The Watterson siblings were walking around Elmore due to boredom that nothing was happening. Suddenly, a flash was seen in the distance.

"Whoa, did you see that?" Darwin asked.

"Yeah! I wonder what that was." Anais answered.

"Hm, I think we should find out what it was." Gumball suggested. "Of course we should. Maybe this could lead to a new scientific discovery. We'll be famous!" Anais exclaimed, "Plus, we haven't seen anything interesting all day. This would be a nice adventure."

On that note, the trio rushed as fast as they could to the area where the mysterious flash was-and still is-. However, one of them got kinda distracted.

"Oh hi Gumball!" A certain peanut called out. The blue cat looked at her in surprise while his siblings continued on. "Uh, hi Penny." Gumball simply replied, trying not to sound strained or weird. "How are you doing?" "Great, how about you?" "Pretty good, thank you." And so a conversation between the two lovers ahem friends started.

Meanwhile with Darwin and Anais

"We're here!" Anais huffed. The rabbit and fish had ran with all their might to hurry to the flash. Turns out it was some sort of white rip...Darwin felt like he should know what it was, but didn't remember. "I'm kinda getting a strong sense of deja vu here…" Darwin softly whispered.

Anais glanced at Darwin, but stopped as she wanted to inspect the strange thing in front of them. The pink rabbit tried thinking of the possibilities that could have caused this. However, without knowing what it was, this beat even her intelligence.

Randomly, even though it was a warm day, a strong breeze hit the duo. " you feel that too?" Anais asked with a very concerned expression on her face. "Yeah-Whoa!" One of Darwin's' legs slipped and the fish nearly fell into the void just like everything else that was around them.

Their hands/arms slipped bit by bit as the pull became stronger and stronger until….

They released.

The siblings screamed in terror and cried for help as they fell slowly into the void. It was all in vain though, as nobody could hear them. Not even their older brother. His sibling instincts were of no help now.

The rip closed, leaving no trace of it ever being there.

Everything was normal, right?

Yeah. Everything is fine.

Hm, why do I have a feeling that I'm forgetting something? Gumball wondered. "Oh! Sorry Gumball, I have to go, I'll see you at school!" Penny told him. "Okay, bye Penny! I lo-" Gumball stopped himself just in time before he finished that sentence. "What?" "Nothing! Bye!"

I'm sure it's nothing. Gumball thought. He shrugged to himself and simply went on his way, trying to ignore the feeling in his gut.