Hi everyone!

Sorry this isn't an official update, but I noticed something. Between the reviews on FF.N and the ones on AO3, I now have 102 comments on AO3 and 47 reviews on FF.N. Which of course totals 149 comments and reviews, so you all seem to really like this story!

Thank you all so much! I wish I could give you guys an update to show my gratitude, but I'm participating in GX Month (which also started today) and while I've got some stuff prepared for that, I haven't finished my work for the entire month yet. So I'm focusing on that best as I can and working on Yuuna Yuki on the side.

The reason I decided to post this update chapter is because I wanted to know what you guys want to do to celebrate reaching this milestone when we're not even half way through the first season.

I have big plans, I can tell you all that much! I'm going to eventually write all the way to season 3, which you can all guess will be very different without Yubel being the antagonist and knowing that you all love my story this much already means so, so much to me. It helps motivate me to keep writing it because I'm not the only one who cares about it, you all care about my story and I read your reviews all the time, whenever I feel down. Thank you.

Let me know in the comments/review box what you guys want to do to celebrate getting this far. I can't promise to get it done any time soon, but I'm open to ideas.

Thank you all again, so much for all this support, you guys and your feedback means to the world to me.

Love, Logan.