Well Hey ChaosClub. I know i haven't been a good writer but i still try to be one okay?

Well this is a new story so yeah.

I do not own WOF

Starflight POV Book 1

It was darkness. Somehow I knew I was in my egg. I turned around in the tight space trying to see but to no avail. I felt a stronger power from a direction. I tried to move towards the light. I shook, and shook, until I was able to get some momentum to move. I kept shaking until the light was above me.

I could feel strength surging through my body. A new jump in my legs. I decided to punch the cealing. It broke under in my talons. I kept punching the walls until they fell away too. I had the powers of the three moons.

I looked around and could see the other eggs. A mudwing a rainwing a seawing and a sandwing. I looked up. Krestel, Webs and Dune were there.

"That one's cute" said Webs. "and a bit early somehow"

Oh yeah btw if it's in italics its thoughts.

"How about Starflight?" Dune said. "i hope Morrowseer likes this one."

Morrowseer? who's that?

Flashes of images went through my mind. A giant dark dragon burning. Dragonets attacking him.

The Red egg started to shake. More images came through my mind. Clay

Not bad of a name for a mudwing. I stumbled over to the cracking egg. A small dragonet popped out of the shell. I picked him up which was suprising for a hour old dragonet.

His scales were a mixture of brown colors and everything I saw in the flashes in my mind.

"Get your hands of him!" Webs yelled.

I was pulled up away from Clay.

Futures flew past my mind. He could be the next fatality in the war or a great mudwing master and everything in between. But I saw something else. A skywing named Peril. Krestel's daughter. What in the three moons?

He shook his body to shake off all the dragon egg embryo and looked at me.

"Wark?" He said

The other eggs started hatching too. The seawing egg was hatching. Tsunami, I thought automatically. The flashes started again. But this was different. She was royal seawing blood.

Huh, I'm gonna be friends with a possible seawing queen. that's nice.

Clay went over to the seawing egg. He lunged at the egg I blocked him from reaching it. His throat went red and I started to sweat. Uh oh.

I started to heat up my throat and sent a counterattack just as he started to shoot flame. I didn't want to hurt the mudwing on the inside.

I kept blasting at him until he was tired. The seawing was fully hatched now. I saw a brand new future. I looked at Webs and smiled. She was going to marry your child Riptide! I chuckled lightly to myself.

Next the sandwing egg started to hatch. Sunny, Daughter of Thorn and Stonemover. I felt a new vision coming up. I tried to keep back my smile to no avail. What? B-b-but..!

If you didn't know Starflight liked Sunny BTW ;)

I stomped out those thoughts as the rainwing egg started cracking. Glory. Possible Queen of the rainwings and... Nightwings? The stubborness of the nightwings would never let a raining be a queen. But... Who knows?

"That took long enough." Krestel huffed. Of course that rainwing was last. They're weak and pathetic because they never need to hunt their food, they spend hours sleeping in their stupid rainforest of theirs.

Might wanna watch your mouth Krestel. You're talking to the future queen of two tribes.

Few years later...

I was sitting in my cave thinking about who should be the new sandwing queen. Krestel told us about our purpose and why we couldn't go outside. Blister, Blaze, Burn and the wild card, Thorn.

Most of the futures lead to one of the three princesses. The eye of onyx mostly picked princesses. It was possible but very unlikely that it would pick Thorn. If it did then I would've liked princess Sunny, which my chances with Sunny would probably be zero.

Focus Starflight. I scolded myself. Not going to get all mushy over a girl.

"Starflight!" Someone called. It was Clay. "Do you want the last cow or not?" Of course he's studying. He made us listen to the entire history of the scorching.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I rolled up my scrolls that I've written about all the possible futures and hid it under a rock.

When I went to the feeding room I had another vision. That big dragon Morrowseer was coming. I didn't know what it meant and why I would need to see that. But it felt important.

Glory was eating some fruit, Tsunami was ripping apart a cow, Clay was swallowing a cow whole and Sunny was eating a lizard. My cow was laying there but I didn't feel hungry. I nibbled at it but that was it.

We ate in scilence until Clay broke the tension.

"Hey, Do you think our parents are okay?"

"Yeah of course, They're going to be sorry that they treated me this way when they find out i'm the next queen of the seawings." Boasted Tsunami.

"Hey Starflight. Clay said. I perked up. "Can you use your nightwing magic powers to see who's our parents?"

"Well it would slide the events back into the right place so... Yeah I guess" I replied

"Clay, You're parents live in the Diamond Spray Delta, Tsunami, your egg was stolen from the royal hatchery of the seawings," She smiled "Sunny, Your egg was found outside of scorpion den." I finished.

"Do you think our parents miss us?" Clay asked.

"Of course they do." I replied.

We finished our food in scilence and went back to our own caves.

I tried to listen to the Thoughts above us. So far i've gotten nothing. Maybe today's luck would change. I listened carefully. There was one thought above us.

Qu..n ...et ... m...

What? I tried to listen to it again but the thought faded. Qu..n. ... et. Who's that?

The first word is probably queen. Then queen who? I kept that thought all the way until our guardians came back. They looked worried for some reason.

Morrowseer, Their minds echoed.

A big black nightwing that I saw in lava came to my mind.

Oh its's him. I decided to go back to my cave and see what queens could be. I lined up all the queens. Glaicer... no we're not in the ice kingdom. I checked off the kingdoms until I was left with one. The skywings. I searched through my papers until I found the facts about the skywings.

I sped read through it and found this: As of 5000 years after the scorching, the current queen of the skywings is queen Scarlet.

Scarlet... ...et. We must be in skywing territory! Out of all the kingdoms we could have been in we were in the skywing kingdom! Futures formed and fell away in my mind. some became prominent and others dissapeared completely.

But a new future felt more prominent. Morrowseer. I heard wingbeats near the cave. He's coming. I peeked my head out of the cave and saw that everyone was near the boulder.

It rolled open and I peeked out. The big dragon I saw in my visions was here.

"Uh hi?" Clay said nervously. Nightwings can read minds! Thinks about cows think about cows think about cows...

He stared at us for a long moment. Especialy at Glory and Sunny.

What. Is. That. Rainwing. Doing. Here. he thought.

"What. Is. That." He pointed at Glory.

"Hey it's not her fault she got born as a Rainwing." Clay said in her defense.

He stared at Clay for a long minute. Clay shrank back.

"As for you," he pointed at sunny, "Don't you eat?"

"She's fine." Tsunami said. Stupid Morrowseer. I MEAN, COWS.

"Something has gone very wrong here." Morrowseer continued. "You replaced a skywing with a lazy rainwing" Glory looked fine but her mind was crying on the inside, "Second, the sandwing you got is the very defintion of a deformity." Sunny almost broke down."The rest are as disaapointing as always, Starflight, come with me, the rest of you can leave."

While I followed Morrowseer, he lead me into this cave.

"Listen Starflight," He started, "Do you want to know the truth about us?"

I stared at him, momentarily confused.

"The truth is," He said glumly, "We don't have powers anymore, it's all a lie."