
Jae is a prince born from the marriage of King Rhaegar and Queen Lyanna, and he had the looks of the Starks. The only thing that could distinguish him as a Targaryen are his dark indigo eyes that looked grey from a distance but up close you could truly tell that they were the same color as his father's.

Him and his twin sister Daenerys were almost inseparable from birth. They spent the most amount of time together of any of the siblings, and most of the royal family believed that they were destined to marry one another. They could be found on multiple occasions in the godswood together praying to the Old Gods, and many believed that they would exit the world like they entered it, together.

Even though they were twins, the things that plagued young Jaehaerys did not apply to Daenerys because while Jae had the looks of the Starks, Daenerys had the traditional Targaryen looks.

There were many that truly loved the second son of the king. He was a studious child that loved to learn the history of Westeros and beyond, and when he wasn't in the library reading one book or another he could be found in the training yard learning to wield a sword from the kingsguard. The smallfolk were especially fond of Jae. He would make many trips to orphanages and the poorer parts of King's Landing with his sisters Rhaenys and Daenerys to help those that were less fortunate. The smallfolk could be heard day and night singing praises for the three of them because of the food, toys, and other necessities that they brought them.

While the smallfolk loved Jae, most of the nobility thought differently about him. They would act and treat him as a prince to his face, but he always heard what they would call him behind his back.


Many believed that in the coming years he would try to usurp his father or brother because the Faith of the Seven believed that they were lustful creatures that only wanted to steal power from the trueborn in their family, but none of them truly knew who Jae was.

He would rather die than see any form of harm come to any of his family members, and every family member knew as such.

His sister, Rhaenys, loved her youngest brother because while Aegon was learning and training to become the next king, Jae was her friend and confidant. Whenever the likes of Joffery Baratheon would mistreat her or she was just in a bad mood she would always go to Jae because he knew the right thing to say most of the time, or he would sneak into the kitchen and steal some of her favorite treats.

Aegon and Jae grew up as best friends, and all of their learnings was done together. They learned to fight together, they took lessons from Maester Marwyn together, and they were even known to sneak into the kitchen to steal sweets together.

King Rhaegar loved all his children equally, but it is known by a lot of the servants that both he and Jae can be found within his office late at night discussing history and prophecy together.

Queen Dowager loved all her grandchildren as well, but she seemed to be the most fond of the ones born from Rhaegar's second wife.. She was fond of Daenerys because she was the embodiment of what she wished her daughter that was stillborn would've been, and she was fond of Jaehaerys because he had the same melancholy demeanor of his father.

Queen Elia was the most surprising aspect to the nobility of Westeros. Most would expect that she would feel scorned by the second marriage and feel threatened to have another woman's children be raised alongside her children, but most often then not she was the one that defended Jae the most against the cruel words thrown his way. She was even able to get her Dornish family to love him as well. Oberyn Martell is known to have gone into the Red Keep in a rage after the Rebellion was over because Rhaegar took another wife and was allowing their children to be raised next to the heir to the throne, but he came out being one of the staunchest supporters against treating Jae as a bastard. It is said that when he met the child he couldn't help but like the kid, and when he asked Jae how he felt about his siblings the only words out of Jae's mouth was "I would die for them." Jae may have only been eight at the time but Oberyn could already see the same devotion that he had for his family in the young Jae.

The only one of the Royal Family that treated Jaehaerys as a bastard was his uncle Viserys, but Viserys spent most of his time on Dragonstone with Rhaella because she was to rule it until Aegon came of age to take over the responsibilities it brought.

Most of the cruel words died down around Jae and the rest of the Royal family after an incident involving Jae and Cersei Lannister in the training yard of the Red Keep. Jae and Aegon had just trained with Ser Arthur and Ser Barriston and they were then facing off against each other. After a series of attacks and parries Jae was able to disarm Aegon and force him to yield.

"Jaehaerys, you are only a bastard, you shouldn't disarm your betters. Better yet you should know your place," was all that could be heard coming out of the Lioness' mouth.

Jae ran out of there with tears in his eyes and ran into none other than his two mothers.

"Sweetling, what's wrong?" Lyanna asked, but Elia could see Cersei laughing with her ladies around the corner.

While Lyanna took young Jaehaerys to cool down, Elia went over to Cersei Lannister and all that could be heard were the multiple uses of "lioness cunt" over and over again. No one knows this of course, but Elia threatened to tell the king whose children Cersei's really were. The only reason she hadn't was because she had it from Jaime himself that he had cut off all "certain activities" with Cersei, and no children being born in the last years since Myrcella who was three at the time told Elia that it was the truth. The Lannister women was red in the face when she stormed out of the room, and the last time she was seen in the Red Keep was the morning after when she got into her wheel cart and took off to go back to Casterly Rock. The only Lannister's seen in the Red Keep after that accident were Ser Jaime and Tyrion Lannister who also had befriended the young Jaehaerys over their mutual love for books and knowledge, and because Jae felt a certain kinship with Tyrion based off as being seen as a bastard in other's eyes. There was also the time where Tywin Lannister was only there for a few days and that was only to make a formal apology on behalf of his daughter to Jaehaerys and the rest of the royal family. It was only half an apology but no one truly expected Tywin to really mean anything he said.

The Mad KIng almost was the fall of House Targaryen, but they came back stronger then ever. The rule of King Rhaegar would be a peaceful one, or so they thought. In the Land of Always Winter old magic is brewing, and they all are none the wiser.

When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives. In this case it's direwolves AND dragons.