I strummed my fingers impatiently on my knee before Dimitri's hand caught mine, halting my nervous fidgeting. Right Rose, channel that inner zen master. You can do this, I thought to myself as I looked over at Dimitri. He was the picture of patience and I gave a small smile. I can do this. I turned back to face Adrian filled with my newfound zen and wisdom, only to find him still fidgeting and glancing nervously between Sydney and Declan and myself and Dimitri. Oh for Vlad's sake, just spit it out!

"Can somebody finally tell us what's going on?" I borderline yelled, shrugging as Dimitri rolled his eyes in my direction. Nice one Rose, very zen.

Adrian took a deep breath, and Dimitri and I stilled in anticipation. Adrian was never nervous, so I was really starting to worry what news he had in store.

"What I'm about to say is going to change everything you think," Adrian said, glancing at us with a strange look in his eyes. "You two in particular are about to get your worlds rocked."

I looked at him expectantly, and I could practically feel the tension rolling off Dimitri as he sat next to me, still gripping my hand in his.

Adrian glanced back at Sydney one more time, seeming to find his resolve as he continued on. "Neil is Declan's father," he stated, pausing as if he expected some sort of backlash from me on the matter. Unfortunately there was some news that stunned even Rose Hathaway to silence; right now I was too busy staring at Adrian like he'd grown a second head. He's lost it. Spirit has finally caught up to him.

One quick glance and Dimitri and I could see I wasn't alone; he too was looking at Adrian with an expression of complete bewilderment.

I finally broke the silence. "Have you lost the plot? You know that two Dhampirs can't reproduce together."

Adrian let out a sharp laugh in return, nervously running his hand through his hair. "Hear me out, okay? Olive had only ever been with Neil. She knew he was the father and when she found out she freaked out - understandably. She didn't want their baby to be a lab experiment so she ran away and kept it a secret."

"How is that possible?" Dimitri cut in. I glanced over at him to try and get a feel for his take on the situation, only to find his Guardian mask firmly in place.

Adrian looked between us nervously again, "we think... we think it's something to do with the restoration. That it altered her genetic makeup and made it possible for them to conceive... that would ... obviously have implications for the two of you."

I felt Dimitri's hand tighten over mine but I was completely frozen. I couldn't even find the words to comprehend what Adrian had just said. Rose Hathaway was well and truly speechless.

The sound of Declan letting out a little squeal behind me brought me out of my frozen state. I turned around to look at him, sitting in Sydney's arms and playing happily with a lock of her hair. For a split second I didn't see Declan, I saw a tiny Dimitri sitting in my arms and staring at me with chocolate eyes. Could I give Dimitri a family? It was always a difficult topic for me. Dimitri was older, and I know that the idea of kids was a dream of his. By being with me he had given up on that dream, and, although he swears it doesn't bother him, a small part of me worries that it must. That one day he'll turn around and realise that I wasn't worth giving up Tasha's offer for.

I turned back to Dimitri, a thousand questions on my mind. I didn't have time to voice any of them. Suddenly, all 6 foot 7 inches of Dimitri was up and off the couch. In three long strides he'd made it to the front door, slamming it shut behind him. Everyone in the rooms eyes following him in confusion, and I continued staring at the front door my mouth gaping. Didn't he want this? I'd seen the way he behaved around Declan and his little niece and nephew, he adored them. I genuinely could not wrap my head around his reaction as I continued staring at the front door, as if I expected him to materialise back in that spot.

"Well," Adrian broke the silence, "that was ... strange."

I looked back at Adrian, trying to give a small smile and shrug it off. In truth though, Dimitir's reaction hurt. Did he not want children with me? Adrian could see right through me, whether through my aura or through the understanding we'd always shared I wasn't sure.

"It'll be okay, Little Dhampir. Why don't you go and find him?" I nodded again, getting up and making my way to the door with one final confused glance in Declan's direction.

I decided to head right, to the left of us was a lot of shops and people, something that I knew Dimitri would avoid at the best of times. I wandered in the general direction of the only park in the area, keeping my eyes peeled for any sign of Dimitri. I mean, the man was practically a giant, he hardly blended in. As I continued my search I tried to keep the steady feeling of dread and panic out of my mind. Truth by told, the way that Dimitri had reacted had really hurt and confused me. I couldn't help the steady wave of rejection that continued to creep its way over me. He doesn't want a family with you. There's no other explanation for him reacting like that.

I finally reached the park, which I figured would be my best bet. As I scanned the more secluded areas in the tree lines I saw him. He was sitting on a bench, bent forward with his head cradled in his hands. I took a deep breath and started towards him. I knew by this stage that his superior Guardian observation skills would have detected me, but he didn't acknowledge my presence as I slowly made my way towards the bench and took a seat next to him.

"Comrade?" I whispered. I kicked myself as the hurt and confusion I was feeling came pouring out in that one small word.

He finally turned to face me, taking my hand in his and kissing it softly. "I'm sorry I reacted like that Roza... I was upset, and I just needed to get away. But I shouldn't have left you to deal with that on your own."

I looked at him, still utterly confused. "Why are you upset? I thought..." I took a deep breath, trying to stop my voice from breaking, "I thought you wanted this... kids. Do you not want them with me?" I looked away, embarrassed as a single tear slipped out on the last word. Dimitri immediately had me in his arms, his face buried in my hair. "Of course I want children with you, Roza! Nothing would make me happier," he mumbled into my hair. I pulled back, looking at him in confusion as he took my face in his hands, wiping away the single tear that had fallen with the pad of his thumb. I met his eyes in absolute bewilderment. This man was making no sense!

"Then why are you upset?" Now it was his turn to look confused as he stared back at me.

"Roza..." he continued to look at me, his gaze turning sad. "We've been together for over a year now... if it hasn't happened by now I doubt it ever will." He looked down before continuing, "but for a second I allowed myself to believe it was possible. That hope was painful. I'm so sorry that I placed those kinds of expectations on you. I know you think that children are something I need, but I love you Roza. Please forgive me - you could never disappoint me. You're all I need." He met my eyes pleadingly.

I let out a sharp laugh and Dimitri stared at me incredulously. "Why are you laughing?" He looked almost offended, and that only made me laugh harder. He glanced around nervously, almost like he was afraid I was having some sort of fit or episode. Seeing so much emotion radiating off the usually stoic Dimitri was entertaining as hell, but I finally got a handle on myself and decided to put the poor man out of his misery.

I held out my arm to him, pinching the skin where I knew the contraceptive rod sat. He looked at it in confusion and I chuckled, it didn't surprise me that Dimitri had very little knowledge of these matters. He was gorgeous, but the man was practically a monk. He flushed bright scarlet anytime I made even the slightest innuendo to our sex life, and I knew that there was no one serious before me despite his age.

"All the novice girls get these implanted," I explained as his gaze lifted from my arm to meet my eyes in confusion. "It's a contraceptive that lasts for three years. We get them because it stops our periods, which makes training a lot easier. Seriously comrade, did you never notice that in all our time together I've never gotten my period?" I rolled my eyes as understanding dawned on Dimitri's face. I mean seriously, the man was trained to be highly deductive and observant and he'd never once noticed that his girlfriend never had her period. It was laughable, but I suppose it's not the sort of thing a guy turns his mind to when he's getting lucky on a regular basis.

Suddenly Dimitri was grinning from ear to ear as he pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. I laughed again. "Looks like you could have saved yourself a major freak out, comrade." He pulled back to look at me, meeting my eyes sheepishly.

"I'm sorry Roza, I don't mean to rush you. I know you're younger than me and I'm happy to wait. I'm just so happy that there is a chance for us."

"I know, Dimitri." I gave him a small smile, "I'm happy too. I promise one day we'll try." I was met with a thousand megawatt smile and I chuckled. "But for now I don't plan on being a contestant on Teen Mom, okay?" He rolled his eyes at my reference. I was really rubbing off on that man.

He smiled again and pulled me into a deep, searing kiss. I'd just begun to lose myself in it when Dimitri suddenly pulled back.

"Roza..." he met my eyes looking sheepish again, "when do you think you'll be ready? I'm not trying to rush you" he continued quickly, "I just would like a rough timeline to work with."

I scoffed. "Easy tiger. You haven't even gotten me down the aisle yet."

"No," he smiled, giving me another kiss. "Not yet."