"It was the strangest thing." Monroe observed. "The moment Adalind woged, she had control over him in his zombie state."

"Strange how the cracher de mortel couldn't control Nick, but Adalind could." Hank said.

"I'm glad she could." Rosalee added. "I'd hate to think how dangerous Nick would have been without her there."

Further showing everyone how good she was for him, Adalind took Nick to her place and made him a cup of herbal tea to help him relax and recover from his ordeal being infected by the blowfish wesen.

Unfortunately, flashes of what he had not came back to him, and a wave of guilt took hold of him.

"I assaulted those men, Adalind. I should turn myself in. It's the right thing to do."

Adalind cupped Nick's face. "Turning yourself in will only raise a lot of questions. What you did was beyond your control. And you shouldn't be punished for essentially being drugged and kidnapped. It's not your fault the cracher de mortel turned you into a raging zombie. If anyone is to blame, blame the royals for creating this mess."

Nick wanted to believe Adalind. But he felt guilty.

They're discussion was interrupted by a knock on the door. Adalind answered it and Wu walked into the door with a police file.

"We got a report back on those guys Nick got in a fight with. Turns out, they're wanted in a connection to a long list of crimes." Wu announced. "They're part of a criminal biker gang. And we've been able to match their DNA to a dozen rapes and murders across the U.S.. All five are now in police custody and waiting for the FBI to pick them up."

"All five?" Adalind's brows furrowed. "I saw Nick stab one with his own knife?"

"He lost a lot of blood and will be on a liquid diet for quite a while. But he's alive and expected to join his friends in prison once he gets released from the hospital."

"Is Nick going to be arrested for assaulting those men?" Adalind asked with concern.

"The men refused to say who beat them up. Maybe they figure no one would believe one guy took on five seasoned criminals. Or maybe they didn't want to explain why they got into a fight with him in the first place." Wu elaborated. "From what we've garnered from their past crimes. They like to ambush couples leaving bars. If they hadn't met with you and Nick, they would have done the same to who knows how many other innocent people."

Nick sighed with relief. His guilt faded once he discovered what those men had planned to do. It wasn't how he liked doing things, but at least he hadn't killed anybody and the men deserved to be locked away.


While Nick's guilt had been assuaged, Adalind's was beginning to grow.

It occurred to her that maybe the love potion she had given him had worked, just not to the extent she had thought it would.

She realized she needed to tell Nick what she had done. It was only fair. They could not build a life together if what they had was based on a lie.


"Why didn't you tell me? After everything?" Nick asked, his voice low and darkly composed.

Tears fell from Adalind's eyes. "Because it was so good! It was so perfect! Everything I had ever dreamed of, I had, with you. You weren't obedient. You had more control over me than I had allowed anyone else. I was almost certain it didn't work. It made it easy to pretend I never gave you the potion. That we fell in love and I could be happy, knowing I was finally loved and wanted for the first time in my life."

A terrible fear that he was about to walk out the door consumed her. Adalind desperately wanted to reach out to him. To grab a hold of him and grip tightly.

"Please NIck, I love you. WIth everything I am. I will do anything to make things right between us. But please don't leave me."

Nick turned to her. "Leave you? You really think I could walk away from you?"

"The potion would have worn off after we made love." Adalind told him. "You could walk away from me, and forget all about me. Forget what we had."

"What we still have. I'm hurt that you betrayed me like that. But after hearing how you were betrayed by Renard and your mother, a part of me understands. I'm not saying I'm alright with what you did. But being angry and punishing you is only going to destroy what we have. And cause me to lose the woman I love."

Adalind's face lit up with a watery smile. "Whatever I can do to make it up to you, I will."

Nick stood silent for a moment, thinking and contemplating the situation he was in. He really had no interest in ending what he had with Adalind. And thinking of a way to punish her seemed petty and useless.

Then again. There could be a punishment that could be a lot of fun, for the both of them.

Adalind saw a twinkle appear in Nick's beautiful eyes and a wicked grin spread on his face.

"You know." He started suggestively, "If you really want to make it up to me, and prove that I have plenty of power and control in this relationship, and if you really mean your willing to do anything…"

And that's how Adalind found herself tied to the bed.

With Nick's wicked tongue running it's way along the most sensitive places on her thighs in exquisite torture.

With him smacking her ass, then after each slap, descending his mouth on the cheek, licking and sucking at the flesh.

He had her begging for his rock hard member.

Ever the forgiving man, he gave it to her, over and over again, until they were both a panting and sated mess.


At the same time Adalind was confessing what she had done and making it up to Nick, Sean Renard walked into the spice shop to tell Nick's wesen friends about his theories. Hoping to cause the others to stop trusting Adalind. Maybe even destroy her hexenbiest.

"You should take Adalind's powers from her," Sean Renard warned Monroe and Rosalee. "It is the only way to end her hold over Nick."

But the group did not trust Renard. He had proven himself far too conniving for anyone to take him at his word.

They thought the wisest thing to do was talk to Kelly Burkhardt.

Hank, Wu, Felicia and Caroline were also called, since they all knew and cared about Nick and Adalind.

They set up a meeting for the following day.


"Sean Renard claims that Adalind gave Nick a zaubertrank, and that's what caused him to fall in love with her." Monroe informed the group.

"Grimms are immune to love potions." Kelly Burkhardt explained. "There have been many occasions when someone had tried to control a grimm with the help of a potion. It never worked."

"But Nick was so devoted to Adalind in such a short amount of time." Monroe protested.

"If the potion seemed to have worked on Nick, then he was already in love with Adalind when he consumed it. In that case, all it could have done was increase his libido. If he was not in love, the potion would have made him ill and he would have thrown it up. The person who gave him the potion would also have caused him to become sick every time they were around him."

"Which explains why Nick threw up on Adalind's mom." Hank said.

Kelly nodded. "Past grimms wrote about having strange reactions when encountering wesen toxins. They could be vulnerable if they were experiencing an emotion that the toxin could affect. For example, if a grimm was feeling lonely or broken hearted, then a toxin that made them feel happy and or in love might have some effect. If the grimm was angry about a certain situation, a toxin that causes extreme rage and violence might make the grimm highly dangerous."

"Nick said he had an interest in Adalind from the moment he met her. Would his interest have made him vulnerable to her potion?" Monroe asked.

Kelly shook her head. "It may sound a little sappy or cliche, but love, hope, and happiness tend to give a grimm strength. We know this because grimms who hated wesen and chose to live a life alone, died at fairly young ages. But grimms that made friends with wesen and chose to have a family, were able to live long lives."

"I guess that means Nick is going to live forever." Wu commented.


Monroe called Nick, believing his grimm friend should know about Sean Renard's accusations and what the rest of the group was concerned about.

Nick told his blutbad friend that Adalind had already confessed, but to assuage everyone's worries, they would meet up in the spice shop to talk.


"Zabertranks don't work on grimms." Kelly said. "A zauberbiest tried to make me fall in love with him. He thought having a grimm at his side would keep his enemies away. All the potion did was make me throw up once, then increase my libido. Your father and I must have.."

"Mom!" Nick shouted, desperate not to have her finish that sentence.

"How do you think you got here?" Kelly teased her son, but continued. "The effects wore off after a while. Not once did I ever feel any interest or affection toward the zauberbiest."

"Did you cut off his head?" Monroe asked. Receiving shocked glares from some people and an elbow to the side from Rosalee.

"I didn't do anything to him. By the time I was able to part from my husband and think long enough to realize what had happened, the zauberbiest had been killed. He was involved in some sort of investment scam and tried to cheat his partners, who were also zauberbiest."

"How would he have gotten your blood?"

"A few days before receiving the zaubertrank, I had to go to the hospital for injuries from a fight with a blutbad that hunted children. I told them I crashed my bike and fell into some debris on the side of the road. They took several vials of blood for testing and I guess the zauberbiest must have stolen a vial."

"It's a little scary how easy it is to take someone's blood." Wu observed.

"Wait, you said the effects wore off? But Nick wants Adalind all of the time. I remember saying several times that he is insatiable." Felicia stated.

"That has nothing to do with the zaubertrank and more to do with certain traits Nick inherited from his father.

"How do we tell if what Nick feels for Adalind is real and not some sort of manipulation? We help make it so nothing could take her powers away. How can we be sure it's not some spell making him devoted to her? Monroe asked with concern.

"A cleansing potion." Adalind said softly. "It reverses whatever spell or potion that exists in the body. I don't want what I have with Nick to be a lie or manipulate him into being with me. I regret doing what I did, I know it was wrong. And if he doesn't really love me, I deserve to lose him."

"We'll make the cleansing potion and I'll take it, but I know it won't change anything." Nick stated with conviction.

The cleansing potion was made. Adalind stayed outside to prove she was not manipulating anything. Kelly stayed with her, asking her what she hoped to have with Nick.

"I want a life with him." Adalind said plainly. "Whatever that entails."

"I know my son. He'll want marriage and kids."

"And a house with a big backyard." Adalind laughed. "We're still looking for that. And if I get to share it all with Nick, I will never take any of it for granted."

The two women were called back in to watch as Nick gulped down the cleansing potion.

"The protection potion was better." He stated, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

Monroe put his face within inches of Nick's, staring into his eyes. "How do you feel?"

"A little creeped out at the moment." Nick replied, moving his head away from the scrutiny of the blutbad.

"It might take a few minutes to go through his system." Adalind warned. "Maybe Nick and I should spend the night apart, just to be sure."

"I think that's a good idea." Rosalee agreed, admiring the hexenbiest for being so understanding.

"I think it's a terrible idea." Nick complained. "Adalind and I haven't spent a night apart since we got together."

"If you still miss her by morning, then we will all know it's real. And the two of you can plan your life together." Rosalee assured her grimm friend.


To make sure Nick and Adalind stayed apart, Rosalee stayed with Adalind and Monroe stayed with Nick.

To keep his mind off of the situation and from being irritated with his friends, Monroe and Kelly did some grimm training in the woods.

Kelly was highly impressed to discover her son had super hearing. Commenting it was better than a second pair of eyes when he destroyed the cabbages Monroe threw at him while he was blindfolded.

When his body was exhausted and it was time for everyone to head home and into bed, Nick still couldn't keep from thinking a part of him was missing. As he laid in bed, he was sure his arms literally ached for Adalind. Sleep did not come easy. He kept waking up, something telling him to search for the person who wasn't there. His arms constantly reaching out for the one who always belonged by his side.


Adalind's night was just as restless. She couldn't help the fear that Nick would want nothing to do with her by the time morning came.

To her relief, Rosalee didn't seem to hold any animosity toward her. The fuchsbau said she had made more than her share of mistakes and felt she shouldn't judge Adalind for hers. Especially considering being betrayed the way she has by the two people she had loved most.

But the night still felt colder than usual, because Nick's arms weren't wrapped around her.

Though Adalind wasn't sure she should feel relieved when the morning came. There was still that chance that Nick's love for her was only due to a potion, and she would have to face a life without him.

She wondered if there was any hope that they could all still be friends, or would they expect her to bow out gracefully and never show her face around any of them, again?


The group met back at the spice shop. Monroe and Rosalee were still playing chaperone to Nick and Adalind.

Adalind was very visibly nervous, until Nick rushed to her upon seeing her, wrapped her in his arms, holding the back of her head and claimed her lips with his in a kiss that threatened to set the whole world on fire.

"I thought I was going to go insane if I had to wait one more minute to do that." Nick confessed, not moving his face away from hers.


When several days passed and Renard didn't see any change in Nick's behavior, he assumed the grimm's friends had decided not to tell him about the zaubertrank.

He realized it was up to him to tell Nick the truth and finally destroy the relationship between the grimm and the hexenbiest.

Sean was smug when he called Burkhardt into his office and said. "Adalind gave you a potion to make you fall in love with her and obedient to her. She's only interested in you because she wanted to make me suffer."

"A woman doesn't wake a man up in the middle of the night to make love if she is just trying to make another man jealous." Nick retorted. "A woman doesn't sneak into a man's apartment and wait for him to get home in order to greet him wearing sexy lingerie and then make love with him for hours if she is just trying to make another man jealous. And a woman really doesn't plan a life with one man, if she is just trying to make another man jealous. Your opinion of yourself is way too inflated. Adalind told me about the potion. She said she was interested in me and didn't want to take the chance of losing me. You and her mother's betrayal caused her to do something foolish." Nick's glare at Renard turned to a mischievous grin. "So after I gave her a good spanking for being naughty, I gave her several orgasms to assure her all was forgiven."

Seeing Captain Renard's expression go from smug to very sour, Nick left the office and headed home to Adalind.


Sean Renard knocked everything off of his desk in a fit of rage.

There was no question about it, now. He had lost. There was no way Nick would ever help him in his quest for power.