I do not own Ah my goddess. It is owned by its respected company. This is by no means cannon. I'm just piecing together the way I think they fit having watched the OVAs, the movie and reading the Manga.

The view from the Future.


Skuld, Goddess First Class, Type 2, Unlimited

Over the past hundred years or so, I've been asked by many God and Goddess trainees the story about my family. For those of you who have never heard of me, you might ask why my family? What makes my family more interesting then anyone else's? That question can be answered in a name.

Keiichi Morisato.

Because of him, my family has not been the same. Why would he affect my family you might ask? Well for starters, he was a mortal. Yes, you read that right, a mortal. His wish changed my family forever.

But as I said, this is a story about my family. To understand it, you have to start at the beginning.

I was born in the mortal year 1986. My father is Kami-sama, Lord of Heaven and Earth. I never knew my mother. When I was younger, I did ask about her, but I was told not to worry about it. Even now I still do not know who she was. I was raised by sisters, Belldandy (Yes THAT Belldandy) who was 9 at the time, and Urd, who was 14.

My sisters and I are collectively known as the Norns or Fates. We are the Goddesses of Time. Urd is the Past, Belldandy the Present, and I am the future. Now, some of you may wonder how we can be the fates when we were still just children. Many ancient religions believed in or had stories about the fates, (in our case: the Vikings) so how could we be the fates of the old stories?

Well, we're not.

Don't get me wrong. The stories are true. There were 3 Goddess sisters named Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld. No, I didn't make an error, that middle one really is Verdandi. From what I understand, these three Goddesses were with Kami-sama from the very beginning. They had the control of the destiny of mortals in their hands. As they were very busy with mortal fates, they were rarely seen outside of the Yggdrasil Control Building. But something happened to them. I don't know what. It is one of the many mysteries of the heavens. Kami-sama knows, but he's not telling. The end result however was the birth of my sisters and I and our inheriting the powers of the fates.

I can't say much about my sisters before I was born, so I'll talk about mine. I was raised by my sisters, mostly Belldandy as Urd was off receiving training from her mentor. That's probably why I get along better with Belldandy then Urd. When Belldandy was off with her mentor, I was left in the care of the servants. Wait...that's not quite the word I'm looking for. Personal Assistants would be closer to what they were. They were always there for us, cooking, cleaning, someone to talk to and to play with. They were special mortals, those who were deemed worthy by Kami-sama. Eventually, they could become Gods and Goddesses with time. They were identified by the markings under their eyes, however unlike full gods and goddesses, they lacked the marking on their forehead.
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"Lady Skuld!" shouted the assistant, "Get out here this instant!"

A very young Skuld appeared from over heard. "But Anna, I want to wait for Onee-chan."

Anna jumped and then looked up at Skuld. She was hanging upside-down by her knees from a branch.

"You know Lady Skuld, that isn't very Goddess-like."

Skuld frowned, "But I can see when Onee-chan is coming back from here."

"Lady Belldandy will be back later." replied Anna, "She's off with her Mentor and won't be back for several more hours. Now please come down. It's time for your lunch."

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The mentors. Somehow, I never really got one. Usually, they are assigned at the age of 7. But events at the time I turned 7 changed things. Specifically, the events surrounding my sister, Belldandy, and her mentor, Celestine. At the time, no body told me what was going on. But now I know.

Celestine wanted what he felt was a better life for the mortals. This is itself isn't what got him in trouble. It was how he went about it. He was against the various trials and tests that the gods have used for years on the mortals. While I really don't care for the tests, I at least understand why they are present. One particular trial was the Judgment Gate.

The gate was designed to test the hearts of mortal and immortal lovers. Early on, it became clear to many of the gods that some mortals loved power. Unfortunately, several goddesses fell in love with these mortals. As a result of their love, the mortals were able to get the goddesses to do things that would normally be frowned upon. This is were many mortal legends of witches and sorceresses come from. To weed out those that craved power and those that truly loved, the Judgment Gate was created. Those that were to be tested were brought before the Gate. To leave, the couple would have to walk through the Gate. If the couple had doubt, or was truly not in love they were separated, to never see the other ever again. If the couple made it through to the other side, it meant that their love was blessed by Kami-sama and that they would be together forever, not even death would part them. Many went before the gate, no couple made it through together. It soon became known in heaven that those who went before the Gate were doomed, to never see the person they loved again. Thus, it became an unofficial policy amongst the goddesses to never date a mortal..least they lose them to the Gate.

Belldandy, now 16, had just become a First Class Goddess. I remember being so proud to be her sister that day, standing with the other Gods and Goddesses as her rank was announced.

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"It is my honor," said the god in charge of the ceremony, "to present to you for the first time, the Goddess Belldandy, Class 1 Type 2 Unlimited."

Belldandy walked out onto the stage and was greeted by cheers from the assembled, the loudest cheers coming from Skuld.

"YAY! ONEE-CHAN! YAHOO!" shouted Skuld.

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Afterwards, we had a small celebration in our residence. It was only Urd, myself and Belldandy, but we enjoyed ourselves. The next day Celestine came over and asked Belldandy to come with him. I didn't know until years later what had happened. Celestine had taken Belldandy to the Gate, and they both watched a trial in action. As usual, the mortal and immortal did not make it through together. Celestine explained his views to Belldandy and then destroyed the Gate. He then asked Belldandy to join him in rebelling against Kami-sama. It was at this moment that the Guardian's of Heaven arrived. The Guardians are basically Heaven's way of maintaining order. Celestine was on the verge of being captured when Belldandy....interfered. She completely wiped out all of the Guardians sent. I know now she was confused, not understanding why the Guardians attacked Celestine. She didn't want to see her mentor harmed. Celestine tried to take her away when the Valkyries moved in and grabbed him, leaving Belldandy behind in a Class A shield. It was then, surrounded by the dead Guardians, and the confusion of her mentors actions that Belldandy...shut down.

Urd tried to explain it to me, but at age 7 I really didn't understand. All I knew was that my sister, my favorite sister, the one who took care of me, was for all purposes, dead to the world and I didn't know why. Urd tried to prevent me from going in to see her, but I got in anyway.

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Skuld looked around the corner of the hallway. She could see the doors to the medical wing. She could also see the 2 Valkyries standing guard in front of it. Urd was sitting in a chair nearby. Skuld frowned and sat back against the wall.

'How am I gonna see Onee-chan?' thought Skuld. She carefully peered around the corner again. That's when she saw it. Urd's head was slowly sliding down towards her chest when she jerked back up. Skuld smiled and leaned back against the wall. Urd must have stayed up to make sure Skuld would stay away from the medical wing. Skuld waited several more minutes before peering around the corner again. Urd was now snoring peacefully away. Skuld stood up and quietly walked around the corner. She walked right past the Valkyries. The Valkyries knew she was there, even if they didn't acknowledge her presence. Skuld took one last look at Urd before moving into the Medical Wing. She walked down the long white corridors, glancing into room after room, looking for her sister.

She reached the final room. Having not seen Belldandy in any of the others, Skuld decided she must be there. Unlike the others, this room was dark. Skuld walked in and looked around. A chair stood in the center of the room. Sitting in the chair, dressed in medical whites, was Belldandy, seemingly looking at Skuld.

"Onee-chan!" Skuld said happily. She ran over and grabbed Belldandy in a hug. "I was so worried about you Onee-chan!"

After several moments, Skuld began to wonder why Belldandy hadn't said anything. She released her hold on Belldandy and looked up at her face. Skuld gasped in shock.

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What I saw was not my sister. Her eyes were...blank. She just stared off into space, not even responding to me when I talked to her. I tried shaking her, trying to wake her, to get a reaction, any reaction. Urd, having woken up and hearing me, ended up carrying me out. That night, I cried myself to sleep.

Celestine was found guilty and sent to the Lunar Prison, to spend eternity in an inanimate object, never to be released. The council then called for Urd to appear before them. I don't know the exact specifics, but the next morning when I woke up..

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Skuld rolled over and blinked at the sunlight filtering in through the windows of her room. Letting out a sigh, Skuld got up and shuffled over to change into her uniform. She then opened the door and stepped out of her room into the hallway.

"Good morning Lady Skuld." came Anna's cheerful voice.

Skuld looked up to see Anna moving down the hallway.

"Breakfast is waiting for you on the table." Anna said. She then walked past Skuld heading for Belldandy's room.

'Probably straightening it up.' thought Skuld. 'After all, Onee-sama isn't here to do it.'

Skuld had started moving down the hallway when she heard Anne speak.

"Lady Belldandy, I have news for you. Lord Celestine has left for an urgent meeting. He may not be back for sometime."

Skuld stopped walking and turned around and ran to Belldandy's room. She looked in the doorway and was shocked by what she saw. Belldandy was sitting up in her bed, looking out the window.

"Onee-sama?" Skuld said quietly.

Belldandy turned and looked at her. Skuld's heart leaped. Belldandy's eyes were back to the blue they had been before.

"Good Morning Skuld." Belldandy said cheerfully.

Skuld raced over and hugged her sister, tears coming from her eyes.

"I thought..I thought.I thought.." Skuld struggled to speak but could not say the words.

"You thought what Skuld?" asked Belldandy.

"She had a nightmare." Came Urd's voice.

Skuld turned shocked at Urd standing in the doorway.

'She.she lied?' thought Skuld stunned.

"Come on Skuld." said Urd, "Let Belldandy get dressed. She has to go over to the GRO today."

Skuld complied with Urd's request. She stopped at the door and looked back at Belldandy. Belldandy smiled and waved at her. Skuld smiled back at her sister and then went to where Urd was sitting.

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Belldandy was there, as if nothing had happened. Urd told me she had been given a potion that removed what had hurt her from her memories. She also said I must never ask Belldandy what had happen, as that might cause her to go catatonic again. The idea of seeing Belldandy's eyes go dead again filled me with such fear, I immediately agreed. In time, those 3 days were forgotten. But they would eventually return to haunt us.

The next two years were pretty straight forward. Urd began to work at Yggdrasil as a programmer, later moving up to SysOp. Belldandy went to work at the Goddess Relief Office, granting wishes. She also spent sometime working at Yggdrasil as a programmer. She took me there once, to show me what I might eventually do. That was when something weird happened. Almost as soon as Belldandy logged on to the system, a window appeared. That in itself was not unusual. Each God and Goddess who worked on the Yggdrasil system had their own personal settings. But the window that popped up was a view of the surface world. Specifically, of an 18 year old male mortal. The name of the mortal appeared in the corner. I spotted only the 'Keiic' before Belldandy closed the window. When I asked her what that was, she blushed and said to not worry about it. She then went and began showing me various programs and functions. I got so engrossed in what Belldandy was telling me, I completely forgot about that mortal. Little did I know it was a brief glimpse of the future.

At the age of 10 and still without a mentor, I was sent to the debugging division of Yggdrasil. That was where I was given my first debugging hammer. I still have it. I spent the next 2 years running around smashing bugs alongside other debuggers. While I debugged, Urd became the SysOp of the Ultimate Force, and Belldandy continued to grant wishes with the GRO. Nothing interesting happened. And then one night, something happened.

Belldandy did not come home.

At first I really wasn't that worried. In the past, Belldandy sometimes had a wish that was particularly hard that required several days work. Urd was on the night shift so I couldn't ask her what was going on. So I continued on business as usual. I started to worry the second night. She still hadn't come home and hadn't even called. I had heard rumors about a strange wish while I was debugging but I didn't think anything of it. Belldandy had told me about a lot of the things mortals had wished for, so hearing about that wish really didn't set off any alarms. When Urd got home I immediately began asking questions.

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"Urd! Where's Onee-chan?!"

Urd sighed and sat down on the couch. "She's granting a wish Skuld."

"But that was yesterday!" replied Skuld, "She should have been back by now or even called us to let us know what was happening. But she hasn't even done that! No one will even tell me where she is. Not Peorth, nor the GRO, not even father!"

"Sit down Skuld. I'll try and explain."

"No I will not sit down! I want Onee-chan!"

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Urd finally got me to sit me down and explained to me what happened. A mortal named Keiichi Morisato had wished for Belldandy to stay with him forever. Needless to say, I was very stunned by this.
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Author's notes: This is just something to occupy my mind for a while. Feedback is welcome and requested.

I'm still working on 2 side stories to NG:G. Those might start being posted soon. Depending on work and such.