I'm sorry I got bored.

Tony created chat AvengersAssemble

Tony: hello?

Tony: oh wait I gotta add people…shit I'm glad no one saw this.

Tony cleared text history.

Tony added Clint, Natasha, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, and Thor the God Of Lightning.

Tony: You guys here?

Clint is online.

Natasha is online.

Clint: Who else would be here?

Tony: I was just checking, geez

Natasha: the great Tony Stark checking? Wow. Times have changed.

Tony removed Natasha from the chat.

Clint: a bit drastic

Tony: she mocked me

Steve Rogers is online.

Steve Rogers: Is this what you were talking about to me today, Tony?

Clint changed Steve Rogers username to StarSpangledAss.

Tony: Real mature Clint



Clint: hehehe


Tony: Stop panicking it's not the end of the world. If it makes you feel better

Tony changed Clint's username to CAW-CAW

Tony: see

StarSpangledAss: OH SO IT ISNT THAT BAD?

CAW-CAW: I'm just rolling with it. I wish my mom gave me this name

Tony: I can't tell whether you are serious.

StarSpangledAss: I THINK HE IS

CAW-CAW: geez cap turn the caps lock off

StarSpangledAss: I DON'T KNOW HOW

Thor the God Of Lightning is online.

Tony changed Thor the God Of Lightning's username to JustThor

JustThor: HAHA there is a crisis! I will fix it!

Tony: plz no

StarSpangledAss: SOMEONE HELP ME

JustThor: Calm down help is on the way!

CAW-CAW: oh this is TOO GOOD

JustThor has left the chat.

Tony: what is he doing?!

CAW-CAW: he's going upstairs to cap's room

Tony: oh no



Tony: sorry?

StarSpangledAss: CHCQEUOVDOICAEYVSHBX(8)2:tunauov

CAW-CAW: well at least the caps lock is off

CAW-CAW has added Natasha to the chat.

Natasha: Jesus what is going on I can hear Thor shouting and Steve seems to be screaming

Tony: Clint why

CAW-CAW: I felt bad

Natasha: Thor's coming down

JustThor is online.

JustThor: HA I saved the captain!

Tony: Cap?

CAW-CAW: Thor are you sure you saved him?

JustThor: you doubt me?


Tony: what on Earth is that?

Natasha: why is earth capitalised?

Tony: shitty autocorrect

StarSpangledAss: language.

Tony: Jesus you tell me off for language? Why weren't you answering

StarSpangledAss: I liked watching the texts ping in. I like the ping noise.

CAW-CAW: But the use of foul language was too much for the great captain America everyone

Natasha: wow the true captain speaks: "I like the pings"


StarSpangledAss: What is that supposed to stand for?

Natasha: it's a face

Tony: Jesus the great captain amerca doesn't know about text faces?

StarSpangledAss: the great Tony Stark can't spell "America"?



Natasha: Jesus I can hear Thor laughing from down here.

Tony: yeah yeah laugh it up

JustThor: thank you for the permission


Tony: this was a bad idea

Tony removed StarSpangledAss, CAW-CAW and JustThor from the chat.

Natasha: oh ok

Tony: I will not be mocked

Natasha: wow

Tony: what?

Natasha: Thor is crying. Hard

Tony: how hard

Natasha: like I think the walls are shaking

Bruce Banner is online

Bruce Banner: what did you do? Thor is crying, Clint is laughing crazily and cap is drinking tea like vodka. I've actually had to remove the teabags from the kitchen.

Natasha: Tony kicked them out of this chat because he was in a hissy fit

Tony: did not

Bruce Banner: that sounds right. So that means it's only us here?

Tony: yes

Bruce Banner: I can't deal with this

Tony: Bruce NO

Bruce Banner added StarSpangledAss, CAW-CAW and JustThor to the chat

CAW-CAW changed Tony's username to Bigmeanie

Bigmeanie: That's it

Bruce Banner blocked Bigmeanie from removing members of the chat

Bigmeanie: Bruce I thought you were on my side

Bigmeanie changed Bruce Banner's username to Snake.

Natasha: wow I thought we were meant to be avengers

JustThor: I'm a god

StarSpangledAss: we know

CAW-CAW: I'm alive

Snake: now that's just mean

Bigmeanie changed their username to TheKoolKid

TheKoolKid: I'm cool and you're not

Natasha: oh geez

StarSpangledAss: I disagree

JustThor: I don't think you're cool. I need to change that. How does one change a name on this godforsaken tech?

StarSpangledAss: I'm not the only one then

CAW-CAW: hang on, boys

CAW-CAW changed TheKoolKid's name to IronBoy

IronBoy: I guess I can accept it

StarSpangledAss: Bruce where are the teabags

Snake: I was worried you were going to overdose

JustThor: I'm sorry who's this snake?

Snake changed their name to DrBanner

JustThor: Ah doctor it's good to see you

StarSpangledAss: I need more tea

DrBanner: no

IronBoy: you ought to give it to him Bruce I'm serious

CAW-CAW: ooh you're doomed. I hid the tea once and he threw me out of the window.

Natasha: Cap? Violence unnecessarily?

StarSpangledAss: He is a spy, he has grapplers.

IronBoy: still, a bit much

StarSpangledAss: when it's tea, I'm not messing around.

StarSpangledAss: I'm thirsty

CAW-CAW: thirsty for BLOOD

JustThor: the captain drinks blood?

JustThor: do all humans drink blood?


Natasha: no

JustThor: I'm confused

StarSpangledAss: Bruce where's the tea?!

StarSpangledAss: I'm looking everywhere for it

StarSpangledAss: where could you hide it?!


IronBoy: actually I fancy a cup so where is it

StarSpangledAss: I'm going to find it

StarSpangledAss has left the chat

DrBanner has left the chat

CAW-CAW: I didn't think this would happen in an avengers chat

IronBoy: me neither, funnily enough

JustThor: well I thought it would end up as this chaotic mess.

Natasha: thanks Thor

JustThor: you are welcome my spidery assassin!

CAW-CAW has changed Natasha's username to Spiderylady

Spiderylady: charmed.

CAW-CAW changed the chat name to TheKoolKids.

IronBoy: oh he's on a roll now.

Spiderylady changed the chat name to NinjaTurtles

IronBoy: FUCK NO

Spiderylady: Fuck yes

StarSpangledAss is online.

SparSpamgledAss: language!

CAW-CAW: He was summoned by the use of language. Fuck man I'm sorry.

StarSpangledAss: you really didn't have to curse there.

IronBoy: Sorry Clint is a shithead I'll fucking beat him up if you need me too.

StarSpangledAss: please stop.


StarSpangledAss: Guys.

JustThor: this is a fun human game! I know a fair few!

StarSpangledAss: Thor no.

IronBoy: Thor YES

StarSpangledAss has left the chat.

IronBoy: coward.

Spiderylady: you just realised you called the captain America a coward?

IronBoy: that's what I said.

JustThor: Man of Iron you are wrong I'm afraid to admit.

IronBoy: I would delete you now if I could.


Spiderylady: he just said that out loud.

CAW-CAW: yeah I heard.

IronBoy: where are you guys anyway?

CAW-CAW: attic

Spiderylady: basement

IronBoy: why am I not surprised.

JustThor: I am eating what is known as a burger at a place called BurgerKing. It is quite delicious.

IronBoy: McDonald's is better.

Spiderylady: scrap burgers all together I would go to Nando's.

CAW-CAW: nah KFC for me.

JustThor: there are more of these food places?

IronBoy: how did you not know? You have been on this planet for a while now.

IronBoy: get your shit together

JustThor: I challenge you to a duel!

IronBoy: Wait what

Spiderylady: that literally came out of nowhere.

JustThor has left the chat.

IronBoy: oh no

CAW-CAW has changed IronBoy's username to Regretseverything.

Regretseverything: What do I do now?! He didn't even say a place.

Spiderylady: I think he's coming to you.

CAW-CAW: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

Regretseverything: Stop that

CAW-CAW: hehe

Regretseverything: I can beat him

Spiderylady changed Regretseverything's username to BigEgo.

BigEgo: what.

StarSpangledAss is online.

Spiderylady: on a random note, do you think that Cap is gay?

StarSpangledAss has left the chat.

CAW-CAW: I think that confirms it.

BigEgo: I have actually had it with you two.

BigEgo has left the chat.

CAW-CAW: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe