"You are not a girl, Judai, get out of that dress right now!"

The little girl sobs as she nurses her cheek, her father's words echoing in her head. She knows she's a girl, no matter what he says or what Mother says. But they won't believe her, the only one who does is…

She sniffles, "Yubel?"

The spirit appears in an instant, in all their gender non-confirming glory, "Little Princess, what do you need?"

The girl holds herself close, her cards in her lap, "A name. I can't be Judai anymore. I was never Judai, but my Mother and Father don't accept me. Please, Yubel…" She sobs, hiding her face, "I can't be a boy!"

Yubel is quiet for a while, but the little girl's sobs still fill the room. She almost doesn't hear their reply.


The little girl opens her eyes, removing her hands, "Yuuna?"

Yubel nods, smiling just a little, "I think it would suit you. You can have the Kanji for game, since I know you love Duel Monsters."

She gasps and nods, "Like Yugi Moto, the King of Games, too! I, I can be Yuuna!" She shakes her head, making eye contact with Yubel, "No, I am Yuuna! I'm not Judai Yuki. I'm Yuuna Yuki!"

Yubel smiles at her.

Yuuna smiles back, but dread fills her stomach, making it drop.

"Yuuna?" Yubel calls, concern making them frown.

Yunna looks up at Yubel with fear, "What if Mother or Father find out?"

Yubel shakes her head, "They won't. Even if they do, I'll protect you Yuuna. Because it is my destiny to protect you, no matter what, Little Princess."

Yuuna tilts her head, "Destiny?"

Yubel nods, "A long time ago, I was a human boy. I had a close friend, who I swore to the King I'd protect with my life. The friend I had was Haou, the Supreme King. He had the power of the Gentle Darkness and he was destined to save the world from the evil Light of Destruction..."

Yuuna wakes up at 6am, feeling nerves claw at her throat. Today's the entrance exam. If she can't escape the house without them knowing, she'll miss her chance. She changes into her school uniform, the gross, sickly feeling in her gut curling when she catches her appearance in the mirror. She looks like a boy and she hates it so much and it's all their fault-

Yubel appears before her, "I'll scout out the kitchen, to let you know if they're asleep still."

Yuuna swallows, nodding as she holds her Deck to her heart, "Please. Thank you."

Yubel nods and flies through Yuuna's bedroom door. She counts her breathes, trying to keep calm. She can do this. She'll be free if she can just pass this test. She's an amazing Duelist, with a lot of luck and Yubel on her side. She managed to make it through the written exam, so she'll make it into the Academy no problem once she passes the Duel portion of the Exam.

Yubel appears through the door, "You're clear."

Yuuna opens the door and slides through the kitchen, trying to minimize her presence, being as quiet as a mouse. Yubel's card is warm against her chest, soothing on her terrified heart. She makes it to the front door and slips outside with her sneakers in hand, barely daring to breathe as she closes the doors. Only after ducking below the wall outside her house, does she put her shoes on and start running.

Yuuna runs and runs as fast as she can. She doesn't look back, knowing Yubel is watching out for her, warning her before she can get hurt. They'd always been there for her, guiding her as she learned how to use her powers. She could have used them years ago to escape her parents, but she doesn't want to be in jail or the foster system. So for years she'd smile and nod, hiding who she really is because of those people. Not anymore. This is her chance and she has to take it!


Yuuna opens her eyes and shouts as she crashes into another person. She hits the ground hard, her cards thrown everywhere and Yubel hissing at the man.

"How dare you hurt my Princess!" Yubel raises their hands-

"Yubel, don't you dare!" Yuuna scolds them, picking up their card first.

Yubel turns to her, scowling, "He just stood there even though it was clear you couldn't stop!"

Yuuna shakes her head, brushing the dust off their card, "And I shouldn't have been running with my eyes closed. Sorry, sir."

Yubel hisses and crosses their arms. Yuuna smiles, shaking her head as she picks up the rest of her cards. They're so protective.

"You're a Duelist, aren't you Miss?"

Yuuna gasps, turning around, being quiet, "... Yes." She grabs her last card, "I'm trying out for Duel Academy."

The man chuckles, "You don't say."

Yuuna stands up, holding the cards to her chest. She looks the man in the face and gasps, "Oh my God."

It can't be.

The man offers her a card, "Take this. I think he belongs with you."

Yuuna hesitantly takes the card, swallowing, "Are you sure?"

Is this real?

The man nods, "He asked to go with you. I'm sure he'll be in good hands."

Yuuna gasps, "So you can-"

The man walks around her, "Good luck."

Yuuna turns to watch the man walk away, staring at him. Then she finds her voice.

"Tha-thank you!" She bows, "I'll make you proud!"

She stands straight to see the man giving her a thumbs up before he continues on. Yuuna doesn't know how long she stands there, watching him.

He knew.

"He knew I was a girl." Yuuna turns to Yubel, heart in her throat.

Yubel smiles at her and pets her head, "Indeed he did, Little Princess."

Yuuna hums, then looks at the card he gave her.

Card Profile: Winged Kuriboh

[A small ball of brown fur, with big, round, darker brown eyes and 2 white, feathery, silver wings. He has 4 green paws with 3 yellow claws each.]

Monster Card. Level 1. LIGHT.

Type: Fairy, Effect

Effect: On the turn this card is destroyed in battle, you take no damage.

ATK: 300/DEF: 300

The card winks at her, giving a cheerful, "Kuri, Kuri!"

Yuuna gasps and smiles gently, pressing the card to her heart, "Thank you."

Yubel chuckles softly and shakes their head, "Didn't you want to go shopping before the exam?"

Yuuna nods, then slips Winged Kuriboh into her Deck Box, "Let's go."

Yuuna and Yubel run for the nearest shopping mall, hoping to make it in time.

Yuuna takes her seat with a gasp of breathe, heaving and panting. Yubel gently fuses over her, but Yuuna's fine. She just didn't realize how hard it'd be to run in heels.

Yuuna has to smile at the thought.

She's wearing heels.

Her very own heels.

They're not that high, with block backs to properly hold her weight and help her run. They're black with a fake zip on the outside for decoration and cover just above her ankles. Her tights hide her hairy legs she didn't get to shave and her skirt is red and plated and just… it feels right. Her black shirt is from the girl's section and the bra she stuffed with a few socks make her look like a girl, too. Not to mention, her red leather jacket feels amazing and makes her look tough. There wasn't much she could do about her hair, but once she's at the Academy, she can grow it out as long as she wants and wear it however she wants. Pigtails, pony tails, braids, plats, all the things she wanted to try but never had the chance.

Yuuna doesn't regret being late and finally, with her breathe, she and Yubel start exploring the stands, watching the matches as they unfold.

A boy battling an examiner with a Vorse Raider catches her eye and she leans over, gasping in glee, "Look at him go!"

The short boy with the blue hair in front of her yelps and turns to her. Yuuna internally cringes and gives the boy a sheepish smile, then turns back to watch the match. He uses Ring of Destruction to destroy the Vorse Raiser, effectively destroying the remains of his opponent's life points, sacrificing his own all the same.

Yubel hums their approval, "He risked his Life Points to get to his opponent's. Bold move."

"That guy really tour it up!" Yuuna agrees, clutching the front of her seat in excitement. She HAS to Duel this guy!

"Yeah, Bastion Misawa." The boy in front of her explains. She glances at him, humming, "He got the highest written score out of everyone, they say he's a genius."

Yuuna's smile falls a little, "Wow. I barely passed."

Yubel flaps their wings, glaring at Yuuna, "You are near impossible to teach."

Yuuna flashes them an awkward smile.

"Yeah, me too. I'm Syrus Truesdale, by the way." The boy calls, looking at the ground, "I get test anxiety easily, I don't know how I won my Duel."

Yuuna smiles and gently squeezes his shoulder, "You're in, that's amazing! I can't wait to be your classmate, Syrus."

Syrus turns to her in surprise, "You've passed then?"

Yuuna shakes her head, "Not yet. I just arrived."

Syrus grimces, "Misawa's Duel was meant to be the last one."

Yuuna and Yubel gasp, staring at each other.

Oh no.

Oh no, oh no, she can't have missed her test, she can't go back to that house, she can't go to that Hell, they'll kill her, they'll kill her, they-

"Yuuna, breathe." Yubel holds her hand and though Yuuna can't feel it, their touch soothes them.

Yuuna focuses on a few deep breaths, while Syrus looks her over in worry.

"You okay?" Syrus reaches for her.

Yuuna waves him off, "I'm fine, don't worry." She glances down the stairs, eyes widening with opportunity, "Let's go meet Bastion!"

She walks down the stairs in her barely shaking heels and Syrus followers her. Yubel flies ahead, looking Bastion over, then shrugging. He can't see her then. Too bad.

"Good game, Bastion." Yuuna rests her arms on a chair behind Bastion.

He turns to her, then turns to the front, "Thank you."

Yuuna glances at Yubel, gathers her courage and throws down the gauntlet, "You might be the second best Duelist here."

Bastion turns to her, staring at her in shock. Syrus is gaping at her while Yubel nods in approval.

"If I'm second best, who's first?" Bastion stares at her.

Yuuna points to herself with a confident grin, "That'd be me. Duelling is what I'm best at."

Bastion hums, looking her up and down.

"Yuki Yuuna to Duel Field 4."

Yubel lets loose a fang in their smile, "So the hypnosis worked. Brilliant."

Yuuna lets out a breathe and straightens, "I'll prove it, if you like."

She walks down the stairs, catching the tail end of Syrus mumbling about how confident she is before getting out of hearing range. Yubel flies beside her, holding out their hand.

"I'll be with you, Little Princess." Yubel coes.

Yuuna smiles at them, nodding as she puts her hand over her heart, "I know you will, Guardian."

Yubel disappears into their card and Yuuna walks onto the platform that'll take her to the Duel Field. She puts her hand over her heart as she's taken under ground, moving in complete darkness. It's a comforting darkness though. Curling around her, helping her feel safe. The dark is where she belongs after all.

But when the light comes, she knows she'll have to fight. So fight she will.

The ceiling opens and Yuuna rises through the opening to meet her opponent. He's an older man with purple lipstick, a long blue coat, pink frilly sleeves and long blonde hair in an ankle length ponytail. He's wearing a Duel vest strapped to his chest and could not look more dramatic if he tried, she's certain of it. Yuuna laughs a little, then straightens up.

"So miss, your name?" The man calls.

Yuuna smiles, feeling the honesty hit hard, "Yuuna! Yuuna Yuki, sir!"

That is her name, she can say it, she can tell it, she is Yuuna Yuki!

The man hums, glaring at her slightly, "Well Signora Yuki, I'm Professor Crowler, department chair of techniques here at Duel Academy."

Yuuna lets out a gasp, "Incredible! I didn't think I'd get to meet one of my teachers so soon!" She rubs the back of her head, laughing, "This is an honour, really sir!"

The man bristles, "That's Professor Crowler to you!"

Yubel appears at her side, giving her a look, "Yuuna, he's a teacher. He's going to be better than the other Examiners. This won't be an easy match."

Yuuna turns to them, "I know that, Yubel. But I'm ready for a challenge, if you are."

Yubel beams, "Always."

They disappear again and Yuuna turns to her soon to be teacher, watching him activate his Duel Blazer. She watches in awe as it comes to life. Yuuna activates her own Duel Disk, the anticipation growing. She'll get into Duel Academy, no matter what it takes. She's never going back to that cell shaped like a house again. The only thing standing in her way is Professor Crowler. Not for long though.

"Are you ready?!" Yuuna calls, drawing her hand.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that, young Scholar?" Professor Crowler raises an eyebrow at her.

Yuuna laughs, "Okay then. Get your game on!"



Yuuna draws, looking her hand over with a smile.

Regenerating Rose is begging to be called to the field, while Yubel is telling her to calm down and Stygian Street Patrol is asking for some peace. She has Sinister Seed, Hate Buster, and one copy of Dual Gate in her hand as well.

Dual Gate's no good right now and she can't summon Regenerating Rose because it's a Level 7. But if she gets Stygian Street Patrol in her Graveyard by battle, she can Special Summon Yubel later. If she creates a combo with Sinister Seed, she can have monsters to sacrifice to keep Yubel on the field, until she draws Samsara Lotus, who can regenerate to save her sacrificing monsters all the time. Professor Crowler is a teacher, he's probably going to be stronger than her and will pull out all the stops at the start. So she'll give it all she's got, so long as her Monsters want to fight with her.

"You okay with going to the Graveyard this early in, Stygian Street Patrol?" Yuuna whispers to her cards.

Stygian Street Patrol revs his engines, "Bring it on."

Yuuna giggles a little and whispers again, "Alright then, here goes."

She hears the card huff loudly.

Yuuna picks her cards, "I summon Stygian Street Patrol in ATK Mode and throw down a Facedown! That's that, teach!"

Stygian Street Patrol takes to the field with a rev of his engine, eager to show off his 1600 ATK Points. With a card behind him, it's obviously a trap waiting to spring. The only question, is if Professor Crowler will fall for it.

"Really? A weak ATK position Monster and a Facedown? I hope you have more options than that, Signora Yuki, or you won't make it into this Academy." Professor Crowler shakes his head.

Yuuna grits her teeth.

He draws his card, "I'll start off nice and easy and play the Spell Card, Confiscation!"

Yuuna grits her teeth, "Okay, what's that do?!"

"What it does is, allow me to take a peek at your hand, and toss one of your cards into the Graveyard!" Professor Crowler cackles.

Yuuna gasps as her cards start glowing, then holograms of them appear on Professor Crowler's side of the field.

Yubel appears at her side, "It's okay, he has to pay 1000 Life Points, so he's not getting out unscathed."



Yuuna grits her teeth, "But it must be worth it to him."

Yubel grits their teeth and disappears back into their card.

Professor Crowler chuckles as he observes her cards, "Oh yes, I remember some of these when I was a naize rookie. You small town dropouts really aren't doing so well."

Yuuna growls, holding her cards protectively to her chest, "Don't you dare insult my cards, Professor! They're here to help me and they're doing their best!"

"Yes, yes, of course." Professor Chronos waves his hand and selects a card, "Regenerating Rose to the Graveyard!"

Yuuna yelps as her card continues to glow and she reluctantly puts it to rest. So much for her contingency plans. At least there's no way he'd use that Spell again, with that high a cost on his life points.

"I set two cards Facedown and finally, I'll play Heavy Storm!" Professor Crowler plays his cards and suddenly a tornado strikes the field, "This destroys every single Spell and Trap Card on the Field!"

Yuuna has to shield her eyes, so she can't see what Professor Crowler destroys along with her Sinister Seed. Damnit, her combo is broken!

"And when I destroy two copies of Statue of the Wicked, I get to summon a Vicious Token Monster for each of them!" He cackles as he continues and dark clouds come rolling in.

Two golden worm-like monsters with headgear appear on the Field as the tornado dies down in a puff of black smoke. Yuuna watches them in awe. Two tributes on the Field on his very first turn and a normal summon left to use them with. He really isn't holding back on her.

"Ready for your next lesson?" Professor Crowler calls over the roar of his beasts.

Yuuna laughs, "You kidding? Of course I'm ready, I can't remember the last time learning was this much fun!"

She doesn't have to hold back either. She probably shouldn't go full Haou on the guy, but she won't have to take it easy on her opponent either. Yuuna can't wait.

Professor Crowler scowls at her, "Well, I am an excellent teacher."

Yuuna grins, itching to have her turn already. She might have lost Sinister Seed and Regenerating Rose, but she has other combos and other options. She's already learning a lot and she wants to learn more.

"Now I sacrifice my two Wicked Tokens and summon Ancient Gear Golem!" Professor Crowler holds his beast high, reflecting off the light.

Then out of the flames of the two tokens, comes a huge, hunkering, iron giant, covered in rusting armor, with one red eye and 3000 ATK Points to spare. Oh no. Stygian Street Patrol is in ATK Mode and she hasn't got her Sinister Seed.

"Now, now, I hope you're not too scared of my legendary Ancient Gear Golem." Professor Crowler chuckles.

Yuuna can't stop smiling, "Nope! I've always wanted to Duel one!"

And she really has. The high powered Monsters, the strange Spells, the overwhelming odds. Yuuna shares her grin with Stygian Street Patrol, but it's shaky.

The monster scoffs, "Stop hesitating and let's gun it, I don't care if he's got 10,000 ATK Points, I can take him."

Yuuna shakes her head, whispering, "Okay, okay, you've made your point. I won't be scared, then."

Stygian Street Patrol laughs and revs his engine, as if preparing for a fight.

Professor Crowler laughs, not giving her a chance to say goodbye, "Ancient Gear Golem attack! Mechanised Maylay!"

The giant draws back his fist and strikes Stygian Street Patrol hard, sending her Monster flying. Yuuna calls out to him, then screams herself when the wind from Ancient Gear Golem's attack sends her to her knees, gasping for breath, sweating hard.

"Did I forget to mention when my Monster attacks a DEF Position monster, you take the difference in points as damage? So don't bother doing that on your next turn, Signora Yuki." Professor Crowler calls.

Yuuna tries to heave for breathe, but the monster's fist strikes through her anyway.



Professor Crowler laughs, tutting her, "Now now, don't feel too bad. We are the best Duel School in the country, some people just aren't cut out.. for… it-"

"I really want to come to this school now!" Yuuna laughs, shakily getting to her feet, "That was incredible, you really know your stuff, Professor! But you don't know everything!"

Professor Crowler bristles, "I beg your pardon!"

"You have no idea what's in my Deck, or what I'm going to play. So don't get comfy..." Yuuna points to the only card on the field, "Because I'll destroy your Ancient Gear Golem!"

The crowd goes nuts, asking her if she's lost her mind.

Professor Crowler laughs at the top of his lungs, "Now, I've met many young and arrogant students like you before, Signora Yuki. But you almost certainly take first prize for foolishness."

Yuuna smiles, "Well, I never responded well to standardised tests. So maybe your assessment will be wrong."

Professor Crowler gives her an icy glare, trembling, grinding his teeth. Professor Crowler looks like he might forgo the Duel and strangle her directly.

Yuuna has to giggle, "This is going to be fun."

Yubel chuckles, appearing at her side, "I'm glad you're having fun, Yuuna, but please try to win, you do have to make it through this match."

"I will." Yuuna nods, turns to her Duel Disk and gently pats the Graveyard slit, "Thank you, Stygian Street Patrol. I'll call you when I need you."

She hears a grumble and a yawn, then laughs, shaking her head. Yuuna turns to Professor Crowler, who is still ready to kill her. Well, she can't go disappointing him, can she?

Yuuna goes to draw her next card, when she hears a soft "Kuri, Kuri!"

Yuuna and Yubel gasp, staring at her Deck. She draws the card and looks it over.

"Winged Kuriboh…" Yuuna whispers.

The little monster coos at her.

She smiles at Winged Kuriboh, "Nice to meet you, little guy."

Winged Kuriboh giggles and winks at her. Yubel shakes their head and disappears back into their Card.

Yuuna examines her hand. Dual Gate, Hate Buster, Winged Kuriboh and Yubel.

Again, Dual Gate is useless to her right now, because it's other copy isn't in her Graveyard. Her field is empty, but that can change if she just removes Stygian Street Patrol from her Graveyard. But each turn, Yubel requires a monster sacrifice to stay on her Field and the only monster in her hand is Winged Kuriboh. But if he's destroyed by battle, she won't take any damage for one turn.

Will that be enough though to draw Samsara Lotus? Or should she summon Yubel anyway and sacrifice Winged Kuriboh to them? He's so young and new to her Deck, it feels wrong to destroy him like this.


Yuuna gasps, looking at the card, "Winged Kuriboh?"

Winged Kuriboh is winking at her, as if trying to say it'll all be alright.

Yuuna smiles and nods, "Okay then. If you have faith, then I will too."

Yubel gives her a proud smile and Yuuna calls, "I summon Winged Kuriboh in DEF Mode!"

Winged Kuriboh appears on her Field, staring up at Ancient Gear Golem with all the bravery in his heart. Yuuna feels herself smile. She's so blessed that he's willing to fight beside her.

"That ends my turn." Yuuna nods towards Professor Crowler, "Not bad, right?"

Professor Crowler just cackles, "No, not bad. But not good either. I'm a Master Technician, I've seen better plays before. A Kuriboh to me is rather pedestrian. Even one with Wings, it's DEF Points are much too low to stand up to my Ancient Gear Golem."

Yuuna feels her hackles rise, "His DEF Points may be low, but he's got-"

"Now, now, calm down." Professor Crowler draws his card, "I'm just stating simple facts. We won't have time to debate this. Because I'm destroying him right now!"

Ancient Gear Golem brings back his fist.

Winged Kuriboh gives a "kuri!"

And then he's gone.

"Sorry, Winged Kuriboh…" Yuuna whispers.

Professor Crowler gives her a look, "Check your gear, your life points haven't changed."

Yuuna gently picks up Winged Kuriboh's card, glaring at him, "My gear is just fine. Because Winged Kuriboh was destroyed this turn, I take no battle damage!"

Professor Crowler freaks out and the stadium is in uproar at the turn of events.

Yuuna ignores it all and gently presses her forehead against the card, "Thank you, Winged Kuriboh. For having faith in me and protecting me."

She hears a weak "kuri" and puts him in the Graveyard. She hopes Regenerating Rose looks after him while he's in there. He's so young.

"Fine, I suppose your lame, little, dropout Monster saved you." Professor Crowler smirks, looking ready to flip his hair, "But now you have nothing you'll be able to summon and I'll defeat you on my next turn. Really, it's a disgrace you come to this Academy with cards like that."

Yuuna stiffens, her anger rising, "What did you say?"

"Oh, hard of hearing? I'll repeat myself then." His smile widens, a little manic even, "Signora Yuki, your cards are a disgrace, your skills shameful and I will not allow you to set foot on Duel Academy Island, so long as my Ancient Gear Golem is on the Field!"

Yuuna can't hear her world crashing down around her, drowned out by the anger flooding her ears, pulsing in her veins, fuelling her strength, "ENOUGH!"

Professor Crowler blinks at her, "Oh?"

"Don't you DARE insult Winged Kuriboh, Regenerating Rose, Stygian Street Patrol or any of my monsters again, I won't allow it!" Yuuna feels her strength surge through her, reaching for the power fused to her very soul, "Throughout this Duel you've been nothing but an elitist snob, treating my cards without a hint of respect, or me as a Duelist with any either! I'm ending this right here, right now!"

Yuuna places her fingers on her Deck and concentrates. She concentrates on Stygian Street Patrol's arrogance and strength in the face of Ancient Gear Golem. She concentrates on Winged Kuriboh's bravery and self-sacrifice at the giant's hands in the face of her fear and hesitation. She concentrates on the power deep inside herself. The Gentle Darkness meant to save the world from the Light of Destruction. The Darkness meant to save the world from Light. The shadows and the abused meant to save the world from the lights and the elites, like him!

Yuuna draws her card, eyes a brilliant golden. She looks at her card.

Samsara Lotus.

Yuuna smirks, her eyes turning back to honey brown, "Ready to dish out some sweet-scented revenge, Samsara Lotus? Yubel?"

Samsara Lotus hisses and spits, eager to join the fight and rip Ancient Gear Golem to shreds. Yubel gives a nod of approval, showing a little fang. This one's for Winged Kuriboh.

Yuuna begins her play, "I summon Samsara Lotus, in ATK Mode!"

The angry spitfire small monster with 0 ATK appears on the field with her haunting glare and 3 lily pads. The crowd boo and shout, saying it's a terrible move. It will be if Yuuna doesn't manage to make this work.

"Oh okay, another amateurs mistake." Professor Crowler rolls his eyes, "Now, can anyone tell Signora Yuki here-"

"I now activate the effect of my Stygian Street Patrol in my Graveyard!" She pulls him from the slit in her Duel Disk, "By removing him from Play, I can Special Summon a Fiend Monster with 2000 or less ATK Points from my hand! Meet my favorite Monster, teacher!"

The dark clouds come rolling in from her Deck, surrounding the Field, covering Professor Crowler in darkness. Yuuna feels love and trust and friendship brew in her gut as her oldest friend slowly appears on the field, inch by inch, coming out of the shadows.

Professor Crowler screams, "What is that?!"

A flap of two leathery dark wings and the clouds disappear, revealing Yubel in all their 0 ATK point glory.

Yuuna giggles, "Scared?"

Professor Crowler hisses at her, "No, not at all." He smirks, "Your lame little Monster may have an unusually high level, but that doesn't mean she's invisible. If anything, you made a terrible mistake, summoning that creature in ATK Mode. My Ancient Gear Golem will destroy her and the rest of your life points, Signora Yuki, on my next turn."

Yubel hesitantly covers their left chest with their wing, self conscious and scared.

Yuuna smiles at them, "Ignore him. You're perfect, just the way you are."

Yubel turns to her, then smiles a little.

Yuuna's smile turns competitive, "Show him just how perfect you are, in fact. Ready?"

Yubel cackles, flapping their wings, "Always, Little Princess."

Professor Crowler yawns, interrupting their bonding moment, "If this is the best you can do, I feel rather sorry for you, Signora Yuki. You've done well for an amateur, but I'm on a completely different level than you. I'm sure your local Duel Monsters Community College will be happy to have you after my next turn."

"There's not going to be a next turn, teach!" Yuuna turns to Ancient Gear Golem, eyes flashing a faint gold for a second, "ATTACK!"

Yubel flies to Ancient Gear Golem, fist at the ready.

"Fine with me, if you want your monster to destroy herself! Your silly Samsara Lotus nor your Yubel have done any damage to his attack points." Professor Crowler laughs, pointing at his monster, "I knew power drove people to madness, but I never thought it would work on a dropout girl like you!"

Yuuna has to laugh to herself. Oh if only he knew how much power she really had.

But another time, if he proves to be worthy of destruction by them.

"You're right! Yubel, nor Samsara Lotus have lowered your Ancient Gear Golem's ATK Points, or raised each others'. They don't need to!" Yuuna raises her fist, "Because whenever Yubel does battle with an opponent's Monster, you take the damage instead of me!"

Professor Crowler loses all color in his face, "Wait! Time out!"

"Go! Guardian's Strike!" Yuuna calls with Yubel, their voices in tune.

Yubel flies high, then starts a dive towards Ancient Gear Golem.

Professor Crowler freaks out, tugging at his hair, watching helplessly.

Yuuna smiles, heart in sync with her best friend as love and trust and friendship curl around her heart like a pair of wings.

Ancient Gear Golem takes one punch from Yubel.

The monster falls to pieces, collapsing on top of Professor Crowler.




Yuuna brings two fingers to her head in a salute, then points them at Professor Crowler, "Gotcha!"

The monsters fade away, Yuuna sharing a grin with Yubel before they retreat into the Deck.

She pulls her cards from her Graveyard and shuffles them back into the Deck too, kissing each one and thanking them for their courage. Winged Kuriboh blushes and gives a squeaky "kuri!" while Stygian Street Patrol smirks wide and starts making her blush when he goes on and on to Regenerating Rose about how the prettiest girl in the world kissed him. Samsara Lotus hits him on the head while Regenerating Rose shakes hers. Yuuna giggles.

She may not have a loving and safe home situation. But she has her cards and she's getting out. If she can last 3 more days, she'll make it.

Compared to 11 years? This will be easy.