Disclaimer: I neither own this franchise nor do I profit from this in any way, shape or form.

Warning: This story contains explicit scenes, unrealistic proportions and actions regarding the human body, and other content suited for mature readers only. If such content does not appeal to your eyes and you are unable to differentiate between fiction and reality, please press the Exit button and leave, you have been warned!

Same Naruto as in the rest of my stories. Yes he will have his Op powers but will rarely use them. The story starts from RTTE, first episode. While still having lemons and lime scenes, the quantity will be less compared to my other stories.

Details about Naruto in this story,

Hair style: Similar to Aizen

Attire: Shirt is like Krogan's and picture the same material except black for his pants.


Graveyard of Ships

To the one-legged dragon-riding Viking of Berk, discovering new species of the magnificent creatures known as Dragons was everything. To say that he lived to uncover all there was to the mysteries of these wonderful beasts would be an understatement.

He was born to carry out this task.

At least that is how he felt when all of Berk accepted his ideology and welcomed dragons into their midst without any semblance of hostility. Dragons were welcomed, an academy was opened in their honor and he was appointed the head of said academy.

Many accomplishments soon followed, Alvin the Treacherous, Heather and the Book of Dragons, the abominable Screaming Death and Dagur. Each and every exploit had brought with itself a new possibility. The possibility of new dragons and he had loved it.

Until Dagur was defeated.

With the defeat and imprisonment of Dagur the Deranged on Outcast Island, the Berserkers had been left without a leader and thus scattered into the unknown to stay hidden until someone rallied them in.

Three long years has passed since that faithful day and here they were on the edge of the Archipelago, deep within the Fog Bank in a graveyard of ships and looking for one maniacally deranged Dagur who, according to Johann, had escaped from Outcast prison.

Normally, that wouldn't have incited much of a response from him since Dagur had the annoying habit of attacking and escaping at random intervals. However this time was different. According to the chatty trader, all of his wealth was stored in one of the many ships of the graveyard and Dagur was planning to steal the gold in order to buy ships for his armada.

Forgive him for not wanting to start another Berserker War fiasco once again.

Even his occupied friends had agreed to lend him a hand in stopping the madman from rising once again. That was all well and good but there was one slight problem.

"Okay, where is Dagur?" Snoutlout Jorgenson expressed in a monotonous tone as he looked around the empty and desolate graveyard from his perched position on the neck of Hookfang. This place was freaking him out. Wrecked ships were one thing but naming it as the graveyard of ships was going into the unchartered territory of 'Creepy' all together.

"It seems we arrived first" Astrid Hofferson answered coolly. A calm but sometimes incredibly volatile beauty in the form of a blonde teenager. In possession of a warrior's fire and determination, she still retained what every one of her kind was gifted with.

A few stray bangs of golden locks hang in front of her beautiful visage, dangerously close to her fiery blue eyes, cute nose and kissable lips. Her skin tight sleeveless shirt give new meaning to the word 'enticing', perfectly hugging her still developing bust and slender waist.

Down below was another story all together.

As if to purposely hide away the enticing beauty that was her considerable behind and surprisingly wide hips for her age, a leather segmented skirt was worn over another fabric one, followed by a purple skin tight pants to hide but still show her strong legs.

Hiccup nodded suspiciously, feeling a looming unease in the pit of his stomach as he looked around the demolished ships. "Seems that way"

Fishlegs took that moment to make his presence known. "So what's the plan?"

"We wait"

"So basically the plan is that there is no plan?" Tuffnut drawled out, raising an eyebrow of confusion. "I like that plan!"

"You would" Astrid retorted sarcastically before directing her attention towards the de facto leader of the team. "Hiccup, I am not sure waiting in the middle of nowhere is such a great idea, we are basically sitting ducks"

"How can one be in the middle of nowhere? There has to be a place in order for one to be in its middle, right sis?"

"Right you are oh brother of mine" Ruffnut promptly complied, barely paying attention to the deprecating looks of her comrades.

Shaking his head in resignation, the one legged Viking placed a calming hand on his childhood friend's shoulder to calm her down before she did something violent. "I know what you mean but we can't leave, not when we know what Dagur plans to do with the stolen gold"

"Why are we waiting for Dagur to come and steal the gold when we can steal them ourselves" their resident partially insane female Nut chirped in with a wicked grin. If there was one thing the twins loved, it was stealing right after destroying things.

"For that stupidest idea ever, I hereby disown thee" Apparently her brother disagreed with her proposition. How odd.

Something clicked in Hiccup's mind. If there was no gold for Dagur to steal then there would be no gold for said maniac to buy an armada with. "You know what? That is a great idea"

"Of course it is!" Ruffnut snapped firmly, crossing her hands in an indignant manner before a confused looked crossed over her features. "Wait, what idea?"

"For the love of …"

"Don't go there Astrid" the young Viking interrupted before the lovely blonde could say anything more. Arguing with the twins was like banging your head against a rock. "Fan out and search for Johann's treasure but keep your eyes peeled for Dagur and his goons"

"Guys, I don't think Hiccup meant that by 'keeping your eyes peeled'" the husky Ingerman heir expressed in a barely controlled voice as he watched the twins try to do indescribable things to their eyes.

Fortunately or unfortunately, for the continued sanity of the team, the boat they were on shook as if it had a life of its own, alerting the riders to the impending danger of something or some things approaching their general direction.

Those some things soon introduced themselves in the form of giant, carnivorous eels surrounding the ship.

"Grab onto your dragons before they are spooked by the eels!"

In the ensuing chaos, Hiccup's desperate cries fell on deaf ears. The riders looked on in fear as their dragons were chased off by the eels into the sky, leaving them in the mercy of the sea creatures.


"Meatlug, don't leave me girl!"


"Barf/Belch, get your butts over here!"

The Night Fury, being the most loyal and fierce of all the dragons, remained behind to protect his rider, roaring defiantly at the giant eels in an effort to thwart their advance and conceal his disgust.

Getting on the back of his dark dragon, Hiccup took to the skies in a burst of speed just as one end of the boat was forced to sink into the ocean by the colossal eels.

"Fishlegs, grab my feet!" Snoutlout howled as he grabbed one of the protrusions on the ship's deck to stop himself from falling into the jaws of the hissing eels. At the heat of the moment, he failed to realize who he was telling to his grab onto his legs. "On second thought, don't grab my legs!"

Fishlegs was more than happy to do as he was told as he grabbed the beefy young boy's feet, mentally wincing when said boy let out a high pitched scream as soon as his weight was added into the mix. It wasn't long before they were grabbing each other's feet in a rope-like pattern.


Hiccup's eyes widened in shock when Astrid lost her grip on Tuffnut's feet and plummet into the ocean, uttering one last scream of desperation before she was pulled into the ocean.

Before he could nudge his draconian friend to dive into the eel-filled ocean, a crimson blur zipped past his form and rocketed into the ocean in astounding speed. The collision of whatever it was that hit the water caused a large explosion of water and hissing eels.

With the strong explosion, the eels wrapped one end of the ship lost their grip and said boat was once again floating as it should, prompting the young heir to fly down and witness the incredible scene with his remaining friends.

A few unsettling tremors rushing through the ocean bed increased the worry and anxiety of the group. With another explosion, much smaller than the first, a blur rocketed out of the water and landed softly on the far side of the ship.

Surprise, shock and emotions of awe rushed through the minds of the riders when they witnessed that the blur was actually a man or boy carrying the partially unconscious form of their blonde teammate.

While the darkness of the night and the fog made it quite hard to tell his features, some were quite visible even in the darkness. The man or boy was tall, taller than all of them for sure, and blessed with a strong body.

A strange helmet covered everything from their eyes, leaving only the unnaturally glowing blue eyes peering at them from behind the eyeholes. A blood red sleeveless and armor-liked shirt adorned his upper body, leaving his muscular arms exposed and a pair of similar bracelets reaching up to his forearm.

The protruding handle of something near his head hinted at a weapon, particularly a sword.

Maybe it was the dark night playing tricks on their eyes but it appeared as though his pants and knee-high combat boots were made of the same material as his shirt and bracelet but black in color.

What really got to them, specifically Hiccup and Fishlegs, was the material that the newcomer had made his attire from. The figure had just emerged from the depth of the ocean full of Viking-eating eels without a scratch or wetness on his clothes.

'Dragon scales!' Hiccup and Fishlegs gasped in surprise when they realized what the slight glow from the armor was from.

The young Vikings of Berk looked on in anxiety as the figure skimmed his gaze over them one by one, bright blue eyes pinning longer on a shivering Toothless. Hiccup placed a calming hand on his dragon's head as it shivered and avoided eye contact with the mysterious figure.

Further musings were put to rest when the figure softly laid out Astrid on the ship's wooden floor, running a calloused hand through her wet golden locks before standing up to address the on-guard riders.

"Who are you?"

At least they thought he was going to address them. Hiccup's question was left hanging in the air as the figure took a slight kneeling pose and blurred into the skies in jaw-dropping speed onto the waiting back of a large winged figure.

They weren't given much time to properly see what it was before it zipped into the horizon, leaving a team of young riders full of questions and insecurities.

"Was that …."

"A dragon!?"


Dragon Edge

Four agonizing days since the day Astrid had been rescued by the mysterious dragon rider and the group have had different ways of dealing with the awe-inducing experience.

The twins, predictably, had only noticed the destruction or more specifically the explosion that the figure's arrival had caused and were openly searching for him. He had become something of a deity in their eyes, a deity of untold chaos and mayhem.

Snoutlout, much to Astrid's continued annoyance, was ranting on and on about the armored boy for showing off and doing what he was supposed to do, saving Astrid. And he also didn't like the fact that another person was much more muscular and athletic than he was.

Fishlegs, being the most curious and nerdy of all the riders, had been much more focused on the less noticed details of the figure. He had been researching extensively into the different ways one can use dragon scales.

Astrid, surprisingly was quiet about the whole ordeal. She, like the rest of the riders, was quite anxious in meeting the man who had saved her from becoming eel dinner but refused to say anything else.

Hiccup himself was more focused on Fishleg's research as well as the one fact that made his hair stand in attention. The man had been able to scare Toothless off with a single look. In fact the ferocious Night Fury hadn't been even able to look into the man's eyes straight.

Anyone able to scare off his obsessively loyal and equally ferocious dragon with a single look was not someone to take lightly.

He had sent several scouts out to search the reachable islands of the Archipelago for the mysterious man and had taken several trips himself but to no avail. The man had disappeared the same way he had appeared.

Aside from meeting the strange figure, they had gotten their hands on a device belonging to some hunters which Hiccup had dubbed as the Dragon Eye. To keep said eye as well as Berk safe from their new and talented foes, they had moved out of the Archipelago.

While they have had more than a few setbacks along the way, the island they were currently seemed to have no strangeness in it.

If you didn't count the small white dragon nestled in a net in front of their eyes as strange.

"Seems like a Terrible Terror but bigger and meaner" Astrid discerned inaudibly as the little dragon made hissing and strange chirping sounds as if trying to warn them.

"And nocturnal" Hiccup added perceptively. The flock of dragons that this small dragon was leading had antagonized their Nut friend quite a lot last night but not a trace of them had been found during the day.

"Excuse me but what are you guys doing with my little buddy?"

Needless to say, Fishlegs and Snoutlout were graciously excused for the high pitched feminine screams they released when a deep but youthful voice interjected from behind them.

Hiccup and Astrid on the other hand, while blood pressures much higher than was healthy, still retained a respectable degree of self-control and only jumped in fright before backing away from the captured dragon to face the new comer.


Standing before them was the same figure they had seen on the wrecked ship, still dressed in his attire. Hiccup, much to his continued surprise and anxiety, noted that the dragons were tense and ready to flee at a moment notice. That was worrying beyond belief.

"Welcome to my island, Dragons Edge" the shadowy character announced friendlily as he offered a small bow before gesturing towards the captured Night Terror alpha. "Well?"

"Oh he attacked us and we acted in self-defense" Hiccup responded in an irresolute tone, stealthily reaching for the hidden blade tucked into his belt. "We mean no harm to him though"

"Oh nonsense, he doesn't attack anyone, right boy?" the hooded individual retorted in an ambiguous tone, pinning the captured alpha under his blue gaze, said alpha uttering a sheepish whimper. "Wait, you did!?"

A crestfallen nod followed suit.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys? You can't just attack people simply because they come to my island!" Hiccup and his friends could only look on in shock as the Night Terror huffed in a human-like manner, provoking an indignant grumble from the armor-clad man. "Oh yeah? I will deal with you later mister"

"Excuse me?"

"You are excused" the man countered before turning to his 'little buddy', ignoring the twins' snorts in response to Hiccup being ignored. "Get your ass out of that net and go!"

The newly dubbed Smidvarg snarled heatedly, releasing a fire blast into the net before flying into the sky, leaving the riders to wonder if the Night Terror could have blasted through the net a long time ago.

"Dragons these days, no respect at all" the youthful-sounding man grumbled in an irritated tone before turning to the stupefied riders. "Sorry for that. Anyway, we were never introduced"

"Right, I am Hiccup Haddock, son of Stoick the Vast and resident of Berk"

"Astrid Hofferson and thank you for saving my life" the curvy blonde expressed in a grateful tone, prompting a curt nod from the hooded figure.

"You beauty is reward enough" the armor-clad man retorted in a playful voice, receiving an unsure and embarrassed stare from the curvaceous blonde.

"Snoutlout Jorgenson" the Jorgenson heir was tempted to assert his dominance at the moment but after seeing the way the mysterious figure ordered a Night Terror alpha, he decided that keeping his mouth shut was more preferable.

"Fishlegs Ingerman, nice to meet you" the broad Viking acknowledged. "You must tell me how you were able to gather all those dragon scales and make armor out of it"

A glint of respect and approval shined in the man's eyes as he looked towards Fishlegs. "You are perceptive, I will give you that"

"Ruffnut/Tuffnut Thorston"

"That leaves me" the hooded character spoke before reaching for his helmet and taking it off to reveal a handsome redheaded boy in his late teens with dazzling blue eyes. "I am Naruto Uzumaki, a pleasure to meet you all"

Red locks were swept back in an organized manner, giving his hair a slight shine in the moonlight. One long bang hang in the middle of his piercingly glowing blue eyes, reaching past his well-defined nose, high cheeks bones down to his thin lips.

'Great Thor…'

The blonde dragon mistress of Berk prided herself on being in control at all times and that pride was well-earned but at the moment, that control was failing her. In spite of herself, a dark blush graced her already rosy cheeks when the boy took off his helmet.

By the hammer of Thor, he was something else.

"Naruto? What kind of name is that?" Snoutlout snorted mockingly.

"At least it's better than your name" Naruto countered brazenly. "Who in their right mind would want to be called snout?"

"You know he has got a point" Tuffnut agreed almost instantly, seeing an opportunity to get close to his idol. Anyone able to cause that much destruction with his presence alone was worthy of his adoration.

"I always thought your name was not right unless you are made of snout" Ruffnut added in, earning disgusted looks from her comrades. Needless to say, the female Nut was also on her brother's side.

"Shut up you two!"

"You live here?" Hiccup probed in an almost pleading tone, desperately hoping that the twins would keep their yaps shut just this once and not embarrass him in front of this new guy.

"Yup, that over the top of the mountain is my house" the redheaded boy replied and steered to a large hut situated squarely atop one of the mountain peaks, right beneath the snow-covered mountains.

'How did we miss that!?' the team pondered in unison when they witnessed the hut.

"Anyways, you guys are welcome to stay here as long as you like" the armor-clad boy indicated friendlily before he turned his attention towards the sky and released a strange noise. Seconds later, a dark Night Terror appeared over the dense shrubbery and landed on Naruto's extended hand, nudging its head against the boy's cheeks.

'He has a strange bond with these dragons' Hiccup concluded in awe as he watched Naruto playfully rub the Night Terror's head and flick its beak.

"This little guy will take you to my house"

"What about you?"

The redheaded boy smiled gently. "I have got a Changewing problem to deal with and a patrol around the island before hitting the hay"

"Why would you want to hit the hay?" Tuffnut voiced out immediately.

"It's just an expression" Naruto rejoined with a small sweatdrop before reaching for the handle strapped to his back. Astrid's eyes twinkled in excitement when the sharp sheen of a long jagged golden spear introduced itself to the surrounding. "Go now, I will join you in a few minutes"

Before any of them could find the courage to say something, the redhead adopted the same kneeling position he had before and blurred into the night sky, leaving nothing but a golden and red blur behind to indicate that he had ever been there.

"I have got to ask him about that spear!" the blonde Hofferson beauty gushed out in an excited tone as she watched the empty sky for any sign of the handsome redhead or his golden spear. This boy had officially gotten her full and undivided attention.

Needless to say, everyone beside Hiccup was excited about one thing or another regarding the redhead. Hiccup couldn't bring himself to let his guard down around this guy. He was friendly? Yes he was, genuinely so and that was frightening.

The redhead had a way with dragons and he liked to believe that it was a genuine and friendly method, for his own sake. From what he witnessed with the Night Terror's alpha and this little one that was guiding them up the hills, Naruto seemed to have a family-like relationship with them.

Another thing was his strange way of leaving their sights. He had never ever seen a human jump that high into the air without the help of any catapult or some kind springy device.

The most worrying of all these things was his missing dragon; at least they thought it was a dragon. Whatever it was, it was incredibly fast and intelligent. The boy didn't hint at any dragon and seemed undisturbed that they were riding them.

In fact, he didn't even show his surprise when seeing a Night Fury.


Next Morning

"Good morning" Naruto hailed in a congenial tone as he entered to the upper floor of his hut and saw his guests huddled around a map of sorts. "What are you guys up to?"

"Good morning" the team countered in more approachable and peaceful tone than last night. The redheaded boy hadn't tried anything 'funny' during the night so they were giving him the benefit of the doubt.

It was at that time when the redhead's question registered in their minds and they realized what they were in for. They were discussing plans to build a base on a stranger's island without even thinking about the owner.

They needed to bring this matter in a diplomatic manner or risk being rudely kicked from the island.

"We are building our base here" Tuffnut chirped in enthusiastically, completely disregarding his teammates' warning looks. "And boar pits. Can't live without boar pits"

"Base? Here? On my island"

Hiccup could already picture their rude expulsion from the island. "Ah … ummm"

"Great idea" the redhead declared happily, delivering a friendly slap to Tuffnut's back as he walked forward. "When do we start?"

"Huh? Really? You have no problem with us basically turning your island into our base?" Astrid questioned in incredulity as she stared at the handsome redhead in disbelief.

"Nope, not really. It's been a while since I have last interacted with humans plus you guys are a fun group" Naruto answered honestly, offering a small mischievous smile to the curvy Viking. "And I can't say no to such a beautiful face"


Naruto calmly ignored Astrid's stuttering and oddly angry growl before turning to the group. "Where are your dragons?"

Hiccup's paranoia kicked in. "They are outside, why?"

"I want to meet them, duh!" the redhead retorted monotonously, receiving an understanding nod from Tuffnut. "They are my guests as well you know"

After a few seconds long stare contest, the riders consented to the idea of calling their dragons. Naruto and the riders went outside just as the five dragons descended from the sky in their own specific glory.

As soon as the dragons saw the redhead, an unusual glint of fear and respect reflected in their eyes, compelling them to look at the ground instead of eyeing the man straight on. Naruto released a soft chuckle and approached the largest of the assembled dragon specie, the Monstrous Nightmare.

"Interesting, he is the oldest of the group" the redhead professed as he trailed his hand over the calm beast before walking up to the hunched Gronckle. "Fascinating, such loyalty and devotion for a dragon of her size and age"

Fishlegs' chest welled up in pride when the redhead gave him an approving nod and rubbed Meatlug's head affectionately.

"Loyal and prideful, not to mention beautiful" the armor-clad boy announced softly as he approached the Deadly Nadder, running a hand over her head before shooting a glance at Astrid with a small smirk. "Just like her rider"

The blonde Viking beauty tried and tried really hard to stop herself from blushing but by Thor, this guy was really good at getting under her skin. This was the third time that he had made her blush in just 24 hours. BLUSH? HER? Preposterous!

Naruto blissfully walked past the Zippleback dragon after feeling the same insanity and minute spots of mischief wafting off of it, prompting the twins to deflate in depression as their dragon was ignored.

"Finally, the Night Fury. Last of its kind, fast, deadly and fiercely loyal. A very dangerous combination." the spear-wielding redhead started softly as he approached the deadly beast, looking deep into its eyes before releasing a small chuckle as he turned to the surprised team of riders. "You have some serious bonding with your dragons, I am impressed"

"Thank you but we never got to see yours though" the one-legged Viking countered with an expectant tone, earning an excited nod from Fishlegs.

"Thought you would never ask" Naruto stated with a smile. "However, I should warn you, my partner is quite prideful and does not take kindly to being stared at for too long"

"Understood, I think we can manage that much, right?" the chief-to-be questioned in a cautioning tone, aiming a pointed stare at the twins.


Naruto's deep shout ripped through the atmosphere, reverberating around the island as a large shadow appeared over the gathered riders and Naruto, causing a collective gasp from said riders when the looming figure gracefully landed on the ground.




Hope you liked it. I know there wasn't much main character interaction but as you can see this is the first chapter. I needed to make the necessary settings before plunging Naruto in the midst. I have got a question though.

How do you want the chapters?

1) One chapter for each Episode

2) Continuous (Such as 1 or half of the 2nd episode combined or maybe even 3 episodes)