyes to do maintenance on him to see if he showed any behavior, Doctor was never suspected through this way of living.

"If you want your revenge then life your way like this so don't ever show emotions, promise me at least that," said the Doctor in a pleading tone that yet felt like no room for discussion was made.


'Doctor, I'm so sorry, I almost broke that promise to you,' growled Izuku mentally as he focused on the fight that was between Noumu and All Might and summoned barriers to block his attacks back to Noumu, but soon was interrupted by protecting Shigaraki or the favorite son of All for One as he had predicted Katsuki and Shouto attacked.

Summoning a Barrier to block the incoming rush of ice Katsuki appeared and flew over the barrier and blasted his face with his strongest explosion, flipping over Izuku he released several other explosions on his back before landing and using a spinning kick, another explosion came with the spinning kick kicking up more dust and black smoke.

"That all you got?" asked Izuku as the smoke faded away revealing that he wasn't harmed nor are his clothes slightly bit singed by the heat of his explosion.

"WHAT!?" shouted Katsuki surprised and received a knee to the chest and was launched further away but recovered quickly, but once he made eye-contact with Izuku again he saw many barriers in the air and turned back, making him only see the thin side of the barriers and crumbled down to shurikens and were launched at him.

Katsuki dodged each launch as best as he could but had a hard time due to seeing only the thin side and soon one of them hit him squire in his stomach knocking him out in the process

Shouto tried attacking with another rush of ice but felt his feet locked down by something, looking down he saw many small purple transparent hexagons locked together by his legs trapping him on spot. Soon many more barriers appeared but bigger and out of them formed like the barriers were made out of the water, spikes formed and were coming closer and closer to Shouto, the boy summoned his ice to form a wall but the spikes dug through them like it was made out of butter. The spikes stopped when they were only a few centimeters went away from Shouto's whole body, walking up close to him he scoffed at the outfit of Todoroki Shouto known as the son of Endeavor the Number 2 Hero.

"So much wasted potential is in you all blinded by that anger of yours," said Izuku making eye-contact with Shouto who could only glare back. "With this, you can never become a strong hero is your only focus on that Ice of yours, why not use your Fire because that is the obvious option to be stronger,"

"...Because I don't want to be like him!" growled Shouto showing his emotions as his eyes trembled with anger on his usually stoic face.

"...You're not Endeavor, are you a copy of him because I don't recall him having the Element of Ice by his side so how are you ever going to be like him?" asked Izuku confused or what he appeared like confused, the only thing changed on his face was one of his eyebrows arched upwards. Shouto's expression, however, was more expressable and stared at the back of Izuku as he turned around to get back into fighting, Shouto wasn't done as his state of mind was going through a series of memories and words speaking to him from his mom who he loved so much, the words pierced his very soul and little flames flickered from inside his costume.

"Now that he is handled I should-!" turning around his body was swallowed by a huge wave of flames.

'Did that get him!?' wondered Shouto who was able to fire his flames and let them reach to Izuku who had let his guard down for a moment, even if the sight of Izuku who had revealed himself to be a spy he didn't want him to be truly burned so he lowered down the firepower in his flames, not that it was a lot since he had just started using it.

"Impressive, for ice you need to move your hands but for fire even if you just started using you don't even need to...was it perhaps simply a reflex what I just said?" wondered Izuku as the smoke cleared away showing yet again he wasn't harmed as for a split second a purple-colored electric crackle was seen, inside of Izuku there was no bit of panic as the flames weren't particularly strong but he did close off all the space between the Barriers he surrounded his body with. What he was impressed at was that his words seemed to have solved a problem inside of his former classmate, but the reach of his flames was also impressive knowing that reach was a very hard thing for those with the Emitter Quirk Type.

"It seems like I need to keep a close eye on you, Todoroki," said Izuku.



A lightning-bolt appeared out nowhere and struck the traitor followed by a cannonball that racked up more of an explosion, several other booming noises were heard and landed into the exact location where Izuku was standing.

Denki and Momo had taken it up to fire on Izuku using a pole to allow Denki to fire correctly and Momo had created a cannon and literally fired a cannonball, then followed up with shots that were nothing but harmless nets to catch him.

"...A lightning bolt to paralyze me not strong enough to kill someone nor fry the nerve system, a cannonball not really aimed at me to catch me off guard if the Lightning bolt didn't hit me then being restrained by nets," said Izuku revealed again not scratched at all and what was more shocked was the cannonball was held in his hand not the slightest bit scratched, there was no burn mark on the ground meaning that the Lightning bolt had hit him and the nets surrounded him yet didn't touch his body, they just simply floated around him yet the nets indicated they were wrapped around something they didn't see.

"W-What!? I thought Midoriya had a Mutant-Quirk!" shouted Denki surprised which made Izuku smirk that the guy who tried to appear cool was too easily fooled, his eyes wondered over to Momo who was already thinking beyond the obvious.

"Better take care of you," muttered Izuku and looking at the 2 they got immediately stiff like they were being transformed into pieces of wood.

"I-I can't move!?" gasped Momo as she felt something like her skin being stiffened up but something was off about it as her whole body couldn't move her mouth could open with ease, no effort was even needed to perform the action so what was it that prevented her from moving.

"Don't think I have forgotten about you, Todoroki," looking back at Shouto who felt the air around him become thinner for a moment before it got back to normal. "I wouldn't recommend using your flames since you barely used them, you may possess massive firepower but since it is in a baby-like state your immunity is currently beginner's state resistance," looking at the arm where Shouto's flame erupted there were small burn marks, it was obvious which side his fire-side was since he had covered it completely in ice.


"What?" asked Izuku who caught the flying form of Noumu going through the ceiling made of glass and launched into the air as All Might had won against the weapon that was made to kill him, it made him happy and pity Shigaraki knowing that a small punishment for Shigaraki was disappointing All for One, not only that happened as Kurogiri fell right next to him smashing the ground into pieces which meant no hostages. Kurogiri failed the backup plan and got too arrogant for underestimating the students of Class 1A, they were going to be hostages if the plan of Noumu killing All Might failed meaning All Might had no choice but to surrender, weakness of a hero was also the duty of one...

Protecting those who can't protect themselves.

Would he choose between capturing the villains and let some of the students die from the villains or choose the lives over capturing the villains, knowing All Might he would definitely choose the 2nd option making it easier for him to predict what would happen.

"Kurogiri, I told you not to underestimate them but you ignored my warning...I shall report that the backup plan failed because of you," said Izuku in a cold voice making Kurogiri widen his eyes in horror that the mission was a failure on Shigaraki, but the backup plan ruined due to him getting overconfident and he would not get a small scolding from that monster Shigaraki admired. He would get far worse and even if his body was mostly made out of a void that monster, he shuddered again as he had seen the punishment given to those who failed their tasks, something that horrible was not to forget as they were like SAW traps.

"N-NOOOO! PLEASE! ANYTHING BUT REPORTING IT TO HIM! YOU CAN PUNISH ME ALL YOU WANT BUT ANYTHING BUT HIM!" screamed Kurogiri in absolute horror gaining the attention of those who didn't know what was going on, but those who were smart or those who are close enough to have heard them couldn't imagine what type of horror he would have to go through. The fear in his voice seeped so deep in it like screaming in fear that you can feel it was the 2nd nature, the fear was so easy to feel it seeped into them of how clear it was and the horrified expression of Kurogiri as he continued to beg not to report him to the monster he worked for.

"...Very well, you are lucky you didn't scream his name," he didn't bother dealing with Shigaraki or mentioning him as he seemed to have in his eyes an internal eruption of anger that Noumu was defeated. "Shigaraki, we are going away now,"

"We can't leave! With you we can actually defeat them so we are not leaving!" shouted Shigaraki rushing towards All Might ready to disintegrate him, until a bullet shot was heard and his hand got almost pierced by a bullet if it made contact as the bullet bounced off something before he was hit, it was still enough to halt his advance towards the Number 1 Hero as reinforcements had come now. "Bishop...can you take them on?"

Scanning all the heroes that had come and got rid of the minor villains that charged and attacked them. "Without a doubt, I can defeat them all by myself,"

None of the heroes did possess a Quirk that could make him wary of them since the strongest ones here were taken out, All Might with his Strength and speed was exhausted, Eraserhead totally out of commission as well as 13, Midnight would give him some trouble but he could take her out from long distance, and Present Mic would be the last one he had to worry about as his Quirk could give him some trouble. More sound was heard and it made Izuku sigh knowing that more heroes would probably arrive to come and fight, perhaps another time for him to try his strength out against the Pro Heroes of UA.

"Unfortunately since they are part of UA and that the school does attract some attention, me revealing myself and my true strength to cause more chaos is not something master wants," added Izuku making Shigaraki groan but reluctantly agreed to know his master knew everything so he backed down. "Aside from that from leaving I need to leave a message behind for All Might here,"

Said hero perked his head up what the message was but the moment he opened his mouth a vacuum came and tried to suck in Kurogiri who strangely didn't get sucked away, Izuku stared at 13 and his fingers snapped and soon a large cut made itself known on the hero's costume making more blood gush out his body.

"All Might, know this that the peace you and your master had worked so hard and long for will be shattered, the end of the Hero Era will come and Japan will be mine to reign. But before that, I am aware of your state and I want you to know that despite the defeat I suffered by your hands," said Izuku and the USJ was bright but the room turned dark to All Might and Izuku looked even more menacing than ever, as his eyes lost their pupils and the air became difficult to breathe in for All Might.

"Like you always like to say I am here...again to take it all away from you!"

Kurogiri's body covered that of Izuku and warped the group of 3 away leaving All Might pale as snow.


"So All might was able to defeat did it look in your eyes, Bishop?" asked All for one through a small tv built in a bar with no picture saying only that the call was unknown, Shigaraki had given his report was simply sat down on one of the chairs and Kurogiri wore this time clothes that made him look like a bartender of a shady inn.

"All Might has defeated Noumu...but it seemed that it took quite the toll on his body so he is definitely weakened even more as he had to go beyond his 100% strength. Mission wasn't a complete failure due to All Might being weakened and me having relayed the message to him, the announcement made of the League of Villains is also made," reported Izuku/Bishop to All for One calmly as he was in a good mood just enough to not report Kurogiri of his failure, him being able to help even if it was unintentionally done.

"Very well, the main mission was to relay the message to him and have him checked his condition, no need to be angry about it Shigaraki as I was intending to call you back. I made some time ready for you to train you and get you even stronger as you are my successor," said All for One making Shigaraki perk up that he got to spend time with his master while Izuku internally shuddered at the thought in fear, spending time with All for One was for all the others a nightmare and a punishment knowing how scary he could be without trying.

Shigaraki was compared to the others treated well as his upbringing was simply that of a strict father and a teacher combined, he did get training but he wasn't nearly having a hard time nor getting any attempts of getting killed by All for One. He wasn't very strong but there was something special about him that got him that treatment, nobody knew what was so special about him but no one went to research it nor point the fact out that he got treated better, an idiot which was a newling got himself killed after pointing this out and was killed in the public view of the ones forced to work for All for One.

It was one of the forbidden things you should never do and it was immediately told to the newlings that if they did only death awaited them.

"Bishop, you can have some free time for yourself so go do anything you want to do," ordered All for One prompting and encouraging Izuku to leave in an instant and left a message he understood, Kurogiri made a portal for him that led him to where he lived and Izuku was gone from the room.

Arriving at the entrance of his living place which happened to be a mansion high up in the mountains provided with electricity and hot water he knocked on the door, scanning procedures were followed by it and he was allowed inside and was met with the sight of 2 maids. He may appear in normal eyes as calm ut the maids knew that he was stressed due to his mission, emotionally stressed and conflicted about what he had to do and not to beg for help knowing that in no way he could ask.

"Welcome back, Master Bishop, what would you like to have?" asked the maids.

"Prepare a hot bath and food for me and I also want you 2 to come with me," sighed Izuku now wanting to receive his first day to get lazy and not do anything involved with training and such.


"Y-You mean that Midoriya is actually a spy and a traitor to UA!?" asked Kirishima in a disbelieving tone as Denki and Momo told them about Izuku's betrayal, the police and the staff of UA asked everything about him and his description of what he truly looked like and left it at that. The rest of the Class had been told about Izuku and were shocked that he was actually a spy for the announced League of Villains, everything about him was nothing but a lie of who he was and what his Quirk was, just simply everything he told them was a lie and they didn't even know if Izuku is his real name or Bishop.

"Midoriya was a"

"It is always the good ones,"

" he going to come back?"

"He had information on all of us,"

The last comment from Momo got everyone to freeze as they remembered a particular habit of Izuku that they quickly got to know, analyzing Quirks and their possibilities of usages and he had given them small tips on how to work around certain weaknesses while being unaware of his true intention. Now he knew what their Quirks could do and what more could he do as he might visit them completely defeating them, they had no knowledge about his Quirk as what Momo and Denki described what he was able to do didn't relate to his strength Quirk he claimed to have.

There was a single individual that remained calm and that was Shouto who looked at his fireside that he had sworn to never use, he had broken that vow and yet...he didn't feel angry at all that he used it and broke his vow. The fireside that is his 2nd hated thing in the world was not hated anymore by him as all the rage and resentment was gone like snow before the sun, it was odd and relieving in some way that he hasn't been aware of when he used his fireside like it was feeling piled up and that he would lose something more than that.

"Todoroki, are you okay?" asked Mezou who had come over to check on him as he had seen in a way that Shouto actually smiled when Izuku wasn't revealed to be a spy.

"...I'm okay, I'm just...a bit shaken up at things like Midoriya a spy," said Shouto lying smoothly as he wasn't shocked because he had heard something that he could relate to, it seemed that Izuku didn't intend to say it even if he only heard it, but what he said Shouto placed himself in his shoes that he would've done the same thing. He would also just slander his own name just to protect the one who brought him into this world and that is his mother, he saw those eyes as calm as they appeared they were similar to his.

Slight differences but mostly the same as they seemed to be better concealed and more cut off from his emotions, but not strong as steel when it comes to the most sensitive subject in their life. Those eyes told him everything that his mother meant everything to him above his own future and dreams, and it was also the same eyes that told him that he resented his father a lot. He wanted to talk to Izuku again and the situation he seemed to be in wasn't completely clear but he got the gist of it, he had heard him talk in that dark tone and the message to All Might that there was someone that made the Number 1 Hero shudder, someone with equal power and he clearly had clashed within such a devastating battle it left a permanent mark on him. That fear when Izuku spoke was like invading his very body and soul to leave a mark to never ever forget this, another hidden message to All Might to take it seriously yet Shouto could never shake the feeling off his former classmate can focus it in one way.

"We all are," said Rikidou breaking Shouto from his thoughts who looked at Rikidou who seemed to be shaken up too.

Well, Shouto wasn't shaken up as the only thing he wanted to do was visit his mother but knowing that possibly more interrogation comes it would take some time, but he also had a few other things to do and that was to train the hell out of himself using his fireside and search for Izuku again to talk to him. He may not be in the very exact situation but he can relate to him more than anyone else in the classroom, besides his former classmate did help him so it is only fair he returns the aid.

Alrain: So why did I describe Izuku so emotional as he returns to his living estate? Well, it is simple as it works as Izuku is simply reminded of the blunder he made in the past, through his years of training to hone his skills and his Quirk and only focusing on the rage and resentment towards All for One. The moment he saw All Might it reminded him of what he once was and what the possibility would be if he didn't accept All for One's offer, or a reality where his mom never had cancer at all.

But he is smart and actually dropped a few hints towards others and he has seen Shouto struggling in a situation that Izuku might have been in, he helps Shouto to get stronger and not make him resent his father anymore and focus it on more important things. Don't think I am making this one-sided since that it boring to me, Shouto will get stronger a lot and...Bakugou to as his 1st loss was so disgraceful he amps up his training.

Bakugou, I mean Katsuki will get stronger since he will remember how easily he had been taken down and that the mock fight, yes, their mock fight did still happen but differently, and realizes that Izuku merely held back to analyze him while he could've taken him down any time he wanted to.

And the 3rd person I want to get stronger is...Momo, I guess, since she is going to be stronger too and I don't want only male characters to get stronger alone.

Also, something else I must say is that I will come back with Halfa Izuku though powered down a bit, Shouto will become his childhood friend and he will relate in some ways.

DQ Izuku, I will now be adding more characters to get stronger and Ochako is definitely in and I want Tsuyu in there as well, Momo will be paired up with Shouto and the one replacing her is Itsuka and perhaps the girl with the Intelligence Quirk. Tsuyu will be paired with Tokoyami and Mina with Kirishima since they are used many times, I want something new.

Iron Deku is deleted sorry for that readers but I will replace it with another story hopefully good as Iron Deku.

The original Akame ga Kill/Highschool DxD will be worked out to mix Teigus in the story and some Legends.