Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and The Vampire Diaries. They belong to J.K. Rowling and L.J. Smith. I am writing this just for fun and no money is being made.

AN: I would like to apologize in case of any mistakes. I do not have a beta.

Later That Evening

Damon's smile vanished as soon as Valeria opened the door. She was wearing a black knee-length dress which accentuated all her curves; her blonde hair was tied in a loose bun, her eyes which looked bluer than green were glimmering and suddenly he was reminded why she had been known as a true beauty even in the 1860s. Even now, she was stunning.

He realized that he was staring when she cleared her throat to gain his attention.

"You look absolutely… ravishing." He leered salaciously, trying to ignore the way he was caught gawking.

She leaned closer to him, right into Damon's space and whispered suggestively, "Then why don't you show me what you're capable of?"

Damon's expressions darkened as a predatory smirk crossed his face.

He leaned closer until they were breaths apart and asked, "Yeah? And what would your boyfriend say?"

"We have an understanding." She shrugged.

His lips tugged up in a smug smile. "Is that so? Then maybe I can do something about it without feeling like a pervert."

"All bark and no bite kinda guy, hm?" She provoked.

Damon pressed himself closer and stated huskily, "We're gonna need all night because you'll be screaming until you're hoarse as I take you apart. All. Night. Long."

"Good," she breathed, her lips touching his ear, sending a shiver down Damon's spine. She tilted her head and pressed a feather-light kiss right under Damon's ear before stating, "Then let's get this over with."

Damon blinked, feeling almost dazed and asked, "What?"

"The masquerade ball?" She asked innocently. "That's the plan, right?"

With that, she turned on her heels and left the lobby, leaving Damon to curse under his breath and regain his senses before following her out.

At the Masquerade

Damon danced towards Stefan as soon as he saw him and asked, "See her?"

"Not yet," Stefan said without looking at him. "You sure you can do this?"

"Look who're you talking to," Damon replied cockily.

Stefan put both his hands in his pockets, looked at the grown and said, "I had a chance to kill her and I hesitated.

Damon taunted. "Well, that is the difference between you and me, my friend. I don't hesitate."

Not the one to back down, Stefan gibed back, "You spent 145 years loving her. It could happen."

"I wasn't the one who cheated on my fiancée with her." Damon snarled almost regretting it when Stefan's face fell and said, "I won't hesitate!"

Stefan looked around and asked after a couple of seconds, "Where's Valeria?"

"She's… somewhere." Damon gestured wildly towards the crowd of people.

Stefan's eyes widened and he snapped, "Damon! You promised…"

"I know, alright! What am I supposed to do? Stay glued to her throughout the party?" Damon hissed before taking a deep breath and placated his brother, "Look, Valeria can take care of herself and she'll be fine as long as we take care of Katherine."

Stefan didn't reply, but nodded, hoping his brother's words to be true for once.

Valeria looked around, sipping her drink leisurely. Damon had vanished as soon as they reached here, leaving her alone. She had met a couple of people, who were curious to know about the new girl in town. Other than that, she hadn't seen anyone she knew. She had never been the one to enjoy parties. She wasn't even sure what she was doing here in the first place. Finishing her drink in a sip, she was about to leave when she felt it.

Magic which wasn't hers and it was nothing like she had come across in her life. It was strong… and whoever it belonged to was powerful. She couldn't understand why it felt like the magic has touched her before… but how?

She looked around, searching for the source of magic which was almost clashing with hers in waves when she saw her. There was no doubt that she was the witch. Her magic was wild, uncontrolled even.

The girl in question was staring right at her. She was beautiful, had light brown skin with olive-green eyes and black hair.

Valeria felt a sense of déjà vu like she had met the witch before… but how was it possible?

She walked straight to the girl and asked, "Do I know you?"

"No." The witch shook her head, looking at her suspiciously, held her hand out and muttered, "Bonnie… I'm Bonnie Bennett."

"Valeria Potter." She whispered, eying the hand, but shook herself and took the outstretched hand.

Bonnie couldn't stop the gasp that escaped her as soon as their hands touched. Valeria snatched her hand back as if burnt and glared at the witch who was gawking at her with her jaw hanging open.

"Bonnie!" The boy rushed, trying to make sure the witch was fine.

"You… oh my God! I – 'm…" Bonnie spluttered to say something… anything after what she had seen, but nothing came out.

Valeria gritted her teeth, her eyes narrowed to slits as she growled out, "Whatever you were trying to do – don't! Or I won't be so nice anymore."

She stormed out, leaving Bonnie to stare at her with nothing but pity.

AN: I've written a couple of chapters, but I'm not sure how regular I'll be. The pattern of updates would be the same. This is a drabble fic and I would try to update daily.

Hope you and your loved ones are doing fine. Stay safe.

May 16th, 2020