Zero no Kuroakuma/The Black Devil of Zero


(This was publish at 09/23/19 on 12:05am)

(A/N) Here we go again; after so many years I've finally come back here to write once again, and I hope to please. To my new fans hello and welcome, and to those who are following me from my old profile, I hope I don't disappoint. I know, at this time, there is only one Black Clover/Familiar of Zero cross-over, but come on, we all know that's not gonna last. To the author of the first of these cross-overs, I thank you because you inspired me to do this. I love Black Clover, it is my anime/manga addiction right now, and I couldn't help but realize that the FoZ (Familiar of Zero) world is one of the few where people from Black Clover can actually flourish but not be too OP (Over-Powered). Plus I still got a soft side for FoZ, so my return will of course be a cross-over including it. If you are wondering why I am describing these abbreviations, it's so there is absolutely no confusion to between me and my readers in any sort of way. Also word to the wise, I am a creative person, so although I will possibly follow many of the events of the FoZ world, expect some interesting surprises. Anyway, enough of me talking. Time for the show to begin...

"Quotation marks are dialogue/sarcasm"

'Apostrophes are inner thoughts'

Italics are flashbacks and emphasize

Bold are my personal notes

The rights for Black Clover belong to Yuki Tabatha, and the rights for Familiar of Zero belong to the deceased Noboru Yamaguchi, but as for Zero no Kuroakuma/The Black Devil of Zero, this is my idea, and this is my personal intake on this concept; in other words, this here that you read is all mine.

Okay a few more thing; this will be an Asta getting chosen as a familiar ordeal m. It fits in too perfect to even describe with words, and I'll do my very best to retain the personalities of each character. If you don't like it, then I apologize, I did the best I could. I hope it's enough for most people to enjoy. If you have any questions, you can PM, or leave a review. I'm happy to answer either. Also leave if you are looking for a harem. Yes many girls will fall in love with Asta, but he's too thick-brained to see, plus he's still madly in love with Sister Lily. Now will this be forever? No, but that all depends on how much support I have and if this story precedes my last one (okay sorry to my older fans, I know I might've just hit a sore spot. I just like joking around, so don't hate too much). Also the PoV (Point of Views) will switch occasionally, but will mostly be third person. Okay enough talk, from here on out in future chapters, all this talking will be at the bottom and you can ignore it if you wish. Let's begin...


The Zero Summons A Devil

A strong wind blew from mountain tops, bringing forth the chill of the morning, sweeping across the magically green grass plains before it, charging forward with no restraint as the sun lazily rose up, in absolutely no hurry, to bring forth a new day to the land. The sun its ally, the wind blew strong, its target unseen, everything in its path just being an obstacle to an impossible goal, a span of distance that the wind will spend its entire existence attempting to reach, but will never make it. Although we could keep going on about the wind, it will pass forward, as it did before and as it will keep doing.

No, instead let us focus on one of the obstacles this wind faces, such as the solid stone walls it just hit, thinking nothing of them, but realizing that although the wind erodes everything over time, this was not the case with these walls. They had a strong resistance, something that kept away not only the wind, but it felt like many of the things nature could throw at it, and probably more.

The wind blew on, over them, but after leaving the castle-like walls behind, it is here that the wind finds yet another disturbance, although definitely less bothersome than that human structure of stone. Instead, it was the said humans themselves who built the structures, and many more like it. Standing all prim and proud, walking on that lush grass like they owned it, their shoes trodding the very ground that will one day swallow them up. If they only knew the truths of the world.

In the mean time the wind decided that it would have some fun and seeing as the area past the mountains was plains, it was able to blow faster, and it enjoyed a sorts of pleasure when it heard the more delicate looking humans screech as the wind blew the short pieces of clothe that hugged their waists so tightly.

At least to these females, it appeared that the wind enjoyed some sort of sick pleasure by lifting up their short skirts, with only the sharpest minded and quickest moving able to avoid the embarrassment of having their genetic opposites from laying their leering eyes on sights that they could only dream of seeing. Alas, not everybody was quick enough, or too distracted by other such things to fully resist the onslaught brought upon by the wind, and many turned a bright shade of red when they realized how quickly the males turned their eyes to the exposed area. It was these females which most of the screams originated from.

In the case of one young girl, she was far too distracted to even focus on the fact that her skirt was fluttering around like it had a mind of its own. If a guy had been behind her, even if she was not the type of body figure they would normally prefer, it would still be a sight that would catch their lustful eyes. Luckily, she was apart from the group, and she had to much on her mind; fear, uncertainty, nervousness, and above all, regret, to focus on such primitive things. She had said some words that she could not take back, and those words occupied her mind, especially the importance of this moment.

"Enough with the childishness."

Suddenly the steady stream of wind was stopped. Although it appeared to completely disappear, all that happened was that the wind was confronted by a smooth, unmovable barrier, and simply continued to flow over it. And so the wind left, but it glanced down at the man who had spoken, who had a wooden-like staff raised slightly, the staff itself also glowing slightly, knowing he was the reason it had been kicked to the curb. In any case it had no more to do here, and so it continued it's never-ending journey to nothingness.

"Now I understand that the gale caught all of us by surprise, but seeing as we are down to our last student, let us not distract her as this is a very important moment in a mage's life. I expect the same respect to her as was given to everybody else."

These words were spoken by that balding man in loose robes, his glasses shining in the light and his robes stirred softly, moved by some kind of unnatural wind or force. All the students, as we now know they are, looked over him, some nodding their heads in acknowledgment. On the other hand, others...

"Well, it doesn't matter if we are quiet or not, it's not like it'll make much of a difference."

"Exactly, we all might as well leave because all she's going to do is blow us all up!"

"Why did I have to get stuck in the same class as the Zero"

"You're talking? I don't even know how she's still here!"

"Obviously it's because of the Vallière family, even if she is such a failure, her family has got strong connections with the crown. It's the only reason why..."

Various but similar comments, either loud or mumbled, expressed the thoughts of most of the students standing on the field. As far as they were concerned, it was getting late, they had things to do, they had done their part, and getting smudge off their clothes from an explosion was not something they wanted to go through yet once again. In any case, the one we can presume is the teacher got a stern look on his face, and his tone reflected his face.

"That is enough. The faster we get done here, the faster you can begin to spend some time with your newly summoned familiars. But we won't get anywhere if you won't allow us to finish here."

As his student quoted down, he glanced toward the student to his right," Now, Ms. Vallière, would you please continue forth with the summoning cermony please... Ms. Vallière!"

As if lost in her own world, the girl was forcibly snatched back to reality by her teacher's words. At least everybody was so distracted by the wind and then by their own thoughts they didn't even realize how her skirt had just settled or how she wasn't even focused on them either.

"Y-yes! Of course Professor Colbert!"

The girl took a few steps forward, and took out a thin wooden rod that was smooth and well-polished. She took a deep breath and prepared herself for what would be one of the most important moments of her life.

"Hur-ry up Lou-ise! Go on and summon that that dra-gon that you said you would summon."

"Shut up! Just you watch!"

The first words were almost sung by a stunning student dressed in debatably provocative clothing that showed off too much of her tanned, buxom bosom. The second words were spoken by Louise, although both girls quickly got an abashed look on their faces when the Professor gave them a stern look.

'A dragon? Yeah right. I'll be surprised if she summons anything at all!' This was the thought that went through most of the students heads, although they mostly kept it to themselves out fear of displeasing the professor any more.

'Oh my Brimir, what have I gotten myself into this? There's no way I can do this, I'm gonna fail and everybody's gonna laugh at me. They'll call me the failure who couldn't even summon a Familiar! I can't... no, stop it! I must do this. I will not fail! I'll summon a great familiar and prove them all wrong!'

With a now more determined look on her face, Louise poured as much willpower as she could into her wand, willing it to not mess up, to at least get this spell right, that she could forget allthe wrong the world has done to her if she could just get thisspell right, if she could finally prove to everyonethat she deserved to be here, to be a noble, and was deserving enough to attend this academy. With all her heart and all her soul, she began the ceremony...

"I, Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, in the name of the great Five Pentagonal Powers, by the founding father Brimir, following my fate, with all my heart and soul, summon a being of great power and grace, of beauty and prestige, to be..."

'Please... please don't explode. It doesn't even have to be a dragon, Brimir, just please give me a being that will finally prove them wrong about me. Please...'

With the last words, she pointed her wand to the ground in front of her, pouring all her willpower, her hopes, her dreams into the most important spell she feels like she has ever casted.





And despite all her hopes, despite her dreams, an explosion ensured and Louise, along with the Professor and the rest of the students were pushed back by incredible force of it. Smoke arose almost instantly, covering the entire area, as did the inevitable coughs that arose from the dust getting in everybody's lungs.

'I can't believe... another explosion. Please, please, let there be some type of familiar, please, anything, please!'

As the smoke starting thinning, and students started getting up and dusting off, some of them realized that in the midst of the smoke was a very dark and very solid figure.

"What the...?"

"Wait, is that...?"

"Is that what I think it is...?"

"Oh my Brimir, it's...!"

As the smoke fully cleared away, the crowd of nobles could now clearly see what was the figure that had been hiding inside the smoke. It was...

"'s a filthy commoner! Oh my gosh I can't believe it! That's too rich!"

"I can't believe my eyes! Wait...actually, I can! It's almost exactly what I would expect!"

"Of course! As expected of the Zero! A peasant is just the right familiar for you!"

"Just look at how short and rugged he looks! The Zero couldn't even get a good commoner, she got the runt of the litter!"

As so these jokes preceded on, mocking at the fact that the school failure got a peasant as a familiar, and not even a good one. Everyone was cracking up while Professor Colbert tried to calm them down, but it was too hilarious for them to even care any more.

Louise herself was in shock, unable to believe that after all her hopes, she got... this. A simple commoner, as seen by his clothes, the only thing that looked decent on him was a short cape that had a bull-like insignia, but even that looked tattered. He was short, ugly, scrawny-looking, and even his clothes look poor for a commoner. And he was sprawled out on his back, legs and arms stretched out, mouth wide open, and mumbling gibberish.

"T-t-this is s-supposed to be g-great power and g-grace? B-beauty and p-prestige? T-t-this is just a d-dirty commoner!"

After finally bringing some order to the students, Colbert looked between Louise and the strange commoner boy who would be her familiar. His inquisitive eyes could also not help but focus on the book that the boy carried on his waist, and the strange aura it seemed to give off. One that seemed to contradict the nature inside him.

'How strange? Even though the boy is obviously a commoner, without no magic, there is something strange about that book? Some kind of weird aura is coming off of it? An aura that most mages wouldn't even notice if they hadn't studied magical theories and presence as much as I have. How strange, yet so intriguing?'

(A/N) Wow, this was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Although this is just the prologue, and future chapters will obviously be longer, but as far as prologues go, I think this was a good beginning. Don't worry, in the future chapters I'll skip the intense details I used to drag you into this world. If you are reading this, then I think it's safe to say hook-line-sinker, hahaha. In any case, I usually get less descriptive once the story starts forming itself, but I guess we'll see. I hope you guys enjoyed it and that you liked this chapter. I have many more planned, and I hope you stay tuned to future chapters and enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it. If you have any thoughts, ideas, or just anything you might want to let me know, just hit me with it. I accept guest reviews, but I do prefer reviews from members, as it is easier to talk and get in touch with them. I also don't mind bashing, and take it as constructive criticism, so don't worry, I'll be okay. I hope I didn't disappoint, and if you are new to the Black Clover, or even the Familiar of Zero world, I suggest looking at either/or if you haven't done so before. I especially am enamored with Black Clover right now. I would suggest any anime/manga fan to check it out. Which would probably be you guys too. In any case, I'll do my best to not disappoint, and will try to get the next chapter out as soon as I can. Remember to comment below or even favorite or follow my profile!