Hiccup Haddock was just minding his own business as he was getting ready for his next class. He wasn't what you would call cool, he was skinny and a bit short for a 15-year-old, his face was covered in freckles had a small scar on his chin, though he had no idea how we got it with scruffy auburn hair. The only thing that made him interesting was his emerald green eyes, but even they didn't get rid of all the rest of his negative points.

After getting his books from his locker, she continued to make his way down the corridor when the school bully blocked his path. His name was Butch and he was built like a brick chicken house and just as thick as one, though Hiccup was smart enough not to say that to his face.

"Where think you're going, Hiccy?" he smirked.

"After class," said Hiccup dryly.

"You know the rules, you can't pass on to you give me your lunch money," he sneered.

Hiccup wish that this was a rare occurrence, but sadly he was an easy target and Butch always like to pick on easy targets. He had tried a number of different ways to avoid forcing him to give up his lunch money. Sadly for him, Butch was an expert when it comes to sniffing out money and was smart enough to figure out when to ambush him.

"Don't have any," he lied.

"Good try, Hiccy," he said leaning towards him and pressed one of his large fingers against his chest. "But I know you have some, you always do."

"Now let's not do something that we'd regret," said a voice.

Hiccup was absolutely relieved to see Ragnar, his only friend. Ragnar was quite tall for his age and he had long chocolate brown hair, around his neck was some sort of pendant with some strange markings. He had also these mesmerising tree bark brown eyes that sort of glittered in the light. The guy was a girl magnet if ever there was one, if it hadn't been the fact that he was friends with him.

It was always puzzled why Ragnar's became very friendly with him the first time they met, that he wasn't going to question his sanity when he was alone in the whole world. His name was a rather strange, but Hiccup suspected that he came up from Norway and his parents might have moved when he was very young.

"Why do you always defend this loser?" said Butch through gritted teeth. "I mean what does he have to offer you."

"A good sense of humour for one," Ragnar shrugged.

If anyone else had said that to Butch they would be on their trip to the nurse, but he learned the hard way than Ragnar was not one to be trifled with. He may not look it but the guy was very quick, and when Hiccup meant quickly really meant quick.

Butch grounded his teeth looked at Hiccup. "He won't always be here to protect you."

He then walked off and Hiccup suspected that Butch would be good on his promise.

Ragnar looked at Hiccup. "You, all right?"

"Fine, but I'm not sure whether you made things better or worse," he said with an uneasy smile.

Ragnar rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, but at least you won't go hungry this time."

They soon made their way to class, what Hiccup lacked in muscle he made up for it in brains. He was possibly the smartest kid on the block, though he never liked to get too much attention as you believe that would just make an easier target. Sadly, his next lesson was PE and the coach teaching them was his least favourite teacher.

His name, rather ironically, was Mr Brawn and he acted as if he was some sort of drill sergeant. He likes to put the weak and pathetic looking students in their place and Hiccup was on top of his hit list.

He was a very large man and his biceps looked as if they would tear through his jacket. He had a military haircut and a whistle around his neck, his eyes were very intense and they were enough to shake you to your very core.

"Now, I want you to run into you can't run anymore up and down this track," he said in a loud booming voice. "And if any of you lack behind, you're going to do 20 situps and push-ups and if I'm not satisfied to do another 20."

Hiccup groaned. "Great, just perfect."

He always picked on Hiccup, despite the fact that usually fare rather well when it came to running. He certainly had enough practice get away from Butch, but he always ended up being singled out.

Ragnar was always kind enough to lack behind to give him company, another thing which ruined his rep. Hiccup had absolutely no idea how he earned such a good friendship with Ragnar, he suspected that it had something to do with the fact that the two of them had similar parenting issues.

Ragnar was raised by a single parent just like he was, though unlike him it was his father that abandoned him. The two of them would talk for hours about the neglected parents, though when Hiccup asked him about his mother that's when things started to go sour. Apparently, she had been killed in some sort of accident a few years back though he never gave any other details than that.

Hiccup really didn't what was worse, having no parents or been neglected by the one you had. His father was named Steven, Stoick to his friends because he was always so… well, stoic. He had been part of the military before getting an honourable discharge from the army after that he met his mum a meeting which created him in fact. Then she left without saying a single word, leaving him a single out of a job parent to look after him and if that wasn't bad enough Hiccup was in exactly the ideal son he wanted.

"I will be too hard on your dad, I mean the army is his entire life," said Ragnar.

"A life he now wants to put on top of me," Hiccup grumbled. "You know it was he that insisted that I took up fencing."

"Good thing too, you're pretty good at it," Ragnar reminded.

Hiccup, as much as he wanted to, could not argue with that point and he couldn't say that that he disliked it. Though he had no idea how productive fencing would be for someone who would want to go into the army.

"You know ever since my birthday, Dad has been pushing the rather hard," Hiccup frowned. "I mean what gives?"

The moment he said birthday, he regretted it. It was sad, but Hiccup was actually born on 29th February, meaning that technically speaking he was only about three years old, something which other kids teased him about census they. Ragnar knew how sensitive this subject was for him and always cheered him up on 1st March.

"I'm sure he's just looking out for you," said Ragnar gently. "Besides you had better get yourself ready, I mean it will be the holiday soon and you're going to have to face him."

Hiccup groaned, it was something he was dreading. Most kids were looking forward to the holidays, to meet their parents to get away from school, but sadly Hiccup felt most at home at school, even with people like Butch and Mr Brawn around.

"When was the last time you gave him a call?" Ragnar asked.

"Last month," Hiccup grumbled.

"Don't you think you should at least tell him that you're all right?"

Hiccup looked at him as if he was joking. "You're kidding, right?"

"Remember the last time that you didn't call them for a month, he zoomed all the way here in a thunderstorm," Ragnar reminded him. "I don't have to remind you just how embarrassing it was for you."

Hiccup groaned. "I know, I'll never live it down."

"Come on, it's not going to hurt you," Ragnar pushed.

There was one thing Hiccup found annoying about Ragnar was that he was persistent, he kept on pestering him on doing something. One of the things that he pestered was reading books about Norse mythology, though he never really gave a reason. Admittedly Hiccup did find the subject rather fascinating, but he really didn't see what good it would do him after he graduated this year.

Eventually, Ragnar won the argument and soon Hiccup was in his dorm room and phoned his father.

"Hello," said the voice of his father, which was very deep and intimidating.

"Hi, Dad, it's me," said Hiccup.

"Hiccup, why haven't you called me?" he demanded.

Hiccup rolled his eyes, the ones you wish that his father would say something like… It's good to hear from you or maybe I missed you. But no, his father had to start by demanding an explanation.

"I've been rather busy," Hiccup lied.

"Too busy to talk to your old man?" his father grumbled. "So I'll be expecting to come home this winter?"

"Of course, just like every single other year."

"Good, because we really need to talk about what you're going to do after this year."

"I was thinking college, I only have some ideas," said Hiccup.

"Well, I've already picked one out for you."

Hiccup was absolutely furious, his father had already decided the way he wanted to go without discussing it to him.

"So why bother asking me about what I want to do next?" Hiccup yelled.

"Don't talk to me in that manner, son," his father warned. "I'll give you the full details when you get home, but this academy is not my first choice."

"Everything is your first choice?" Hiccup frowned.

"Not this time, I believe your mother arranged it."

For a brief moment Hiccup for forgot that he was angry with his dad at the mention of his Mum. Dad rarely talked about her, he mentioned that he looked do lot like her and acted like her. Though this was the first time that his father had actually mentioned his mother, he never gave any kind of explanation only a few small bits and pieces here and there.

"What does Mum have to do with this?" Hiccup asked.

"It looked as if she planned your future quite thoroughly, didn't even consult me," he grunted. "Mind you she did just leave you on my doorstep and disappeared so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised."

"Why did she abandon me?" Hiccup asked.

"That sort of question is better in person than on the phone," said his father. "If you want to we can discuss it when you get home."

Hiccup's eyes widened, that was the best offer he could possibly get getting information his mother. Now that he tried to find out on his own, but it was easy as there wasn't any photos of her, he didn't even know her name.

"Okay, I'll see within a week," said Hiccup, too stunned say anything else.

"Good, but this time due tried to phone ahead before you get home," his father pleaded.

Later that night, Hiccup told Ragnar about the entire conversation with his father and he listened very carefully.

"So you think your father is going to tell you the truth?" Ragnar asked.

"Looks like, though I'm not holding my breath," said Hiccup as he leaned back in his bed. "I mean, I think that he is disappointed in me."

"What makes you say that?" Ragnar blinked.

"Everything," said Hiccup. "I mean he never listens to me."

"Seems to run in the family," said Ragnar under his breath.

Hiccup chose to ignore that comment, because annoyingly it was true. "And when he does, it's with this disapproving scowl like someone has just skimmed of the meeting his sandwich." He then cleared and performed an impersonation of his father. "'Excuse me, ma'am. I'm afraid that you have brought me a long offspring. I ordered an extra-large beefy boy with extra guts and glory on the side… this here, this is a talking fishbone!'"

Ragnar laughed. "I'm sure he doesn't think of you like that."

"How would I know, I mean it wasn't for the fact that we sit at the same table I wouldn't believe that he was my father. Mean we are absolutely nothing alike."

"I don't know, that scowl seems the matches," Ragnar joked.

"Not funny," said Hiccup dryly. "And now he wants me to go to this academy, apparently it what my mum wanted before I was born."

Ragnar blinked. "Why do you think she wanted you to go there?"

"I've got no clue, Dad didn't even tell me the name of the place. Though I suspect that I'll be going there next year, though I hope the two of us would go to the same college."

Ragnar shrugged. "You never know we might be going to the same place."

Hiccup looked at him dubiously. "Small hope." Then he looked back at Ragnar. "You will staying contact, won't you?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because I'm the most embarrassing friend you could ever have."

"I made you a bit awkward, but I wouldn't say you're an embarrassment."

"Thank you, for summing that up."

"Don't take it like that, besides maybe this new college you will be to make new friends and forget about me."

"Doubt it, knowing my luck."

"Just give the place a try, you never know you might like it."

Hiccup wanted to argue a bit more, but it was getting late and he had another PE lesson in the morning with Mr Brawn. So without the two of them said goodnight and Hiccup sat in his bed and fell asleep.

The next day was just as enjoyable as the last, once again Hiccup was singled out by Mr Brawn and had to do an insane amount of push-ups and situps. He was thankful that the bell, signaling the end of class rang and he had just exited the locker room when he came face-to-face with Mr Brawn.

"Haddock, I want a private word with you," he grunted.

"What have I done now?" Hiccup asked.

"Just follow me," he ordered.

Ragnar gave him a concerned look. "Hiccup, don't go."

Hiccup had never seen him so concerned. "I'm sure whatever Mr Brawn wishes to discuss I can survive."

"Now!" Mr Brawn demanded.

Hiccup decided that he had better brace himself for whatever punishment Mr Brawn had in store for him and soon entered the gym.

"Can we make this quick, I'm good to be late for my next class, sir," said Hiccup.

"Oh, be quick," Mr Brawn smiled evilly.

Hiccup did not like the look at that smile and then something utterly terrifying happened. Mr Brawn burst into flames and his eyes turned a monstrous red, it looked as if he was looking down a fiery inferno. His hands became razor-sharp claws and what appeared to be lava dropped from the tips.

"What the—" Hiccup stared in bewilderment.

"Burn Half-Blood!" he roared as he immediately lunged towards him.

A split second later he raised his razor-sharp claws and everything went black.

Hiccup blinked and saw that Mr Brawn had moved, but he could just warn that he saw him lunge at him.

"What the—" Hiccup stared in bewilderment. He then blinks realising that he just had that.

"Burn Half-Blood!" Mr Brawn roared as he immediately lunged towards him.

Hiccup had no idea what was happening, but on a hunch, he quickly rolled dodging Mr Brawn's claw. His eyes then fell upon a fire extinguisher and his body acted before his brain could respond. He quickly grabbed and appointed the nozzle towards Mr Brawn and fired a burst of foam directly at him.

"Argh!" Mr Brawn roared.

Then acting on pure instinct, Hiccup struck across the face with a fire extinguisher knocking him to the ground. He had absolutely no idea what he was doing, but it became abundantly clear that Mr Brawn was not human.

"Hiccup!" Ragnar yelled as he quickly rushed inside the gym.

Hiccup stared at him as he seemed to be holding a bow and quiver filled with arrows, where he managed to find bow and quiver he had no idea. Regardless Ragnar had already notched an arrow in his quiver and immediately fired at Mr Brawn striking him through the head.

Spectacularly Mr Brawn somehow managed to survive in the media turned on Ragnar. "You cannot save him, knife ear! Your world shall burn!"

He then immediately started to make a move against Ragnar and Hiccup was amazed by his best friend's agility. Ragnar managed to somersault directly over Dr Brawn, a feed which should have been impossible, he then pulled a small knife from his belt and immediately plunged it into his side. Mr Brawn roared in pain and immediately swung his fist back striking him across the face and then he burst into flames.

Hiccup then blinked and shook his head as he just watched Ragnar somersaulting over Mr Brawn again. He was suddenly felt as if he was experiencing déjà vu, and he couldn't explain it. He then watched as Ragnar plunged his knife into the side of Dr Brawn and had a hunch about what was going to happen next.

"Duck!" Hiccup yelled.

Ragnar looked at him, but in question immediately ducked just in time to avoid getting his head pummelled by a back fist. He then quickly moved away out of Mr Brawn's reach rejoined Hiccup and notched another arrow on his bow.

"Thanks for the heads up," he said.

"What is going on?" Hiccup yelled.

"Well, it looked as if our PE teacher has just burst into a fiery creature and is now trying to kill us," Ragnar smiled.

"I know that, but where did you get that bow and quiver and that knife!" Hiccup demanded.

"I'll explain later when our lives are not in danger," Ragnar promised.

"Do not make promises you can't keep, elf," Mr Brawn growled.

Hiccup shook his head. "Elf?"

"Later!" Ragnar yelled.

He then fired yet another arrow this time into Mr Brawn's heart, but just like his previous shot didn't seem to have any effect. Hiccup's brain was running about 100 mph, but right now both he and Ragnar lies when danger and he considered that to be a priority. Sadly he had no idea how he would help Ragnar as the only weapon he had was a fire extinguisher.

Regardless it was better than nothing and Hiccup, either stupidly or bravely, charge towards Mr Brawn thinking, I'm completely crazy. Thankfully Ragnar proved to be quite the distraction as for some reason Mr Brawn considered him the biggest threat, though he supposedly had something to do with the arrows he was firing at him. Then when he least expected it Hiccup slammed his fire extinguisher across his face yet again so hard in fact that he fell to the ground.

Hiccup was about to hit him again on the head, but then his body began to disintegrate to ash, leaving behind a smell of burnt wood and a ton of questions.

Hiccup looked at Ragnar. "What… in the name of God was that?"

Ragnar had a somewhat fearful expression. "A fire giant, this is very bad…"

Hiccup blinked. "A what?"

Ragnar looked at him nervously. "To be honest Hiccup, I was going to tell you everything gradually, but I'm afraid things have gotten slightly out of control. We have to leave now, much sooner than expected."

"What?" said Hiccup confused. "Can we just slow down just a moment so that you can explain what is going on?"

Ragnar then quickly placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hiccup I promise you downs all your questions, but right now we need to get you to safety."

"Safe from what?"

"Fire Giants for one and who knows what else, but what I said this is not the time or place to explain."

"Can you at least tell me why he called you an elf?" Hiccup asked. "I mean look nothing like an elf."

Ragnar smiled. "Oh, I am an elf. It's just this glamour is hiding some of my Elvin features."

He then removed his pendant and Hiccup's eyes widened as he watched his ears growing until they were pointy. He couldn't believe his eyes, his best friend was an elf he started to wonder what he landed himself into.