Tonight will be the night that Irelia finally discovers what Riven had been concealing under those bandages she always wears. Irelia had tried to probe but Riven would always dismiss it and change the topic. Irelia had managed to catch on to Riven's routine of changing her bandages. Tonight was no different. It had been thirty minutes since they both bid each other goodnight. The bed creaked ever so slowly, indicating that Riven had got out of bed. Irelia waited patiently until she heard the sound of their bathroom door closing. Thankfully, Riven had not locked it, assuming Irelia was in the clutches of slumber. Inching her way towards the bathroom door, Irelia took a deep breath before she twisted the door knob and budged in on an unsuspecting Riven. The latter was in the midst of wrapping her hand when the door abruptly swung open. In the bat of an eye, Riven had her hands hidden behind her back.

"W-What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be asleep?" Riven stammered, fear ringing in her voice.

Irelia's heart soften at the sight. She had never seen Riven so vulnerable before.

"Hey…" Irelia whispers, keeping her voice as soft as possible to not startle the already tensed Noxian. She took a step forward, wanting nothing more than to pull Riven into a loving embrace. Like a cowering prey, Riven took a step backwards and it broke Irelia's heart.

"Please, don't hide." Irelia pleaded. "Don't hide from me."

They were engulfed in an uncomfortable silence before Riven finally relented as her shoulders dropped.

"Okay." Riven sighed.

Irelia watched as the Exile slowly brought her arm back forward, unveiling the scalded skin that ran from her wrist all the way to her elbow, tattooed with scars. Reminder of her past. She flinched as Irelia's fingertips ran up her skin.

"Why did you hide from me?" Irelia questions gently, tilting her head off to the side as she looked into Riven's eyes. Upon noticing the hurt in the Ionian's eyes, Riven turned and looked away. Unable to hold Irelia's gaze as guilt deluged her system.

Irelia would have none of it.

Reaching an arm up, she held Riven's chin firmly as she tilted her head back.

"It's disgusting." The latter spat, the loathe in her voice painstakingly obvious.

"Remember we promised that whatever bad things that happened, no matter how awful it was, we would not keep it from each other?" Irelia reminded, her voice soothing.

"I-I know… I was just afraid that…" Riven trailed off. Though, Irelia understood perfectly what she meant.

She brought Riven's arm up, whispering "You of all people should know that I would love…" she placed a kiss upon one of the many scars. "Every." Another scar. "Single." Another scar. "Part." Another. "Of." And another. "You." Irelia finishes, before staring into Riven's eyes.

"I'm sorry." The Exile mewed.

"Don't ever feel the need to hide because come hell or high water, I'll still love you." Irelia said, before bringing their lips together. It wasn't rushed or heated, it was reassuring. She pulled back as she caressed Riven's cheek.

"All of you."