Chapter 1

"Come friend Raven, let us do as the earth people do, and go to the mall of shopping!"

Starfire, as always, was far to excited for Raven. The redhead floated above Raven's bed, circling around the pale skinned girl. Raven had spent most of the day mediating, as she always did, trying to disconnect with Trigon as much as possible. Even with her eyes shut, she could feel as Starfire circled above her head.

"Star..." Raven grumbled. Starfire was the only Titan she ever allowed in her room, something she was currently regretting.

"...I told you not to interrupt me while I'm meditating."

"Oh but friend Raven..." the pale skinned girl peeled open one eye, as she hovered inches off her mattress. She caught a glimpse of Starfire as she passed by, her lips pursed, she was making her frowny face. Something that, regrettably for her, always worked on Raven.

"I do ever so wish to be spending time with you." Starfire whimpered. Raven shut her eye, and chuckled. She slowly left her meditative state, and lowered back down to her mattress, a rare smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"...okay, fine." She said softly. Starfire immediately lit up, zooming back to the ground.

"Oh thank you Raven. We will have so very much of the fun!" Starfire Shouted, lunging forward and wrapping her arms around Raven. The pale girl stayed stoic, allowing Starfire to hug her. Any other Titan she would have blasted away, but not Starfire.

"I shall go change into human clothes!" Starfire Shouted as she ran out of Raven's room, Raven's door shutting behind her.

The pale girl chuckled, as she brushed a strand of her deep purple hair behind her ear. She walked over to the mirror by her closet, before noticing something. As she took a second glance, she stared more intensely at her face. Underneath the pale grayish skin of her cheeks, was a soft shade of pink.


Raven was actually blushing. She brought a hand up to her face, gently rubbing her fingers across her cheek. It felt warm, soft.

'What are you doing to me Star...' Raven thought, as she stepped into her closet.

Ever since she and Starfire had swapped bodies, something had been...different. While her consciousness had been in Starfire a body, and star's had been in hers, The orange skinned alien had been very close to her.

Abnormally close.

And every time Raven thought about Starfire, she could feel her chest tighten. Like a block of ice in her chest was melting, a warmth inside her grew every time she saw the alien. When she smiled, laughed, was just present, Raven could feel herself growing less distant from the world.

'Let it go Raven.' She thought to herself. 'It's just a side effect, nothing more.'

But she knew it wasn't. She had studied every magical spell, every ancient book she could find, and there were no side effects of body swapping. But after spending so much time in Starfire's body, feeling how her body moved, feeling every inch and curve of her alien form, Raven knew what she felt. She just didn't want to admit it.

She was growing...feelings, for Starfire.

'Let it go Raven...' she thought as she entered deeper into her closet, pushing past the dozens of black robes she had, to the small section of 'normal' clothes she had.

'She's with Robin, and she's happy like that.'

It broke Raven's heart, to see Starfire with someone else, even her teammate. She felt no ill will against Robin, or anyone on the team. But she couldn't help but feel sad. Starfire was with Robin, Terra and Beastboy spent an awful lot of time together, even Cyborg was with Jynx (after she had reformed her wicked ways).

And Raven thought she felt alone before.

She brushed all feelings away, as she pulled out one of the only sets of 'normal' clothes she had: black skinny jeans with holes down the front of the legs, a skintight gray t-shirt, and some black vans. She also grabbed a black sweatshirt, with the sleeves cut off. She carried the pile of clothes over to her bed, and unclipped her cloak, letting it fall to the floor.

'Just have a good time.' She told herself as she undressed. 'Eat some food, be with your friends. You're lucky you have friends anyway.' She lectured herself as she kicked off her boots. She reached behind her back to unzip her one piece outfit, though she always had difficulty reaching it.

"Fuck this." She said quietly, lifting her hand, a small black orb materialized around it. Dark magic floated from the orb to behind her back, forcing itself around the zipper. She used her magic to pull the zipper down to just above her rear. The magic quickly dissipated, as she pulled the long sleeves off her body. The one piece fell off her front, leaving her chest bare, her shivered as her large breasts adjusted to the cold air of her room. Just as she reached down to pull the one piece the rest of the way off, she hear her door open, it's distinctive 'SHCK' startling her.

"Friend Raven, are you ready to-"

"STARFIRE!" Raven Shouted, spinning her body around, waving her hand to use magic to shut her door.

"You can't just barge in like that!" Raven Shouted, her back turned to Starfire, her hands covering her bare breasts.

"I...I am sorry friend Raven. I did not mean to..." Starfire stuttered, her voice low, and sad.

"Ugh..." Raven groaned, sensing how she had upset her friend. "''s okay I guess. You just can't barge in like that. I was almost naked you know?" Raven still had her back turned to Starfire, though deep inside, she didn't mind that the alien had seen her as bare as she was.

Matter of fact, in some small part, she was kind of glad Starfire had seen her.

'No you're not Raven.' She thought to herself. 'She's dating Robin, don't be such a pervert.'

"Friend Raven?" Starfire asked.

"What?" Raven tried (and failed) not to sound so cold.

"I do not mean to insult you by seeing your clothless body with my eyes. But I do think you are, as the humans say, very warm.

'Did she just try to call me hot?' Raven thought, as she felt a familiar warmth rushing to her cheeks. And she felt something else, something she had never felt, a strange warmth growing between her legs.

"T-thank you, Star..." Raven stuttered. She pressed her legs together, attempting to suppress the heat growing between her thighs.

"You're most welcome." Starfire again sounded her cheerful self. "I shall let you finish dressing. I will be waiting for you in the room of living."

'Living room.' Raven though, letting out a small chuckle.

"Okay Star." Raven said, hearing her door open, then close. She was again alone in her room.

'What was that about? Starfire, calling me hot?' Raven thought as she slid her unitard the rest of the way off, leaving her body completely bare. She curiously turned to the mirror, staring at her naked body.

'Well, I guess...' Raven stared at herself in the mirror. ' I?'

She had never thought about it before, but as she admired herself in the mirror, Raven thought more about how some might find her attractive. She was very fit, barely an ounce of fat on her. She had quite large breasts, with perky nipples that seemed to stick straight out. Her waist was slightly thinner than her hips, which added to the fact that she did have a very nice, round ass. Her thighs were thick, but in a fit and muscular way.

'Well, if Starfire thinks I'm hot...' Raven chuckled, turning towards the bed. She picked up a pair of black underwear, which she never wore underneath her normal outfit, and slid them up her firm legs and into her ass. She then pulled the t-shirt over her head (she never wore bras, as she discovered in Starfire a body, they were very constrictive), then she pulled the sleeveless sweatshirt on. Then she grabbed the jeans. As she slid them over her legs, her foot caught in one of the holes, tearing the jeans up the leg, almost in half.

"Shit." She murmured, lifting the jeans up in front of her. The left leg had torn all the way up the leg, all the way up to the thigh. She quickly tossed them onto the bed and walked over to her closet, searching for something else to wear.

'Damnit, must be dirty.' She thought. The jeans the has just ruined were all she had. She frowned, thinking she would have to tell Starfire she couldn't go. But as she walked over to the bed, she saw a glisten from her desk. Next to her vanity mirror, she had a pair of scissors, which she used to trim her hair every other week.

'Well, you gotta do what you gotta do...' she thought, as she lifted her had , allowing her magic to guide the scissors to her open palm. Using more magic, she lifted the jeans off the bed, letting them levitate in front of her. She used the scissors, and cut off the left leg of the jeans to where the middle of her thigh. Then, not wanting to look off, she cut the right leg off. She stared back, looking at the jeans.

"Damnit, they're not the same length." She muttered, noticing how the right leg was longer than the left. She again trimmed the right leg, but then resulted in the same issue. She trimmed either leg over and over, until they were finally symmetrical.

'That'll have to do.' She thiught as she tossed the scicors back to the desk, grabbing the (now) jean shorts from midair. It wasn't until she pulled the jeans up her body that she realized how much she cut off.

'Fucking hell...' Raven thought, as she looked at herself in the mirror. She had cut so much of the legs off the jeans, that now the pockets hung below the seams of the jeans. The denim sat just where her thigh met her hips. She turned her backside to the mirror, staring now at her ass. Her asscheeks were almost visible, the denim barely covered more than her underwear!

'I have to find something else to wea-'

"Friend Raven, were are waiting for you!" Starfire shouted from behind the closed door.

"Coming!" Raven inductively shouted, before quickly covering her mouth.

She stared at herself in the mirror for another couple seconds, before letting out a sigh.

'Guess I'm going like this.' She thiught. She walked over to her bed, slipped on her Vans, and walked towards her door. It slid open, to reveal Starfire, wearing a purple t-shirt and purple skirt, and Terra, wearing a black t-shirt and tan shorts.

"Raven, let us be, Raven..." Starfires eyes lit up when she was what Raven was wearing, and how revealing her shorts were.

"What, what's wrong?" Raven asked, blushing, knowing full well that Starfire was staring at her exposed thighs.

"You just look very..." Starfire paused.

"You look sexy is how you look." Terra chuckled, both Raven and Starfire blushing hard.

"Yes, Terra is correct, your outfit is very pleasing to the eyes."

Raven was blushing even harder now, feeling more blood rush to her cheeks.

"...thanks guys..." Raven spoke softly, almost a whisper. Then she looked behind the girls, noticing how empty the living room was.

"Speaking of guys, where are they?" Raven asked.

"Oh, Robin is out on his motorized bicycle. He said that he got an important call about some bad person in the down of town." Starfire said.

"Beast boy and cyborg are playing video games, they didn't want to come." Terra chuckled.

"And Jynx?" Raven asked, noticing the absence of the purple skinned enchantress.

"She said she'd meet us there." Terra said. "So for now, looks like it's just us."

"Hurray, it is a day for just the girls!" Starfire shouted, reaching her arms out and pulling Terra and Raven into a hug. Both girls grunted as Starfire hugged them tightly, but neither actually minded. They both loved seeing the orange alien happy.

And, though she wouldn't say it aloud, Raven was actually glad the guys didn't want to come. Both Starfire, Terra, and Jynx were her beautiful girl friends, and she would rather spend time with them than the guys.

'Did I just think they were beautiful...both of them?' Raven thought, as the girls walked towards the elevator.