Diana didn't visit Professor Ursula often. She was Akko's tutor, after all. But she found her room easily.

Diana knocked on the door. Shuffling of papers and other objects could be heard from the other side, as well as muttering. As soon as the door opened, Diana was greeted with a messy room and a professor wearing a tracksuit with her hair sloppily tied up and her glasses askew.

"Diana, it's great to see you." she opened the door wider to let her in. Diana entered, looking around the place. There were books, random objects, and artifacts everywhere. A scruffy bird (Ursula's Familiar, most likely) perched on a table, looking tired. Diana sat down on a spare chair as Ursula awkwardly poured her tea. She turned to the wall, noticing an image...Diana was curious about this image. It had...words...the Seven Words of Arcturus...Diana heard of these words when studying the Nine Olde Witches. What was Ursula doing with such an image?

Ursula noticed Diana reading them, and tried to divert her attention away. "Hey...so I was thinking, today we should practice your metamorphosis magic."

Diana pointed at the image. "What is this?"

Ursula nervously looked around, trying to find something else to talk about, but Diana asked again.

"Answer my question!"

Ursula sighed. "I wasn't going to tell you until I felt you were ready..."
Ready for what?

"Remember your first day at Luna Nova? You cast a spell with the Shiny Rod to arrive at school."

Is that how Akko arrived at school?

Ursula pointed at one of the leaves on the image. "Noctu Orfeit Aude Fraetor".

The Shiny Arc. Diana knew this spell.

Ursula then pointed to another leaf. "Just recently, you unlocked a second Word. When you were in the Blue Moon Abyss."

Diana KNEW she didn't go to the Blue Moon Abyss. She was studying at that time.

"Phaidoari Afairygnor."

Diana stands up. "With all due respect, professor, I have no memory of any of these events happening."

Ursula looked confused at Diana. "What do you mean? You wouldn't stop talking about the Shiny Rod ever since you've arrived."

"This isn't my life!" Diana blurted. She cleared her throat, then explained herself.

"My real name is Diana Cavendish. I am a proud descendant of Beatrix Cavendish. I come from a long line of excellent witches. My mother, whom I wish to continue to make proud, passed away when I was a child. That is the life I know and grew up with. This life, right here, is not mine. This life belongs to Akko."

Ursula slightly gasped after hearing Diana use the term "Akko".

To convince her further, Diana recited, "Sybilladura Lelladybura. That saying has been passed down by my family."

Ursula's eyes widened. "I haven't taught you that Word yet..."

"Because it's a part of my family, my life!"

Realization came into Ursula's eyes. Diana was telling the truth.

"I want to know how this happened, and how to reverse it," Diana demanded.

The stunned professor looked through the Words. "I don't think I can answer that question. This kind of magic is beyond my understanding."

"Then who would understand?" Diana asked.

Ursula replied, "well, the Nine Olde Witches would, but it's practically impossible to ask them."

"What about the Luna Nova Archives?" She knew she had already been there, but she had no need to research life-swapping magic.

"Of course!" Ursula exclaimed. "You're brilliant, Diana! I'll start looking through them tomorrow!"


"What am I supposed to do before that?" she asked.

"Well," Ursula said, "if you are who you say you are, then you'll be able to make it through school."

Diana sat down, looking disappointed. "That is the thing. I didn't just switch lives with Akko, I also gained her lack in magic."

"Oh, I see," Ursula said.

"I cannot even ride a broom! This is a skill I had worked on for YEARS as a child!"

Ursula gently pushed Diana's untouched tea towards her. "I understand this is hard, but maybe it'll give you a better understanding of Atsuk-I mean Akko."

Diana perked her head up.

"A famous witch, top of her class, walking in the shoes of someone from a non-magical family. Maybe this is more of a learning experience?"

She had never thought of it that way.

Diana took a sip from the tea offered to her, and thanked her professor.

Tomorrow, she will learn to see things from Akko's perspective.