In the Spriton Plains, northwest of Sami Thicket, half an unum's travel or more, if you were on foot. A small farming village, specializing in warmer weather vegetables, was located. Ostensibly an outpost to ensure the Dousan were unable to invade, this little village became the target of a massacre. The entire village was razed to the ground, all gelfing were taken prisoner, or killed if they resisted overmuch. Only a few survived, those who had managed to hide quickly enough, or had left the safety of the village early in the morning to go hunt for early berries in an effort to avoid doing chores.

"I travelled all this way to the Great Smerth. In the hope of finding safety, or at least, passage to where you are sending the gelfing who can't fight with the resistance." said a female Spriton. "I only survived the raze, because I left early to gather berries. By the time I returned, everything, my home and family, all the villagers, it was all gone. I seek sanctuary, for as long as you are willing to give it, Maudra Laesid." the Spriton knelt on the wooden floor, clearly exhausted and overwhelmed, to judge by the tears that escaped her eyes.

Laesid considered a moment, then stood.

"I myself do not know where the refugees go to after they leave Sog. The next caravan isn't due to leave for two unum. You are welcome to remain here until then." Laesid stated and turned to leave the hall.

"Thank you Maudra Laesid." said the Spriton, several female gelfing helped her to her feet, and took her to the bathing pools. Laesid nodded slightly to herself before leaving and meeting Bellanji in their home.

"You look pensive. Laesid pointed out as she removed her formal robes.

"Reports keep coming in of small towns and villages being attacked, few to no survivors. That gelfing was lucky to even get here. Why didn't she go to Sami Thicket?" Bellanji asked as he looked at a large map with many small, red, marks on it, denoting villages that had been lost. "And, how are the Skeksis finding most of our smaller villages? Even during tithing, the Spritons' kept a few farming towns off their records. As we do with our fish farms." he added, sitting down.

"We have lost many of our people, but we are reclaiming more every day. This gelfing wasn't the only one from her village to come. They feared Sami Thicket lost, since their village was sacked, and it being so far out, almost in Dousan territory. They travelled south rather than east, hoping to avoid a larger force. I've sent the others off to catch up with the caravan, the girl will be more useful than an elder and several childlings. She'll be put to work in the kitchen, or on patrol." Laesid said, she had sat down, and yawned. "Late nights, and early mornings no longer suit us my love. Slumber calls me."

"A good night's sleep helps heal the mind and soul." Bellanji said, following Laesid to their bed.