15th July - Hospital (2.50AM)

As Izuku lays peacefully in his hospital bed, in the seat next to him is his mother Inko surrounded by hundreds of tissues that she has used since Izuku was admitted to hospital.

As a doctor approaches the room, she is quickly met by a sniffly Inko asking "Is he going to be okay? He was supposed to see what his quirk is today as its currently his 4th birthday today". "Ahh that might help explain his current condition. We've had people admitted in the same state as Izuku due to their quirk manifesting and putting them into a comatose state as it allows for easy changes to the user's mind while not risking the user one bit" the doctor replies in an attempt to calm the young mother's nerves.

"So, this is what you think has happened to him?" Inko asks curiously trying to understand what could have happened to her little Izuku. "Honestly... it could be anything. A quirk manifestation could be a likely one but there is no way of knowing until he wakes up. I just felt like you should know this this is just a possibility but we are not 100% yet. It could be as simple as just as an infection causing his body to put itself in this comatose state. Have you noticed anything different about Izuku over the last few days?" the doctor replies.

"Umm, not anything that I have noticed. He has been very much excited about the fact it is his birthday today but apart from that no. Sorry I can't be more useful." Inko said to the doctor trying to be the best help she could be to help Izuku to come back.

Meanwhile with the subconsciousness.

"Why is this taking so god damn long? It feels like it has been forever" before it lies a large projection of a progress bar with the indicator currently at 25%. "I wonder what i can do to pass the time? Maybe this kid has some juicy memories I can watch until this stupid progress bar is done?"

As it looks around at all of Izuku's memories trying to pass the time until the progress bar is completed it finds some of Izuku's more humorous memories. "Ha-ha this is amazing; I'm going to have a lot of fun with this kid in the future" it says as it's in the middle of watching a younger Izuku chasing his mother around wearing one of his many All Might onesies.

Time Skip (4AM)

As the subconsciousness finishes up another memory of Izuku it decides to glance at the progress bar to check on its progress. As it looks over to the projection it just ticks over to 100% as it exclaims "Finally! I thought I would be here forever; I only have a finite amount of memories to watch through. Well let's wake him up. It only seems fair at this point. I just hope I picked the best options I could to help him in the future, I have no idea if I can change them so this is the only chance I have. Let's not fuck it up." As it finishes up its sentence a fairly large button materializes Infront of the subconsciousness labelled 'Wake Up'.

"Welp, here goes nothing. I hope this doesn't go too bad." it says as it pushes the button with both of its hands.

Meanwhile in the hospital.

As Inko finally begins to drift she beings asleep she hears the one thing she's wanted to hear since Izuku has been admitted to the hospital. "Mom?"

A/N -Here's the second chapter, sorry its so short but the next chapter will be a fair bit longer due to it. I have a rough idea where I want to go with the next chapter but it might take me some time to word correctly. The quirk I have put into Izuku might not be the one you think it is. I have pulled it from what I think could be one of the most overpowered quirks in all of humanity if was in another person but such as Bakugo or Todoroki but it was put into everyone's favourite Green Bean so I changed what I think would be an amazing quirk for Izuku.

This will be a slow burn story as I prefer them as I can get more detail and it allows me to create better and more effective relationships. It may be upwards of 50 chapters if I find the time and the motivation to do them.

Thank you for finding my small corner of the internet. Any review or criticism is very much wanted and appreciated.