A/N) In this story, Taylor triggers with a strong circus based shaker power similar to Labyrinth. She decides to get revenge for what Winslow did to her by turning the school into her own personal funhouse and having a school wide game of 'Hide and Seek'. Her costume is Joker's outfit from Black Butler

PRT Power classifications

Shaker 11 - She can transform the surrounding area into a demonic amusement park, has no apparent limits except time and can manipulate everything within her area of effect. I understand some may have concerns about the high classification, but keep in mind, she created a moon.

Mover 3 - Able to instantly teleport to any location that she has already transformed using the mirrors that are prevalent everywhere in the park

Master 5 - Has circus themed projections that follow her commands. She cannot control them but they follow her commands without question. It is unknown if they possess a will of their own or if they are mindless drones. The amount of joy they seem to express while killing seems to suggest the former.

~~~~~~~Line Break~~~~~~~

I fingered my cane as I smiled down at the packed auditorium from my spot above the stage. Mr. Gladly was currently giving some boring speech about safety that absolutely no one was paying attention to.

'A full house!' I thought giddily as I observed the scene below me, 'This performance will be even better than I dreamed of!'. I had been preparing for this moment all month, handcrafting my outfit, practicing my lines, and marking my calendar for this specific date. February 24th, the day of the annual safety speech that was mandatory for every student, sophomore year and above. The perfect day to introduce my best friends to the world.

I felt my smile widen as I leapt down from my position on the catwalk, a gleaming blade extending from the end of my cane as it approached the back of Mr. Gladly's skull. 'It's Showtime!'

~~~~~~~Emma POV~~~~~~~

"Why do they keep having these meetings every year." Emma grouched quietly to herself, "They have to know that talking about safety in this gang infested hellhole is like preaching to a deaf person"

Emma was in a foul mood and she had nobody to take it out on. Taylor hadn't been seen in nearly a month and Sophia was becoming increasingly angry about it. Her athletic friend hadn't even said anything to her all day unless it was to make some sarcastic remark. She wasn't sure why the track star was in such a tizzy, and when she had asked all she had been told was that Clockblocker was being his usual self.

'Whatever that means.' Emma thought, focusing back on the stage as Mr. Gladly started wrapping up his long winded speech. She couldn't wait for today to be over so she could go home and go to bed.

'Oh, that's right' She thought belatedly, 'I never actually cleaned my room like I said I di-' Squelch~ She, along with everyone else in the crowd, froze as Mr. Gladly was stopped mid sentence by a length of steel emerging from the front of his face. Emma felt all the breath leave her lungs as she recognized the person responsible.

A dark purple overcoat sat upon a tall, lithe figure that could easily be mistaken for male. Dark, wavy brown hair framed a face which housed a pair of too-wide grinning lips and round eyes that Emma knew should be obscured by the glasses which were absent . A yellow scarf tied into a bow sat above a checkered patterned sweater with large grey buttons and white sleeves. Pointed black and shoes raced up to meet a pair of black slacks partially obscured by a parted white piece of fabric that Emma didn't know the name of. White showman's gloves gripped a bladed silver cane still dripping with the blood of the previously breathing teacher.

Emma watched in barely hidden fear as the woman's eyes passed over her. Not seeming to recognize the form of her former best friend turned tormentor. As the woman she recognized to be Taylor grinned, Emma numbly realized that she probably wouldn't get the chance to tell her father that she lied about cleaning her room yesterday.

~~~~~~~Taylor POV~~~~~~~

My smile didn't abait as I yanked my cane from my former teacher's skull with a stomach turning Squelch. My gaze roved over my now captive audience before I opened my mouth to address the terrified masses.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls," I began, my exuberant voice reverberating in the now silent auditorium, "I apologize for interrupting such an -ahem- 'captivating' speech, but I would like to play a game with all of you." Here, I twirled my cane professionally before pointing behind me at my slowly lengthening shadow.

"And to ensure you all play by the rules of the game," I continued, my smile widening as the shadow started to darken noticeably, "I've brought with me some helpers."

From the shadow, came a trio of creatures whose appearances drastically differed from each other. Each of them seemed excited by the prospect of helping me with my game.

The tallest of the three was nearly 8 feet tall even hunched over as it was. A cherry red nose sat upon a pasty white visage. Round cheeks were made even wider as a result of the shark-toothed smile that seemed to be frozen on its face. Streaks of red trailed from eye sockets housing sickly yellow orbs that darted around the room with a keener gaze than its rotund appearance suggested. It's shoulders shook periodically, as if it was silently laughing at a joke only it could hear.

It was garbed in what appeared to be a blood-stained clown outfit complete with yellow stripes and comically large shoes that squeaked as it shifted in place. From it's shoulders emerged long, spindly arms caked in red that seemed to go on forever before finally ending in gloved hands that each held a jagged dagger still dripping with gore.

To the right of the twisted facsimile of a clown, stood a woman. With her white creamy skin and perfectly sculpted features, the woman was the very definition of alien beauty despite her abnormal height of 7 feet.

From her silky raven hair that stopped just above her well shaped posterior, to her perfectly manicured nailed that were painted a seductive rub red, not a flaw could be found. Her figure was one most women couldn't even dream of and this was further emphasized by her outfit.

She was wearing a dark blue dress that tightly hugged her body and accentuated her every curve. The neck of the dress dipped low, showing just enough of her alabaster skin to draw the gazes of nearly every man in the room while not appearing too salacious. Emerging from under her dress were a smooth pair of tantalizing legs that seemed to go on for miles. Every part of her body seemed to be perfectly designed to be as seductive as possible.

This image of perfection was ruined by the slitted orange eyes that observed those in the crowd with a predatory gleam. The soft pink tongue that periodically darted out to wet a pair of smirking red lips, indicated that she had more in common with the creature to her left than her beautiful appearance suggested.

The final of the trio was the most out of place in both appearance and attitude. Whereas the other two had thus far remained silent, this one had immediately let out a cry of joy upon exiting the portal and jumped up onto my shoulders where he still sat swinging his pointed, bell tipped shoes.

Appearing to be a boy no older than 8, he possessed next to no defining features barring the bright red hair that sat partially hidden under a belled purple hat on his head as well as his purple, catlike eyes. He was wearing a purple and black jester's outfit including the aforementioned hat. The thing that stood out most about the boy, was the belts strapped to his waist, chest, legs and thighs respectively. Each of the belts contained upwards of twenty daggers that gleamed in the bright light of the stage.

I continued my speech as the crowd below me observed my friends with trepidation. I knew they might look off putting to some people, but I had long since grown used to their appearances. "These are my best friends, the clown is Chuckles, the girl is Beauty, and the little tyke on my shoulders is Jester" the adorable boy smiled cheerfully and waved. "They are going to help me with the game."

"The rules of the game are simple," I paused, making sure everyone was listening. This was very important after all. "You all have exactly 2 hours to escape the school which, through the use of my power, has been transformed into an amusement park. My friends here," I gestured behind me with my cane. "will roam around the park searching for you. If they find you, well," I chuckled quietly, "Mr. Gladly here will have company on his way to the afterlife."

I smiled as I took in the hundreds of terrified faces, before removing Jester from my shoulders. "The game will begin in two minutes, I suggest making the most of them"

With one final twirl of my cane, I exerted my power, my form shimmering before seeming to crack like a mirror and shatter into dust, leaving a room full of terrified students and three smiling monsters. My disembodied voice rang out in the wake of my disappearance.

"Let The Games Begin."