Spencer Reid sat down on the couch beside his boss, Aaron Hotchner. They were on their way back from Las Vegas, having discovered that William Reid was behind a series of brutal child abductions and killings. "What can I do for you Reid?"

"I think this is the case that broke me Hotch," the younger profiler admitted. "Reid, you are coming home with me tonight," Hotch commanded in his no nonsense tone. "We will talk later. I promise."

One hour later, Hotch and Spencer were in the 2003 Chevrolet Suburbans that the agency provided, both heading to Hotch's house. They both arrived and promptly disarmed themselves, storing away their weapons in the safe.

Hotch put Reid's go bag in the guest room before sitting beside Reid on the couch. "Hotch, I went with you guys on this case as Dr. Spencer Reid, an FBI agent. Now, I am Dr. Spencer Reid, an FBI agent who is the child of a serial child killer. He killed not only the victims but also a part of me."

"Spencer, listen to me," Hotch implored. He placed a warm hand on Spencer's knee. "You are still the same old Spencer we all know and love."

"I don't feel like the same old me Hotch. As ridiculous as it sounds, I feel like my whole world was shattered," Spencer said, surprised when his whole body erupted in sobs. "Hotch, help me! I don't know what to do!"

The older profiler quickly pulled the distraught doctor into his arms. "Shh son. It's okay. Let it out. I am not going anywhere." Spencer tightly gripped Aaron's shirt.

Aaron pulled the thick black comforter over them, Spencer curling closer. He did not care that he was curled up in the arms of his boss as the sobs died down, eventually coming to an end.

Spencer's POV

He just called me son! I wonder if he noticed. As ridiculous as this sounds, I wish I was his son...

End Spencer's POV

Aaron Hotchner gazed at the young genius in his arms, letting his mind wander. His heart broke for the young man who he thought of as a son.

He would gladly take Spencer's place if he was able to. Suddenly, an idea came to him. "Spencer, what do you know about adult adoption in the state of Virginia?"

"Virginia does allow for adult adoptions by strangers or non-relatives, for good cause shown, as long as the adult adoptee is at least 15 years younger than the adopting party. In all adult adoptions, the Virginia law requires that the parties have known each other for at least one year. Why are you asking Hotch?"

"Spencer, you are like a son to me. If I could switch places with you, I would do so in a heartbeat. I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through. Please allow me to adopt you and show you what having a real father is like."

"I trust you with my life both on and off the field. Everyone assumes that I look up to Gideon as a father, but they could not be more wrong. I love you like a dad, and I would be honoured if you adopted me."

Two Months Later:

"Dr. Reid, you already have a living biological father. Why do you wish for SSA Hotchner to adopt you," Judge Carl Benson asked. Spencer fussed with his bow tie before answering.

"SSA Hotchner has been like a father to me since the moment I stepped in the BAU for the first time. William has never been there for me, neither emotionally nor physically. Anne Geddes once said: 'Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.' Hotch is the someone special in my life. He is my dad."

Not a dry eye could be seen in the courtroom as Judge Benson spoke. "You would have to be blind not to see the love SSA Hotchner has for Dr. Reid. In my 25 years on the bench, I have never seen a father who loves his son as much as he loves Dr. Spencer Aaron Hotchner. I wish you two the best."

Spencer ran into his dad's open arms. He felt something being pressed into his hand and broke the embrace, gazing curiously at Section Chief Erin Strauss. "I want to offer my congratulations to both Agent Hotchners. Here is your new credentials Spencer."

With that, she turned and left. They followed behind her. "Spencer, are we still going to dinner at Dave's?"

"Yes dad. I want to knock them off their socks." They arrived at David Rossi's house twenty minutes later, being stared at by four very curious profilers and a technical analyst as they sat down at the table.

Hotch and Spencer cleared their throats. "We have something to tell you guys," Aaron started as Rossi began serving dinner.

"As of twenty minutes ago, I am no longer Spencer William Reid, son of serial killer William Reid. I am Spencer Aaron Hotchner, son of SSA Aaron Hotchner."

"Congratulations Aaron and Spencer. We are all very happy for you," Rossi said. All of the profilers and but Aaron and Spencer raised their glasses before Rossi made a toast. "I think I speak for all of us when I say we are happy for you two. You two give each other what you desperately need but never realised you needed. To new beginnings."