Chapter Two

When Sakura woke from her sleep she had the closest thing to a heart attack she'd ever felt. Her heart literally squeezed in her chest, and she couldn't breathe. Where the fuck was she? It took her a moment to realize she must be in her guest room at the ranch, and by the soft violet glow of the sky it must be close to night time.

Sitting up in bed she scrubbed her small hands over her face stifling a large yawn. Her eyes took in the room briefly, scanning over the homey decor and soft green and tan colors. It seemed like Kushina had incredible decorating skills. It seemed like a resort room with its plush bed and thick comforter, but had that lived in feeling that made a person warm inside. Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, she realized Naruto must have carried her upstairs. Her shoes were off, and she'd been tucked under the thick forest green comforter.

Sakura stood and groaned, her body stiff from the plane and sleep. Taking a moment to lift her arms she stretched her muscles until they burned a little. Deciding to dig through her duffel bag for her toiletries Sakura took out a long sleeved baseball shirt, the sleeves and collar were a deep blue while the rest was a soft dark grey. Pulling her red blouse off she folded it and placed it on top of the beg before pulling on the new shirt. Pushing up her sleeves she looked around her room, and found the door to her bathroom.

After washing her face, brushing her teeth, and running her brush through her hair Sakura felt much more awake and presentable. Adding the slightest bit of mascara to her eyelashes was the extent of any makeup, and she left her hair loose and swaying around the middle of her back.

Pulling on her worn leather cowboy boots she pulled her jeans down over them and finally went to search for Naruto.

The house was large and just as perfectly decorated as her room had been. Hearing sounds from what she assumed was the kitchen and came across the most interesting sight she'd seen in a long time.

A tall blond man stood at the island in the center of the sprawling french country inspired kitchen. His spiky blond hair was just as recognizable and distinct as his son's. His blue eyes were almost the exact same shade as the sky on a clear day, and Sakura felt as though she was catching a glimpse of Naruto in ten years. Sans the bright pink apron tied around him, Naruto would never wear that. It made the corner's of Sakura's lips quirk up as she smiled broadly.

"You must be Sakura." The voice beside her had the pink haired woman jumping almost a foot into the air, whirling around to find whoever had spoken.

He was tall, almost painfully so as she craned her neck to look up at him. His dark black hair and piercing almost obsidian eyes screamed Uchiha. Her eyes trailed to the scars on one side of his face before quickly looking back to his eyes. She smiled softly and nodded, a slight embarrassed flush to her cheeks.

"Hi, yes I'm Sakura," she said with a bright grin sticking her hand out for him. He smiled at her, and shook her hand firmly.

"I'm Obito, nice to meet you," he dropped her hand and made his way into the kitchen, were two cerulean blue eyes stared at her, an easy smile accompanying them.

"Hi Sakura, I'm Naruto's dad Minato. I'm so glad to have you here with us," he said, his voice smooth and easy. Sakura had to blink. While Naruto may look like Minato, the personality was all Kushina and that made her smile wider for some reason.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Namikaze." Minato clicked his tongue as he picked up a bowl of what looked like pancake batter, cradling it in his arm as he used a whisk to mix up the thick substance. Obito watched him with an amused smile on his face as he pushed himself up to sit on the counter of the bar facing the island.

"Please just call me Minato. How'd you sleep? We missed you at dinner last night," his casual tone and nonchalant demeanor made her smile widely.


"Dinner?" Sakura almost squawked. Her eyes widened as she glanced between the two men and suddenly understood why she'd felt so disoriented when she woke.

"Yeah woman. You slept all night, we were a bit worried but Kushina forbid anyone from disturbing you. Especially Naruto." Obito chuckled lightly and shook his head as he pushed off the counter and ambled over towards the large stainless steel fridge. Pulling out a carton of orange juice the tall scarred man turned to her, holding up the carton.

"Want a glass?" She nodded mutely, and smiled lightly, still reeling at the fact that she'd slept for so long. She watched Obito pull out two glasses from the cream colored cabinets, and filled them. She crossed the kitchen to take her glass and thanked him softly, moving to lean against the counter where he'd previously been sitting.

In a few gulps she'd finished the glass with a small sigh. Sakura hadnt realized how thirsty she'd been, a flushed a little as Obito grinned at her.

"I'm so sorry I slept so long. Is Naruto awake?" She wasn't expecting the snort from Obito or the sheepish smile from Minato, but they made her laugh anyway.

"Right. It's Naruto. I forgot who my best friend was for a second. Do you mind if I take a look around a bit before breakfast?" Sakura asked, her voice a little more timid than she wanted it to sound.

Minato grinned at her and nodded, and Sakura placed her cup in the sink before heading out. She wandered a bit around the house, taking in the house with it's white paint and forest green shutters. The front porch seemed to wrap around the house with plenty of places to sit. Kushina has hanging flowers and ferns stationed around the front porch, as well as the back.

Down a dirt road a ways she could see the stables in all it's glory, a beautiful mixture of tan and grey with white trimming. The doors were wide open and she could only assume that people were already up and working. As she passed the stables, she could see a few people milling about, but the horses were what captured her attention.

Any and all horses she saw looked immaculate. Their coats were brushed and shining, a healthy glow to it, and some even hair braids in their mane. Not wanting to get in the way, Sakura kept walking, moving around the stables with a soft smile on her face.

Something about the way the road crunches beneath her boots, the fresh air filling her lungs, the sight and smell of horses, it all just felt right. It felt like home.

Sakura heard the wicker of the horse before she saw the paddock. It was a familiar sound, accompanied by clicking and muttered words she couldn't quite hear. She felt a little more comfortable walking around now that the sun was shining just over the Kage mountains on the edge of the vast property.

She saw the horse first. It was beautiful, almost picturesque as it tossed it's mane in a fit of annoyance. He was big, beautiful, and powerful….and he absolutely knew it. His dappled gray coat was already showing the signs of sweat as he cantered around the paddock, stopping to paw at the ground. She heard a click just as she came up to the white fencing, and felt all her breath leave her lungs as the horse moved to circle the paddock again.

In one swift fluid motion her body felt like it had been set aflame. Standing there in the golden light that filtered over the mountains, was a man who literally screamed perfection.

He saw her immediately, deep kohl colored eyes clashing with her own brilliant viridian ones. She'd never seen a man like him, never even imagined a man like him. He was tall and lithe, graceful in his movements. But under that grace was power and damnit if that didn't make her skin just tingle. She watched him, his silver hair tousled with the wind was practically screaming for her to run her fingers through it.

How could a man look so sexy in just a black shirt, jeans, and boots? She wanted to groan, but air still eluded her. The scar cutting through his left eye had her mind buzzing, and her mouth going dry. He looked like a pirate with the lower half of his face covered, and Sakura felt her cheeks flush.

He was like a horse lord, a pirate, and a warrior all rolled into one delicious package. How could one man be all three of her fantasies? He watched her so intently, never missing a beat as he worked with the horse, the large stallion eventually easing up and slowly walking. She wanted to say something, licked her lips to speak, but found her mind blank.

Hooking a boot onto the lowest rung of the fence she boosted herself up, straddling the white beam as the horse nudged its trainer. When the man didn't acknowledge the bump, the horse nuzzled again and let out a whinny.

"It looks like he really loves you."

"It's a gift." Even his voice was that sexy combination of rough and deep but smooth and velvety. Sakura didn't resist the shiver that caressed her spine.

"Really?" She asked, one pink brow raising in surprise.

"No…'s the carrots."

As if to prove his point, the man duh a hand into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out half of a large carrot and offered it to the horse. Pleased with the offering the horse took it and sauntered away.

"You're Sakura right?"

"That's right. Nice to meet you….ah…"

"Kakashi." Sakura smiled and nodded her head in greeting, her cheeks still warm and flushed.

"Nice to meet you Kakashi."

"You ride?" The abrupt question caught her off guard but she nodded, a wicked grin spreading across her face.

"I actually used to barrel race." Two silver brows rose in surprise and he crossed his arms over his chest. Sakura suppressed a moan at the sight.

"Impressive. You'll have to demonstrate for us sometime while you're here."

Before she opened her mouth to retort she heard Obito calling to her that breakfast was ready.

Turning back to smile at Kakashi she waved and slung her leg over the beam agai. Pushing off she jumped down, landing softly and began making her way back towards the house.

"If you're ever feeling bored come find me. I'll show you the best places to ride," Kakashi called after her.

I bet you will….

Sakura refused to explain why her entire face was the color of Kushina's hair during breakfast.