(I found out about Smutember while reading an old smutfic collection that did a few prompts for the month. Since it was less than a month away from September, I figured I'd type in "Smutember 2019" and see if the prompt list had come out yet. Lo and behold, I found the prompt list!

Decided to do GabeNath cause… well they're my top fave ship in the show, and I would love to write more smut for them. So yeah, for any adult GabeNath fans that want some soft and smutty moments between them, I'll try to provide. :]

{A slight warning: this came out of a need to cope with some stuff; a lot of these are first-draft-little-editing stories; and a lot of this might contain OOC moments. Not to mention the fact that Gabe and Nathalie, at this point in canon, have a very strict, professional relationship with only the fewest interactions showing love. I'm aware of all of that, though I did this more for the fun rather than pouring everything into making everything perfect.}

It won't be solely focused on that side of the Villain Square [I plan to write MayMoth and the others when the urge strikes me], but I hope you all enjoy my contribution to Smutember! :D)

Disclaimer: I do not own Miraculous or any of its characters. Starting off super soft cause I'm like the biggest sucker for soft moments between these two. Also because I don't want to start off too strong lmao, I'd do it for Kinktober.

Slow Motion

Day 1: Snuggles

Her mind could barely register what was happening, only that she was leaning against something with her arms wrapped around it.

The fog in her mind that had come since the last time she had used the Peacock Miraculous… did it come three days ago, or did she just finish using it again? How much time had passed since the feathery-light numbness had swept into her brain? Did they win, or did she need to go back to the drawing board?

…Who was she fighting again? Wasn't she helping someone get something?

Her head lifted, moving up a few inches before it felt too heavy. She thunked it back down, back against the object that… it was holding her, that she knew, but something was against her back, and another thing was against her left arm…

"Nathalie… are you awake?"

Was that her name?

She tried to open her eyes. Air filled her lungs (-when was the last time she had breathed?-) as her eyelids lifted, foggy blue eyes only there for a moment before rolling upward.

She caught the face of someone with a strong jawline. Everything after that was a blur of colors.

They closed, and as she exhaled, the thing by her arm stretched. A hand gently cradled her head, a thumb brushing over her cheek left cheek and smoothing away loose hair.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, something told her that she usually had her hair up.

"Nathalie…" She heard him breathe, and a moment passed before the soft masculine voice came back to her. "It's okay. You don't need to force yourself to move."

Her muscles relaxed (-she had been tense?-), and as she took another deep breath, she molded herself to the skin(?) she was laying on. Her chest felt bare…

"…what… happened…?"

Was that her voice? Why was it so hoarse and torn, quiet and meek?

What was going on that she couldn't drag up the slightest remembrance of anything?

The voice came back, quick and controlled. "Nothing. Nothing happened."

Her eyes opened again, and with a slow turn of her head, she looked back up at who she was with.

Strong jaw. Glasses. No facial hair. Blonde. Pale blue eyes.

Nothing came to mind.

His eyes stared into hers, darting away for a moment before coming back. She saw him struggle, his lips moving to form words he couldn't yet voice.

She felt cold, her skin (-it was bare… was she wearing much? what did she usually wear?-) freezing against the warmth of the man. There was… now that she felt it, there was something covering them, that she was sure of.

Did she… have sex with him? It would make sense if they were bare. She was sure she shouldn't be this weak after sex… but hadn't she just used the Peacock Miraculous…

Her eyelids drooped shut, and it took all of her strength to open them again. "did… we… sex…?"

The sharp intake of air and shock of the man sent a shiver of fear through her. Did she do something wrong?

"No. No, we didn't-" She watched as his teeth pressed against his lip, the things around her tightening and holding her in place.

Another moment of him speaking soundlessly passed before he swallowed. His eyes, hesitant and unsettled, drifted to hers. "No, we haven't had sex."

The fog in her brain choked her thoughts. A hoarse sigh came from her throat as she looked down, his thumb still rubbing against her cheek. A tiny murmur sounded from somewhere close to her.

"what… happened…?"

She felt the things tighten around her, not enough to hurt, but enough to know that she was being hugged to him. Smooth skin pressed against the top of her head.

"I'll inform you later. Just rest for now, Nathalie. You need it."

Everything seemed so foggy.

"Please. Rest."

Comforting darkness filled her consciousness, and she sank into the embrace.

It took a moment for Gabriel to stop shaking, for his heart to dip in its fast pace. It took a longer moment for him to soften his hold on Nathalie, the woman passed out against him.

The bloody clothes he had kicked to the corner, Nathalie's bile still covering the majority of her suit and part of his, drew his gaze. Guilt filled his chest as he looked away, to the guest bathroom he had washed her in, desperate to stop her from throwing up more blood and unwilling to let her lay in her own mess.

He dropped his eyes back to Nathalie. His vision blurred the longer he stared at her, and as he smoothed the red streak in her hair, he pressed his lips softly to her hair again.

They weren't fully clothed, both only clad in their underwear bottoms. Nathalie's insides had about torn themselves apart, sure to keep her violently ill and staining most of their clothing. He felt the chill of her skin against his, the fragile state of her body, so weak she felt almost weightless even though she was on top of him…

As he hugged her as tightly as he could without hurting her and fought back the burn in his eyes, a curse dripped from his lips as Gabriel swore against the Miraculous that seemed bent on taking the women most precious to him.

Song Inspos: "Slow Motion" by Trey Songz (Airia Remix). {Note: Some songs you may see a lot. I'll try to have a different song for each prompt, but sometimes the same songs work in inspiring multiple prompts}

Somehow angst works itself into the soft moments I always think up for them. Like I can't help it; one moment I'm thinking of Nathalie and Gabe sharing one… single... passionate… kiss, and then I'm like, "Oh yeah there's like a million reasons they can't be together," and then the angst hits.

Nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoyed mostly-naked snuggles. Super tame and probably breaking the rules (*starts off Smutember with no smut*), but I would love to start out soft to warm-up, then head into steamier stuff as the month goes on. Mainly soft sex between them for this one, since I have another smutfic collection for them where it's a lot kinkier. Idk, I'll see how my mood changes over the month.

Hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see you guys tomorrow for the next day of Smutember!