Disclaimer: The following story is a fan-made creation. I do not own Harry Potter, Type Moon or Highschool DxD. Please support the original material.

"Defying me to the very end, huh?" Speech.

"Enuma Elish!" Magic/Noble Phantasm Attack. Flashback Speech. Phone/Magic/Etc Speech.

"█▄██▄▄█▄▄█▄" Inarticulate/Bezerker Roar/s. Unknown/muffled/'staticy' speech

"Bow before your Death!" Monster-type Speech.

"Notice me!" speech that carries particular emphasis or weight to it.


The gods heard their lament, the gods of heaven cried to the Lord of Uruk, to Anu the god of Uruk: 'A goddess made him, strong as a savage bull, none can withstand his arms. No son is left with his father, for Gilgamesh takes them all; and is this the king, the shepherd of his people? His lust leaves no virgin to her lover, neither the warrior's daughter nor the wife of the noble. When Anu had heard their lamentation the gods cried to Aruru, the goddess of creation, 'You made him, O Aruru; now create his equal; let it be as like him as his own reflection, his second self; stormy heart for stormy heart. Let them contend together and leave Uruk in quiet.' - The Epic of Gilgamesh.



When his vision finally cleared he found himself standing in an open field of grass overlooking a familiar lake, sparse cloud cover allowing shafts of moonlight to illuminate his surroundings well enough.

Casting a curious eye to the now inactive sword in his hand, Harry grimaced before dropping it and allowing a Gate to open up and swallow both the sword and the discarded parchment.

With the Jewelled Sword gone and his attention now returning to his surroundings, Harry frowned thoughtfully as he looked from the lake below, over to the dark looking forest that surrounded this clearing he had found himself and the clearing itself.

He knew this place.


Harry spun around, several Gates opening and displaying the shaking blades of a number of Noble Phantasms all itching to be fired. His eyes found the glowing red eyes of a tall, elderly looking bearded man in an expensive looking suit holding a cane in one hand, smiling innocently at him.

He already didn't like the man.

"...Did you like my sword?"


The only sound to break the silence invoked by the one and only Wizard Marshall; Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg was the faint sound of Harry's teeth grinding together as he fought to control his anger and annoyance. It had been incredibly embarrassing for him to have had to even utter such a humiliating incantation let alone loudly state it as he had been required to in order for the ability of the Jewelled Sword to take effect. He could have done it in a more private setting where there would be no witnesses to such shame but he had felt that making a statement and declaring his departure of that wretched world was well worth the embarrassment. That and ultimately he truly did not care for the opinions of those miserable sheep that he was never going to see again.

But to see the architect of his demeaning display; to stand before the one who had crafted the instrument of his departure he felt, conflicted.

One the one hand there was gratitude; he felt appreciative to have been granted the ability to take his leave of such a corrupt and inept society that had proven itself both incapable and unwilling to simply leave him be.

On the other hand his fury was at the height that he felt Gilgamesh himself could have felt to the Gods of old.

Still standing opposite to him, that infuriatingly innocent smile on his face, Zelretch "What about the dress? Did it fit well enough?"

A vein throbbed on Harry's forehead at the same time a bit of color fled his face at the horrifying thought of having to wear a dress in addition to what he had already been forced to do. "What. Dress?"

Zelretch cocked his head to the side, briefly taking in the teenager's appearance; consisting of a black muscle shirt and matching tracksuit pants, clearly not the distinctly bright, glitter covered magical girl dress.

Pouting, the Wizard Marshall snapped his fingers in realisation. "Ah right! Gave it to that Sera-girl….never mind."

Taking in a deep breath, calming himself and taking solace in the fact that all things considered; it really could have been so much worse.

Coughing into a fist, the crimson eyed man stepped aside to reveal a very out of place set up consisting of a round coffee table with a tea set resting atop it with a tall comfortable looking wingback chair positioned before it.

Seating himself down the old man raised an eyebrow at the silver haired teen in silent invitation as he held out a hand to the open space on the other side of the table.

Wanting answers and undeniably curious for what the man wanted; Harry accepted the invitation and walked over to the set up.

A golden burst of light pulsed in the open space; a large portal forming which gently lowered a grand throne of gleaming gold and flawless ivory. Carved with archaic runes, lines and symbols that were perfect blend of Sumerian, Akkadian and Aramaic with rich silk fabric draped over the armrests.

Easing into the throne, Harry leaned back and casually crossed one leg over the other as he eyed the old man carefully.

"My name," The old man started, leaning forward as he busied himself with the tea service in front of him. "As my letter would have told you, is Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. Zelretch to my friends."

Harry ignored the pointed, impish grin the man sent him. It wasn't difficult to glean that the man was inviting him to address him informally. It simply made it more amusing to refuse the unspoken offer.

"I assumed as much Kischur."

Zelretch pouted slightly at the response.

"Amongst particular circles of this world I am known by other names. Wizard Marshall, Old man of the Jewels and Kaleidoscope to name but a few. It is that last name that is more relevant right now."

Harry nodded slowly, eyebrow twitching when he saw the man prepare only a single cup of tea for himself before leaning back. Another golden portal and a steaming cup of Da Hong Pao Ooolong tea was placed on the armrest of his throne.

He afforded himself a satisfied smirk when he saw Zelretch twitch at the rich aroma that wafted from what was the most expensive tea the world over.

"I recall seeing mention of it in the letter you left in my family vault along with that blade of yours." Harry pointed out as he took a sip of his tea; allowing a moment of blissful satisfaction at the taste.

"In it you mentioned that the blade was something called the Kaleidosword; very creative by the way." Harry pointed out with a dry look. "You mentioned that it made use of a power of dimensions. I assumed that it would act in a similar manner to one of the riches within The King's Treasury but with the difference in that it would be able to take me to a place where I had not seen before. With the described abilities of the sword and the location I now find myself in; it is not hard to come to the conclusion that your 'Kaleidosword' has brought me to another reality."

Zelretch grinned widely, clearly very happy to hear that the lad had figured out so much from so little.

"My first question regarding all of this would have to be 'why'? Why did you place such an invaluable treasure within my family's vault; addressed to me by name, with specific instruction on how to use it?"

"It all starts with your ancestor truthfully." Zelretch began, pausing briefly only to enjoy his own drink. "Part of my capabilities as Kaleidoscope, is the ability to see into other dimensions parallel to this one. There are dimensions scattered across a vast multiverse in numbers that dwarf that of the stars in the night sky."

"The ancient king of Uruk; Gilgamesh. The first and arguably greatest of all Heroes. A legend so great it is largely considered that all Heroes that rose in his wake modelled themselves, however unknowingly, in his likeness. Across almost every dimension I could observe; this ancient king's bloodline has ended. Died out to either war, assassination or the ravages of time. I found myself curious. What would his line be like, what would emerge if his bloodline managed to survive. I was quite surprised when I found that it was actually much closer to home that the line of the King of Uruk had been able to endure the longest."

Zelretch drained the remainder of his tea before holding the cup out to Harry; a searching, hopeful look in his eye that spoke of his want for some of the nigh legendary Oolong tea that the silver haired teen himself was enjoying. Harry's hard glare caused an almost comical crocodile tear to fall from the old man's eye as his slumped down sadly.

"I found her in the aftermath of the London Blitz in 1941, orphaned as a result of the German bombing; the last surviving descendant of the King of Heroes. Lillian. She was so very young, perhaps only a few months old at the time of the Blitz. I knew, I could see that across all other versions Lillian would ultimately become another casualty of the Second World War and that the line of Gilgamesh would die out again. So I took matters into my own hands. I wanted to see what would happen if his line survived after all. So I took Lillian and passed through into another dimension where an English family had recently lost a daughter matching little Lillian's description. I altered their memories, and Lillian was able to grow up in this world as Lily Evans."

Harry nearly spilled his tea down his front. He had been expecting a story of how Zelretch had saved the family of this worlds version of his ancestor and possibly instruction on where he could find this alternate-family surviving relation of Lillian. He had not been expecting to hear that the child that had been born in this world was in truth his own mother and that she had been inter-dimensionally adopted thanks to the machinations of this eccentric old man.

"I was surprised when I learned that Harry Potter was the next generation to be born of Gilgamesh's line. There are many versions of the boy-who-lived across the multiverse. Several have met versions of myself in fact while others chose to carve out paths of their own as either Whispers of Wind or Bane's of the Stars. But of all the Harry Potters I have ever observed, none were even remotely tied to Gilgamesh and his vaunted Treasury."

It was an astounding fact to consider; that without the intervention of Zelretch; he would not have ever existed. That his world would not have seen a Lily Evans to grow up to become Lily Potter and birth a child that would be him. In a manner of speaking, Harry owed his very life to the Wizard Marshall.

He didn't like that.

"If my mother was born here, if the line that ties me to Gilgamesh originates from this world, then how did the key to the King's Treasury wind up in the Department of Mysteries?" Harry asked, recalling the cryptic puzzle key that he had found and later unlocked to receive the inheritance of the King of Heroes.

"Well that's because I put it there." Zelretch replied with a shrug. "What's the point of being the descendant of Gilgamesh if you don't get to play with his toys?"

Harry frowned. So that was how he had gotten it all? Not because he had earned it, but because some bored old man had wanted to play an elaborate game of 'what if.'

"So I didn't actually earn anything? I didn't really earn an inheritance from my own merit. It was just given to me because you were bored."

Zelretch shook his head, denying the assumption. "I put the Key in your path. I never made you take it nor did I help you unlock it. There were a number of alternates that either never found the key or could not solve it."

The Silver haired teenager rubbed a hand at his forehead, feeling a measure of relief and comfort in that what he considered a genuinely notable achievement that was not colored by the 'Magical World' was still untainted and his.

"What happened to your hair?"

Halting the massage of his forehead and peering through his fingers to the curious looking Wizard Marshall, Harry cocked an eyebrow. "Bit of a random question to ask. shouldn't you know the answer if you can look through dimensions?"

Zelretch returned with a flat stare. "Just because I can does not mean I always do. I'm not that voyeuristic."

Harry clicked his tongue in agreement. It was a fair enough thing. There was more to life than simply watching other people live theirs after all. "Truth is I don't know. I assumed it had something to do with the Gate of Babylon as it started to change color shortly after I unlocked the key."

Zelretch nodded slowly, considering the possibility before leaning forward in his seat and narrowing his crimson red eyes carefully. A faintly uttered phrase, so quiet that it just sounded like a whispered breath to Harry's ears and the old man's eyes briefly pulsed with a faint light.


"Come again?"

Zelretch leaned back in his chair, folding his hands into his lap and looking down from the Heir of Babylon thoughtfully. "A human body, comprised of exactly sixty eight percent mortality and thirty one percent Divinity with a further one percent undergoing metamorphosis from mortality into Divinity."

"Care to share Kischur?" Harry asked, wondering what the old man was going on about.

Brought out of his musings the old man looked back up to the befuddled teenager. "According to legend it was said that Gilgamesh was a demigod comprised of two thirds Divine one third mortal. Over the millennia that divinity had all but been bred out of his bloodline. But with you, with you that Divinity is returning. At a slow but steady rate your mortality is being overwritten by the Divine."

"I'm turning into a god?"

Zelretch chuckled and shrugged. "No more than Gilgamesh himself I imagine."

Harry hummed in thought. He had never really considered that. That as a descendant of one of history's oldest Heroes and Demigods that he himself would stand to possess some measure of Divinity in his own existence. He had never really put any thought or stock into the fact that according to Gilgamesh's own legend and Epic he had been born as a result of godly intervention. It really pointed out a flaw in his thinking and belief in that; despite everything he had seen and experienced over the course of his seventeen years of living, Harry still tended to hold to seeing is believing.

"So what are you going to do now?"

That the question came from the Wizard Marshall surprised Harry as he brought his attention back to the little impromptu tea party the old man had set up. "What do you mean by that? I would have thought I would be asking you that question. I assumed you would want something from me for you to have been waiting here for my arrival."

Zelretch shrugged. "I always knew that if you were to use my sword you would appear in this place and time. I just wanted to find out if you actually would so here I am. No, I don't really want anything from you in truth. You've already given me what I wanted; to see what would become of Gilgamesh's bloodline. So my question stands. 'What now?'"

Harry was stumped. What now indeed? This was the first time that had ever been something that could be legitimately asked of him. Even when he had been living in France he had still technically not been truly free to live as he wished. But here, where the only one who knew of him to any detail was a man who wanted nothing from him. The world literally was open for him. For the first time ever.

"You should know that the current date of this world is different from where you just came." Zelretch pointed out. "I used the date of your birth as an anchoring point for the Kaleidosword. When it is used it places you on the other side on exactly the thirty-first of July 1981."

This was a surprise. He was in the past, technically. Seventeen years in the past.

But the question remained; what did he want to do?

'A king never forgets where he comes from my Heir.'

Harry nodded to himself; remembering one of the discussions he had with 'Construct-Gilgamesh' regarding a half considered dream of Harry's. One that know was realised to have been impossible before considering the discovery that the desired destination was literally worlds apart.

"I know what I want to do."


It was a blistering heat that Harry had found himself after leaving his first class seat from the flight that had brought him to Baghdad Iraq. The middle of summer the heat was so great that Harry; used to the colder climate of Europe had found himself sweating even before leaving the comfort of Baghdad Airport's air-conditioning.

Actually leaving the climate controlled building and stepping out into the midday sun of the nation that had been built upon the bones of Ancient Babylon had felt like he had fallen into the fires of hell itself.

By the time Harry had flagged down a Taxi he had pulled out a treasure from the Gate; a simple golden bracelet, that eased the heat that pressed down on him to a more manageable level.

He was here to live out a desire that had sat in its own corner of his mind and heart since the first moment he had learned of the true significance of the Gate of Babylon and its' previous possessor; to visit Babylon and walk through the ruins once ruled by great Gilgamesh himself. Babylon may have existed in the other world, but given that the revelations supplied by Zelretch had told that Babylon of that world was not the same one ruled by the Gilgamesh he knew, it would not have been the same.

He understood. That time and the ever steady march of human progress would have all but washed over Babylon and only a few crumbling ruins would be all that remained of the once mighty kingdom. But it would be enough for him.

Instructing the driver to take him out of Baghdad and go south to Warka; where Ancient Uruk was located, Harry allowed himself to drift off, gazing out of the window to the landscape of this middle eastern country as it passed him by. The driver did ask if he wished instead to visit the more public and well known site of Babylon where President Saddam Hussein had ordered excavation and restoration of Nebuchadnezzar II's Palace along with several other sites. But Harry had no interest in the ruins of a king that had ruled over Neo-Babylon. He had looked into the history of Babylon beyond Gilgamesh's time and so knew of the ancient king and his part in the creation of one of the seven wonders of the world; the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. But that was unimportant to him right now. He was not here to gawk and play the tourist.

It took a few hours to make the journey. Once traffic had eased up after exiting Baghdad proper the scenery blurred by at a faster, more steady pace.

Upon arrival, Harry paid the man and bid him a good day. The driver was surprisingly concerned for him in the end, much to Harry's pleasure. There was little in the way of transportation out of this area and so the Driver was concerned that his fare would be stuck here.

Harry had thanked the man for his concern and simply tipped him further to signify his appreciation for the anxiety regarding his health and safety before urging him on his way.

That was an hour ago.

Now, having walked the distance from the road and to where Uruk had once stood proud as the seat of humanities first ever Hero; Harry could feel it. That power and sense of authority that Gilgamesh must have felt. He could picture it now; seated on a rich throne of gold at the summit of a vast and flawless palace with an unfettered view of his kingdom. Servants to cater to his every need and the full knowledge that everything he could lay his eyes upon was his to control and protect as he saw fit.

The freedom. To have been able to live as he saw fit. Wine and dine as much as he could stomach. Bed as many women as his lust could allow and descend from his throne to venture wherever he wanted, however he wanted.

And then, he felt something else.

Something more real and less fantasised within his own mind and heart. A sharp pull, a tug at the pit of his stomach that in its own way reminded Harry of the feeling one gets when using a Portkey.

Allowing his body to fall into the direction of that pull, his legs moving almost as if on auto-pilot. With each step he could feel the hair on the back his neck and his arms prickle as a steady thrum of, something beating at his ears; like a crescendo of instruments that could not be identified was flowing through his entire being.

That pull, that steady thrum of power and music urged him to a central part of the ruin of Uruk; where Harry felt and could see with his minds eye the palace where Gilgamesh himself and lived and ruled from had once proudly stood.

The ground shook beneath his feet and at the back of Harry's' mind, he 'heard' a snap; like a rubber band that had been pulled tight suddenly breaking and the ground before him suddenly collapsed down into a declining ramp to what seemed to be a cavern beneath the ground.

He could still hear it. In fact if anything it sounded much clearer now. That beautiful symphony of instruments that filled his being to the exclusion of all other noise.

There was no fear, no uncertainty or hesitation as Harry descended the ramp and ventured into the dark cavern. With the inky darkness before him, the silver haired descendant of the once King of Uruk pulled open a small Gate before reaching in and pulling out a small rod.

Made of bronze the Rod of Asclepius had a serpent made of pure gold wrapped around it with the snake's head resting on the top of the rod itself. Holding it aloft, Harry fed a drop of power and focus into the Noble Phantasm; causing the snake to glow brightly, casting out light to chase away the surrounding darkness and envelop the entire subterranean cavern in the light of the sun.

With sight restored, Harry was able to see his surroundings and was awed when he found himself standing, not in a cavern, but a completely intact corridor. Massive limestone bricks made up the walls beautifully painted and decorated with elegant gold carvings and reliefs depicting Babylonian art and scenery. The coloring of the walls, floor and ceiling had faded over time, but the blues and golds were still clear enough.

It was amazing to think that this place had gone on for so long untouched by time, the elements and human interference. 'Construct-Gilgamesh' had, as a part of his early instruction, given him a basic overview of the Magic of his time. Not enough to know how to use it or how it really worked, but more in line with an understanding of some of the mechanics and terminology. That feeling that had passed through him before, that snap he had both heard and felt just before the opening had revealed itself. It could have been a form of Bounded Field. Based on the fact that it had collapsed without any apparent reason or external stimulation could suggest two possibilities; that it had fallen as a result of time, or that it had reacted to his presence and come down to allow him through.

It seemed a bit too convenient for Harry to have just happened to arrive at the exact time of its natural collapse for that to be the cause. Which left the more interesting theory that the Field had come down because of his presence.

It would explain why the local government of Iraq had not been able to find this jewel of history. As far as the world at large was concerned; this place did not exist.

'█onou█ ▄█mo, I ██▄██ al█▄w ▄█.'

It was barely audible, more like a barely uttered whisper carried on a non-existent wind coming from further down the corridor but Harry could feel the power within it. More to the point; he could feel the Gate itself practically quivering in the recesses of his awareness. As if it was barely able to contain itself.

Holding the Rod of Asclepius above his head, the teenager proceeded down the Babylonian hallway. That symphony of music he had been hearing since his approach and passage through the Bounded Field that had protected and concealed this place had changed. Before it had been as if a countless number of woodwind and string instruments had been quietly playing across a distance. Now however, it was more like a steady drumming; almost like the beating of a giants heart.

It filled his entire being with each beat as it flooded into him through his ears.

'Dr▄█ █▄ur ██▄rds, ▄ █hller█▄█ ▄t.'

The relief's and artwork that lined the majestic hallway seemed to almost glow from the sunlight pouring from the Noble Phantasm in his hand. A relief of a great Bull of gold and silver with what appeared to be two massive, flawless sapphire's carved into horns, seemed to move as the light shifted over its form and Harry could have sworn he saw links of chain shifting along the borders of its relief.

'█a▄█e yo▄█ s█▄▄ls, I s█▄█l co██▄nt i.'

Coming to the end of the grand hallway, Harry found his path barred by two massive limestone and gold doors. Easily twice his height and looking to weigh in the very least several tons, it held the carvings of two heavily armed and armored Uruk guardsmen; representations of a form of protection to safeguard whatever lay beyond. If there was anything to give hint of what lay beyond that massive stone doors, Harry could not tell; so filled was he by the powerful drums beating into his heart and the words that seemed to be carving themselves into his very soul the closer he approached.

Reaching out, Harry pressed the palm of his hand against the left door, he grit his teeth and pushed. It was heavy, really heavy. Even simply testing the weight of his body against it he could feel it resisting as if he were pushing against a solid wall. He could feel his feet starting to slide back as his pushing was moving his own body rather than the obstacle before him instead.

'G▄█e ▄█on my Tresu█▄█...'

Harry dropped the Rod of Asclepius, momentarily disrupting its light as he pressed his now free hand against the door, narrowing his eyes and putting the full force of his might into his efforts. He could feel his muscles aching, tightening and straining to apply the force needed to move what was doing its fair job at seeming to be an immovable object.

"I will not be stopped by a chunk of stone and gold!"

Harry let out a yell, pushing with his arms and pulling with all of his heart and soul to rally forth the strength and power he needed to continue. And it answered him. It was a power he had not really felt since he had first unlocked Bab-ilu and come into the possession of the Gate of Babylon. Since he had lost his ability to feel and utilise his own magic. It flooded his nerves and muscles like a burst of heat, causing sweat to steam off of his form and his skin to redden only slightly before returning to his normal complexion.

And the door creaked open.

'...a█d knee█ in su█pli█at▄on.'

His chest heaved, his arms burned and the air around him wavered under the Rod of Asclepius' light from the heat pouring off of him. Forcing air back into his lungs, Harry half turned and retrieved his makeshift torch before turning his attention to the massive room that had been opened before him.

It was almost reminiscent of a Ziggurat in design of the large, meter tall multi-tiered steps that dominated the grand room. With a central flight of stone steps leading up to the summit of this internal design positioned before him, Harry could see flawlessly preserved mosaics and murals covering every inch of the walls of each step as well as the four walls of the room itself; each depiction detailing an aspect of the King of Uruk's life, no matter how mundane. There was a scene of a man in gold walking through a farmers field, one of the same man; Gilgamesh, standing across a battlefield facing another with long hair of emerald green. There was even a mosaic of Gilgamesh attending to his duties atop his throne with a gathering of peasants lined up before him. The floor was tiled with beautiful geometric designs and colors and the light of the Noble Phantasm held in his hand reflected off of the polished surface of a number of glittering gemstones and bricks of gold that had been tastefully scattered around the room as as a representation of the great wealth owed to the King of Heroes.

If the hallway was impressively preserved as a result of passing through time cut off from the outside world, this room; this Temple, was at a level where it could have been constructed mere days ago.

It was what he could see at the top level of this Ziggurat shaped floor design that held Harry's attention the most however.

Ascending the stone steps, Harry's eyes registered nothing more than the summit and the object that occupied it. The light of the Rod of Asclepius flickering off of gemstones and gold no longer noticed and the carefully recorded artwork detailing of Gilgamesh's legend ignored the further he climbed.

It was the fourth and final tier. Four meters above the actual floor level that it stood. Seemingly formed from a single massive block of marble that had been carefully carved and shaped into a beautiful pedestal. And resting on its surface, on a bed of red silk, sat the source if it all. The source of the drumming that had been beating his heart for the past several minutes. The source of that powerful voice that had been engraving its words into his very soul.

A book.

Well not a book really. It was more a large pair of golden tablets connected together on a set of hinges that gave suggestion that it could be opened very much like a book. The heraldry of Uruk was carved onto the surface of this tablet-book. Beneath it there was a single passage in a script that Harry knew he had never seen before. A dialect of ancient Uruk most likely that had not survived into the modern era. He should not, could not, know it. And yet he did.

'I WILL proclaim to the world the deeds of Gilgamesh. This was the man to whom all things were known; this was the king who knew the countries of the world. He was wise, he saw mysteries and knew secret things, he brought us a tale of the days before the flood. He went on a long journey, was weary, worn-out with labour, returning he rested, he engraved on a stone the whole story.'

Harry knew what this was. He had heard about it from 'Construct-Gilgamesh' before. Mankind's oldest story and myth. The epic poem and legend that told the most complete account of the King of Heroes.

It was the Epic of Gilgamesh. And yet, it felt like it was somehow more.

Picking it up in one hand and holding it in his palm, Harry slid his thumb in between the two golden tablets; his other hand still occupied by holding the only source of illumination within the room. A dexterous flick of his thumb and the golden 'book' opened with a burst of golden light and power that he had long since come to associate with the activation of the Gate of Babylon.

His vision went blank; sight, sound and feeling wiped out as the world vanished in an instant.

And then it cleared.

Cleared to show a phantasmal vision of an expansive room. Grand columns lined the sides of this great room and shafts of sunlight poured through large arched stone windows.

A gentle fluttering of fabric in the wind and the sound of metal shifting saw Harry's gaze drawn up to a dais that held a great throne; its occupant positioned as such that he could observe every corner, every shadow and well lit inch of his Throne room.

There he sat. dressed in loose red pants, a red and blue open vest doing nothing to cover his otherwise bare chest and a white cloth turban perched atop a golden haired head. King Gilgamesh; Ruler of Uruk, King of Heroes and Original Owner of the Worlds Treasures.

He was sat upon his throne, chin held up by a gold gauntlet covered hand with a flat expression on his face as he looked to the side.

Harry could feel the power wafting off of the man in waves, like standing before the heat of a massive flame. He swallowed.

And Gilgamesh's wine red eyes flicked over to lock onto his.

"For I sit upon the Throne of Babylon."




and thus ends the latest chapter for this 'Throne of Babylon.'

hopefully we have been able to answer some questions that have come up to you readers over the course of reading what has come before.

Harry's connection to Gilgamesh himself, how we have done the relative connection between the Type-Moon verse and the Harry Potter verse and such.

A bit curious to see if anyone is able to decode the phrases that 'Gilgamesh' was saying throughout Harry's walk to that underground temple. Not for anything really, just somewhat interested to see if anyone can see it we guess?

We hope people like our little 'tea party' that we had Harry go through with Zelretch as well as how we characterised the 'Great Troll of Fate'.

As always please drop us a Review to let us know how we are doing with this story. This one does seem to be quite popular amongst what we have going so we would like to maintain the level that has you all coming back to read more.

Remember to follow, favorite and comment below….i mean review :D

Next week is 'Never Alone' we think?