Disclaimer: The following story is a fan-made creation. I do not own Harry Potter, Type Moon or Highschool DxD. Please support the original material.

"Defying me to the very end, huh?" Speech.

"Enuma Elish!" Magic/Noble Phantasm Attack. Flashback Speech. Phone/Magic/Etc Speech.

"█▄██▄▄█▄▄█▄" Inarticulate/Berserker Roar/s.

"Bow before your Death!" Monster-type Speech.

"Notice me!" speech that carries particular emphasis or weight to it.


'I WILL proclaim to the world the deeds of Gilgamesh. This was the man to whom all things were known; this was the king who knew the countries of the world. He was wise, he saw mysteries and knew secret things, he brought us a tale of the days before the flood. He went on a long journey, was weary, worn-out with labour, returning he rested, he engraved on a stone the whole story.' - The Epic of Gilgamesh


They had left him. Deep within the Forest of Dean, far from the lights of civilisation and the terror inspired by the rampant Dark Lord Voldemort; they had left him to go back home.

Ron had long been complaining about the tiring nature of it all; camping out in the woods. Rationing food and scavenging when they had the opportunity. Jumping at every shadow and sleeping with one eye open out of fear of discovery of Riddle's Death Eaters or the Snatchers that worked for the monster.

The realist part of Harry had figured that it had always been a matter of time before his flaky friend gave up and went back to his family in favor of his warm bed and the massive meals made by his overbearing mother. When the ginger had thrown his final tantrum and left, Harry hadn't been all that concerned.

It was Hermione's departure that had caught him off balance. His truest friend if he had to put a label to it. She had always maintained her presence as a stalwart supporter and faithful friend; only doubting him in few occasions. She had always helped him weather Ron's whining and kept their oafish friend onside.

But now, she was gone.

Seven years of friendship and she finally took Ron's side. They had both apparated away, leaving him, the tent, even the Horcrux they had been able to steal from Umbridge at the Ministry of Magic.

It, hurt. The only two people he felt he could unconditionally call his best friends in his short seventeen years of living. All the adventures, the hardships, dangers and fear they had endured over the years and now, right at the end, with this final dangerous adventure, they had thrown in the towel and left him to bear it all alone.

The 'Chosen One' hissed out a 'tsk' of anger from between clenched teeth as he looked down to the golden object that he was absently twisting in his hands.

It was not the Slytherin Locket that served as one of Riddle's Horcruxes. No that revolting thing was hanging from a candle-holder on the dining table on the far side of the expansive tent.

No the treasure that was enjoying the delicate, almost intimate caress of his fingertips. It was beautiful to look at. Made from interconnecting blocks and pieces of solid gold, the 'handle' if it could be called as such was assembled from a number of constantly shifting and re-aligning blocks of differing size and shape; Almost like tetris blocks. It was almost the size of a dagger and if that line of thought followed then it had a rectangular shaped 'blade' with a number of notches, circular cut outs and holes altering its overall shape. Harry had examined every inch of this item over the years he had possessed it, ran his fingers across every edge, corner and beautifully carved recess it had in every configuration the ever shifting handled had and at all times he could not dissuade the notion that he was beholding some form of key.

He had come to own this 'key' for coming on two years now. Ever since he had infiltrated the Department of Mysteries in a foolish and short sighted attempt to 'rescue' his Godfather Sirius Black from danger. Danger that he had never originally been in until Harry himself had walked right into the trap set by Riddle and Lucius Malfoy that had left Sirius to leave the safety of Grimmauld Place to save his sorry life.

He had gotten separated from the others after the Prophecy Orbs had blown up in a spectacular distraction and ran into a room filled with odd looking trinkets and nick-knacks; some covered in dust, some glowing with any number of obscure, forbidden or forgotten magical enchantment. And at the far end of the room, nestled atop a soft cushion of velvet red had been this golden treasure.

It had glowed to his eyes, practically humming a soft bell-like tone that had forced him to approach and pick it up before he had even realised what he had even been doing.

When everything had been seen to its conclusion and his friends had returned to Hogwarts to recover from their own cuts, scrapes and injuries Harry had maintained his silence on the new addition to his trunk. He told no-one of what he had stolen from The Department of Mysteries; not Ron, Hermione. Not even Dumbledore when the Headmaster had taken him into his confidence to uncover the truth to Riddle's apparent immortality.

It was again an unconscious action on Harry's part. He had felt on several occasions that he wanted to tell Dumbledore, his friends, even Professor Moody at one point. But when each moment presented itself; Harry had kept his mouth shut when he felt the sudden and powerful protectiveness over the secret. Something he would almost say was akin to the fantasy image of a Dragon protecting its treasure hoard.

And now, with Hermione and Ron both abandoning him to see the Dark Lord finished alone, a part of him felt nothing but relief. And he hated himself for it.

A near silent click came out from the object in his hands as the latest configuration of the handle settled into place. Harry returned his gaze to it and turned from the past as his jaw un-clenched. A gentle push at a squat, L-shaped block with his fingertip and nudge toward the base followed by a twist and push of a small rectangular block to the left of its new position and the whole configuration started to re-align itself anew.

Harry had figured out quite a bit with the ever shifting puzzling treasure. It was almost like playing with a rubix cube that had only a single color and twelve sides rather than just six. He had no explanation for why he felt it, but he had come to feel as if he was eleven sides in with one left to go.

There was something about it, watching the gold as it shifted and clicked in its intricate patterns and formations that was calming to him. It had helped during his late nights on watch while the other two slept and kept his mind level even in spite of the weight of the Horcrux.

In fact he could already feel his concerns at his friends having abandoned him slipping away; moving to the back of his mind.

He let the stress wash away and be drowned out by the clicking of it shifting blocks. Pushing and shifting individual sections like puzzle pieces Harry let his mind go blank, allowing himself to be lost in the mindless autonomy of push, shift, twist, pull, push, push, shift, twist, twist twist…

the world could wait, Voldemort and his abominable Horcruxes could wait. Let him have this. Let him enjoy at least one moment of blissful peace.


Harry's finger met resistance when he went to push down on another block. Blinking in confusion and surprise, the teenager focused his eyes from their previous vacant expression and looked down to the 'keyblade' in his hands. The handle was no longer shifting and pattern of glowing, red lines started to stretch out from the guard twisting and turning in sharp 90° angles. Like the beginnings of a labyrinthian maze.

It was so, beautiful. It felt like the first time he had held his Holly and Phoenix core Want at Ollivanders. No, his wand paled in comparison to this. His whole body tingled and a warmth filled him from where his hands held the object. The key.

"The Key of the King's Law, Bab-ilu."

It came out as an almost reverent whisper. The words unbidden and strange. Where had they come from? Why had he even said them? And how did he seem to know with absolute certainty that it was the name of the treasure in his hands.

Such questions were immediately put to an end when the key reacted to his words. The red labyrinthian pattern erupted out from the key stretching out into the air around it and cuneiform lettering formed in the air around him, humming with power and pulsing with crimson light as if it possessed a life of its own.

Harry's grip tightened on the handle of Bab-ilu and rose to his feet, strength filling every fibre of his being as the enormous crimson pattern reversed its course and rapidly receded back to its origin point and the cuneiform lettering faded away.

In its place, a glorious golden light spread out from the keyblade. Like in a pool of water, the golden light rippled out a mere foot from Harry's front.

And from it, fell a deep blue colored crystal half the size of his fist.

Instinctively Harry reached out with a free hand to catch the crystal before it fell more than a foot, easily managing the feat thanks to years of tracking and catching the Golden Snitch.

The moment he did, everything changed.

The crystal glowed and an almost bell-like tone pulsed out from it and when a light beamed out from it to focus and form the image of a blond haired, crimson eyed man he dropped it.

"So, my greatest Treasure has finally been reached."

The image of the man the crystal had formed stood at Harry's own height, a good 5'9 and had swept back golden hair and piercing red eyes that actually had Harry feeling almost naked before the man. Clad in resplendent golden armor with rich red cloth hanging from his waist. Arms folded across his chest with a refined expression that not even Lucius Malfoy could even dream of pulling off on his best day.

"Greetings to you, my heir. I am your Forebear, the first and greatest of Kings; Gilgamesh of Uruk." The image spoke, drawing Harry's full attention. "You, who have come to possess to key to my greatest Treasure and unlocked its secrets. Be pleased with yourself. You have touched power and wealth that even the gods eye with envy."

Harry rolled his eyes. This guy, this Gilgamesh sure was full of himself.

"I once ruled the greatest of the Sumarian city-states; Uruk. By my reckoning it has been thousands of years since my once glorious rule. By my own admission I was, a difficult ruler." Gilgamesh continued. "While harsh I ruled with fairness and justly. None under my rule suffered unfairly and all enjoyed the safety under my aegis. But, even one such as I must inevitably answer to powers beyond even my reach. In the twilight of my years I feared my death. Not for my own sake, but for that of my kingdom. For the vast treasures in my possession. What would happen to them when I was gone? My wonderful Babylon, what would become of it?"

The image of the ancient king unfolded his arms and reached out to hold his hand out to Harry. "My kin were not worthy of such privilege. They could not comprehend the value of such an honor. So I locked away my Treasures and arranged so that only my heir, someone truly worthy could possibly take possession of and unlock the secrets of the Key of my Law; Bab-ilu."

Harry looked down to the now silent key in his hand; no longer glowing or resonating any power.

"Not everyone is capable of so much as even holding Bab-ilu. I myself witnessed my own children incapable of so much as even touching it let alone holding it." Gilgamesh smirked as if amused by the very memory. "Only someone truly worthy, someone like me could ever come to hold this wondrous key. And only one who could truly understand the value of patience would ever be able to solve its ever changing form. And now, it has been done. I am sure that wherever my spirit currently resides that I would find relief in this knowledge. Well done young Prince. Know that you are my Heir. Hold your head high to see that you stand above all others upon this earth. The Treasures of this world are now yours by right and the great vault of my Treasures have now been open to you. Know its name Prince of Heroes and call it out with pride."

The image flickered once and then faded as the light streaming out from the crystal projecting it ceased its glowing, leaving Harry to once more stand alone in the magically expanded tent.

The crystal no longer glowed, Bab-ilu no longer hummed with power. Instead, he felt all that power filling him to the brim. It had been growing steady with every word Gilgamesh had said to the point where he had never felt stronger in his entire life.

Know its name and call it out with pride? And what did he mean by Prince of Heroes? Did that make Gilgamesh the King of Heroes? Kind of arrogant really. But how could he call out this name? He didn't know-

"Gate of..."




Alrighty then. just a heads up this story Throne of Babylon is a 'free time' story. Meaning it is what we will be working on in between the others already in development. progress will be slow mainly due to the background development for the story is still technically ongoing where our others are fairly fleshed out across the board.

There is a schedule for when and how often we will be working on our various stories which are as follows:

Week 1: Risen in Light, Fallen to Shadow.

Week 2:Never Alone.

Week 3:Legacy of Darkness, Bane of Light.

Week 4: Zero Chakra Plan.


Throne of Babylon will fit in where ever there is time.

This chapter is admittedly quite short. this is due to it being a prologue to set up the world and situation you as the reader is stepping foot in.

Remember to read and REVIEW! Progress while not completely dependent upon high reviews is influenced by it.