Mangekyō No Tsubasa

Summery: After Kiritsugu dies Yui Emiya his adoptive daughter is found by a relative that has been looking for her for the passed four years. Seo, her uncle finds her almost a year after Kiritsugu's death. Now under his guardianship she is moved to Shin Tokyo, where she meets his two odd 'Girlfriends'. After two years of living with him in a small home that his family owned she becomes aware of just what his girlfriends are when she accidentally becomes involved in the Sekirei plan.

Chapter One: A Predesdend Meeting.

"Oh, damn it! Come on really?" A slightly whiny voice came from the small gold-haired teenager as she pulled at the hem of her school uniform, trying to get the light blue fabric of the pleated skirt unstuck from the thorny bush that had caught it. Growling softly under her breath the teen ripped at the end stuck and finally managed to free it only to fall onto her behind as the force she was using against the brush suddenly backfired. Gold eyes narrowed as the gold-haired girl scowled up at the dense canopy of leaves that shadowed her from the harsh afternoon sun. Closing her eyes the teen breathed in deeply and then release it along with her lingering anger.

In reality, the teen was not even all that angry with the damn uniform ripping brush but more at her uncle who she had had what amounted to a screaming match with earlier that day. Seo, her uncle, had not wanted her to go visit her Magecraft master in the Clocktower. Oh, he had his reasons. Admittedly they were even good reasons, what with her being both an incarnation and having a reality marble but she so rarely got to see Zeltrich face to face that she had wanted to go over the summer break to see the legendary troll. The fact that the old vampire was beginning to weaken due to preexisting injuries from Crimson Moon Brunestud just made her more worried about her training from the man. Yui Emiya sighed as she remembered the day that the Troll of the Clocktower had visited her after her uncle had found her.

It had been a bit of a rough start for the Uncle/Niece duo as Seo had only found her a good four years after the fire that took her memories leaving her a shell of a person that Kiritsugu Emiya had rebuilt from scratch. She was no longer the golden-haired happy child of his baby sister that Seo remembered and Yui did not even have a single memory of ever being Himawari Kaoru. They clashed, violently sometimes, only to be pulled apart by Hikari and Hibiki, Seo's two girlfriends. So the arrival of the Kaleidoscope had been something that had put even more of a strain on their rocky relationship. The fact that he wanted to train her in the second magic had almost made Seo lose it. He did not want his baby niece anywhere near something as dangerous as that. Zeltrich had pointed out however that he was getting near the end of his life and he needed a successor, one with an ingrained talent for the Kaleidoscope. He already had one planned for jewel craft but he needed one to take up the mantle of The Kaleidoscope. The elderly looking vampire then pointed out that it would offer her a lot more protection than just hiding would, after all, she may use her Magecraft in front of someone and they may just get curious. So reluctantly Seo had agreed to it.

Looking back on it, the scruffy looking man had been rather tolerant of the many shenanigans that her training had entailed. Like Koledostick Topaz. Yui's right eyebrow twitches as she remembered the perverse, or at least her Uncle said it was, magical training tool that was even now locked away in the most secure truck her uncle could find with multiple padlocks on it. Really, it had not bothered her all that much with her not really understanding most of the comments the thing made but Seo had developed a burning hatred of the white and gold colored stick. The only thing that really bothered her where the odd looks men would give her when she wore the short-skirted 'Uniform' that Topaz gave her.

Opening her eyes again Yui sat up, wrapping her arms around her knees as she looked around at the part of the park she had stormed into to cool off. It was a quieter part of the park that looked like it was rarely visited as overgrown as the trail was. Sighing softly Yui tilted her head up and looked at the small birds that flew in around the canopy above her. She could make out a few large crows that were mostly ignoring the smaller birds and a few thrushes. Resting her chin against her knees Yui decided to just stay there until she was sure that Seo had calmed down a bit. Really living in a rundown shrine that the Kaoru family had owned since it had first started was not the easiest thing to do. Oh, it was not the building itself that was a problem. The walls where thickly insulated and everything was up to date if a bit worn around the edges but it was only a two bedroom home and the living area was not all that large. There was really no room to avoid each other when one of them needed some space so Yui had quickly become adept at finding places to go when she needed some herself. Usually, it would be the Izuma Inn but Miya was out visiting her husband's grave today and while she could still go there Yui felt as if she would be intruding. She was not her uncle and would not do that.

Yui was just about to drift off into her own little world when a loud crash sounded somewhere close by making her jump a little as a tremor shook the ground underneath her. For a long moment Yui looked wide-eyed at the direction from which the sound had come from before jumping up as a loud curse cut the air followed by the sound of a fight. Biting her lower lip harshly between her pearly white teeth Yui sucked in a breath, debating internally for a moment, before a cry of pain made her body move on its own… towards the fight, not away from it like the voice that sounded an awful like Seo was screaming in her head.

A few moments later the blond teen broke through the thick underbrush only to stumble to a stop as she saw something that knocked the breath right out of her. Three people where fighting alright but that was not what stunned her, no it was the people themselves that made her lungs freeze and become unresponsive as she stared with wide uncertain eyes at the fighters. There was one male and two females with the females ganging up on the man who looked annoyed but not really hurt besides being a bit singed around the edges. He was pretty in an almost unnatural way with his long green hair that fell to his knees in a long sheet of silk and his almost feminine face. His mint green eyes were outlined in thick lashes that belonged more on a supermodel than on a man while his build was slight underneath his expensive looking white suit. The black shirt underneath it was just as expensive looking. Still, while unnaturally pretty he was not the one that had most of her attention.

Standing in the most outrageous costumes that she had ever seen on them yet where Hikari and Hibiki who were squabbling with each other. The fact that their hands were coated in crackling lightning made her gape a bit but it was the way they were threatening the man in between there own argument that made Yui not really understand what was going on. Then Hikari managed to glance over and catch sight of her standing there in her light blue school uniform. The 'Oh, Shit!' look that crossed her face was almost comical but Yui was too confused to be amused. Stepping back a single step she came down on a twig, snapping it and alerting the other two to her presence. Hibiki whirled and almost shot the lighting in her hand at her only to freeze when she caught sight of Yui. The man, on the other hand, did not look all that surprised but eyed her with an unreadable expression on his face that was quickly hidden behind a kind smile.

Hikari opened her mouth to say something, no doubt some type of excuse, before Yui just shook her head then turned and ran back the way she had come long gold hair trailing behind her. As she ran Yui went over what she had seen. The teen had long known that something was odd with her two 'Aunts', it was really hard not to notice in a home as small as there's was. Occasionally she would catch words in quiet quick conversations that made no sense in the context they were used in. Like Sekirei and Unwinged when used in context with a person. Frowning as she ran trying to buy time to think for a moment or two before they caught up to her Yui tried to sort out just what was going on. Fortunately or rather unfortunately if you would look at it that way, she was able to get away for a while… all at the low low price of falling into a swiftly moving stream that carried her down aways until it landed in a rather remote pool filled with pretty koi fish and a darkly painted red moon bridge going over it.

Yui did not really have the chance to admire the beauty as she sneezed rather violently before shivering, just now realizing how cold the water was. Treading water she made her way to the west bank of the pond finally finding the shallow end. She had just gotten to where the water only rested at mid-thigh when a hand suddenly appeared in front of her face. Blinking huge gold eyes Yui glanced up to see the man from earlier staring down at her with that same kind smile on his face from where he stood on a little stone ledge along the poolside. He raised a brow when she just stared at him for a moment before wiggling his fingertips a bit making her jerk back before eyeing him warily for a moment. This man had, after all, been fighting with her pseudo aunts after all. Deciding that if he wanted to hurt her he would have already Yui reached out slowly and placed her hand in his. His smile widened briefly before he wrapped his long fingers along her wrist and swung her out of the water with surprising ease.

Her feet touched the ground barely a second after he lifted her from the water. For a moment Yui just stared up at him dumbfounded before shivering again when the wind decided to brush past making her aware of just how soaked through she was. Rubbing her arms Yui bowed her head slightly to the male and thanked him quietly.

"Ah, Arigato Mister." The teen stated in a soft tone before a rustling sound made her look up. An expensive looking white suit jacket was hanging in front of her face making her back up a bit then look at the man who was looking away from her with a blush on his face.

"It's Enkidu and here, you're soaked through." the newly introduced Enkidu stated as he glanced back at her with his cheeks still a bit pink. Yui took the jacket reluctantly and thanked him for the dry clothing never noticing the green-haired male staring at her from under long lashes.

Enkidu for his part was taking in the young woman he had been following for the last few days. Standing around shoulder level to him she was rather short as he was not all that tall of a man himself but very developed for her age. With her dripping wet light blue school uniform sticking to her form every dip and curve of her body showed. She had to be at least, what was that measurement again? Ah yes, a C-Cup, with a lith waist that developed into wide hips and a truly remarkable behind. Her legs were long for her body and toned as they peaked out from underneath her skirt that clung to her upper thighs. Her hair he noted with a little amusement, had finally calmed down from the riot of waves as the water wayed it down into a sheet of gold to just under her butt. Now, if only he could get the image of the red lace underwear showing through her soaked uniform out of his mind that would be great. He still had to talk to her about what he was and what he wanted from her after all and having a hard-on would make that a bit difficult. But the fact that just being within three feet of her made him want to jump her because of just how powerful she was as an Ashikabi already made that hard.

"Ah," Yui glanced down then flushed when she realized that her panties were showing through her uniform before grabbing the jacket and tossing it on. "Th-Thank You."

Enkidu nodded before holding out a hand to her again.

"Why don't we go sit down for a bit over by that tea shop over there, from what I can remember about this place it will open back up in a few minutes and you can get warm while we talk." Enkidu asked as he pointed to a small wooden tea shop with warm autumn coloring.

Yui debated about it for a moment before taking the offered hand with a shy smile on her face. Really the man was a bit too handsome and she had never had any man talk to her so nicely… well any man not related to her anyway. The green haired man smiled back before putting her hand in the crook of his arm and lead her to the tea shop like she was a high-class lady.

They only had a few moments to wait when a rather mousy elderly woman opened up the shop. The stooped old woman fussed over Yui and her soaked clothes before giving her a towel to dry off with a bit. Enkidu watched in amusement as Yui tried to calm the lady down only to get lightly chastised about taking care of her own health by the still fussing lady. After she was moderately dry and covered by his jacket once more they took a seat near the edge of the tea house and ordered a pot of tea along with some dango sticks. Yui protested a bit as she did not have any money but the man waved her off, paying with a sleek black credit card. After they got there order and the lady went off to prepare some more food for the likely incoming afternoon crowd Enkidu spoke up.

"I'm sure you are just a bit confused with everything right now. You knew those two women obviously but did not know what they were so I am guessing that you knew there Ashikabi. Now, as for what I am and what they are, well it gets a bit complicated from there." Enkidu paused before launching into a concentrated version of Minaka finding the ship, well the first ship anyway, and then finding the Sekirei. After explaining what the Sekirei where and why they were under Minaka's control the green haired man paused again, this time for a drink of tea before taking a look at his potential Ashikabi.

Yui had frozen sometime around the explanation of what an Ashikabi was and was rather stuck on the fact that her uncle had kept something so important from her. What would stop one of the other Sekirei/Ashikabi pairs from trying to use her against him and the twins?! He never would have had to even mention what the Sekirei where exactly just that she needed to be careful around certain people and that would have been fine! As she sorted this out in her mind she became aware of the stare that was fixed on her face and glanced up to meet worried mint green eyes.

"Why are you telling me this? And… what do you mean the first ship? Did he find more?" Yui final managed to get out after pushing her thoughts to the back burner.

"I'm telling you this because you have Ashikabi potential yourself. I have been reacting to you for just under a week now. I… well I wanted to see what you were like before I winged myself on you and Number 11 and Number 12 caught me watching you today." He looked a bit chagrined at this before going on to her second question for now ignoring her cute squeak and even cuter blush. "I meant that he found a second ship with one hundred and thirty Sekirei. Well, one hundred and thirty-one actually but our pilot, the only adult on board, was damaged in some way during the landing and became something akin to brain dead. There were twenty fetuses and one hundred and ten fertilized eggs on board however. Now, at first, no one else knew about this ship so Minaka… well, I don't know if you know all the current Magus families but… he is the second owner of Shin Tokyo, and well he decided that he could use us in an experiment without having to hide what he was doing from the rest of the company. Apparently, he noticed that our Tama, Our soul if you will, was a great deal more flexible than a humans was while adjusting the children of the first ship the single numbers at least. He wondered if perhaps he could bend them a certain way by merging there Tama with a Heroic Spirits Spirit Origin. After a few failures, I think four of them, he hit on a certain winning combination of things that merged the Tama and Spirit Origin together. I and most of my brothers and sisters are results of that experiment."

Yui was both overwhelmed and disgusted as Enkidu stopped talking. To do something like that to children, no to babies, it would be just right up a Magus's ally really but it was still depraved. Yui felt bile rise up in her throat as she considered exactly what had been done to those children before they were even aware of the world around them. She thought she was going to be sick.

"Excuse me!" She exclaimed before rushing out into the small bathroom that was attached to the Tea Shop. Slamming the door shut behind her Yui leaned over the thankfully clean toilet and retched, dry heaving as her stomach rebelled against her. Only bringing up some of the tea she drank, as she had not eaten any of the Dango yet, her throat burned as the acid from her stomach came up instead. Gasping as the feeling of intense nausea passed Yui huddled on the floor in front of the toilet trying to fight back the urge to cry over just what had happened to those poor children who did not take to the experiments. How could someone do something like that?

A hand on her shoulder startled her and Yui glanced up through the curtain of blond hair that hung around her face with watery gold eyes. Concerned green ones met her own as Enkidu knelt down beside her worry written on his face.

"I'm sorry, I did not think it would make you react that strongly." He murmured softly as his hand rose from her shoulder to stroke her hair away from her face. Noting the pale color of her face Enkidu frowned before cupping her face with his hand.

"Are you alright?" He asked in a concerned tone as her dazed eyes stayed locked on his.

"Babies," Yui whispered softly as tears welled up in her eyes again. "He used babies. How could anyone do that?"

Enkidu blinked then smiled sadly at the distraught girl before reaching out and wrapping an arm around her shoulders before pulling her into his lap as he sat down on the floor. Holding her close to his chest he ran a hand through her hair as she curled against him. Yui blinked back her tears as she tried to put the horrid images of just what had happened to those children out of her mind. Sure most of it by Enkidu's words had been a success but four children, no four babies had died. Dropping her head onto his shoulder Yui allowed herself a moment to gather herself then pulled back a little bit to look the green haired male in the face, noting that his hair was trailing on the likely dirty floor of the bathroom as she did so.

"I'm okay now," She stated with a still slightly wobbly smile. "I just… I can't help but think about those poor babies that did not survive. I… I always wanted to have a lot of children when I was old enough to know how they were made. I never really knew my family so I thought that having my own children would maybe give me a family of my own. I babysat as much as I could and even took as much time as I could volunteering at the local orphanage. The thought of babies being used like that… even just embryos? I… can't understand that. I just can't." Yui whispered out the last part as her hand slid to her own abdomen thinking of if it had been her own baby how she would have reacted.

Enkidu who was still watching is would be Ashikabi look like she was going to be sick again. He swallowed slightly as he eyed her touching her own abdomen as if someone would take something away from her. His body was heating up again, seeing just how upset she was over something that had happened to a race that was not human. Most humans would not care at all but his Ashikabi was so kind and caring that she was terribly upset by the loss of life. He tried not to think about how very interested he had become on hearing about how she wanted a lot of children. Part of him wanted to offer his services for helping her conceive said children while the other part was ridiculously appreciative of just how caring his Ashikabi was, and that's what she was his Ashikabi no would be about it he decided. Even if he had to follow her around and convince her to accept him he would.

"You know," Enkidu stated in a low tone as he rubbed her back gently while he looked down at her with opaque eyes. "You never said anything about what you think of becoming my Ashikabi."

Yui blinked then met his eyes as one of his hands slid to rest on her abdomen on top of her own hand. Scrunching her brows together slightly the teen bit her lip glancing back down at their intertwined hands, thinking deeply for a long while before nodding to herself then looking up at him again.

"What would I have to do and what would be expected of me as your Ashikabi?" Yui asked softly as she stared up at the man holding her close. Enkidu tilted his head to the side as he considered the young teen sitting on his lap before explaining more about Ashikabi and the Sekirei plan in general. Yui was quite for a long while after he finished before sighing out a breath then giving the Sekirei a small nod.

"Okay," Yui stated softly. "I'll be your Ashikabi."

Enkidu smiled broadly before moving Yui off his lap and standing up then gently pulling her to her feet. As soon as she was standing up right he leaned down to kiss her before she gently put her hand in front of his mouth to stop him with a slightly sheepish look on her face.

"Er, why don't we wait until I rinse my mouth out with something."

"That, is a good point." He conceded with a sweatdrop rolling down the back of his head.

Yui rinsed her mouth out with some water and ate a small mint that Enkidu had in his pocket within a few minutes. The green haired man watched her in amusement as she ran the mint around in her mouth for a few moments before chomping down on it and shattering it. He twitched slightly as she ran her tongue along her lips with some of the minty flavor to freshen them as well then glanced at him before nodding.

Enkidu did not give her a minute to reconsider her decision and backed her up against the wooden wall of the single bathroom before rather enthusiastically kissing her. As soon as his lips met hers and his toung found its way into her mouth, curling about her own, Prana flooded into him from her making him almost moan into the kiss as the euphoric feeling of his wings being freed coursed through him. Large wings made out of shining gray light shimmered into existence and unfolded behind him. Pulling back just a little bit he managed to murmur:

"Sekirei 03, Enkidu the Sekirei of Earth pledges himself to Yui Emiya. May my Earthen Spears take down whatever plaques my Ashikabi. For ever and ever my dear one."

Then his lips crashed back into hers as he pushed her against the wall forcefly as she enthusiastically kissed him back, both of them ignoring his wings reappearing behind him as he hitched her legs around his waist. Yui herself felt as if someone had lit her very blood on fire as she whimpered into the kiss while grinding her hips into his own. Whenever there lips had first touched something had started to burn inside of her making her want something from the man who was kissing her. She had been rather embarrassed when her lower body had clinched oddly and slickend in a way that she had known ment she was aroused however it had been quickly discarded as the fire began to build and had went away completely when he had kissed her again. It had not been her exchanging prana as she knew that was not how it worked but it had been something else seaming to come to life in her blood as soon as her lips had met his.

For a few moments the two were locked together with her hands on his shoulders and his arms wrapped around her waist. His mouth was preoccupied with her own soft warm one while his tongue slipped around the hot insides of her mouth to tangle about her own. One of his hands managed to free itself and pushed her skirt up as it trailed across her bare thigh up to the lacy side of her panties. His hand lingered there for a long moment until during a particularly violent grind he was able to work it down to the crotch of her underwear. Enkidu inhaled sharply as his fingers came into contact with the damp cloth protecting her sex before letting out a groan as he felt just how wet she had become. He was quick to work the fabric aside so that it exposed her to his probing fingers. He met her soping core with a gentle brush of his knuckles that made Yui squeak as he touched a place that even she had never touched outside of bathing herself. By then he too was consumed with the burning desire to feel the teen wrapped around him as he took her and so ignored the slight voice in his head that whispered that something was not right. He had just managed to start pressing a finger into her wet tight sheath when the door to the restroom suddenly exploded open.

Both of them froze as the sudden noise made them snap back into reality. Enkidu flushed slightly as he realised that his index finger was knuckle deep into his Ashikabi while said Ashikabi went a brilliant red. Yui's body clenched around him involuntarily as she clutched at his shirt and hid her face in it. Enkidu groaned softly before glancing at the two inhumanly still figures in the open doorway. Hikari and Hibiki stood gaping open mouthed at the seen they had barged into.

Of course seeing their mentally dubbed 'little sister' being pinned by a known Sekirei with his hand up her skirt and the brand new crest on his neck made them rather… enraged.

"Just what the hell are you doing to her!" They both chimed while pointing at Enkidu who looked rather uncomfortable as he removed his hand… only for them to see the rather damning evidence of just where it had been smeared along his palm and finger.

He was barely able to mutter out: "Damn." before they were on him.

They riped him away from Yui with a growl from each of them. Yui was about to protest before Hikari waved away her concern after handing her the jacket that she had been wearing over her maid outfit for the cafe where she and her sister worked.

"We are not going to terminate him but we need to lay down some ground laws. Mainly that no matter how mature you look you are just fourteen and he should not touch you like that." Then under her breath she muttered: "Even if we really don't get the whole age restriction thing."

Yui sighed as Enkidu was dragged out of the restroom while wondering just when the day was going to end, it had already been a long one and it was not even six in the evening yet.
