The cold night air bit at his skin as hell fell down towards the treeline. Instinctively raising his arms in front of him, he felt the familiar burning sensation as his left arm activated, swelling up in size and forming thick bone plating over itself, creating a buffer between him and the imminent impact below. He braced as he crashed into the pine canopy beneath, feeling a jolt lance through his body as he suddenly decelerated, shattering branches and stirring up snow as he headed for the ground. There was a muffled thump as he made impact, landing in a particularly thick mound of snow. He was still for a moment, still curled into a ball, trying to shake off the disorientation from the impact. When the feeling of shock left, he burst out of the snow and began tearing at the helmet on his head. Whatever was locking it to skull, it was effective and he couldn't find a release. With a roar, his right arm's claws dug into the back of the helmet and with great effort, ripped it off, broken fragments flying all around. Breathing heavily from the exertion, he looked around at the forest trying to find his bearings. When he tried to get up, he felt a sudden pain jolt through his right leg. Collapsing back into the snow, he was made aware of gunshot wounds in his shoulder and leg. The one in the leg was still bleeding, staining the snow around it with blood. Grimacing, he tried again to get up, ignoring the pain.

Must go, must go now!

He knew that there would be men after him soon. To stay still was to be captured. To be captured was to go back to that prison, and to go back was to be in that hell forever. Eventually he was able to get up to his feet, his leg still throbbing, but the need to run greatly overrode the pain that wracked his body. Picking a general direction, he began to run and stumble away, as fast as he physically could.


He had been running nonstop for hours now. Exhaustion was starting to get to him, forcing him to stop more and more, but he couldn't afford to take a break. He had heard two bullheads fly overhead already and each time he had to quickly dive under the snow to hide himself. There was no doubt that the longer he stayed in one spot, it increased the likelihood of getting discovered. And with sunrise coming soon, he needed to cover as much distance as he could, the daylight would make it far easier to spot him. Panting, he stopped by a tree, huffing and wheezing hard as his muscles and body screamed from overexertion. The pain from the gunshots in his shoulder and leg had become dull aches in the back of his mind, as long as he didn't focus on them, it wasn't that bad. Just as he was about to take off again, he felt his right arm explode with pain. He fell to his knees, groaning and grinding his teeth as he felt like his flesh was dissolving from the inside out. The blackened limb began to pulsate and boil, while white boney spines started appearing across it like a rash.

No, not now!

He had experienced this before. His body was failing to keep the Grimm element in check and it was starting to run rampant. The Grimm implants were quite literally trying to consume him and break free. Sweat broke across his brow as the pain and spasms of his arm got worse.


He needed to find Dust soon. Back at the lab, it seemed that Dust was the only thing that could stave off the deterioration of his body. His small window of escape just suddenly got a lot narrower. If he didn't find Dust soon, it wouldn't matter if he managed to get away or not, he'd be dead either way.

Stay... DOWN!

With a great push of willpower, he managed to force his body to subside and calm down. The spasms stopped but the pain was still there. His arm receded back to its normal form, but still throbbed with a dull sensation. He tried to pick up his feet again but that episode was the last straw for his body. His legs gave out beneath him, all strength gone. He breathes hard, trying to come up with a plan. There's nothing but endless wilderness ahead of him, and certain death behind him. But if he stayed put, certain death would catch up regardless. There was no good option right now unless he could somehow replenish his strength. As he thought a bit more, he heard the distinct sound of an approaching bullhead overhead. Panicking, he immediately dug himself into the snow, doing his best to bury himself up before the scanners swept the area. He held his breath as the bullhead flew over his position, preparing himself to run or fight at any moment. The bullhead seemed to slow down and hover overhead, it's searchlights illuminating the snow around him.

This is it…

Panic began to grip his heart.

This is where it happens...

Just as he was prepared to potentially fight for his life, the bullhead's lights swept away, and the aircraft flew forward into the night. Once the sound of the engines finally faded, he felt it was safe enough to leave his hiding spot. Gathering his bearings again, a thought suddenly popped into his head. Yes, of course, that would work…


"This is Echo-3, conducting secondary sweep of target area." The bullhead roared over the frozen forests of the Atlesian mountains, it's searchlights sweeping back and forth. On board in the cockpit, state of the art recon equipment were scanning for any sign of their target.

"This is Echo-3, secondary sweep turning up negative on all scanners, returning to base-" The pilot stopped himself as a spot showed up on the infrared camera display.

"Wait, rescinding that report, I have something on my scanners. Heat signature size and intensity suggests humanoid in nature. Echo-3 pursuing." The pilot hit the "Alert" button on his dashboard. Behind him in the bullhead's hold, the alert lights turned red, making the armed guards inside perk up. The pilot brought the bullhead down low and set it to hover mode.

"Echo-3 to command, we're over the supposed target's area, deploying ground team." On his command, the bullhead's side doors slid open and a squad of armed soldiers in white camouflage rappelled down. As soon as they hit the snow, they leveled their PDWs, getting into a circular formation to try to locate their target.

Meanwhile in the shadows of a large pine tree, someone was watching them, waiting. He watched as the squad moved closer and closer to the tree he was hiding in, his modified eyes tracking every movement they made.

"That's right, a little bit closer…" He thought to himself as his right arm morphed into a claw once more.

The soldiers, unaware of the precise location of their target, still looked around, paranoid, while the pilot above relayed information to them.

"According to the scanners you're almost right on top of him." He reported to the ground team. The soldiers all looked towards a prominent tree in front of them, the bark marred with deep gouges, like claws. One of the soldiers motioned the team forward towards the tree. Slowly the squad made their way over, looking into the branches to try to get a visual.

Then, there was the sound of a branch snapping.

"What was that?" One of the soldiers shouted as he swung around, looking into the other rest of his squad looked up around them as well, trying to find the source of the sound. One of the soldiers looked into a particularly well shaded part of the canopy. There seemed to be something moving in there.

"Hey guys…" He began. Two glowing yellow eyes peered out from the shadows. Then it blinked.

"Guys!-" Those were the last words he got out as an animalistic roar issued from around them. Before the rest of the soldiers could react, something had launched itself out of the trees and onto their teammate. There was a sound of ripping flesh and the snap of bones and by the soldiers turned their attention to where their teammate once was, they were greeted by the sight of a headless corpse, slumping forward into the snow. Behind him, was a dark shadow with a great clawed hand. Its eyes glowed in the dark like flames, and in its clutches, was the severed head of the dead soldier.

"What the hell?!" One of the other soldiers yelled.

"Contact contact!" Another screamed as the squad opened fire on the monster. The monster leapt into the air as bullets peppered the ground where it was standing on. Before the soldiers had time to aim upwards, he swung his arm downward, and slammed down in the middle of the soldiers, kicking up a cloud of snow that blinded everyone inside.

"I can't see, I can't see!" One of the soldiers called out. There was another sound of claws whistling through the air and a scream before another body hit the ground. By this point the rest of the soldiers were at wits end, trying to find their target in the middle of this snow screen.

"Where is he?" Where is he?!" One called out.

"I can't see anything!" Another responded. Then a shadow moved in the middle of the cloud. Two of the soldiers noticed and immediately opened fire. Emptying their magazines as they fired wildly into the haze. When their guns clicked empty, the two slowly moved in, trying to see if it was dead. Instead of seeing their target, what they saw instead was the bullet riddled corpse of one of the squadmates.

"Shit shit!" One of them screamed.

"Shit, if it isn't here, then…" His eyes widened in realization as he heard a growl behind him. The snowy haze had almost dissipated completely by now and looming over the two soldiers was a great black shadow. Slowly the two soldiers turned their heads around.

"Behind you."

Their screams were the loudest of that night.


Everything took place under a minute and by the time the pilot had reacted to what happened, his entire ground team had been slaughtered. Panicking he swung the bullhead around and made a break for it back to base.

"This is Echo-3. Contact confirmed, capture failed. Entire squad dead, we need reinforcements. We-" Static crackled through the comm channels as the connection suddenly cut out.

Meanwhile on the forest floor, he watched as the bullhead fell out of the sky in a burning wreckage. Multiple bone spines sticking out of the remains of its engines. When the pilot had tried to flee, he had launched several spines into the bullhead's main thrusters, causing a chain explosion that instantly tore through the ship. Satisfied that there were definitely no survivors left. He knelt down in front of the bodies of the dead soldiers and began rummaging through their gear.

I know you guys have at least one…

He tore open the pouches on their belts before finally,


He reached into the pouch and pulled out a few red and white crystals that glowed faintly in the night. Hungrily, he crushed the crystals in his clawed hand, and shoved the pieces into his mouth. He let out a sigh of relief as he felt a gentle warmth spread through his body. The throbbing pain in his Grimm arm was subsiding rapidly, and he felt some of his strength renewing. The dust would stave off the corrosion for now, but it wasn't enough to keep him sustained for more than a few days. Three at best.

Must move faster

The sky was beginning to light up as dawn approached. His little ambush had helped take him out of immediate danger but now the patrols would definitely increase in frequency and he'd have a harder time trying to hide in daylight.

More soldiers and weapons…

They would definitely be better equipped after this, which made it all the more imperative that he put as much distance between them and himself. Checking once more that he didn't miss any other crystals on the corpses, he sprinted off into the trees once more.


Dr. Hyde leisurely sat in his office, sipping on a cup of black tea as he read the reports from the scouts. Most had turned up with nothing but one report had come in after being broadcasted back to base via the bullhead's black box. He listened curiously to the pilot's last reports while scanning over the data the scanners had picked up.

"How interesting." The doctor remarked as he rewatched the infrared camera's footage of the soldiers getting wiped out. "It seems that despite the long term isolation, he has managed to demonstrate a high level of strategic thinking and resourcefulness." His thoughts were interrupted by a red blinking light on his desk. Frowning he put down the data slate and tapped it. The blinking light faded away as a holographic screen appeared before him, projecting the silhouettes of five individuals.

"Gentlemen," greeted, "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"What is the status on the escaped subject?" One of them demanded.

"The subject has eluded capture thus far. One of the extraction teams we put out was wiped out, but we are certain he will be retrieved in due time."

"This is unacceptable." Another silhouette commented. "The subject is too important to be allowed to keep roaming free. Need we remind you what's at stake here?" frowned slightly, he really hated dealing with these people.

"If the subject is discovered by someone else, it could cause an international uproar, not to mention that it would jeopardize the entire program. The other kingdoms would-"

"Spare me your political nonsense." Said the doctor cutting them off. "They don't concern me, and quite frankly neither do the rest of you."

"Watch your tone, Doctor." One of the silhouettes threatened. "Don't forget who you're talking to."

"And you likewise." The doctor retorted. "Now if you all would excuse me, I have a job to get back to." Before anyone could respond, ended the call. The doctor rubbed his temples as he picked up his teacup.

"Idiots, all of them." He muttered to himself as he took a sip. He absolutely hated dealing with those suits. They didn't see things the way he did. They didn't grasp his vision, only seeing things as results or reports on a piece of paper.

A bunch of stuffy imbeciles. He thought to himself as he picked up the data slate once more.

"But you," he said to himself as he looked at the report once more. "You will be something greater. You will be my gift to the world…" There was a buzz from his desk as a notification popped on the built-in screen. He tapped it and the door to his office slid open, a uniformed soldier walking in.

"Sir." He greeted as he snapped a crisp salute.

"As you were, what is it?" Dr. Hyde demanded.

"It's ready." The soldier approached and put another data slate on the doctor's desk. Dr. Hyde picked it up and looked it over.

"Excellent. Prepare a bullhead. We leave immediately."

"Right away sir." The soldier replied. He got onto his comms as the doctor grabbed his coat and the two left the office.

Now, let the experiment continue…