Disclaimer – Still own nothing.

To Seraphim 0 – Thanks for your review! I won't lol! Hope you like this chapter!

To Whisper – Thanks for your review! I'm sorry I made you cry. I hope you like this chapter!

To Wolfmoon17 – Thanks for your review! If I'm being honest, Jason was actually the first Robin I really liked, I was just really into his storyline and his character arc and everything, but then I started really looking at Dick's and fell in love with him later. Hope you like this chapter!

To OrangeWolf4 – Aw thanks so much! I'm so glad you like it! I hope you like this chapter as well!

To jthm7izim – Thanks for your reviews! I had to type into Google Translate because I am not bilingual. Yeah, Dick still has some doubts and nervousness about the Team that will weigh on him whether or not he does decide to fully return to the Team. Dick doesn't fully make his decision in this story, and the Team does have to work at earning his trust back and so does he. Hope you like this chapter!

AN – And this is the last chapter everyone. The chapter title is from the song Any Other Way by We The Kings. I hope you all like this chapter and have enjoyed reading this story!


One week later, after being checked over by both Leslie and Dr. Mid-Nite and given a clean bill of health, Dick dressed in his new Nightwing suit, and walked into the Watchtower with Batman and Robin. He had heard that Batman had a mission to send the Team on and decided to come with them to see them before they left. He still wasn't sure if he wanted to rejoin the Team though. He wasn't sure how well that would go. He had no idea if the younger members were still mad at him and if they wanted him to come back. He wasn't going to stay where he wasn't wanted.

Entering the Watchtower through the zeta-tubes, Dick found Kaldur, Wally, Artemis, Roy, M'gann, Conner, Gar, Jaime, Cassie and Barbara, all in their uniforms, standing by the screens and monitors waiting for them. As the automated voice of the zeta-tubes announced Batman, Robin and Nightwing's arrival, everyone turned to look at them.

"Dick!" Wally shouted as he ran over to him. He was about to hug him when he noticed Batman glaring at him, then said, "Um, I mean, Nightwing. What are you doing here?"

"Well, Batman told me that he had a mission for you guys and I thought I'd tag along to see you all." Dick answered, giving Batman a look that told him to ease up on the glaring.

Hearing what Dick and Wally were talking about, Gar came over and asked, "Wait, are you going to join us on the mission? Are you back on the Team?"

"Well, I," Dick started, then stopped as he glanced at the other members of the Team. While the original members have apologized, and wanted him to come back, he had no idea about the others.

"You are always welcome on the Team, Nightwing." Kaldur assured him, speaking for the others. Dick looked back over at the other members that were there, but he couldn't really read their faces.

"I don't know." He mumbled, feeling even more nervous now than he had been before they arrived at the Watchtower.

"Please." Wally said, "We want you to come back. We miss you."

Dick again glanced over at the young superheroes but this time, they were all smiling, like they were encouraging him, so he let a small smile of his own come upon his face and said, "I'll join you guys on this mission. We'll see how it goes after that. Does that sound okay?"

"That sounds great." Artemis replied with a grin. Wally threw his arm around Dick's shoulder, also grinning, and led him over to the monitors. The others followed right behind them. Once they were all there, Batman started to explain their mission.

"As you all know, while the Reach was here, they had released energy drinks that were design to expose those with mutant genes. The Light sabotaged them and they have been discontinued and destroyed since then, but the League has uncovered evidence that the Light is remaking the drinks and getting ready to sell them under a different name."

Batman then turned to the monitor, and pulled up an image of a large building, "This is the lab that we suspect of doing this."

"That's a Cadmus lab." Conner pointed out, easily recognizing the symbol on the side of the building.

"Yes, it is." Batman confirmed, "The mission is just to observed and look for any evidence that what we suspect is true. Do not attack or engage in any way."

"Here I was hoping the first mission when we're all back together would be a fun one." Wally said with a disappointed sigh.

Dick however smiled and said, "I don't know. Breaking into a Cadmus lab is kind of fitting."

Wally looked over at him, then looked over at Kaldur and Superboy to see them also grinning. He then turned his attention back to Dick and replied, "Yeah, I guess it is."


As Nightwing leapt from building to building throughout Gotham that night after a successful first mission with the Team, he knew he was being followed, and not by Batman. The Dark Knight was dealing with a drug deal on the other side of the city while he was supposed to keep an eye out on this side of the city. However, he quickly noticed that someone was following him and knew that the person following him was aware of it too. And yet, the person didn't back off, which quickly told Dick who the person was. So he stopped on one of the city's skyscrapers and waited for his stalker to catch up. If it was who he thought it was, then he wanted to talk to him. He had some questions that needed answering.

He didn't have to wait long. Only about two or three minutes after he stopped, the person arrived, dressed in black and orange which always seemed to be a strange colour combination to him. Dick waited until the figure got his footing before he asked, "You seriously bored enough to follow me around?"

"I was not expecting to see you out so soon. I wanted to make sure that you weren't doing something stupid." Deathstroke answered. Dick wasn't entirely sure if he believed him. As much as he hated Slade for everything he had done, there had been times that if he didn't know any better, he'd think the assassin cared about him. He knew that was true though. The only reason he seemed to care was probably because he was still hoping he could get him to be his apprentice, which would never, ever, happen

"If anyone is being stupid, it's you. Batman will not be happy if he hears you're in his city." Dick told him, not that he needed to. Slade was fully aware of how much the Dark Knight hated him for what he did to his very first Robin.

"So why haven't you told him, if you were aware that I was following you?" Slade asked as he took off his helmet so he could look at the hero with his own eye.

"You were hired by the Court to kidnap me. You could have easily grabbed me when you set off that bomb near the Hall of Justice, but you didn't. You left an owl feather with the name the Court calls me carved into it. It was a warning, wasn't it? You were trying to tell me who was after me." Slade opened his mouth to respond, but Dick continued.

"And Batman told me how one of my trackers turned on and led him to that abandoned factory, where my mask, gloves, trackers and weapons were. The ones that you were supposed to get rid of. And with them, there was another owl feather with the word Gotham written in it."

"If you there's a point here, make it." Slade told him, sounding extremely bored.

"You were trying to help me, and Batman. I want to know why." Dick replied, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Slade sighed, took a step forward and said, "The Court would have ruined you. They would've brainwashed you, would've made you into nothing more than a mindless, killing machine. There are many ways to break someone down, but to destroy what makes them strong, what makes them stand apart, that is the worst way. And if anyone is going to turn you into an assassin, it will be me."

"Then why did you take the contract." Dick wondered.

"Because if I didn't, someone else would've, and they wouldn't have helped you. Plus, the money was very good." Slade answered.

"Thank you, for your help." Dick said sincerely before adding, "But don't think that makes up for anything. Next time I see you, I will kick your butt and throw it in jail."

Slade chuckled then said, "We'll see about that."

The assassin put his helmet back on, walked over to the ledge, said, "See you later kid." And jumped off.

Dick stared at the spot where Slade had been for a minute, then turned and headed off in the opposite direction. He had work to do.


Hidden in a secret room in the heart of Paris, France were five people sitting at a table. There were three men, one was brunette, one a redhead while the third's hair was black with grey streaks. He sat at the head of the table. The other two were women, one also a brunette while the other was blonde. They were all fabulously dressed in the latest and most expensive fashion but the strangest part of their outfits were the matching white owl masks they wore that covered their faces. Despite all knowing each other extremely well, no one dared to lift the mask and confirm their identity to the others.

"The Batman has proved to be a more formidable enemy than we had realized." Said the brunette man, sitting the closest to the head of the table.

"No, March was just an incompetent leader." The blonde woman objected.

"It was both. March went too far with his attack on Gotham, and no one could have foreseen Batman getting the entire Justice League involved. He never has before after all." The black and grey-haired leader told them, his voice making it clear what he said was the truth.

"Should we consider the city of Gotham a lost cause?" The brunette female asked.

"No, not yet. We still have many people there who are ready to rebuild." The leader responded.

"What about the Gray Son?" The redhead man wondered.

The leader was quiet for a minute, thinking the question over before he replied, "It appears that he might be a lost cause. For now, we will keep an eye on him and if an opportunity arises, we will take it. Until then, we leave him alone, and focus on rebuilding our section in Gotham."

"How strange that the Batman, who is said to be the world's greatest detective, doesn't even bother looking for evidence of any other Court of Owls in the world." The female woman remarked.

The leader of the small group smiled, then said, "Strange but helpful to our side. With his ignorance, the Parliament will continue to thrive, and when the Court in Gotham is rebuilt, we will take him down."

AN – So, despite this very open ending with both the Parliament of Owls and Slade, I am not planning to write a sequel to this story. Sorry. I left it like this because in the comics, there is the Parliament of Owls and I wanted to acknowledge that. But there is no plan for a sequel. There will be, a prequel though that is about what happened with Dick and Slade. Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed, followed, and favourited this story! I hope you all enjoyed it! I know I enjoyed writing it. Bye!