Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a great week. I sure did. Two of our friends are in town and you know how it is when people visit. You become a tourist in your own hometown lol.

So, I got a lot of messages and a review actually, asking about the final chapter of the story. People were wondering just how did the story end. And though I know explaining one's story is not very common (because if I was a good storyteller, then I wouldn't have to explain the ending lol) but this is fan fiction and we're all friends here.

Some of you may have never read my very first story "Her Eyes". I consider it my masterpiece, even though as I read it now I can see so many errors and grammatical misfortunes, but the idea behind it was so fresh and, if I may say so myself, so very unique, from what I had read on Sailor Moon.

In this story, I created Hiro, the protagonist. Mamoru's classmate, who is smart, athletic and though not many women fawn over him, but he has so much to offer.

In "Her Eyes", Hiro falls madly and blindly in love with Usagi, even though Mamoru is his friend and he knows how wrong it is to go after someone who is happily committed to someone else.

I won't spoil the story (I hope some of you might be intrigued to give it a go), but when I entered Hiro in this story, I gave him the same voice as the one he had in "Her Eyes".

Last week and before I sat down to write the final chapter, the idea just came to me: What if Usagi and Mamoru and the gang could take back the time they were denied?

How many times have we all wondered what it would be like to go about our days without the regrets we carry all day long? All the past "what ifs" that seem to haunt us whenever we try to be truly happy?

When I thought about the time relapse, I thought about "Her Eyes" and how that story began. The scene begins with Hiro looking for Mamoru and thinking lowly about Usagi (based on their mutual friends' gossip) and the next, he meets her, and it is love at first sight, though he doesn't want to believe it himself.

I truly believe that people's emotions are unguarded. They can be controlled, but if you fall for someone, it is the will of your heart that pushes you to love them. And it doesn't matter when and how you meet them; your heart will follow the whisper.

In Hiro's case, I believe it doesn't matter how many times the Senshi and Mamoru gain time or lose it, for that matter; he will fall in love with Usagi over and over again, only to have his heart broken by her.

Because, well, we all know nothing can come between two soulmates trying to heal each other's broken hearts.

