"Just three more weeks," Sunset repeated to herself over and over again. "Just three more weeks." The teenaged girl was finding it even harder than usual to focus on her studies, what little she still had. For in a matter of weeks she and her friends would all be officially graduating from Canterlot High. The same friends with whom she had saved the world from Equestrian magic gone awry on countless occasions, the most recent of which had been the Time Twirler.

To think that she had once dismissed friendship as a foolish sentiment not worth wasting her time over. And to think that when she'd first come to this world after fleeing her home world, she had only cared about grasping power and holding onto it. It was amazing how much could change for a person (or a pony turned into a person in Sunset's case) in the span of just three years.

Suddenly, Sunset was snapped out of her contemplation when the school loudspeakers crackled to life. The familiar voice of Principal Celestia called over it. "Sunset Shimmer, report to the principal's office. Repeat: Sunset Shimmer, report to the principal's office."

Everyone in the room turned to look at Sunset as she got up from her desk. Since turning over a new leaf she'd been a model student, never gotten into trouble, been late for a class, or flunked an assignment or test. For her to be called into the principal's office was shocking to say the least.

Miss. Harshwhinny, the first hour teacher, said nothing as Sunset rose and prepared to exit the room. Despite the principal's announcement class still had to be conducted, and her lesson couldn't be put on hold for the sake of one student. "You'll have to ask one of your classmates for notes on what you missed, Miss. Shimmer." She sternly replied without turning to look at the girl.

"Thank you, Miss. Harshwhinny." Sunset quickly nodded even as she was trying not to show how nervous she was. What had she done that warranted a visit to the principal's office?

Well, the girl knew there was no point in delaying the inevitable. Without saying a word she left the classroom and made the short walk down the hall to the principal's office. "Whatever it is, I hope it's not going to delay my graduation. Pinkie Pie's already planning a huge party to celebrate." She thought to herself. She quickly reached the principal's office and jiggled the knob of the door. It turned easily, and in she strolled.

Immediately upon entering, Sunset could tell that something was definitely not right. This was not an ordinary visit to the principal's office. For one thing, Vice Principal Luna was there too. The woman usually had her own office (often kept dimly lit for whatever reason), it was never a good sign if she was with her sister in the principal's office.

However, Sunset's attention wasn't drawn to either the principal or vice principal. No, her eyes were drawn to a tall man that seemed to tower over even Principal Celestia. He was clad in a dark red robe with gold trim around the collar and sleeves. His skin was a very pale gray, almost mistakable for white. He had moderate turquoise green eyes, and blackish-gray hair that hung flat on either side, not to mention a pronounced beard underneath his chin.

The man immediately seemed to become aware of Sunset's presence without her even needing to say anything. He strolled right over to her, to where they were almost face to face. "Greetings, Sunset Shimmer," He spoke in a tone of voice that sounded like one of those old school narrators from the educational videos she often watched in class. "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name..." He paused quite considerably. "Is Neighsay, and I am the superintendent of Canterlot High, as well as all public schools within the Canterlot school district."

Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but shrink a little as her moderate cyan eyes locked into the superintendent's seemingly stern gaze. It was a look that could've scared her even during her bad girls days, a time when even Principal Celestia wouldn't dare touch her. A gulp broke the silence as she somehow found the courage to speak, offering a hand to the superintendent. "A p-p-pleasure to meet you, Superintendent Neighsay," She struggled not to stutter or tremble. Could this man sense her fear? She didn't know and she didn't want to find out. "I am Sunset Shimmer, but you already knew that."

Neighsay nodded his head and stepped back, gesturing to a nearby chair. "Please have a seat, Sunset. There is something that we need to discuss. A matter of great importance concerning you and your friends."

Sunset obeyed without question, slowly sitting down in the chair as Neighsay took the seat usually occupied by Principal Celestia at her desk. The superintendent lightly brushed the cuffs on his robe before speaking. "Let's first clear up any concerns you might have, Miss. Shimmer," He declared at length. "You're not in trouble, and neither are you friends. In fact, it is because of what you seven have done that we must have this conversation," He paused and cleared his throat. "The subject of our conversation is one that I'm sure no needs no introduction to you, young lady. It concerns Equestrian Magic."

At that Sunset immediately and boldly declared. "You're not getting your hands on it! Princess Twilight told me how much trouble your pony counterpart gave her in Equestria, and how he indirectly contributed to almost making all the magic in Equestria disappear forever!"

But the superintendent shook his head. "You misunderstand, Sunset Shimmer. I have no desire to obtain Equestrian Magic. After all, I've experienced firsthand what it can do to others," He arched an eyebrow upward as he questioned the girl. "Surely by now you've wondered how it is that the whole world doesn't know about what you and your friends have done? How you are known only as The Rainbooms, a popular music band?"

"Now that you mention it, it does seem kind of odd. We've seen Equestrian magic pop up all over the place, but it always seems like everyone but us forgets about it the very next day." Sunset commented. She had never given the subject much thought before, particularly because her close friend Twilight Sparkle (not to be confused with Princess Twilight) had often argued with Rainbow Dash about not embracing their superhero status.

Neighsay adjusted his collar again. "Well, that is because my administration has been involved in concealing and covering up any traces of Equestrian Magic and its existence. From the very first known incident of at the Fall Formal here at Canterlot High, we've been working around the clock to keep knowledge about such 'magical' events a secret."

"Even the ones that have taken place outside of Canterlot High? Like Camp Everfree or the Canterlot Mall?" Sunset questioned.

Neighsay confirmed with a firm nod. "We have kept tabs on every known incident in which Equestrian Magic has played a role, and with each one our goal has remained the same: To ensure that no knowledge of it is ever broadcast to the world. We've tracked down every witness and sworn them to secrecy. We've confiscated all phones, cameras, and recording devices. We've wiped data from flash drives. We've destroyed all printed records of the events that so much as briefly mention Equestrian Magic or its existence. We've done all that we can to ensure that Equestrian Magic is kept under wraps."

Principal Celestia spoke next, breaking a silent spell that had seemed to take hold of her and her sister. "Superintendent Neighsay has done so per agreement with the ruler of your former homeworld: Princess Celestia as I believe her name is."

Sunset blinked in surprise. "Princess Celestia authorized this? She never told me about it."

Neighsay was quick to respond. "Because up until now there was no need to have you or your friends be in on the cover-up. We trusted the seven of you to avoid recklessly displaying your powers or blabbing to all who would listen about what you knew. After all, that is why I arranged it with Vice Principal Luna to give you the responsibility at the Friendship Games. The responsibility of ensuring no Equestrian Magic was involved for the entire duration of them. And know that I do not fault either you or your friend Twilight for what happened, it was Principal Cinch of Crystal Prep who at first indirectly and later directly caused the magic to be unleashed."

"Then why have you chosen to meet with me now? And why only me?" Sunset pondered. "Are you trying to recruit me to work for... whatever it is that you're involved with?"

Neighsay coldly answered. "I do not work on behalf of any secret organization or government, what you see of me is what I am: The superintendent of Canterlot High, tasked with ensuring Equestrian Magic is kept secret so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. And the reason for my visit today, Miss. Shimmer, is because of a very important development that is of great concern to me. Namely the upcoming graduation of you and your friends," He paused for but a second before he added. "Once you graduate from Canterlot High, you'll no longer be under my supervision. I will no longer be able to legally keep tabs on the seven of you or your whereabouts. It will be up to the seven of you to decide how to handle any event where Equestrian Magic surfaces."

"Guess I have to tell my friends about this, then," Sunset realized. "I'm not sure if they'll take the news of this very well. You really should've gotten in touch with us sooner."

"Perhaps we should've. But now the responsibility rests on your shoulders," Neighsay cautioned. "I would advise you all to meet and discuss this as soon as possible. You have but three weeks before you'll be without my services."

Those words of warning lingered in Sunset's mind for the rest of the day. But even though her friends were quite curious about the nature of her summons to the principal's office, she knew she couldn't tell them during school. It was important that no one but the seven of them (eight if you counted Spike) be present when the discussion that needed to happen happened.

The day seemed to tick by agonizingly slow for the girl. And everywhere she looked it seemed like there were more and more potential witnesses to account for. Witnesses who she feared might in turn blab to others.

At last the bell rang to signal the end of classes for the day. Many students rushed to grab their backpacks and leave the school grounds, while others stayed behind to participate in various after school activities. Only when Sunset was certain that the coast was clear and that there was no one else in sight, did she opt to call her friends over and finally give them the answers they'd been seeking. "I met with the superintendent of Canterlot High today," She told them. "And he mentioned that he's been keeping tabs on our involvement with Equestrian Magic," Then she paused, looking all around once again. "What I'm about to tell you," She added in a whisper. "Can't leave this room. It concerns the seven of us, and what we're going to do after we graduate."