Lucy used to know lincoln powers and i don't own frozen or loud house they belong to their respected owner

Rocky laughed as he jumped off the the sled. It was his first time out with the men, and he was severely excited. he was going to be able to finally help harvest ice with everyone.

His reindeer, Sve, dropped down after he and joined rocky as he stared up at the grownups. After a second, he pulled out a carrot, gave Sve a bite and then took one, himself. They were singing a tune about ice that he didn't quite know yet, but had no doubt in him mind he would before long. He jumped out of one man's way, hugging her gloved hands to he chest as him did so.

The man he dodged threw down some smaller tools to him, almost as if he did so without thinking. He didn't even spare he a glance to make sure him got them before heading out. It didn't get to he, though. It was always like that. He was used to it.

He ran over to a small chunk of ice that was floating in the water next to a group of men. They all started to grab a hold of the ice in front of them. Rocky watched them for a second, before copying their moves and attempting to pick up he own. However, it simply fell out of his grasp and splashed back into the water. He blew he blonde bangs out of his eyes, rolled his shoulders and tried again. This time the ice slipped through he tool, flew abouve his head and then slammed back into the water. He shielded him face from the splash before laughing as Sve licked it anyway.

The hours passed quickly. As the men each got dozens of pounds of ice, rocky kept working on his one tiny chunk. But he refused to lose faith. He would do this. He would prove herself. Nobody ever said it would be easy.

After dark, she was finally able to get the ice out of the water. He dug the ends of the tool into it before lifting it high above him head. It was heavier up there, causing he to stumble back and drop it behind her, just barely missing Sve as he did so.

It seemed she managed to get it just in time as the men were beginning to leave. Completely forgetting his. Per usual.

Rocky heaved the ice onto her mini-sled before scrambling on so that he was sitting on top of the ice as Sve began to run after them.

"Hurry Sve!" He urged.

Squeezed between a mountain and a fjord, there sat a castle. In the castle, there lived young prince and young princess, he has been sleeping for hours, now. One of which was doing so, the other however, had different things on his mind.

5-year-old lucy crawled out of his bed and ran over to her's brother's bed. "Lincoln !" he hissed, peaking his head over. "Psst!" She scrambled on top of her brother, and began to shake him. "Lincoln ! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

"Mm... Lucy ." Lincoln mumbled without opening his eyes. "Go back to sleep."

Lucy sighed and flopped onto her back. "I just... can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!" She said in as a dramatic tone as he could.

"Go play by yourself." Lincoln chuckled, pushing her off the bed.

Lucy landed on her butt. She pouted for a second, before smiling mischievously and hopping back on the bed. She peeled open one of Lincoln's eyes.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" She asked mischievously.

She pulled his hand away and Lincoln's eyes opened as he smiled one that matched his little brothers. The two jumped off the bed and ran out of the room, Lucy dragging lincoln along as they did so.

"C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'-" Lucy urged as they ran down the stairs, cutting off briefly only as Lincoln shushed her. "C'mon!"

They ran into the ballroom, Lucy ahead as Lincoln paused to close the door. She ran back, grabbed ahold of her older brother's hand and dragged him farther in.

"Do the magic!" She commanded as Lincoln laughed. "Do the magic!"

Lincoln motioned her closer, so that their heads were almost pressed together. He then twirled his hands in a circle which caused tiny blue crystals to start forming in between them. Lucy felt her mouth drop open as she stared at them in awe, amazed at her brother's power despite the fact that she'd seen him do it many times before.

"Oh..." she sighed.

"Ready?" Lincoln asked.

Lucy couldn't take her eyes off the ice crystals which were beginning to multiply so she just nodded. "Uh-huh."

Lincoln threw the crystals up in the air so that they exploded like a firework and sprinkled down on them. The air began to chill but Lucy barely noticed.

"This is amazing!" She laughed hopping on her feet. She laughed and ran in a circle around Lincoln before he paused as Lincoln stopped him.

"Watch this!"

Lincoln stomped on the ground, causing ice to cover the floor-lucy immediately started sliding away from him.

They immediately started playing in the snow that started to form. Lucy gathered up a lopsided pile, almost half as big as she and plopped it down on the pile that Lincoln had made. He then ran over to a chair at her brother's insistence and laughed uncontrollably as Lincoln finished up the snowman and then turned around, moving the twigs.

"Hi, my name is Olive and I like warm hugs!" Lincoln made his voice go high as if he were the snowman-er, woman.

Lucy clapped her hands together before jumping off the chair and running to embrace the snow-woman. "I love you, Olive!"

They skated around the room, lucy holding onto Olive's hands as Lincoln leaned up against the snow-woman, using his powers to slide them along. After that, they climbed up one of the snow piles and slid down, Lucy flying into another one. She emerged and threw some snow up into the air. Then he jumped, laughing as Lincoln created another snow pile to catch him. And another. Again. And again.

"Hang on!"


"Catch me!"


"Wait!" Lincoln called out.


"Slow down!" She heard Lincoln gasp as something happened, but didn't think too much of it, merely jumped again, prepared for her older brother to save her. After all, she ever did.

"Whoo!" She yelled.

"Lucy!" he heard Lincoln gasp, before pain shot through his head and everything went black.

Lucy fell to the ground, knocked out. Lincoln gasped and scrambled to his feet from where he had fallen and ran over to his younger sister, sliding so that he was cradling his head in his arms.

"Lucy ..." he gasped out her name, before feeling his throat close up on itself. "Mommy, daddy, Lori, leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn!" he cried out before clutching lucy to his chest. "You're okay, Lucy. I got you."

He didn't know how much time passed, before the doors flew open and his parents and his five older sisters running in.

"Lincoln, what have you done?" his father king lynn asked, as his mother gasped. "This is getting out of hand!"

"It was an accident dad." Lincoln shook his head, before dropping his head onto Lucy's, feeling her black hair tickle her nose. "I'm sorry, Lucy."

Their mother queen rita took lucy from him, cradling her in her arms. "She's ice cold."

"I know what we have to do." the king said after thinking for the briefest of seconds.

He ran out of the room for a few minutes, before coming back and hurriedly rushing the 8 of them onto 4 horses and riding off.

Rocky jumped as he felt someone running behind him. It sounded like horses, but when he turned back, all he saw was a sheet of ice covering the grass he had just crossed that hadn't been there before.

"Ice?" He gasped, before unhooking Sve and running in the direction he was certain the mysterious people had gone. "Faster Sve!" He urged.

Soon they reached a clearing and peaked over the edge of a pile of rocks to see the king, queen and five princesses and prince standing in the middle. The younger princess-Princess lucy she remembered correctly-was unconcious in the queens arms.

Soon, the rocks began to quiver and took the forms of small men-like things.

"Trolls?" Rocky gasped, only to be shushed by one who had apparently appeared beside him.

"I'm trying to listen!" the troll chastised, before seeming to get a good look at he and Sve. "Cuties" he chuckled. "I'm going to keep you."

One of the trolls walked up to Lincoln's father who he was standing in front of and took his hand. "Your majesty, born with the powers or cursed?"

"B-Born." his father stuttered, "And they're getting stronger."

The troll nodded, before moving over to the queen who kneeled down to show him lucy. The troll placed a hand on lucy's head, before sighing. "You were lucky it wasn't her heart. The heart is not so easily changed, but the head can be pursuaded."

"Do what you must." the king lynn urged.

The troll put a hand on lucy's head again and then pulled it away, just as quickly, pulling out smoke as he did so. "I suggest we move all magic. Even memories of magic." the smoke swirled to reveal memories of Lincoln and lucy playing in the snow that Lincoln's magic had made, the images would phase over so that they looked like they were normal instead of magic-enduced. "But don't worry, I leave the fun." he pushed the smoke back into lucy's head, before sighing. "She will be okay."

Their parents and the sisters smiled in relief, but despite his own, Lincoln had another thought on mind. "But she won't remember I have powers?"

"It's for the best." his father comfoted, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen to me, Lincoln." the troll pulled him forward, "Your power will only grow. Their is beauty in it, but also great danger." as he spoke, he created images in the air that seemed to depict Lincoln as an 12 year old. When the word "danger" left his mouth, the image turned red. Lincoln gasped. "You must learn to control it or fear will be your enemy." the Lincoln image began trying to console the images of what must've been images of the villagers only to be consumed by them.

Lincoln gasped and fell back to his father, burying his face in his chest. "No. We will protect him. He will learn to control it, I'm sure. Until then, we'll lock the gates, we'll reduce the staff, we'll limit his contact with people and keep his powers hidden from everyone.

"Including Lucy."